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《Digital Investigation》2014,11(1):67-77
The detection of stego images, used as a carrier for secret messages for nefarious activities, forms the basis for Blind Image Steganalysis. The main issue in Blind Steganalysis is the non-availability of knowledge about the Steganographic technique applied to the image. Feature extraction approaches best suited for Blind Steganalysis, either dealt with only a few features or single domain of an image. Moreover, these approaches lead to low detection percentage. The main objective of this paper is to improve the detection percentage. In this paper, the focus is on Blind Steganalysis of JPEG images through the process of dilation that includes splitting of given image into RGB components followed by transformation of each component into three domains, viz., frequency, spatial, and wavelet. Extracted features from each domain are given to the Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier that classified the image as steg or clean. The proposed process of dilation was tested by experiments with varying embedded text sizes and varying number of extracted features on the trained SVM classifier. Overall Success Rate (OSR) was chosen as the performance metric of the proposed solution and is found to be effective, compared with existing solutions, in detecting higher percentage of steg images.  相似文献   

In patients with gunshot injuries, it is easy to detect a projectile within the body due to the high-density of the object, but artefacts make it difficult to obtain information about the deformation and the exact location of the projectile in surrounding tissues. Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) is a new radiological imaging modality that allows radio-opaque objects to be localised and assessed in three dimensions. The full potential of the use of CBCT in forensic medicine has not yet been explored.In this study, three different modern projectiles were fired into the heads of pig cadavers (n = 6) under standardised conditions. Tissue destruction and the location of the projectiles were analysed separately using CBCT and multi-slice computed tomography (MDCT).The projectiles had the same kinetic energy but showed considerable differences in deformation behaviour. Within the study groups, tissue destruction was reproducible. CBCT is less severely affected by metallic artefacts than MDCT. Therefore CBCT is superior in visualising bone destruction in the immediate vicinity of the projectile and projectile deformation, whereas MDCT allows soft tissue to be evaluated in more detail.CBCT is an improved diagnostic tool for the evaluation of gunshot injuries. In particular, it is superior to MDCT in detecting structural hard-tissue damage in the immediate vicinity of high-density metal projectiles and in identifying the precise location of a projectile in the body.  相似文献   

The authors present a case of the death of a 60-year-old man shot using rubber projectiles that were fired by a police officer from a Mossberg smooth-bore shotgun in an enclosed space from a distance of a few metres. The post-mortem examination revealed that death had been due to gunshot wounds in the chest which had caused heart and lung damage with subsequent massive internal haemorrhaging.  相似文献   

Ear identification based on surveillance camera images.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

Digital image evidence is now widely available from criminal investigations and surveillance operations, often captured by security and surveillance CCTV. This has resulted in a growing demand from law enforcement agencies for automatic person-recognition based on image data. In forensic science, a fundamental requirement for such automatic face recognition is to evaluate the weight that can justifiably be attached to this recognition evidence in a scientific framework. This paper describes a pilot study carried out by the Forensic Science Service (UK) which explores the use of digital facial images in forensic investigation. For the purpose of the experiment a specific software package was chosen (Image Metrics Optasia). The paper does not describe the techniques used by the software to reach its decision of probabilistic matches to facial images, but accepts the output of the software as though it were a 'black box'. In this way, the paper lays a foundation for how face recognition systems can be compared in a forensic framework. The aim of the paper is to explore how reliably and under what conditions digital facial images can be presented in evidence.  相似文献   

We study in this paper the expanding behaviour of hollow point 9 mm Parabellum projectiles (Hornady XTP(?) and Speer Gold Dot(?)). We defined a deformation rate that takes into account both the diameter increase and the length reduction. We plotted the behaviour of this parameter versus impact velocity (we refer to this curve as the expanding law). This expanding law has been plotted for different gelatin weight ratios and different gelatin block lengths. We completed our experiments with a set of high speed movies in order to correlate the deceleration to the state of expansion and size of the temporary cavity. Our results pointed out that full expansion is reached shortly after the projectile fully penetrates the gelatin. This result shows that the key point to accurately simulate human body interaction with a hollow point projectile is to accurately simulate the interface (skin, skull, clothes thoracic walls). Simulating accurately organs is only an issue if a quantitative comparison between penetration depths is required, but not if we only focus on the state of expansion of the projectile. By varying the gelatin parameters, we discovered that the expanding law exhibits a velocity threshold below which no expansion occurs, followed by a rather linear curve. The parameters of that expanding law (velocity threshold and line slope) vary with the gelatin parameters, but our quantitative results demonstrate that these parameters are not extremely critical. Finally, our experiments demonstrate that the knowledge of the expansion law can be a useful tool to investigate a gunshot in a human body with a semi-jacketed projectile, giving an estimation of the impact velocity and thus the shooting distance.  相似文献   

姜登峰 《证据科学》2013,(4):408-419
以中华法系为代表的中国古代法制文明在世界法律史中占有重要地位,也是中国古代文明的体现。法律制度的设计必须与其所处的经济、社会制度与环境相适应.古代中国法律体现了这点.作为法律制度一部分、对于事实的认定、纠纷的解决具有重要影响的证据制度也是如此。中国古代证据制度在设计及实施过程中受到了古代哲学、伦理观念、心理学等因素的影响,同时也与当时的生产力水平相适应。中国古代证据制度具有与西方不同的特征。这与中国古代对人的重视、以儒家为主导的哲学观念、当时的生产力水平以及家法宗族的统治密切相关。  相似文献   

