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Book reviewed in this article: Déontologie: Rapport du Groupe consultatif du Conseil des Arts du Canada : Ottawa. Managing Canada's Renewable Resources : Edited byralph b. kruger andbruce mitchell. Urban Canada: Its Government and Politics : Bydonald j. h. higgins. . Monetarism and Controls: The Inflation Fighters : Bythomas j. courchene. . A Theory of Public Bureaucracy: Politics, Personality and Organization in the State Department : Bydonald p. warwick . Canada's Salesman to the World: The Department of Trade and Commerce 1892–1939. : Byo. maby hill. . La theorie du système général-théorie de la modélisation : Parjean-louis le moigne. . Les élites politiques, les bas-salariés et la politique du logement à Hull .  相似文献   

Histoire de l'administration publique québécoise, 1867–1970 By James Iain Gow . Canadian Public Administration: Problematical Perspectives By Robert F. Adie and Paul G. Thomas. Réflexions sur Tart de se gouverner Par Louis Bernard. The Long Road to Reform: Restructuring Public Education in Quebec By Henry Milner . Regional Economic Development: Canada's Search for Solutions By donald J. savoie . Northern Development: The Canadian Dilemma By Robert Page Grand Illusions: The Politics of the Keynesian Experience in Canada 1945–1975 By Robert m. Campbell .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Les relations intergouvernementales au Canada, 1867–1967, Par gérard VEILLEUX Recovering Canada's Nationhood By D. W. CARR Independence: The Canadian Challenge Edited by ABRAHAM ROTSTEIN and GARY LAX Canadian Federalism: Myth or Reality? Edited by J. PETER MEEKISON Labour Economics in Canada By SYLVIA OSTRY and MAHMOOD A. ZAIDI State Enterprise: Business or Politics? By DAVID COOMBES Politics, Finance and the Role of Economics: An Essay on the Control of Public Enterprise By c. D. FOSTER Economic Analysis and Public Enterprises By RALPH TURVEY International Community Power Structures By DELBERT c. MILLER Papers Relating to the President's Departmental Reorganization Program — A Reference Compilation By the OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET OF THE EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT Style in Administration: Readings in British Public Administration Edited by RICHARD A. CHAPMAN and A. DUNSIRE  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: From Amoral to Humane Bureaucrac By EUGENE P. DVORIN and ROBET H. SIMMONS The Things that are Caesar's. The memoirs of a Canadian public servant. By MOM HEENEY The Canadian Public Service: A Physiology of Government 1867–1970 By J. E. HODGETTS Inside City Hall By JOHN SEWELL, DAVID CROMBE, WILLIAM KILBOURN, and KARL JAFFARY Marlborough Marathon By J. L. GRANATSTEIN A Citizen's Guide to City Politics By JAMES LORIMER The Canadian City By JOHN N. JACKSON Governing Metropolitan Toronto By ALBERT ROSE Fighting Back: Urban Renewal in Trefann Court By GRAHAM FRASER Emerging Party Politics in Urban Canada Edited by JACK K. MASSON and JAMES D. ANDERSON Canada's Water for Sale? By RICHARD c. BOCKING The Desirability of a Correctional Ombudsman By TIMOTHY L. FITZHARRIS The Characteristics of Effective Organizations By PAUL E. MOTT Les Années 1970 Par le CONSEIL ÉCONOMIQUE DU CANADA  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Government and Industry: A Comparative Analysis of the U.S., Canada and the U.K. By WYN Grant . The Leadership Challenge: How to Get Extraordinary Things Done in Organizations By james m.kouzes andbarry z. posner. Fluctuating Fortunes: The Political Power of Busines in America By david vooel Missed Opportunities: The Story of Canada's Broadcasting Policy By marc raboy Challenges to Federalism: Policy-Making in Canada and the Federal Republic of Germany Edited by william m. chandler and Christian w. zöllner . The Modern North: People, Politics and the Rejection of Colonialism By ken coates andjudith powell . Le marketing gouvernemental au Québec: 1929–1985 De gaëtan morin .  相似文献   

