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《Federal register》1998,63(95):27251-27253
Current policy provides that payroll taxes a provider becomes obligated to remit to governmental agencies are included in allowable costs under Medicare only in the cost reporting period in which payment (upon which the payroll taxes are based) is actually made to an employee. Therefore, for payroll accrued in one year but not paid until the next year, the associated payroll taxes on the payroll are not an allowable cost until the next year. This proposed rule would make one exception, in the situation where payment would be made to the employee in the current year but for the fact the regularly scheduled payment date is after the end of the year. In that case, the rule would require allowance in the current year of accrued taxes on payroll that is accrued through the end of the year but not paid until the beginning of the next year, thus allowing accrued taxes on end-of-the year payroll in the same year that the accrual of the payroll itself is allowed. The effect of this proposal is not on the allowability of cost but rather only on the timing of payment; that is, the cost of payroll taxes on and-of-the-year payroll would be allowable in the current period rather than in the following period.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1998,63(108):30818-31012
This proposed rule would make several policy changes affecting Medicare Part B payment. The changes that relate to physician services include: resource-based practice expense relative value units, medical direction rules for anesthesia services, and payment for abnormal Pap smears. Also, we would rebase the Medicare Economic Index from a 1989 base year to a 1996 base year. Under the law, we are required to develop a resource-based system for determining practice expense relative value units. The Balanced Budget Act of 1997 (BBA 1997) delayed, for 1 year, implementation of the resource-based practice expense relative value units until January 1, 1999. Also, BBA 1997 revised our payment policy for nonphysician practitioners, for outpatient rehabilitation services, and for drugs and biologicals not paid on a cost or prospective payment basis. In addition, BBA 1997 permits certain physicians and practitioners to opt out of Medicare and furnish covered services to Medicare beneficiaries through private contracts. In addition, since we established the physician fee schedule on January 1, 1992, our experience indicates that some of our Part B payment policies need to be reconsidered. This proposed rule is intended to correct inequities in physician payment and solicits public comments on specific proposed policy changes.  相似文献   

《Federal register》2000,65(219):67798-68020
This interim final rule with comment period provides for the annual update to the Medicare hospital outpatient prospective payment system conversion factor that is used to calculate the payment amount for each payment group, effective January 1, 2001. It also updates the wage index values and incorporates the year 2001 changes in the procedure codes that are used to make payments under this system. In this rule, we are also responding to public comments received on those portions of the April 7, 2000 final rule with comment period (which established the hospital outpatient prospective payment system) that implemented related provisions of the Balanced Budget Refinement Act (BBRA) of 1999. In addition, we are responding to public comments on the August 3, 2000 interim final rule with comment period that modified the April 7, 2000 final rule with comment period by revising the criteria used to define new or innovative medical devices, drugs, and biologicals eligible for transitional pass-through payments and correcting the criteria for grandfathering provider-based Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC) into the prospective payment system.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1995,60(123):33126-33137
This final rule revises the Medicare regulations to clarify the concept of "accrual basis of accounting" to indicate that expenses must be incurred by a provider of health care services before Medicare will pay its share of those expenses. This rule does not signify a change in policy but, rather, incorporates into the regulations Medicare's longstanding policy regarding the circumstances under which we recognize, for the purposes of program payment, a provider's claim for costs for which it has not actually expended funds during the current cost reporting period.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1998,63(157):43655
This notice extends the comment period for a proposed rule published in the Federal Register on June 12, 1998 (63 FR 32290). In that rule we proposed to: Update the criteria for determining which surgical procedures can be appropriately and safely performed in an ambulatory surgical center (ASC): Make additions to and deletions from the current list of Medicare covered ASC procedures based on the revised criteria; Rebase the ASC payment rates using cost, charge, and utilization data collected by a 1994 survey of ASCs; Refine the ratesetting methodology that was implemented by a final notice published on February 8, 1990 in the Federal Register; Require that ASC payment, coverage, and wage index updates be implemented annually on January 1 rather than having these updates occur randomly throughout the year; Reduce requlatory burden; and Make several technical policy changes. This proposed rule implements requirements of section 1833(i) (1) and (2) of the Social Security Act. The comment period is extended for 30 days.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1996,61(193):51611-51617
The final rule revises the regulations governing the methodology for payment of routine extended care services furnished in a swing-bed hospital. Medicare payment for these services is determined based on the average rate per patient day paid by Medicare for these same services provided in freestanding skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) in the region in which the hospital is located. The reasonable cost for these services is the higher of the reasonable cost rates in effect for the current calendar year or for the previous calendar year. In addition, this final rule revises the regulations concerning the method used to allocate hospital general routine inpatient service costs for purposes of determining payments to swing-bed hospitals. These changes are necessary to conform the regulations to section 1883 of the Social Security Act (the Act), and section 4008(j) of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1998,63(211):58813-59187
This final rule makes several policy changes affecting Medicare Part B payment. The changes that relate to physicians' services include: resource-based practice expense relative value units (RVUs), medical direction rules for anesthesia services, and payment for abnormal Pap smears. Also, we are rebasing the Medicare Economic Index from a 1989 base year to a 1996 base year. Under the law, we are required to develop a resource-based system for determining practice expense RVUs. The Balanced Budget Act of 1997 (BBA) delayed, for 1 year, implementation of the resource-based practice expense RVUs until January 1, 1999. Also, BBA revised our payment policy for nonphysician practitioners, for outpatient rehabilitation services, and for drugs and biologicals not paid on a cost or prospective payment basis. In addition, BBA permits certain physicians and practitioners to opt out of Medicare and furnish covered services to Medicare beneficiaries through private contracts and permits payment for professional consultations via interactive telecommunication systems. Furthermore, we are finalizing the 1998 interim RVUs and are issuing interim RVUs for new and revised codes for 1999. This final rule also announces the calendar year 1999 Medicare physician fee schedule conversion factor under the Medicare Supplementary Medical Insurance (Part B) program as required by section 1848(d) of the Social Security Act. The 1999 Medicare physician fee schedule conversion factor is $34.7315.  相似文献   

