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Other papers in this edition of the European Journal of Criminal Policy and Research use mainly statistics collected through the European Sourcebook on Crime and Justice Statistics but there are many other sources of international statistics collected by different agencies for different purposes. This paper critically examines the main current and planned collections of comparative data within the European community and wider international bodies. Full Web references are given of available questionnaires and publications where these exist. It also discusses the importance of comparative data generally and pitfalls in its interpretation and examines the guidelines published by international bodies to assist with data collection on crime and justice. Finally, the future of comparative data collections is discussed and recommendations are made.  相似文献   


This paper to the 2016 Beijing meeting of the Asian Criminological Society is the first of two lectures on the theme of The Silk Road of Restorative Justice. The second is the annual lecture of the European Forum for Restorative Justice held jointly with the Asia-Pacific Forum for Restorative Justice in Milan (Braithwaite 2017). This first paper opens the idea of restorative justice as a way of thinking that flows back and forth along the Silk Road with a special focus on the development of relational, republican, and feminist thought in ancient and modern China and Persia. Both contemporary China and Iran are left today with quite a universal yet modest national policy of support for restorative justice. Some co-optation of restorative justice by the state and disengagement from it by many key justice professionals are evident in both China and Iran. The second paper argues more normatively for openness to hybridity along the Silk Road. It identifies virtues of being a republican-socialist-capitalist-feminist advocate of restorative justice in light of what we learn along the Silk Road. The unifying message of both papers is that excellence in restorative justice is nurtured by travelling many roads in search of helpful hybrids.


宽严相济的刑事政策是当前我国预防和控制犯罪的基本刑事政策,检察机关在履行检察职能的过程中,必须始终坚持社会主义法治理念,准确把握宽严相济的刑事政策的基本内涵,突出打击重点,做到有宽有严,宽严结合,惩办少数,教育挽救大多数,将刑事法律的刚性与刑事政策的柔性有机结合起来,达到预防和减少犯罪的目的,实现法律效果和社会效果的有机统一。  相似文献   

将立山 《法学家》2006,45(2):33-46
库兹涅茨的收入分配差距曲线可以近似地解读为中国社会转型时期的"社会问题曲线",由此推定,中国仍处于社会矛盾的上升阶段,尚未到达矛盾最大值的区域.在未来20年中,中国的转型秩序还将面临更为严峻的压力与挑战.此后,可能出现社会秩序根本性好转的"绝对拐点".在此期间,通过加强社会治理的措施,有可能创造秩序局部性好转的"相对拐点".构建和谐的社会秩序,从法律改革与社会治理的关系看,存在着三种不同的政策方案,不同的政策选择会带来不同的社会风险与成本.  相似文献   

公民的司法参与权研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
公民享有司法参与权是人民主权的有力体现,也是公民实现政治参与的重要途径。宪法和相关法律为公民的司法参与权提供法律依据,正当程序和司法民主理念则是公民司法参与权的法理基础。我国公民司法参与权的表现形式多种多样且范围十分广泛,但我们仍需要通过增加诉权的宪法保障、规范细化陪审制度和人民监督员制度等途径予以完善,以保障公民司法参与权的实现。  相似文献   

国家治理体系和治理能力的现代化构建对司法提出了更高的要求。一方面,司法需要落实国家法秩序,实现国家法律的各种安排与预测。另一方面,司法需要回应社会,实现司法的社会治理。而要透过司法的社会治理离不开卡多佐司法实用主义哲学。并且要对中国当下的司法能量发挥、社会转型、全面推进依法治国、司法权威、司法公信力等因素予以考量。在此基础上才能构建具有多样司法特质、与政治良性互动、塑造时代价值、自身良性发展的中国司法理想图景。  相似文献   

Are principles of criminal justice derived from a broader conception of justice, or does criminal justice involve some of its own distinctive principles such that it is not—for example—an aspect of distributive justice? Examining considerations regarding luck and desert provides an illuminating approach to this issue. The notion of desert has largely been excised from a great deal of recent political theorizing, and in particular, it has been eliminated from many influential conceptions of distributive justice. It is widely held that the pervasiveness of luck renders desert inappropriate to contexts of distributive justice, and incompatible with the freedom and equality of persons in a just political community. Should considerations of desert also have a minimal role in criminal justice—where they seem to still be important? Are considerations of desert in the context of criminal justice consistent with persons being free and equal participants in a just political community? How are principles of criminal justice related to principles of distributive justice and political justice in an overall just society? Many scholars agree that criminal justice presupposes an adequately just society. Still, that leaves open just how criminal justice relates to justice overall. That is the present topic.  相似文献   