Abstract: Because Canada has regions totally dependent on imported oil and is a trading nation dependent on international trade for a significant share of its national income, it is vulnerable both directly and indirectly to the consequences of oil supply shortfalls and the attendant price hikes. The Canadian energy emergency preparedness system, through Canada's membership in the International Energy Agency, is integrated into the iea's international emergency oil-sharing system. Despite being well over a decade old, the nature and state of Canada's system has never been independently analysed. By highlighting the close relationship between energy security and economic security, the argument is made that continued attention to energy security is prudent. The article attempts to make the very technical features of these systems comprehensible to non-energy specialists. The implications of iea membership for Canada are analysed and the relationship between Canada's responsibilities to the iea and its obligation under the free trade agreement with the United States is discussed. Sommaire: Dans la mesure où il a des régions entièrement dépendantes des importations de pétrole et où il est tributaire du commerce international pour une part importante de son revenu national, le Canada est vulnérable directement et indirectement aux conséquences d'un arrêt des approvisionnements pétroliers et aux montées des prix en résultant. Le plan d'urgence énergétique dont le Canada s'est doté dans le cadre de son appartenance à I'Agence Internationale de 1'Énergie est intégré au système international de partage de pétrole en cas d'urgence élaborré par cet organisme. Bien qu'il existe depuis plus d'une décennie, la nature et la situation du plan canadien n'ont jamais étéétudiées de façon indépendante. En attirant I'attention des lecteurs sur les relations étroites existant entre la sécurité en matière énergétique et en matière économique, les auteurs expliquent qu'il est prudent de prêter constamment attention à la sécurité en matière énergétique. 11s essaient égale-ment de vulgariser les caractéristiques extrêmement techniques de ces systèmes. Les auteurs analysent en outre les conéquences qu'entraîne Pappartenance du Canada à I'AIE et le rapport existant entre les responsabilités du Canada vis-à-vis de I'AIE et ses obligations dans le cadre de I'accord de libre-échange avec les États-Unis.  相似文献   

Abstract: Global port reform has followed the dictates of neoliberal economics seeking less government involvement in public ports. Although Canadian port reform reflects a shift to the neoliberal right, its slower pace contrasts with the more rapid shift to port corporatization and privatization found in New Zealand and Britain. Despite the vast majority of Canada's international trade being shipped by surface modes to the United States, Canada's major commercial ports do play a vital role in supporting the transportation of goods by sea. Canada's major ports were restructured in 1983 by the Canada Ports Corporation Act. Over time, bureaucratic interference, ministerial directives, and growing domestic and competitive forces created the need for further port reform. A Transport Canada internal review was initiated in 1993 and supplemented with country-wide hearings by the parliamentary standing committee on transport in 1995. The minister issued a white paper, the National Ports Policy in December 1995, followed by the introduction in Parliament of the Canada Marine Act in June 1996. After having been twice adopted by the House of Commons (before and after the 1997 federal election), the act was proclaimed in June 1998. This paper considers Canada's port reform process with measures taken elsewhere, particularly in Australia, New Zealand and Britain, and evaluates its effectiveness in making major commercial ports more flexible, adaptable and competitive. Sommaire: La réforme des ports dans le monde s'est déroulée dans un cadre néolibéral qui visait à réduire la participation gouvernementale dans les ports publics. Si la réforme portuaire au Canada reflète un glissement vers la droite néo-libérale, son rythme est plus lent que celui de la privatisation et de la commercialisation des ports en Nouvelle-Zélande et en Grande-Bretagne. Les grands ports commerciaux du Canada jouent un rôle essentiel en permettant le transport maritime des marchan-dises, msme si la très grande majorité du commerce international