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課文Kèwén Text (一) (Yī) Part One A.王芳,你参加課外活動小組了嗎? Wáng Fāng, nǐcānjiākèwài huódòng xiǎozǔle ma? Wang Fang, Have you joined any extracurricular groups? B.沒有啊。咱們學校有甚麽活動小組呀?  相似文献   

课文 Kèwén Text(一) (Yī) Part OneA.是北京中国语言文化学校吗?Shì Běijīng Zhōngguó Yǔyán Wénhuà Xuéxiào ma?Is that the Beijing School of Chinese Language and Culture?B.对.您找谁?Duì.Nín zhǎo shuí?Yes. To whom do you wish speak?  相似文献   

课文Kèwén Text(一) (Yī) Part OneA. 你好!李明.Nǐhǎo! LǐMíng.Hello! Li Ming.B. 你好!Nǐhǎo!  相似文献   

小王:听说小张明天结婚。 Xiǎo Wáng: Tīngshuō Xiǎo Zháng míngtiān jiéhūn. Xiao Wang: I hear Xiao Zhang is getting married tomorrow. 琳达:是吗?明天是9月29日。 Líndá: Shìma? Míngtiàn shì jiǔ yuè èr shí jiǔ rì.  相似文献   

课文Kèwén Text(一) (Yī) Parht One?小丽,祝你生日快乐,在新的一年里万事如意!这是我们送你的生日蛋糕.XiǎoLi, zhùnǐshēngrìkuàilè, zài xīn de rīnián lǐwàn shìrúyì! Zhèshìwǒmen sòng nǐde shēngrìdàngāo.Happy birthday, Xiao Li! We wish everything goes fine in the new year! This is the birthday cake we present to you.啊,是小明和小华,谢谢你们!快进来!  相似文献   

课文Kèwén Text(一) (Yi) Part OneA.王丽,你到哪儿去了?Wáng Lì, nǐdào nǎr qùle?Wang Li where were you?B.我去传达室接了一个电话,是我的朋友刘云打来的.李老师,下午我想请个假,行吗?Wǒqùchuándáshìjiēle yīge diànhuà, shìwǒde péngyou LiùYùn dǎlái de. LǐLǎoshī, xiàwūwǒxiǎng qǐng ge jià, xíng ma?  相似文献   

課文 kè wén Text (一) (Yī) Part One A.姐姐,快來看,月亮出來了,又大又圆。 Jiějie,kuài lái kàn,yuèliang chǖlaile,yòu dà yàu yuán Sister,come on and have a look.The moon has come out.It is big and round. B.太好了!今天的月亮真亮真美!妈妈,您也快來吧! Tài hǎo le!Jīntiān de yuèliang zhēn liàng zhēn měi! Māma,nín yě kuàilái ba! How wonderful!Today's moon is especially bright  相似文献   

課文 kèwén Text (一) (Yī) Part One A.爸爸,今天是春節了吧? Bàba,jīntiān shì Chūnjié le ba? Daddy,is it Spring Festival today? B.今天还不是春節。今天是農曆十二月三十,叫除夕。春節是正月初一。 Jīntiān hái búshìChūnjié.Jīntiān shì nónglì Shíèr  相似文献   

"Zhèjǐtiān wǒbùnéng qùshàng xuéle, kǒngpàyào làxiàbùshǎo gōngkè. Nǐnéng bāng wǒbǔbu kèma?"Xiǎo Huáhěn tòngkuài de huídá: "Dāngrán kěyǐ."Shàngkède shíhou, Xiǎo Huáměi cìdōu bǎlǎoshī  相似文献   

big tidy 13.客廳(名) kèting 14.喔(嘆) ō sitting-room oh 15.後面(名)hòumiàn 16.廚房(名) chúfáng at the back,at the rear kitchen 17.衛生间(名)wèishēngjiān 18.枱燈(名) táidēng toilet desk lamp 19.怎麼样(代)zěnmeyàng 20.漂亮(形) piàoliàng What do you think of…? pretty 21.張(量) zhāng 22.床(名) chuáng a measure word bed 23.衣櫃(名) yíguì 24.书桌(名) shūzhuō wardrobe desk 25.把(量) bǎ26.椅子(名) yǐzi  相似文献   

