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在区域经济发展过程中,市场配置资源在客观上存在的不足需要政府发挥对经济活动的引导和规范作用。政府作为制度创新的主体,要充分利用自有优势,弥补市场失灵的缺陷;通过制度创新。使地方政府问形成良好的协调合作机制,促进区域经济的可持续发展。  相似文献   

Various studies conducted in and outside India for estimation of age from long bone joints revealed that unlike other vital parameters no uniform pattern exists for epiphyseal union of long bones in different countries of the world and also in different parts of the same country. A radiological study was conducted in 180 boys and girls of the capital city of India, Delhi, between the age group of 14-20 years to find out the age at which epiphyseal union at wrist and ankle joint takes place. The result of the study showed that the wrist joint epiphyseal union is completed in all cases in the age group of 19-20 years in males and 18-19 years in females. In the ankle joint, 17-18 years was the age group in males and 16-17 years the age group in females which showed complete epiphyseal union in all cases.  相似文献   

陕甘宁边区政府是中国共产党在第二次国内革命战争中建立起来的特区政府 ,创建了一系列法律制度 ,而税收法律制度作为边区法制的一部分 ,在我国新民主主义财政经济发展法制建设中 ,发挥了重要作用。边区税收法律制度经历了初创、完善、发展三个历史时期 ,在“发展生产 ,保障供给”的总方针下确定了五大基本原则 ,是完善我国社会主义税收法制可资借鉴的历史经验  相似文献   

The recent release of the DSM-5 comes with the division of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms across four symptom clusters (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). This division is based on the support garnered by two four-factor models; Emotional Numbing (King et al., 1998) and Dysphoria (Simms et al., 2002) and a five-factor model; Dysphoric Arousal (Elhai et al., 2011). Much debate centered on the validity of the Dysphoria factor as a non-specific factor of PTSD within the Dysphoria model. In line with this, we assessed relations between the four factors of the Dysphoria model (Simms et al., 2002) and positive (PA) and negative affect (NA) in natural disaster victims (N?=?200) from Leh, India, using the PTSD checklist (PCL-S) and Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS short form). Confirmatory factor analysis was implemented to assess the best-fitting model for both the PCL (PTSD) and the PANAS (affect). Two optimal models (the Dysphoria model and a two-factor model for affect) were subsequently used to assess latent variable associations across constructs. It was hypothesized that differential associations between latent factors would be evident with the Dysphoria factor being highly correlated with negative affect compared to alternative PTSD factors. Significant correlations were found between factors of the Dysphoria model and NA (0.52–0.65, p?<?0.001). Comparing the association of pairs of PTSD factors with NA and PA, Wald’s tests revealed that no single PTSD factor was more related to NA than the other. Avoidance and Hyperarousal factors were correlated with PA. Results are discussed in line with literature questioning Dysphoria factor’s unique association with general distress.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to clarify whether positive results for prostate‐specific antigen (PSA) and acid phosphatase (AP) occur in postmortem swabs from the genito‐anal region in males (n = 80; 4 regions) and females (n = 20; 3 regions) and to calculate the positive predictive value (PPV) concerning the presence of spermatozoa. In male subjects, the highest incidence of positive test results was found in urethral swabs (PSA 76%, AP 71%) and the lowest frequencies appeared in perianal and rectal swabs (15–20%). Microscopic evaluation for spermatozoa was positive between 39% in urethral swabs and 1% in rectal swabs. PPV regarding positive identification of spermatozoa was 33.3% for PSA and 31.5% for AP. The combination of both tests yielded a PPV of 38.2%. In female cases, no spermatozoa were identified, and one case was PSA‐ and AP‐positive in perianal swabs. Our findings indicate that PSA and AP tests are of limited value for the postmortem detection of spermatozoa in male subjects.  相似文献   

新婚姻法中的无效与撤销制度在制度设计、权利主体、法律效果、行使等方面具有特殊性,我国婚姻法在这些问题上存在着或重视不足或有漏洞或规定不太合理,带来了适用时的不便,必须予以修正.  相似文献   

冯卓慧 《法律科学》2009,27(4):159-168
西周是中国奴隶制法发展的完善时期,已形成一套较为完善的奴隶制民事诉讼法律。陕西出土的传世的及新出土的西周青铜器铭文,明确而真实地反映了西周民事诉讼制度,再佐以先秦文献总结出西周民事诉讼制度的概貌。西周的调解制度、巡回审判制度以及宗法制的影响,使西周民事诉讼制度对中国司法制度有独特的影响。  相似文献   

薛正俭 《政法学刊》2010,27(5):66-72
撤回公诉事关国家刑罚权的放弃或调整,事关检察机关与审判机关的职权配置与相互关系,影响到被告人、被害人的合法权益保障,与实现司法公正和诉讼效益紧密关联。但是目前撤回公诉制度在立法和实践层面存在一些不容忽视的问题亟待解决。应在总结我国撤诉经验和目前司法解释及司法实践存在问题的基础上,立法上重构撤回公诉制度,完善撤诉的相关法律规定。  相似文献   