du pays fait appel aux transports de surface en provenance ou à destination des États-Unis. Les principaux ports du Canada ont fait l'objet d'une restructuration en 1983 dans le cadre de la Loi sur la Société canadienne des ports. Au fil des années, il est devenu nécessaire d'effectuer une réforme portuatre supplémentaire, vu l'ingérence bureaucratique, les directives ministérielles et la montée de forces concurrentielles et nationales. Une revue interne chez Tranports Canada, amorcée en 1993, a été complétée par des audiences organisées en 1995 à travers le pays par le Comité parlementaire permanent des transports. Le ministre a publié en décembre 1995 un Livre Blanc intituléPolitique portuaire nationale, suivien juin 1996 par la présentation au parlement de la Lot maritime du Canada. Adoptée à deux reprises par la Chambre des communes (avant et après les élections fédérales de 1997), la Loi fut proclamée en juin 1998. Le présent article examine le processus de réforme portuaire au Canada en le comparant am mesures prises ailleurs, particulièrement en Australie, en Nouvelle-Zélande et en Grande-Bretagne, on y examine également dans quelle mesure ce processus rend plus souples, plus adaptables et plus concurrentiels les grands ports commerciaw.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: The City: Canada's Prospects, Canada's Problems Edited by LLOYD AXWORTHY and JAMES M. GILLIES External Affairs and Canadian Federalism Edited by HOWARD A. LEESON and WILFRIED VAN-DERELST Developing Policies for Public Security and Criminal Justice By ROBERT EVANS, JR. The Form of Cities in Central Canada: Selected Papers Edited by L.S. BOURNE, R.D. MACKINNON, and J.W. SIMMONS The Politics of Progress By RAYMOND E. WOLFINGER Administrative Tribunals By R.E. WRAITH and P.G. HUTCHESSON Current Practice in Program Budgeting (PPBS) Analysis and Case Studies Covering Government and Business By DAVID NOVICK Mobility Behaviour in the Canadian Labour Force By JOHN VANDERKAMP Small Is Beautiful: Economics As If People Mattered By E.F. SCHUMACHER Oil Pollution as an International Problem: A Study of Puget Sound and the Strait of Georgia By WILLIAM M. ROSS An End to Hierarchy! An End to Competition!: Organizing the Politics and Economics of Survival By FREDERICK C. THAYER  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Three Civilizations, Two Cultures, One State: Canada's Political Traditions By Douglas V. Verney . Planning and Federalism: Australian and Canadian Experience By Kenneth Wiltshire . Religion, Economics and Social Thought Edited by Walter Block and Irving Hexham . The Ombudsman Plan: The Worldwide Spread of an Idea By Donald C. Rowat .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: The Politics of Program Evaluation:Edited by DENNIS j. palumbo Equality and Access: A New Social Contract:By BONNIE DIAMOND and FRANCINE FOURNIER Economic Resurgence and the Constitutional Aenda: The Case of the East Coast FBsheries:By A. Paul pross and susan mccorquodale Uneasy Lies the Head: The Wuth about Canada's Crown Corporations:By WALTER Stewart Haven's Gate: Canada's Immigration Fiasco:By victor malarek. Toronto: Macmillan of Canada Open Government: A Study of the Prospects of Open Government within the Limitation of the British Political System:Edited by Richard a. chapman and michael HUNT Strategies for Policy Making:By GROVER STARLING Who's in Charge?: The Mixed Ownership Corporation in Canada:By STEPHEN BROOKS.  相似文献   

Judges and Judging: Inside the Canadian Judicial System By PETER MC CORMICK and IAN GREENE. La Guerre des Experts: comment la commission royale sur la gestion financière et l'imputabilité a perdu la bataille (The War of the Experts: how the Royal Commission on Financial Management and Accountability lost the battle). By MOHAMED CHARIH. Le ministère des Affaires extérieures du Canada. Volume I. Les années de formation, 1909–1946 DE JOHN HILLIKER. Canada's Department of External Affairs, Volume I: The Early Years, 1909–1946 By JOHN HILLIKER. Ethical Frontiers in Public Management: Seeking New Strategies for Resolving Ethical Dilemmas Edited by JAMES S. BOWMAN. The Third America: The Emergence of the Nonprofit Sector in the United States By MICHAEL O'NEILL. Strategic Management of Public and Third Sector Organizations: A Handbook for Leaders By PAUL G. NUTT and ROBERT W. BACKOFF. Administrative Argument By CHRISTOPHER HOOD and MICHAEL JACKSON.  相似文献   