袁中标 《政法学刊》2003,20(6):65-66
相貌侦查是指刑事侦查部门从事模拟画像及颅骨复原等专业技术的人员专门绘制嫌疑人或塑造死者肖像用于通缉疑犯、查找死者身份的专门侦查工作。这种技术员再创造的能力需要侦查人员的丰富想象力。  相似文献   

铁路客票是铁路客运合同的书面形式 ;是客运合同与旅客运输的凭证 ;其内容是客运合同的组成部分。但客票本身并不是合同  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance images (MRI) of the whole, formalin-fixed brain produce details of pathologic changes deep within brain substance not apparent on external examination. Photographs of these radiographic images present pathologic features in a black-and-white, 2-dimensional format which has proven particularly effective in court before judge and jury. This pathologist has noted acceptance of such photographs in explaining to jurors the details of his testimony in selected cases where brain trauma resulted in a wrongful death. Penetrating missile wounds and blunt impact injuries are particularly well documented by this method.  相似文献   

Experimenting upon a synthetic, non-biological Skull-Brain Model, our goal was to document and study the bullet-body interaction of grazing (glancing, tangential) gunshots. Thanks to the high-speed study of the dynamic bullet-body interaction it was possible to document the glancing behavior of projectiles with a resolution of 50 million pictures per second. It was possible to demonstrate the differing deformation and fragmentation patterns between the 9mm Luger full metal jacketed projectile and the 38 Smith & Wesson (S & W) lead round nose projectile.In a true-to-life manner the morphologic fracture systems could be documented by utilization of the model in dependence of the projectile's behavior, deformation, and fragmentation. Based on these experimental studies with body models, conclusions could be drawn for surgical and reconstructive forensic questions in real cases.In summary, model substitutes offer a suitable basis for the study of the bullet-body interaction because the experiments are reproducible, totally independent of the biological variances of corpse and animal experiments, and are harmless from the ethical perspective.  相似文献   

电路功能专利所强调的特征是其功能,因此其专利构成要件也着重构成的功能。实践中只要被控侵权物构成的功能与专利构成要件的功能相同,不管被控侵权物构成要件的下位电路线路的设计和专利构成要件的设计有何不同,都会被判定因其功能相同而等同。因此,电路功能专利在侵权的判定上,有利于专利权人对等同原则的适用。  相似文献   

To study the potential use of insects remains as toxicological indicators, we measured morphine in desiccated entomological materials using a radioimmunoassay method (Coat-A-Count Serum Morphine, Dade Behring, France) following enzymatic hydrolysis.First, enzymatic cuticle extraction of morphine (pronase digestion preceded by a 2h incubation with a dithiothreitol solution) was performed on various substrates (Calliphoridae puparial cases and desiccated adults, and desiccated pupae of Dermestidae) which were then tested to identify possible interferences with the radioimmunoassay procedure.This same procedure was performed on puparial cases and desiccated adults of Lucilia sericata (Diptera, Calliphoridae) previously reared on minced meat containing various morphine concentrations. Morphine was detected only in cuticle powder from insects reared on meats containing 100 and 1000mg/kg. Higher concentrations were measured in puparial cases. Rearings on psoas from eight heroin overdose victims confirmed previous experimental results.Remains of necrophagous insects, particularly puparial cases, are often preserved for a long time, and consequently can serve as late alternative specimens for toxicological analysis when suitable tissues are not available.  相似文献   

肖冰 《法学家》2007,(4):148-154
国际法规制由"法律化的规制"和"以规制为调整对象的规制"二种形式构成,在表现出"求同性"与"异同之相对性"等共有属性的同时,由国际社会利益关系的多元化、复杂化及其平权特征所决定,也面临着其权威性和强制性缺失的极大困惑.具体到技术性贸易壁垒的国际法规制中,一方面,不同目标导向与规制形态下的国际法规制并行发展、各具功效;但另一方面,如何兼顾相冲突的利益保护目标又是其必须面对的最大难题.  相似文献   

共同过失犯罪的概念及特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
舒洪水 《法律科学》2005,23(4):83-91
共同过失犯罪,是指负有共同注意义务的二个以上的行为人,由于共同的不注意,共同实施或促成了违反共同注意义务的行为,造成危害结果发生的一种共同犯罪形态。过失教唆犯、过失帮助犯能够成立共犯,即使在立法中予以确认也不会导致处罚范围的扩大和刑法谦抑原则的违反。在共同过失犯罪中,数人实施或促成了违反共同注意义务的共同行为,并且数个行为人都负有防止危害结果发生的共同注意义务,导致了危害结果的发生;在主观方面,各行为人在主观上都是过失,各行为人对危害结果所抱的心理态度也基本相同。  相似文献   

熊志海 《河北法学》2008,26(6):35-40
网络证据是指从不同网络终端获取的信息载体。它是电子证据中一类独特的存在形式。与其他形式的电子证据不同,网络证据可以通过不同地点、不同空间在网上获取。因此,网络证据的收集、审查、认定都有着特殊性。明确界定网络证据的概念、特征,对于更好地开发证据调查、收集的新方法,在司法实践中更好地查明案件事实;对于修改和完善我国立法关于诉讼证据及其运用规则的规定;对于我们从新的角度去理解证据及其相关基础理论问题,都有着极其重要的意义。  相似文献   

根据中欧知识产权合作项目计划安排,笔者于2000年10月4日至12月3日在瑞典隆德大学进修,并与瑞典法院及专利商标局就知识产权保护问题,特别是知识产权的司法保护进行了交流.  相似文献   

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