摘基于劳动关系的特殊性,我国台湾地区“民法”规定雇主违法解雇劳工受领迟延期间应当继续支付工资。雇主支付工资时有权扣除劳工因不服劳务所直接减省的费用,但不得扣除劳工转向他处服劳务所取得的工资或故意怠于取得的利益。劳工要求雇主支付被违法解雇期间的工资应当具备法定条件,并应当就雇主受领劳务迟延及工资报酬之计算等权利发生要件负举证责任。  相似文献   

This final rule implements a bonus payment, in addition to the amount normally paid under the allowable charge methodology, to physicians in medically underserved areas. For purposes of this rule, medically underserved areas are the same as those determined by the Secretary of Health and Human Services for the Medicare program. Such bonus payments shall be equal to the bonus payments authorized by Medicare, except as necessary to recognize any unique or distinct characteristics or requirements of the TRICARE program, and as described in instructions issued by the Executive Director, TRICARE Management Activity. This rule promotes a reimbursement enhancement to a limited number of physicians designed to increase TRICARE beneficiary access to care.  相似文献   

This final rule updates the annual payment rates for the Medicare prospective payment system (PPS) for inpatient hospital services provided by long-term care hospitals (LTCHs). We are also consolidating the annual July 1 update for payment rates and the October 1 update for Medicare severity long-term care diagnosis-related group (MS-LTC-DRG) weights to a single rulemaking cycle that coincides with the Federal fiscal year (FFY). In addition, we are clarifying various policy issues. This final rule also finalizes the provisions from the Electronic Submission of Cost Reports: Revision to Effective Date of Cost Reporting Period interim final rule with comment period that was published in the May 27, 2005 Federal Register which revises the existing effective date by which all organ procurement organizations (OPOs), rural health clinics (RHCs), Federally qualified health centers (FQHCs), and community mental health centers (CMHCs) are required to submit their Medicare cost reports in a standardized electronic format from cost reporting periods ending on or after December 31, 2004 to cost reporting periods ending on or after March 31, 2005. This final rule does not affect the current cost reporting requirement for hospices and end-stage renal disease (ESRD) facilities. Hospices and ESRD facilities are required to continue to submit cost reports under the Medicare regulations in a standardized electronic format for cost reporting periods ending on or after December 31, 2004.  相似文献   