Diminished Democracy: From Membership to Management in Civic American Life By THEDA SKOCPOL. Noram, OK: University of Oklalioma Press. Leadership in Nonprofit Organizations By BARRY DYM and HARRY HUSTON. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishing. P17. Psychologie du travail et comportement organisationnel, 2eédition Dr SHIMON L. DOLAN, ERIC GOSSELIN, JULES CARRIERE, gérald lamoureux. Current Directions in Financial Regulation: Proceedings of a Conference sponsored by the John Deutsch Institute for the Study of Economic Policy, Queen's University Edited by FRANK MILNE and EDWIN N. NEAVE. Montreal and Kingston: McGill‐Queen's University Press. Almost Home: Reforming Home and Community Care in Ontario By PATRICIA M. BARANEK, RAISA B. DEBER, and A. PAUI. Williams. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. Sisyphe et le financement de l'État Dr PIERRE P. TREMBLAY. Suinte‐Foy (Québec): Presses de I'University du Québec Governing Education By BENJAMIN LEVIN. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. 2005.  相似文献   

Abstract: Today, a great deal of attention is focused on the need to change the management of the public service in order to improve customer service and increase efficiency. In many cases, unfavourable comparisons are made to the private sector. But little comparative analysis has actually been undertaken with reference to the career profiles of senior managers in Canada's public and private sectors. The Public Management Research Centre undertook a study comparing the backgrounds and management experiences of Canada's most senior executives in the public and private sectors. Information was gathered from seventy current heads of federal departments and agencies (deputy ministers - dms ) and from sixty-three chief executive officers (ceos ) of private companies of comparable size and importance. The results of this study, published in a document entitled Today's Leaders, indicate that it is likely that the top job in public-sector organizations will never be identical to that in the private sector. However, if improving the management of the public sector means adopting some elements of private-sector management techniques (e.g., alternative service delivery, increased customer service, greater attention to cost recovery and bottom-line), the thrust for these changes must come from senior management. In addition, current criteria for recruitment, development and promotion of future public-sector leaders must be re-evaluated. Sommaire: Le Centre de recherche en gestion dans le secteur public a effectué une étude comparant l'historique personnel et l'expérience de gestion des plus hauts cadres des secteurs public et privé au Canada. Les renseignements ont été recueillis auprès de 70 chefs titulaires de ministères et d'organismes fédéraux (sous-ministres) et de 63 présidents-directeurs généraux (pdg ) de compagnies privées d'envergure comparable. Publiés dans un document intituléLeaders d'aujourd'hui, les résultats de l'étude révèlent que le poste suprême des organismes publics ne sera probablement jamais identique à celui des organismes privés. D'autre part, s'il s'agit d'améliorer la gestion du secteur public en adoptant certains éléments de gestion du secteur privé (modes-alternatif de prestation de servies, meilleur service à la clientèle, recouvre-ment des coûts et rentabilité), ce sont les cadres supérieurs qui doivent en prendre l'initiative. Par ailleurs, il faut réévaluer les critères actuels de recrutement, de développement et de promotion des futurs du chefs de file secteur public.  相似文献   

Characterized as “Canada's forgotten people” since their defeat in the 1885 Battle of Batoche, the Métis have recently re‐emerged on Canada's policy agenda. How did the Métis, once vilified as traitors of Confederation, come to re‐position themselves as a rights‐bearing Aboriginal group in the Canadian federation? In this article, we apply John Kingdon's (1995) multiple streams model to help explain the resurgence of Métis rights on Canada's contemporary policy agenda. We argue that the changing legal and political landscape that surrounded Canada's crisis of unity provided a window of opportunity that allowed Métis policy entrepreneurs to bring the issue of Métis rights onto Canada's policy agenda.  相似文献   

