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This article explores the role of contract law inintimate relationships, focussing on tacit or onlypartially express agreements rather than expressprenuptial or cohabitation contracts. It welcomes theembrace of relational contract theory by feminist andgay and lesbian commentators, but argues that keydifferences between commercial and intimaterelationships need further analysis if the potentialof relational theory in cases of informal agreement isto be realised. The first difference is that,while commercial contracts can draw on the context ofa contracting community as a source of norms to fillgaps in agreement, there is no equivalent source ofnorms for intimate relationships. The seconddifference is that, although relational theory entailsthe attenuation of self interest in commercialcontracts, in intimate relationships the sense inwhich self interest is attenuated is quite different,with the result that concepts such as cooperation andaltruism have different meanings. The result of thesedifferences is that, in some intimate relationships,there will be informal understandings falling short ofbargain, which will be unenforceable – under bothorthodox contract law and more relationalinterpretations of it. It is argued that many suchinformal agreements are distinguishable from mostgratuitous promises because they are characterised bya degree of reciprocity between the parties. Thepossibility of the law of contract recognising suchnon bargain agreements based on reciprocity isexplored, and it is argued that the enforcement ofsuch agreements represents a less distorting legalresponse than that available through the use ofpromissory estoppel.  相似文献   

数字平台创造了新型的灵活用工模式,但同时也突破了传统劳动法律体系的限制,使在平台下谋生的网约工失去了法律的保护.平台惩戒规则作为数字泰勒主义的成文表现,是平台借助数字技术对网约工进行劳动控制的重要工具.然而这种规则在民事契约下的形式平等中消解了网约工的权益,其所产生的压迫问题已经引起舆论关注.研究认为,以古典契约理论建...  相似文献   

劳动合同与劳务合同、雇佣合同辩析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
劳动合同与劳务合同、雇佣合同是具有很大相似性的三种不同合同,只有劳动合同在劳动法中有明确的规定,雇佣合同和劳务合同在法律中没有做出明确规定,只能根据有关民法理论进行分析判断。在司法实践中对这三类合同的认识易产生偏差。  相似文献   

劳动合同的定性及其对立法的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
劳动合同是一种在“契约自由”原则基础上渗透了国家公权力必要干预的、以社会公共利益为本位的合同。“社会性”是劳动合同的本质属性。为了充分体现劳动合同的法律性质,在劳动合同立法中应当把握和处理好当事人“意思自治”与国家干预的关系,劳动合同约定与法定、规定、“有利原则”的关系,借鉴、吸收民事合同理论与体现劳动合同制度自身特质的关系。  相似文献   

按照全国总工会要求 ,要推进平等协商和集体合同制度实现新突破 ,已经建立集体合同制度的企业就要持之以恒的抓好续签集体合同和落实合同条款的工作。在续签集体合同工作中要把握好五个环节 ,要坚持企业党委对签订集体合同工作的指导 ,从实际出发制定合同条款 ,并对新形势下建立集体合同机制中遇到的新问题进行研究和探索。  相似文献   

从中国集体合同制度创建以来的实践看,所谓的集体合同实质上是集体协议.协议与合同属于可以分清的两个概念.一般情况下,协议多数是没有法律强制力的,而合同多数是有法律上的强制执行力.劳动法领域中的"集体合同"是中国特色制度,这一用词并不科学,甚至产生负面影响.  相似文献   

我国的<劳动合同法>对无固定期限劳动合同制度做了重大改变,引起许多争议,有必要对其进行法律探讨.无固定期限劳动合同制度符合社会法理念,在强制续签、解雇保护、违约责任等制度设计上应区别固定期限劳动合同,同时在相关法条的可操作性方面仍需要加强.  相似文献   

德国集体合同制度已经有近百年的历史了,至今已形成了较为完备的集体合同法律体系以及相应的集体合同制度。完善的立法不但保障了集体合同当事人的合法权益,也促进了劳资关系的良性发展。劳动法院是解决集体劳动合同纠纷最主要的机关,劳动法院通过正确适用和解释法律,保障集体劳动合同纠纷得以公正地解决。  相似文献   

