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引入虚拟实验教学是缓解省属地方高等院校科研设备短缺的有效方法。本文以光通信技术课程为例,研究了虚拟实验课程开设的背景与意义,详细阐述了对应的课程内容与具体的实验室建设与实施方法。最后,依据所取得的成果评价了虚拟实验课程的效果,证实了该教学改革的可行性。  相似文献   

张敬贤 《学理论》2012,(33):213-214
结合邯郸职业技术学院的实际情况,阐述了高职院校实验室建设与管理的重要意义,进而对实验室管理体制改革以及实验室师资队伍建设两个方面进行了论证和分析,提出了实验室建设与管理优化的一些具体建议。  相似文献   

现代信息技术和互联网技术的快速发展,生成了与现实社会在地域空间意义上完全不同的虚拟社会,这种新的社会形态改变了人们传统的思维方式和生活方式,同时也对以往政府管理的理念和方法、模式和安全提出了挑战。面对挑战,要加强制度建设,完善虚拟社会法制;以人为本,改变虚拟社会管理方式;提高政府管理人员在虚拟社会中的执政能力。  相似文献   

虚拟社会源于现实,也能动地作用于现实,并促使现实社会的转型发展。但它同样也是把双刃剑,很可能形成对现实社会的侵扰,破坏政府公信力与社会秩序。在网络迅猛发展的现实背景下,必须加快推进组织平台和管理”方式的创新,提升虚拟社会管理的科学亿水平。宁波江东的“社区网络发言入”队伍建设对于提升虚拟社会管理科学化水平极具现实和启发意义。  相似文献   

铁道警察学院的办学目标是创建国内一流的铁路公安本科院校,实验室建设在其人才培养目标的实现中具有十分重要的意义。实施科学规划、进行开放管理、创新实验教学方法和体系、提高科研能力和服务水平、彰显办学特色是学校建设高水平实验室的重要手段,也是学校创建合格公安本科院校的有力保障。  相似文献   

正确认识虚拟经济   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张时 《理论导刊》2003,25(10):41-43
虚拟经济是实体经济发展的产物,又服务于实体经济。正确处理虚拟经济和实体经济的关系,适度发展虚拟经济,对于整个国民经济持续、健康、快速发展具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

李程 《学理论》2010,(14):43-44
虚拟经济体作为一种类人经济形态,越来越多的吸引了学者的关注。虚拟经济体的主要价值除了其本身娱乐价值外就是表现在二级市场上的虚拟物品总值,而虚拟货币是虚拟世界的通货,因此研究虚拟货币对于研究虚拟经济体具有重要意义。虚拟货币因为供需在二级市场上产生价值,本文从前瞻性的角度对虚拟货币和虚拟金融进行研究,并由此衍生出虚拟金融业务。  相似文献   

随着互联网技术的发展和信息社会的形成,传统廉政智库越来越难以满足时代的发展要求,虚拟廉政智库建设成为今后廉政智库发展的新增长点。构建虚拟廉政智库需要具备一定的基础条件:互联网技术发展所带来的交流便利、健全的党务政务公开制度提供的大量信息、传统廉政智库的局限性所内生的改革诉求等。与传统廉政智库相比,虚拟廉政智库具有汇集廉政思想、实现资源共享、降低运营成本、突破体制障碍及形成客观评价机制等优势。构建虚拟廉政智库应从两个方面进行:一是要用数字化技术对传统廉政智库进行改造,提升其适应社会与时代发展的能力;二是要积极借鉴国际上其他领域的虚拟智库建设经验,打造符合中国国情的新型廉政智库。  相似文献   

虚拟企业的产生可以用交易费用这一经济分析工具作出经济学解释。虚拟企业与传统企业不同,其具体运作可以采用虚拟生产、虚拟开发、虚拟营销、虚拟管理、战略联盟、特许经营等模式。虚拟企业的信息系统建设、伙伴选择、合理的利益分配与风险共担、知识管理、塑造独具特色的虚拟企业文化等,是虚拟企业成功运作的关键技术。  相似文献   

正虚拟机关的建设既是从无形到有形的创造过程,也是变虚拟为现实的创新过程。民进淮安市委会第一届虚拟机关于2018年3月成立。2020年4月,市委会虚拟机关进行了换届,同年,清江浦区、淮安区、淮阴区、洪泽区、经济开发区先后成立了虚拟机关,实现了淮安市区级基层组织全覆盖。三年多来,市委会虚拟机关成员在民进江苏省委会的指导和民进淮安市委会的统一领导下,创新履职平台,努力打造新时代"三好"虚拟机关。  相似文献   