Abstract: In many countries, including Canada, financial and other circumstances have forced governments to transfer important monopoly or quasi-monopoly services to the private sector. Invariably, decisions must be made on the right level of autonomy for the operators of such services — enough to attract the private sector and to secure the efficiency gains obtainable but without exposing users and other stakeholders to abuses of monopoly power. This article considers whether an appropriate degree of autonomy was granted to Nav Canada, a private, not-for-profit enterprise created in 1996 to take over all air-navigation facilities and services previously operated by Canada's Department of Transport (Transport Canada). This article does not examine that question in the abstract, as a theoretical issue, but in a very practical way, by looking in detail at the pricing policies Nav Canada has adopted (and has been legally allowed to adopt). It focuses on this aspect of Nav Canada's behaviour, because this is the area in which monopolies have always been considered to be especially in need of supervision, as a substitute for the missing discipline of the market. The conclusion is that Nav Canada's pricing policies have important deficiencies, from the standpoint of fairness and promotion of efficiency, and that their supporting documentation fails to explain the grounds for the key decisions made. These weaknesses could have been challenged more effectively, without significantly threatening Nav Canada's financial viability, if the guiding principles in the enabling legislation had been less vague. A specific remedy is proposed. The proposed improvement could also apply,mutatis niutandis, to many other transfers of government responsibility in Canada and particularly in the case of the many airport authorities (all quasi-monopolies) created in the past decade. Sommaire: Dans de nombreux pays, dont le Canada, des circonstances financières ou autres ont forcé les gouvernements à transférer au secteur privé d'importants services monopolistes ou quasi monopolistes. Invariablement, il faut décider du niveau correct d'autonomie pour les opérateurs de tels services: suffisamment d'autonomie pour attirer le secteur privé et pour réaliser les gains d'efficacité possibles, mais sans exposer les utilisateurs et autres intervenants aux abus d'une puissance rnonopoliste. Dans cet article, on s'interroge pour savoir si l'on a accordé un degré d'autonornie appropriéà Nav Canada, entreprise privée sans but lucratif, créé en 1996 pour prendre en mains toutes les installations et services de navigation aérienne auparavant exploités par le ministère des Transports du Canada (Transports Canada). On n'examine pas cette question de manière abstraite, comme s'il s'agissait d'une question théorique, mais plutôt de manière très pratique, en examinant en détail toutes les politiques de fixation de prix adoptéea par Nav Canada (et qu'on lui a permis d'adopter de manière légale). On se penche sur cet aspect du comportement de Nav Canada parce qu'il s'agit là du domaine dans lequel les monopoles ont particulièrement besoin d'être surveillés, pour compenser l'absence de la discipline du marché. En conclusion, les politiques de fixation de prix de Nav Canada révèlent d'importantes lacunes du point de vue de l'équité et de la promotion de l'efficacité, les documents versés au dossier n'expliquant pas la raison pour laquelle des décisions clés ont été prises. On aurait pu mieux pallier ces faiblesses sans cependant menacer sérieusement la viabilité financière de Nav Canada si les principes directeurs de la loi habilitante avaient été moins vagues. Une solution précise est mise de l'avant. Lamélioration proposée pourrait aussi s'appliquer, mutatis mutandis, à de nombreux autres transferts de responsabilité gouvernementale au Canada, et particulièrement au cas des nornbreuses autorités aéroportuaires (toutes des quasimonopoles) créées au cours de cette dernière déennie.  相似文献   

