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Recently the much‐discussed ‘New Zealand model’ of new public management (NPM) has become significantly revised. It now lacks the theoretical coherence and the market‐led focus that it relied on between 1987 and 1996. Labour‐led governments since 1999 have undertaken gradual and pragmatic – yet significant – changes in public management structures and principles, refining and sometimes reversing the model implemented in the late 1980s and early 1990s. This article does a ‘stock‐take’ of public management developments in New Zealand from 1999 to 2008, and argues that New Zealand can no longer be viewed as a leading exponent of market‐led NPM. Some NPM principles have been refined, but others have been quietly abandoned. The new National‐led government appears unwilling to undertake radical reforms, and, while it may seek a greater role for the private sector, looks set to continue with the ‘gradual and pragmatic’ approach adopted since 1999.  相似文献   

David Rubinstein 《政治学》2000,20(3):161-167
This article challenges the current orthodoxy, for instance put forward by Driver and Martell (1998), that New Labour represents a clearly defined break from the Labour Party's past. Drawing upon accounts of Labour's historical development, I argue that Labour in government has always been concerned with forging cross-class alliances, more often than not in the face of bitter internal opposition from the party's grass-roots membership. I conclude that the objectives of the Blair government are not dissimilar from those of the Attlee and Wilson administrations, and that where the means to achieve these ends differ – for example with regard to social policy – this is a rational response to the profound economic and social changes that have taken place since the 1970s.  相似文献   

去年初,江泽民同志在视察广东时提出了“三个代表”的重要思想。此后,他又反复强调和多次论述“三个代表”的思想。在世纪之交的重要时刻,江泽民同志提出“三个代表”的重要思想深邃,在党内外产生了强烈的反响,具有重大的理论意义和实践意义。深入学习、深刻领会、准确理解和全面把握江泽民同志关于“三个代表”的一系列重要论述,对于我们自觉贯彻、身体力行“三个代表”,以“三个代表”来指导党的建设和各项工作,在新的世纪创造新的辉煌,意义重大而深远。  相似文献   

WTO及其规则的产生,是经济、竞争、资源配置全球化和贸易自由化发展的必然结果,其一系列的协议、宣言、决定、谅解和裁决,规定了各成员在国际贸易领域的基本行为准则,形成了较为广泛有效的纪律约束机制。加入WTO,意味着我国的经济贸易活动已经纳入了世界性的“游戏规则”。这必然引起我国在思想观念、经济政策、社会管理和国内立法等方面的深刻变革和调整,一些新的社会  相似文献   

马红娟 《学理论》2009,(4):140-143
“新国学”是在国学的基础上提出的一种以自己独特的文化立场和学术价值判断为基点进行开拓的新概念,是观念的变化,不仅需要观念、心理的认同,还需要学术、文化、主体、实践、审美等方面的认同。在众多的研究者论说中,它实际上就是新“精神”的倡导与实践,主要表现为学术精神、实践精神、主体精神与文化精神。  相似文献   

New publications     
Michael C. Munger 《Public Choice》2008,134(3-4):495-500

New Labour     

This paper examines the use made by political parties of branding, as a means of establishing party values and winning political support. It looks in particular at the way in which political parties use communication to create, build and maintain political brands.

The paper involves an examination of the recent history of the British Labour Party. After a long period in the political wilderness, the party re-branded itself as “New Labour” in the mid-1990s, and-as New Labour-swept to power in a landslide election victory in 1997, under their new leader, Tony Blair.

Using media coverage and material written by some of the architects of New Labour, the paper will describe the creation of the “New Labour” brand, and look at how it was developed and used to generate political support. The paper will also consider the evolution and development of the brand, as the substance underlying the stated brand values has come to be questioned, not least by so-called “Old Labour” supporters of the party.

The paper will draw conclusions regarding the successful management of a political brand, pointing in particular at the need to ensure that the performance of a party espousing a particular brand supports and reinforces communicated brand values and the brand itself.  相似文献   

New Zealand     
European Journal of Political Research -  相似文献   

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