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WhyChineseGymnastsAreTopsinAsia¥YANGLINOnOctober6,1994,atthe12thAsianGames,ChineseathleteMoHuilanwonallfourofthewomen'sindivi...  相似文献   

The new generation turns tradition on its head by staying single longer as other priorities occupy their lives  相似文献   


Early retirement trends in the United States, United Kingdom and other industrialized societies are examined in relation to changing manpower requirements and economic forces. The results of a United Kingdom study of early retired men are presented, demonstrating the strategies adopted in retiring early. Factor analysis was used to examine the detailed considerations of respondents. A suitable financial basis was generally seen as the necessary prerequisite. In addition, a double-edged strategy emerged: a strategy for coping with changes and pressures in the work environment, and a more positive developmental strategy. Implications considered include the responsibility of organizations, the costs of early retirement, and alternative approaches for the future.  相似文献   

Why the Tiers?     
As part of ongoing green efforts,China will soon adopt a tiered electricity pricing system to encourage residents to cut back on energy use.The government will first determine a basic electricity quota,and any consumption above that level will be charged at higher prices.  相似文献   

For people who have spent years onexhausting work schedules, life after retirement— which usually includes stable  相似文献   

IsChineseDifficult?SUNDEJINPart1[BasicSentences]a.汉语难吗?b.你以前学过汉语吗?c.你会说汉语吗?d.写汉字难不难?PART2[WordsandExpressions]1.语言2.汉语3.英语4.学...  相似文献   

<正>In the first quarter,China’s retail sales of consumer goods totaled 8.58 trillion yuan($1.25tril ion),up by 10 percent over a year ago,according to the National Bureau of Statistics(NBS)on April 17.During this period,consumption contributed 77.2 percent to China’s economic growth.Days before the NBS figures were released,the UN World Tourism Organization  相似文献   

Like many other ancient cultures,China possesses an impressive and celebrated literary heritage. The master poets of the medieval Tang Dynasty(618-907), for example, are rightfully known as some of the world’s best lyric poets; the adventures of the Monkey King and his company—as told in the classical Chinese narrative Journey to the West—have achieved a global following (in part due to TV adaptations and the like); and novels, short story collections and memoirs by expat Chinese authors living in the West have won major literary prizes and become international bestsellers.  相似文献   

<正>The stereotype of the hard working Chinese has been around for a long time in the West. As early a 1894, Arthur Smith, a missionary who spent 54 years in China, wrote book introducing the hard-working Chinese people to Americans. In his book Chinese Characteristics, Smith wrote about the dili  相似文献   

a. What factors attracted you to come to China? Dissatisfied with life back home-fed up being a teacher in Britain-wanted to try something different before I was too old-experience a different culture.b. Which is the overwhelming factor? Change of lifestyle.c. While living in China what impresses you the most? The modern lifestyle of the people and the incredible changes happening here.d. What do you expect to get while in China? Experience of living in a different country-an  相似文献   

正China’s remarkable economic and social development over the past years has made Chinese childhood today different by far from what older generations experienced.Most urban offspring are the sole child in their families,doted upon and lavished with material comforts.But the pressure on children today to achieve academic excellence,so encroaching on their play and freedom,is something  相似文献   

Foreigners in ChinaAddress of teahouse: No. 53A, Dongdaqiao Road,Chaoyang District, Beijing.Tel: 65070487DO you havegongfu? A Chinese friend casually askedme one day.It was a question I'd never expected to hear outside of a Hong Kong movie. I almost expected Jackie Chan, or a band of warrior monks to suddenly leap from behind a shadow-shrouded bambooscreen. As itturned out, I didhave gougfu afterall, despite mylack of martial artstraining. The question is a way to seeif a friend has fr…  相似文献   

TakingtheadvantageofChina,sopenpolicymanyWesternjastfoodoperationshaveenteredtheChinesemarket.Thoughacclaimedasagiantinculinaryarts,Chinaha5slwaydlaggedbehindinfastfoods.Facedwitbthesnowballingexpansionofforeignoutlets,Chinesefastfoodisstilllingeingintheprimitivestagesofunsteadiness.KENTUCKYFRIEDChicken,WhichmadeitsdebutinBeiiinqinthemid-1980s,soonbecameveryfashionableasitseemedtorepresentanexoticatmospheretosomeChinese.LatertheriseofRonaldMacDonaldasaChineseculturaliconmadeMacDonal…  相似文献   

Earlier this year, a crackdown on football match-fixing and gambling was launched in China, ending with the arrest of several high-ranking officials with the Chinese Football Association, referees, coaches and senior club executives.  相似文献   

正Chen Tianqiao, a billionaire and founder of the Shanda Group, a global investment firm, together with his wife, Chrissy Luo,donated $115 milion in December 2016 to the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in the United States to help further research into the fundamental principles that underlie brain function.  相似文献   

HowDoChinesePictureThemselves?BystaffreporterCHAIRUIKANGAkneelingbronzofigureunearthedinGuanghan,SichuanProvinceltis15cmhigha...  相似文献   

A series of recent foreign capital mergers and acquisitions (M&A) of Chinese businesses has raised concern about China's economic security. Will these actions damage China's national interests and is it necessary for China to set a bottom line in this field? Yang Fan, a professor at the China University of Political Science and Law, and He Maochun, Director of the Research Center of Economy and Diplomacy, Tsinghua University, were recently published in the Global Times, analyzing the impact of foreign M&A deals on China's economy from different perspectives. The following are excerpts from their commentaries:  相似文献   

Like a drama unfolding in a riveting suspense novel, the quadrennial global football gala is becoming more and more compelling as the climax approaches. Billions of people are glued to the tube watching the World Cup in Germany, and Chinese football fans are following the countdown with the rest of the world. According to a poll by China Central Television, the national broadcaster, World Cup games have attracted combined viewers of at least 10 billion. For Chinese football enthusiasts, however, the joy of watching a  相似文献   

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