签订劳动合同的目的是保障劳动者的合法权益,但是其实施效果究竟如何,能否有效保障女性劳动者的合法权益,减少女性劳动者工作过程中的不平等待遇,还有待进一步验证。研究利用2016年中国劳动力动态调查数据,分析劳动合同签订对女性劳动者工资收入的影响。分析结果显示:劳动合同签订能够显著提高女性劳动者工资水平,并且对工资的提升作用大于男性劳动者;劳动合同签订能够有效降低女性劳动者的工作时间,提高加班收入。因此,建议要继续完善劳动合同法及相关的女性劳动权益保障政策,加大法律和政策的实施力度,采取措施提升女性的就业能力。  相似文献   

在员工与企业间出现心理契约破裂时,员工通常会借助工会力量维护自身权益。本研究以 16 家 企业的 199 名员工为样本,以工会主席任命方式作为调节变量,探究了员工与企业间心理契约破裂和员工工会 参与之间的关系。研究发现:心理契约破裂显著负向影响员工工会参与;工会主席的任命方式在心理契约破裂 与员工工会参与之间起调节作用。即工会主席由企业直接任命的企业中,心理契约破裂显著负向影响员工工会 参与;在工会主席由员工投票直选的企业中,心理契约破裂与员工工会参与之间没有显著关系。本研究通过验 证不同工会主席任命方式下员工与企业间心理契约与员工工会参与之间的关系,证明了工会主席直选对工会维 权职能履行的保障作用。这对构建和谐劳资关系提供了指导。  相似文献   

This article attempts to situate the nature of and changes in tenancy contracts in the context of agrarian transition in developing countries such as India. Inter‐ and intra‐village variations in tenancy contracts are examined in detail for three contrasted villages in Uttar Pradesh (India), with the aim of bringing out the systematic basis of such variations. It is argued that Marxist analysis, based on the nature of class relations, offers a more credible explanation of the nature and unevenness of change, than neo‐classical analysis. Moreover, such analysis also offers a satisfactory explanation of the impact of tenancy on several commonly studied variables.  相似文献   

平台用工是一个宽泛的概念,具有劳动法讨论意义的是组织型平台,包括基于劳动合同的模式和非基于劳动合同的模式,后者是法律关系定性争论的对象。此种非基于劳动合同的平台用工模式不同于常规劳动关系,在劳动过程中同时存在一定程度的平台控制与劳务提供者自主,不符合现有从属性标准,不成立劳动关系,在现行法中属于民事非典型合同中的混合合同。此种平台用工在当前"从属性劳动—独立性劳动"构成的"劳动二分法"框架下不能实现有效调整,给予劳务提供者的权益保障不足。问题的成因在于劳务提供者的学理定位是"类雇员",此种平台用工的本质是承揽合同社会化,属于"劳动二分法"下的制度空白地带。因此,应根据此种平台用工中劳务提供者的社会保护必要性,构建介于民法与劳动法之间的"类雇员"规范体系,推动法律对社会劳务给付的调整框架从"劳动二分法"向"劳动三分法"转型。  相似文献   

This paper contributes to feminist debates on cohabitation by studying judicial discourse after legal reform. It examines how Canadian judges speak about cohabitation and decide whether cohabitants qualify as “spouses” for the purposes of property sharing. Judges assess cohabitants against an ideal of companionate marriage with gendered and class overtones. A contrasting tendency is to disavow moral judgments by declaring openness to a diversity of relationships. It seems difficult to operationalize cohabitation as a relationship form distinct from marriage. Indeed, the cases undermine assertions that reform makes married couples and cohabitants equal. Efforts to “modernize” family law appear to give new life to traditional ideals of the good marriage.  相似文献   

Empirical research in this field has underlined the diversity of the cohabitation population, the existence of the common law marriage myth and the lack of consensus on the best way forward for reform of the law in England and Wales. Against the backdrop of the English Law Commission’s on-going project on cohabitation law, this article will explore the reasons found by recent research for people’s choice of cohabitation over marriage, the interrelationship between commitment and economic vulnerability and the tension in feminist debates as to whether an extension of rights for opposite-sex cohabitants that are analogous to married spouses (either by an opt-in model or opt-out model) might be an appropriate solution or a reinforcement of patriarchal marriage values. It will also consider, given recent research findings and other initiatives aimed at raising awareness about the legal differences between different styles of cohabitation relationship, law’s dual and conflicting role in shaping regulated family structures whilst both protecting vulnerable family members inside and outside such structures and at the same time also offering socially acceptable standards of dispute resolution in this most personal of spheres.  相似文献   