This final rule with comment period revises the Medicare hospital outpatient prospective payment system to implement applicable statutory requirements and changes arising from our continuing experience with this system. In addition, it describes changes to the amounts and factors used to determine the payment rates for Medicare hospital outpatient services paid under the prospective payment system. These changes are applicable to services furnished on or after January 1, 2003. This rule also allows the Secretary to suspend Medicare payments "in whole or in part" if a provider fails to file a timely and acceptable cost report. In addition, this rule responds to public comments received on the November 2, 2001 interim final rule with comment period (66 FR 55850) that set forth the criteria the Secretary will use to establish new categories of medical devices eligible for transitional pass-through payment under the Medicare's hospital outpatient prospective payment system. Finally, this rule responds to public comments received on the August 9, 2002 proposed rule for revisions to the hospital outpatient prospective payment system and payment rates (67 FR 52092). CMS finds good cause to waive proposed rulemaking for the assignment of new codes to Ambulatory Payment Classifications and for the payment of influenza and pneumococcal vaccines under reasonable cost; justification for the waiver will follow in a subsequent Federal Register notice.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1997,62(86):24483-24491
This notice sets forth updated payment limits on the amount of allowable compensation for services furnished by physicians to providers that are not covered by the prospective payment system or per resident payments for graduate medical education. These services are paid by Medicare on a reasonable cost basis. The revised reasonable compensation equivalent limits are based on updated economic index data and replace the limits that were published in the Federal Register on February 20, 1985 (50 FR 7123).  相似文献   

《Federal register》1998,63(113):32290-32521
In this rule we propose to--Update the criteria for determining which surgical procedures can be appropriately and safely performed in an ambulatory surgical center (ASC); Make additions to and deletions from the current list of Medicare covered ASC procedures based on the revised criteria; Rebase the ASC payment rates using cost, charge, and utilization data collected by a 1994 survey of ASCs; Refine the ratesetting methodology that was implemented by a final notice published on February 8, 1990 in the Federal Register; Require that ASC payment, coverage, and wage index updates be implemented annually on January 1 rather than having these updates occur randomly throughout the year; Reduce regulatory burden; and Make several technical policy changes. This proposed rule implements requirements of section 1833(i)(1) and (2) of the Social Security Act.  相似文献   

This final rule modifies the electronic prescribing (eRx) quality measure used for certain reporting periods in calendar year (CY) 2011; provides additional significant hardship exemption categories for eligible professionals and group practices to request an exemption during 2011 for the 2012 eRx payment adjustment due to a significant hardship; and extends the deadline for submitting requests for consideration for the two significant hardship exemption categories for the 2012 eRx payment adjustment that were finalized in the CY 2011 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule final rule with comment period.  相似文献   