施芸卿 《青年研究》2012,(1):24-37,94
本文以目前风靡全球的网络游戏《魔兽世界》为例,探讨虚拟世界中的团队合作机制。发现:(1)虚拟世界中,玩家并非被动地接受游戏规则,而是与外部游戏设定之间形成了积极互动,从而创造玩家自己的共识契约,体现出极强的主体性;(2)虚拟世界中团队合作真实而复杂,其背后共通的公平理念,是一种理想化的按劳分配的模式,认为每个玩家在电脑前付出的时间都应该得到平等的尊重和回报。这恰是虚拟世界带来的最有意义的经验与启示,充分展现了玩家的智慧及公民意识的养成。  相似文献   

本文利用近年来一些学者提出的知识仓库概念,探讨知识仓库在虚拟企业中的决策应用。针对虚拟企业的风险和管理特点,拟定出知识仓库在虚拟企业中的建立原则,提出了一个基于知识仓库的层次化决策支持体系模型,给出了知识仓库的构建过程和基于知识仓库的决策过程。  相似文献   


This paper analyses how major institutions are publicly responding to the crime of identity theft. It concentrates on how individuals are encouraged to responsibilize themselves against this potentiality, and what they should do in the event they are victimized. These two distinct discourses (prevention and victimization) aim to fashion a hyper-vigilant citizen whose daily routines, home environment, consumption patterns and sense of self are being brought into accord with wider power dynamics. These measures can be understood as encouraging a care of the virtual self – a wider social project characteristic of an informational age that encourages individuals to reduce the risks and maximize the potentialities related to their data double. In the context of identity theft, however, institutionally promoted methods for the care for the virtual self transcend what is reasonably practicable for most citizens and mask the role played by major institutions in fostering the preconditions for identity theft.  相似文献   

There is widespread evidence that individuals select information that supports their convictions and worldviews. This behavior yields the formation of echo chambers – environments in which an individual’s own political beliefs are repeated and amplified and dissenting opinions are screened out. Recent research demonstrates that social networking sites such as Facebook or Twitter can facilitate this selection into homogenous networks. Using data from a representative nation-wide online survey, we consider the degree to which respondents’ social media networks resemble virtual echo chambers. We then analyze the effect of these social media echo chambers on satisfaction with democracy among Democrats and Republicans in the aftermath of the 2016 US elections. Our findings reveal that virtual echo chambers boost democratic satisfaction among Republicans but they do not have an effect on system support by self-identified Democrats. Our paper therefore adds to a growing literature linking online behaviors to mass attitudes about politics.  相似文献   

This paper explored the concept of the extended self in the context of virtual realities and spaces, and through the prism of gender. It demonstrated the manner in which selves are constructed and presented on social media platforms. Through this enquiry, the study showed that both genders engage in self‐construction in diverse ways, with different impacts in terms of the tools used for self‐presentation. The study can be useful in terms of assessing young adults' behaviors in the virtual arena and analyzing the various ways of extending self.  相似文献   

Although many scholars agree that social interactions within traditional social groups build social capital, there is less consensus on the benefits of virtual interactions for political engagement. Our research examines how interpersonal social group activity and virtual activity contribute to two dimensions of social capital: citizen norms and political involvement. We rely on data collected in the 2005 Citizenship Involvement in Democracy survey conducted by the Center for Democracy and Civil Society at Georgetown University. This survey provides unique detail on participation in both social groups and virtual interactions. Our findings suggest that social group activity and virtual interactions both foster many of the same positive aspects of social capital.  相似文献   

本文在对虚拟企业概念、类型、特点和优势分析的基础上,研究了虚拟企业模式对我国企业发展的启示,同时提出了发展我国虚拟企业的一些建议和思路.  相似文献   

网络言语是书面言语的一种,网络言语与口语的联系极其密切。本文试图通过对网络虚拟社区成员构成状况的考察和对网络言语中所能反映出的地域性、时代性、社会性及个体心理、特征的研究,找出一种对网络言语人年龄、籍贯(母语地)、职业身份、文化程度、性别及是否为精神病人等方面进行正确分析判断的途径和方法,从而为网络案件侦查提供客观依据。  相似文献   

This paper considers the discursive conditions within on‐line communication spaces. The increasing use of electronic mail and internet relay chat as a form of communication, and the growing facination with multi‐user domains as a powerful dialogic space, has contributed to an emergent culture of virtual communities, in which participants engaged in dialogue no longer need to be present to ‘talk’ to one another. Indeed, the concept of telepresence is predicated on the idea that remote speakers can engage in a shared experience that is every bit as compelling as actually being in the same location. In order for this virtual communication space to be vivid, and to create the illusion o; f procimity, it has to efface itself as a signifying system. In other words, it has to behave according to the logic of oral rather than written communication. One assumption considered in the paper is that on‐line discursive practice is usually conducted as if it were a mode of speech, rather than writing.  相似文献   

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