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正IN recent years,growing numbers of Chinese enterprises have initiated investment in Africa.From2009 to 2012,China’s direct investment in Africa increased from US$1.44 billion to US$2.52 billion,with an annual growth of 20.5 percent.Over the same period,China’s cumulative direct investment in Africa rose from US$9.33 billion to US$21.23billion.Currently,over 2,000 Chinese  相似文献   

On November 17, 2002, the 2002 Economic and Trade Talks Between Chinese and French Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises cosponsored by the China Service Center for Friendship and Cooperation with Foreign Countries (CSCFCFC), the Beijing Degaohua Scientific and  相似文献   

CHINESE people often derisively refer to the rapidly prepared offerings of McDonald's and KFC as "junk food." Yet it was these two fast food giants that made the common people of China aware of the corporate social responsibilities (CSR) undertaken by transnational companies. When McDonald's and KFC entered China in the 1990s, public toilets were scarce and the facilities in hotels and restaurants were not for public use. But McDonald's and KFC allowed anyone at all. whether or not they were customers, to use their washrooms. The McDonald's and KFC logos consequently have particular significance to members of the Chinese general public, whether or not they eat there. A similar public spiritedness is now being displayed by a number of Chinese enterprises that have begun to make their washroom facilities open to the public. On rainy days, signs can also be seen in certain stores assuring shoppers that they are: "Welcome to take shelter from rain." It would appear, therefore, that corporate social responsibility, a concept introduced by transnational companies, is being taken on by Chinese enterprises.  相似文献   

CHINESE President Hu Jin-tao traveled to Japan on May 6 for a five-day visit, the first state visit by a Chinese president to Japan in 10 years, signaling a historic warming of relations between the two countries. During the trip President Hu held discussions with Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda, was welcomed by Japanese Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko, and also met separately with leaders and representatives of Japan's major political parties.  相似文献   

Tokyo in Autumn: the air is fresh and the streets lined with golden-leaf ginkgo trees look as if they are gilded. Invited by the Japan-China Cultural Exchange Association (JCCEA),  相似文献   

I was quite surprised when I was presented before Pang Chun's paintings!First, I was in surprise with the colors of his paintings: strong, bright and shining. The colors mingle in one picture harmoniously with a brilliant contrast. I never saw an artist who could take advantage of colors so audaciously. The more surprising is that his domination and exercise of colors doesn't make you feel uneasy, on the contrary, you will find them very harmoniously pleavsant to eyes such as his paintings: "Halo", "the King of Trees" and " First Sun Rays".  相似文献   

With the aim of promoting exchanges and friendshipand establishing contacts amongthe children of China, Japan andthe Republic of Korea, the 2001  相似文献   

Israel and Turkey loom large in world history the biblical Promised Land of the Hebrews and the proud civilization of Asia Minor,  相似文献   

On the afternoon of December 21,2010,Abdul’ahat Abdulrixit,Vice Chairman of the CPPCC National Committee and President of the Chinese-African People’s Friendship  相似文献   

In March when the Chineseredbud were in full bloom,the Guangdong Provincial Peo-ple's Association for Friendshipwith Foreign Countries(GPPAFFC) received a specialguest who, on the second day ofher arrival in Guangzhou, set outat dawn to Xinyi in the poormountainous region inGuangdong accompanied by a  相似文献   

September3,2005marked the60th anniver-sary of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggressionand the World Anti-Fascist War.On this day,Partyand state leaders of China together with people ofall walks of life in the capital attended a series ofcommemorative activities.Also present at theseactivities were more than200World War II veter-ans or their surviving relatives from22countrieswho had come to China at the invitation of theCPAFFC.Ceremony of Layi…  相似文献   

At the beginning of the New Year, China and Japan greeted the 30th anniversary of thenormalization of China-Japan relations. On Janu-ary 28, 2002, leaders of 53 Chinese and Japanesenon-governmental organizations gathered together  相似文献   

The Museum of the War of Chinese People's Resistance Against Japanese Aggression located near the Lugou (Marco Polo) Bridge and set up on July 6,1987 is China's only large-sized comprehensive museum for exhibiting the history of the Chinese People's War of  相似文献   

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