《Federal register》2000,65(212):65376-65603
This final rule with comment period makes several changes affecting Medicare Part B payment. The changes include: refinement of resource-based practice expense relative value units (RVUs); the geographic practice cost indices; resource-based malpractice RVUs; critical care RVUs; care plan oversight and physician certification and recertification for home health services; observation care codes; ocular photodynamic therapy and other ophthalmological treatments; electrical bioimpedance; antigen supply; and the implantation of ventricular assist devices. This rule also addresses the comments received on the May 3, 2000 interim final rule on the supplemental survey criteria and makes modifications to the criteria for data submitted in 2001. Based on public comments we are withdrawing our proposals related to the global period for insertion, removal, and replacement of pacemakers and cardioverter defibrillators and low intensity ultrasound. This final rule also discusses or clarifies the payment policy for incomplete medical direction, pulse oximetry services, outpatient therapy supervision, outpatient therapy caps, HCPCS "G" Codes, and the second 5-year refinement of work RVUs for services furnished beginning January 1, 2002. In addition, we are finalizing the calendar year (CY) 2000 interim physician work RVUs and are issuing interim RVUs for new and revised codes for CY 2001. We are making these changes to ensure that our payment systems are updated to reflect changes in medical practice and the relative value of services. This final rule also announces the CY 2001 Medicare physician fee schedule conversion factor under the Medicare Supplementary Medical Insurance (Part B) program as required by section 1848(d) of the Social Security Act. The 2001 Medicare physician fee schedule conversion factor is $38.2581.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1982,47(86):19116-19117
This regulation confirms the interim rule authorizing the Social Security Administration to withhold payment of Part B Black Lung benefits where Part C Black Lung benefits administered by the Dept. of Labor are paid for the same period. We are doing this by expanding the definition of "overpayment" in 20 CFR 410.560(a) to include these duplicate payments under Part C. This regulation provides a quick and efficient means of avoiding unjustified duplicate payments.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1997,62(219):60783-60784
This document amends the "Medical" regulations regarding applications for grants to States for the construction or acquisition of State home facilities. VA awards grants based on a priority ranking system. Usually, the higher priority applications deplete the available funding to the extent that the lowest ranking application to be offered funding is offered only a partial grant. This final rule provides that if the lowest ranking grant application receives only a partial grant in a fiscal year and if such grant award is partial solely because VA has insufficient funds for a full grant, the application would be placed at the top of the list within its priority group for the next fiscal year. Often applicants are hesitant to accept a partial grant because of the uncertainty of receiving an additional grant the next fiscal year. This final rule will encourage States to accept a partial grant by creating the likelihood that the State would receive an additional grant in the subsequent fiscal year. Accordingly, this will help ensure that VA would be able to award grants to higher priority applicants that might otherwise reject partial funding. Also, this final rule provides that the applicant receiving partial funding and receiving priority as a proposed will not be required to submit a second application for additional funds in the subsequent fiscal year, but could be required to update information already submitted. The first application would normally be adequate because the grant award in the second fiscal year would be for the same project which received the partial grant award. Further, the final rule provides that the total amount awarded for the application may not exceed 65 percent of the total cost of the project as determined at the time of the second grant award for that grant application. This is consistent with the statutory requirement that limits grant awards to no more than 65 percent of the estimated cost construction or acquisition.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1998,63(173):47552-48036
As required by sections 4521, 4522, and 4523 of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997, this proposed rule would eliminate the formula-driven overpayment for certain outpatient hospital services, extend reductions in payment for costs of hospital outpatient services, and establish in regulations a prospective payment system for hospital outpatient services (and for Medicare Part B services furnished to inpatients who have no Part A coverage). The prospective payment system would simplify our current payment system and apply to all hospitals, including those that are excluded from the inpatient prospective payment system. The Balanced Budget Act provides for implementation of the prospective payment system effective January 1, 1999, but delays application of the system to cancer hospitals until January 1, 2000. The hospital outpatient prospective payment system would also apply to partial hospitalization services furnished by community mental health centers. Although the statutory effective date for the outpatient prospective payment system is January 1, 1999, implementation of the new system will have to be delayed because of year 2000 systems concerns. The demands on intermediary bill processing systems and HCFA internal systems to become compliant for the year 2000 preclude making the major systems changes that are required to implement the prospective payment system. The outpatient prospective payment system will be implemented for all hospitals and community mental health centers as soon as possible after January 1, 2000, and a notice of the anticipated implementation date will be published in the Federal Register at least 90 days in advance. This document also proposes new requirements for provider departments and provider-based entities. These proposed changes, as revised based on our consideration of public comments, will be effective 30 days after publication of a final rule. This proposed rule would also implement section 9343(c) of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1986, which prohibits Medicare payment for nonphysician services furnished to a hospital outpatient by a provider or supplier other than a hospital, unless the services are furnished under an arrangement with the hospital. This section also authorizes the Department of Health and Human Services' Office of Inspector General to impose a civil money penalty, not to exceed $10,000, against any individual or entity who knowingly and willfully presents a bill for nonphysician or other bundled services not provided directly or under such an arrangement. This proposed rule also addresses the requirements for designating certain entities as provider-based or as a department of a hospital.  相似文献   

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