刑事鉴定对于公安机关侦查破案发挥着日趋重要的作用,公安机关在侦查线索的寻找、侦查方向的确定乃至侦查终结的定案证据等方面都极为依赖刑事鉴定.然而,因公安刑事鉴定制度本身存在某些缺陷而容易产生诸多鉴定问题,进而导致侦查错误的发生,以致酿成了一系列刑事冤案.完善现行的公安刑事鉴定制度首先亟需解决公安机关内设鉴定机构的组织管理制度问题,即应确保内设鉴定机构的相对独立,同时应明确对刑事鉴定技术的采用标准.诚然,完善公安刑事鉴定制度并不能完全杜绝侦查错误的发生,但是可以减少侦查错误发生的概率.  相似文献   

The metabolism of methamphetamine (MA) and 4-bromo-2,5-dimethoxyphenethylamine (2C-B) in freshly isolated rat hepatocytes was investigated, and compared with in vivo results. A suspended hepatocyte culture, established from male Wistar rats using a collagenase perfusion technique, was incubated in the presence of MA or 2C-B. After enzymatic hydrolysis of the conjugated forms, the metabolites were extracted by liquid-liquid partition and analyzed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Amphetamine, p-hydroxymethamphetamine and p-hydroxyamphetamine were detected in the culture fluids of the rat hepatocytes inoculated with MA. The alcohol derivative, carboxylic acid derivative, 2-O-desmethyl-2C-B, 2-O-desmethyl-N-acetyl-2C-B and 5-O-desmethyl-N-acetyl-2C-B were detected in the case of 2C-B. The major metabolite of MA in rat hepatocytes was p-hydroxymethamphetamine. This is in good agreement with the urinary excretion profile for rats that were fed MA. 2-O-Desmethyl-2C-B and the carboxylic acid derivative were the major recovered metabolites of 2C-B in the rat hepatocyte culture, a slight deviation from the in vivo findings, in which 5-O-desmethyl-N-acetyl-2C-B was found to be the main component. Metabolites with a hydroxy group were largely present in their conjugated forms in the culture fluids, except for 2-O-desmethyl-2C-B. Taking these results into consideration, a primary hepatocyte culture system has the potential to provide a quick and handy method for estimating the in vivo metabolic fate of abused drugs.  相似文献   

Using empirical data from an innovation survey carried out in the Republic of Slovenia in 1997/1998, the paper analyses the innovation-relevant co-operation pattern between different kinds of research institutes and industry. The hypothesis is made that system transformation is not yet accomplished in Slovenia, and that the innovation system is still fragmented. While there is intense co-operation between Slovenian research institutes and companies, the level of co-operation between university institutes and industrial firms remains below the average of all Slovenian research institutes, although one focal point in the co-operation activities of university institutes is the support of firms in market introduction. Mainly larger institutes co-operate with larger firms, whereas small institutes hardly co-operate. Consequently, the challenge of innovation policy is to integrate all participants of the Slovenian innovation system in a structure of mutual knowledge and information exchange.  相似文献   

党的十八届三中全会确定了市场化改革的基调,如何进一步完善国有企业现代企业制度,提高国有企业竞争力成为一项重要课题。国有企业董事勤勉义务制度建设存在不少问题,应明确责任内容与认定标准、建立激励与约束机制、完善责任体系等建议,以期为新一轮国有企业改革提供可借鉴的法治化路径。  相似文献   

卢超 《北方法学》2015,(4):113-119
新《行政诉讼法》修订颁布之后,行政首长出庭应诉制度正式成为一项带有鲜明中国特色的司法运作机制。从制度变迁的角度来看,行政首长出庭应诉制度经历了一个从地方政策试验到中央立法吸纳的过程。从各地关于行政首长出庭应诉制度的政策文本出发,不难发现社会稳定压力与地方法制竞争的外部因素影响,而且行政首长出庭应诉制度的实践运作,也主要依赖于数字考核的指标控制而非行政法治的自我拘束。从中国行政诉讼模式变迁的大背景下观察,行政首长出庭应诉与行政诉讼协调和解、行政诉讼司法建议制度根源自相同的法理,均旨在实现纠纷的实质性化解,而不再将合法性判断视为行政诉讼的核心议题。  相似文献   

教育刑理念的彰显与背离:近代中国假释制度考论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刑罚执行是刑事司法的最后环节,行刑法律的运作直接关涉刑罚功能与目的能否实现。假释作为行刑制度之一,其运作效果是刑罚观念的集中体现。近代以来假释制度完成了由恩典到权利的制度转化,因于诸多因素的制约,假释制度在清末刑事立法中虽然得以确立,却未能实践。其后的立法与司法虽对于假释制度有着较多的践行,但民众的法律情结却仍停留于报复惩戒,教育刑理念仍然未能深入人心,法律观念、法律文化的转型任重而道远。  相似文献   

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