This paper argues that large-scale land appropriation is displacing subsistence farmers and reworking agrarian social relations in northern Ghana. The recent wave of farmland enclosure has not only resulted in heightened land scarcity, but also fostered a marked social differentiation within farming communities. The dominant form of inequality is an evolving class of landless and near-landless farmers. The majority of households cope with such dynamics by deepening their own self-exploitation in the production process. The fulcrum of this self-exploitation is gendered property rights as part of the conjugal contract, with men exerting a far greater monopoly over land resources than had previously been the case. Due to acute land shortages, women’s rights to use land as wives, mothers and daughters are becoming insecure, as their vegetable plots are being reclassified as male-controlled household fields. The paper further documents the painful choices that landless farmers have to make in order to meet livelihood needs, including highly disciplined, yet low-waged, farm labor work and sharecropping contracts. In these livelihood pathways, there emerge, again, exploitative relations of production, whereby surplus is expropriated from land-dispossessed migrant laborers and concentrated with farm owners. These dynamics produce a ‘simple reproduction squeeze’ for the land-dispossessed. Overall, the paper contributes to the emerging land grabbing literature by showing geographically specific processes of change for large-scale mining operations and gendered differentiated impacts.  相似文献   

维护职工权益是工会的基本职责。北京市"十二五"时期职工发展规划提出了职工的六项权益,其中之一即是安全权,发挥工会的监督职能,有效维护职工的安全权,实现体面劳动是工会的主要任务之一。工会应注重源头参与,通过签订劳动安全卫生专项集体合同、帮助职工签订劳动合同、开展安康杯竞赛、强化班组安全文化建设、提高员工安全意识、参加事故调查等途径有效维护职工安全权。  相似文献   

研究选取广东省佛山市顺德区国家级和谐劳动关系综合试验区 162 家制造业企业为样本 , 分别 从企业、高管和员工三个层面来研究和谐劳动关系的影响因素。研究结果表明:企业管理规章制度不健全、民 主管理及民主制度化建设不足、解决劳动争议方式过于集中和单一、内部沟通渠道不够畅通是当前劳动关系存 在的主要问题。而劳动合同、薪酬水平、企业组织投诉受理、安全保护、劳动行政部门投诉受理、劳动环境等 6 个影响因素对和谐劳动关系有显着影响。据此,提出了提高劳动合同质量、改善工作环境、进一步提高员工待遇、 畅通员工诉求渠道、加强劳动争议调解网络体系建设、充分发挥党群组织和工会的作用、发挥社会组织的作用 等改善劳动关系的具体建议。  相似文献   

北京市各级工会结合各自的实际,大力加强平等协商和集体合同制度的建设,把这项制度作为维护职工合法权益的主要形式和工作载体.截止到2004年底,北京市签订集体合同的企业12533户,覆盖职工129万余人.目前北京市劳动和社会保障局、总工会和企业联合会正努力配合市人大、市法治办,积极开展<北京市集体合同条例>的立法调研、考察、论证、修改工作,力争推动此项地方法规尽早出台.  相似文献   

维护职工权益是工会的基本职责,维权的重点是要维护职工在劳动关系中依法享有的民主政治和劳动经济权益。工会通过民主管理制度和集体合同制度建设、推动职工权益的实现。当前,厂务公开民主管理中职代会建设和工资集体协商工作存在不规范、简单化及缺乏实效、质量不高的问题。必须依法落实职工知情权、参与权、表达权和监督权及拓展协商内容,规范协商程序,推动行业、工种(岗位)工资标准的制定,落实职工经济收入权,实现体面劳动,最终实现劳动关系的和谐与稳定。  相似文献   

劳动者劳动合同单方解除权是劳动者摆脱对雇主的依附关系,获得独立地位的保证,赋予劳动者劳动合同单方解除权的同时,亦有必要对该权利的行使进行限制,寻求劳动者与用人单位的利益平衡点,最终实现劳动者与用人单位的双赢.  相似文献   

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