司法衡平理念是基于实现公平正义的价值目标和均衡和谐的社会要求而形成的指导裁判思维的系统观念。衡平理念一是强调综合性思维,要求裁判案件所考量的因素尽可能地周全,特别关注案件的差异和世情的变化。二是强调务实性思维,要求在坚持法律原则前提下,考虑情理权衡利弊,注重解  相似文献   

从程序正义到摆平“正义”:法官的多重角色分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
法院如何建构其主体性?是当下中国社会面临的时代之问。在规则之治、程序正义的逻辑下展开运作的司法因其制度刚性有余而操作柔性不足,难以有效回应中国社会仍停留在传统的具体情境,从而遭到实用主义的解构。但是,在调审合一制度路径下游刃有余的实用主义司法哲学实际上亦并不足以构成对法院主体性的命题支撑,甚至可能是更加错误的道路。作为法院主体性的命题表达,能够体现法院明确的司法功能并与其他权力部门相区分的主体特质始终只在于独立的审判。  相似文献   

The question of the scientific bases for distribution of powers [polnomochii] between the USSR and its entities [sub'ekty], the union republics, in the field of economic guidance is of political, practical, and theoretical importance.  相似文献   

As states and local governments struggle to meet the demands of increasing workloads with decreasing revenues, a strategy is emerging that brings new energy and resources to the juvenile justice system. This strategy, Community Justice, empowers the community to prevent and resolve problems once thought to be the exclusive responsibility of the justice system. Juvenile courts operating within this new approach are discovering that community residents are willing to become actively involved when allowed to participate in defining the goals, objectives, and their roles in furthering community safety. This article describes this new approach, provides examples of promising practices, and articulates the crucial role of the court in promoting community justice strategies.  相似文献   

雷磊 《时代法学》2006,4(1):65-67
正义与权利是ius一词最重要的两个含义,它们在古罗马时期经历了一个重心转移的过程。正是这一转变引发了西方法律史上的革命并直接奠定了物权法的立法基础。探讨了这一转变的原因及其影响,对于我们今天的物权立法意义重大。  相似文献   

Michael Adler 《Law & policy》2003,25(4):323-352
The first part of this article outlines two complementary approaches to enhancing administrative justice. Internal mechanisms, which can be put into place by government departments and public bodies themselves, are contrasted with external mechanisms, which result in the imposition on government departments and public bodies of principles enunciated by courts, tribunals, and ombudsmen. Lawyers are all too familiar with the external approach but tend to be much less familiar with the internal approach. The article seeks to redress this imbalance. It emphasizes the importance of the internal approach, not as an alternative but, rather, as a complement to the external approach and develops a framework for analyzing administrative justice in terms of "trade-offs" between different normative models of administrative decision-making. The second part of the article demonstrates how this approach to the study of administrative justice has informed research on the impact of computerization on social security in the United Kingdom; on decision making in the Scottish prison system; on the assessment of special educational needs in England and Scotland; and on the computerization of social security in thirteen countries. The article concludes by attempting to show that this approach to the study of administrative justice satisfies all the defining characteristics of the socio-legal paradigm.  相似文献   

张晓薇 《河北法学》2004,22(10):81-83
诉讼保险以商业运作模式为基础,通过投保将诉讼的成本和负担转移给保险公司,甚至社会。诉讼保险制度保障了老百姓接近正义的权益。引进诉讼保险不失为一种比较可行的对策。  相似文献   

曹阳 《行政与法》2007,(1):67-68
20世纪90年代以来的技术革新给知识产权行政管理机构带来了深刻的影响。知识产权行政管理机构的性质从法人机构逐渐转变为执行或特殊机构;从较多关注于知识产权登记、审核的机构向承担更多的政治、经济发展职责的机构转变。技术进步也带来了知识产权行政管理机构传播以及保护作用的巨大变化。我国的知识产权行政管理机构必须认识到技术进步带给知识产权行政管理的挑战并作出相应的变革。  相似文献   

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