L'administrateur public: un être “pifométrique” Par ALPHONSE RIVERIN, ANDRÉ GAGNÉ, JEAN TURGEON et JANON HAMEL. The Economic Prerequisite to Democracy By Dan Usher. A Choice of Futures: Politics in the Canadian North By Gurston Dacks. The Atlantic Provinces in Canada: Where do we go from here?/ Les provinces de I'Atlantique dans le Canada: vers quoi nous dirigeons-nous? By J.R. Winter L'administration québécoise: organisation et fonctionnement Par Louis Borgeat, René Dussault et Lionel Ouellet, avec la collaboration de Patrick Moran et Marcel Proulx. Le Duplessisme. Politique économique et rapports de force, 1944–1960 Par Gérrd Boismenu The Politics of Poverty By David Donnison. Inside the Multinationals By Alan M. Rugman. Wage Controls in Canada, 1975–78 By A. Maslove and G. Swimmer Les politiques publiques, élaboration et mise en oeuvre Par George C. Edwards III et Ira Sharkansky.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Economic Restructuring and African Public Administration: Issues, Actions and Future Choices Edited by m.J. balogun and G. mutahaba Managing Leviathan: Environmental Politics and the Administrative State Edited by Robert paFXlke and douQlas torGerson. Agricultural Trade: Domestic Pressures and International Tensions Edited by grace skogstad and andrew fenton cooper. Farming the System: How Politicians and Producers Shape Canadian Agricultural Policy By barry K. wilson. Negotiating the Past: The Making of Canada's National Historic Parks and Sites By C.J. Taylor Privatizing a Province: The New Right in Saskatchewan By james M. pitsula and ken rasmussen. Ethical Decision Making in Everyday Working Situations By MARY ellen guy.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: The Economic Constitution of Federal States By ALBERT BRETON and ANTHONY SCOTT 100th Annual Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons, Fiscal Year Ended March 31,1978 Canada's Refugee Policy: Indifference or Opportunism? By GERALD E. DIRKS Improving total productivity: mbo strategies for business, government and not-for-profit organizations Par PAUL MALI. The Public Eye: Television and the Politics of Canadian Broadcasting, 1952–1968 By FRANK W. PEERS Intergovernmental Fiscal Transfers: Canadian and Australian Experiences By R.M. BURNS Small and Large Together: Governing the Metropolis By HOWARD w. HALLMAN Principles of Federal Policy Coordination in the Federal Republic of Germany: Basic Issues and Annotated Legislation Edited by P. BERND SPAHN Public Participation in Planning Edited by W.R. DERRICK SEWELL and J.T. COPPOCK For a Common Future: A Study of Canada's Relations with Developing Countries By ECONOMIC COUNCIL OF CANADA  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Tableau de bord de gestion et indicateurs de performance:de Pierre Voyer2eédition. Presses de l'Université du Québec Walter Gordon and the Rise of Canadian Nationalism:By Stephen Azzi Taking it to the Hill: The Complete Guide to Appearing before (and Surviving) Parliamentary Committees:By David Mcinnes Beyond the New Public Management: Changing Ideas and Practices in Governance:Edited by Martin Monocle, Charles Polidano and David Hume  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Canada's Governors General, 1847–1878: Biography and Constitutional Evolution: Barbara j. messamore The Way It Works: Inside Ottawa: eddie goldenberg Riding to the Rescue: The Transformation of the RCMP in Alberta and Saskatchewan, 1914–1939: steve hewitt Transparency: The Key to Better Governance: Christopher hood, david heald Des communautés plus ou moins civiques: le capital social et la gouvernance métropolitaine au Canada et aux États‐Unis: marie‐france le blanc The New City: How the Crisis in Canada's Urban Centres is Shaping the Nation: john lorinc Auteurs et textes classiques de la théorie des organisations: De laurent bélanger ; JEAN MERCIER Reconciliation ‐ First Nations Treaty Making in British Columbia: tony penikett E‐Government in Canada: Transformation for the Digital Age: Jeffrey roy This is Not a Peace Pipe: Towards a Critical Indigenous Philosophy: dale turner  相似文献   

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