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A musician living in darkness shines a light for others through song Even the smallest star can shine bright,and even the tiniest bud can reach full bloom.Be firm in your vision,and don’t underestimate your power.Dreams will invariably spread their wings,and all your efforts will bear fruits...These are lyrics from a song named Light Up Dreams,composed by Li Guangzhou.  相似文献   

近年来,在城市化浪潮中,无论是从交通、建筑、公共空间的设计,还是到其他基础设施的建设方案,如何既能为居民提供宜居的整体环境,同时为城市的可持续发展留足空间,变成了每一个城市规划师、建筑师和景观设计师都要认真面对的问题.2010年2月3日,在上海的时尚地标外滩3号,来自中国城市规划、景观设计和照明设计的专家就城市的发展与灯光的关系展开了跨界创意风暴,并当场挥毫将未来的城市照明构想诉诸笔下.  相似文献   

China has achieved much in its fight to alleviate poverty and a new strategy looks to build on that success A poverty assessment report released by the World Bank on April 8 showed that the proportion of impoverished Chinese  相似文献   

正Can Britain’s new leader calm Brexit fears by forging closer ties with China?The outcome of the British referendum on the UK’s European Union (EU) membership on June 23 was unexpected,despite opinion polls predicting a close vote.The decision by 17.4 million Brits to leave com-  相似文献   

为进一步提高北京城市夜景照明工作的整体水平 ,探索夜景照明工作的发展道路 ,本文尝试性地对城市夜景照明的概念及其作用和意义进行了概括。面对北京城市夜景照明工作的现状及存在的问题 ,提出了科学化、规范化、系统化、产业化的工作对策  相似文献   

2010年,飞利浦照明"city·people·light"(简称CPL)即"城市·居民·灯光"创意风暴在中国拉开了帷幕.这场以CPL为主题的论坛,聚集了中国一流的城市规划师、设计师以及建筑师、艺术家.在他们的作品中,作者纷纷将灯光化作媒介,在城市的建设者与居住者之间形成伙伴式的良性沟通,这也与飞利浦提出的以照明来提升人们生活质量的诉求达形成一致.  相似文献   

The International AIDS Conference closed on July 27 in Washington,D.C.with a clear message that the end of the AIDS epidemic is possible with sustained financial,political and scientific commitment.The event,under the theme of turning the tide together, drew nearly 24,000 participants from 183 countries,featuring 194 sessions covering science,community and leadership.It is a historic event, said Dr.Diane Havlir of the University of California,San Francisco,who co-chaired the world's largest AIDS meeting.It's,first of all,very significant that it is finally back here in the United States.  相似文献   

Liberalizing interest rates is essential for China’s financial reform, and the central bank is headed in that direction The People’s Bank of China(PBC),the country’s central bank,removed controls on lending rates on July20,which could create more competition among banks and make loans more available for private businesses."This is an ticipated news,but it comes sooner than expected,"said Guo  相似文献   

COVERING a land area slightly larger than the U.S.State of Florida,Guizhou is home to multiple ethnic minorities in southwestern China.Despite having traditionally been known as a lessdeveloped region,nowadays Guizhou is  相似文献   

自新中国成立以来,有着2200多年历史的文化名城--杭州,景观照明建设在不断发展,但是比较集中的大规模建设城市景观照明工程还是从1990年西湖景区景观照明建设后开始的.在努力建成"国内领先,世界一流"的城市夜景思想指导下,杭州城市景观照明工程建设遵循"高起点规划、高强度投入、高标准建设、高效能管理"的思路,充分利用市、区山水独特的自然景观,大力推进人文景观、社会景观的建设,打造出了独具特色和魅力的杭州夜景景观.  相似文献   

风景就是心境。今年除夕夜的景色,令人如痴如醉。心境如礼花般怒放,思绪似春潮般澎湃。今夜既无眠,索兴命笔灯下,记下这难忘的观感。笔者寓居宣武区一幢公寓的21层楼上。朝向东、南的宽敞阳台,具有  相似文献   

LAST October, the Genevahead quartered World Economic Forum (WEF) released the Global Gender Gap Report 2012,in which Iceland ranks first for the fourth consecutive time. China came just past midway down the list, taking 69th place,higher than Japan, South Korea and other East Asian countries.  相似文献   

正SINCE the late 1980s transnational investment across the world had been growing exponentially on the basis of industrial transfers,strongly bolstering economic globalization trends and profoundly altering the world’s economic landscape.The 2008 financial crisis nevertheless impaired the investment capacity of many transnational companies and also dampened their desire to spend.The 2012 global volume of direct foreign investment fell to US$1.4 trillion,40 percent lower than in  相似文献   

CHENGDU,thecapitalofSichuanProvince,hasalwaysbeenfamousforitsnaturalresourcesandbeautifulscenery.ButtheFunanmyer(alsocalledtheJinjiang),whichflowsthroughthecity,hadbecomeseriouslypollutedandharmfultopeople'shealth.Fiveyearsago,thelocalgovernmentsetouttocleanuptheriverandbytheendoflastyearthesituationwasbroughtundercontrol.NowtheFunanRiverandthegreenareasflankingitnotonlyaddcharmtoChengdu,butfunctionas"lungs"tOhelpkeepthecity'sairclean.Duringtheclean-up,adelegationfromEnglandVisited.Them…  相似文献   

我国城市照明现状与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1我国城市照明发展的回顾 从新中国成立初期到20世纪80年代初,我国的城市照明几乎只有道路照明,仅在大都市的核心地区在节庆日的夜晚才有装饰灯光。当时道路的照度水平很低;光源从白炽灯发展到高压荧光汞灯,干道上主要是汞灯照明。我国自主研制的高压钠灯尚在试用阶段,质量很不稳定。  相似文献   

On November 21,The St.Regis Beijing welcomed the holiday season with its 16th annual Christmas Tree Lighting event held at the St Regis Garden marking the beginning of this year’s festive season and associated celebrations.As the tradition continues,the guest of honor was the U.SAmbassador to China Max Sieben Baucus.The crowd,which included  相似文献   

近些年来,大连发展得很快, 但我们更明显地感觉到,南方其它城市发展得更快,我们与人家的距离越拉越大。究其根源,一个重要的方面,就在于观念上的差别。我们进行软环境建设,首先应该认真审视这些差别,进一步解放思想, 更新观念。  相似文献   

前些年,我在风沙线上行走,曾在青海看到了一个玛尼堆,我不知道那是不是严格意义上的雕塑.  相似文献   

Chinese Women Entrepreneurs Editor: Dong Shaopeng 200 pages, paperback RMB 78 Published by New World Press in July 2011I N 2010, six Chinese women made it into the Financial Times’ Top 50 Women in World Business, the same number as with India and second only to the U.S. What makes them stand out from  相似文献   

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