课文Kèwén Text(一) Yī Part OneA. 哥哥,六点半了,该起床了.Gēge, li?diǎnbàn le, gāi qǐchuáng le.Brother, it's half past six. It's time to wake up.B. 嗯.今天还下雨吗??n. Jīntiān hái xiàyǔ ma?Okay. Is it still raining today?  相似文献   

課文 kè wén Text (一) (Yī) Part One A.小文,你看看日曆,今年的清明節是不是四月五號。 Xiǎowén,nǐ kàn kan rìlì,jīnnián de Qīngmíngjié shì bǘshì sìyué wǔhào? Xiao Wen,look at the calendar.Does the Festival for the Dead(Clear and Bright Festival)fall on 5 April this year? B.爸爸,是。我們该給奶奶掃墓了。 Bàba,shì.Wǒmen gāi gěi nǎinai sǎomǜle. Yes,dad.We should go and pay our respects at  相似文献   

課文Kéwén Text (一) (Yī) Part One A.張叔叔,您早! Zhāng shūshu,nín zǎo! Good morning,uncle Zhang. B.你早!小麗,你現在在哪個學校上學呢? Nǐzǎo!Xiǎoiì.Nǐxiànzài zài něi ge xuéxiào shàng  相似文献   

A.爸爸,今天是周末,我不復習功課了。 Bàba,jìntiān shì zhōumò,wǒ bú fùxí gōngkè le. Daddy,it's the weekend.I'm not going to do my homework. B.你想幹什麼? Nǐ xiǎng gàn shénme? What do you want to do then? A.我想寫信。 Wǒ xiǎng xiě xìn. I'm going to write a letter.  相似文献   

課文 kè wén Text (一) (Yī) Part One A.哥哥,今天晚上我們吃西餐。 Gē ge,Jīn tiān wǎn shang wǒ men chī xī cān. Elder brother,we are going to have western food tonight. B.太好了。妈妈,有什麼菜? Tài hǎo le.Mā ma,yǒu shén me cài? That's very nice.Mom,What shall we have  相似文献   

I. Taking a Bus     
A:我想去天坛公园,你能告诉我坐哪路车吗?A:Wǒ xiǎng qù Tiāntán Gōngyuán,nǐ néng gàosùwǒ zuò nǎ lò chē ma?A:I want to go to the Temple of Heaven.Couldyou tell me which bus to take?B:从这儿走没有直接到达的车,你得中途倒车。B:Cóng zhèr zǒu méiyǒu zhíjiē dàodá de chē,nǐ děizhōngtú dǎochē.  相似文献   

Language Corner     
1.At the Post Office约翰:小姐,我要寄信。Yuēhan:Xiǎojiě,wǒ yào jìxìn.John:Excuse me,I want to send a letter.小姐:您是寄往国内,还是国外?Xiǎojiě:Nín shì jìwǎng guònèi,háishì guowai  相似文献   

課文 Kèwén Text (一) (Yī) Part One A.哥哥,我累了。 Gēge,Wǒlèi le。 Big brother,l'm tired。 B.你休息一會兒吧。你喝茶嗎? Nǐ xiūxi yīhuìr ba. Nǐ hé chá ma? Have a rest.Have some tea? A.喝。有紅茶嗎?  相似文献   

“斤”jīn (one jin is 0.5 of a kilogram) was first written as","depicting an axe. The first metal currency in China came in various shapes,including that of an axe, and “斤”later became a unit of weight. In ancienttimes one “斤”was equivalent to 16 liang (a smaller unit of weight) whichis the origin of the phrase“半斤八两”bànjīnbāliǎng (six of one and half a  相似文献   

Happy Holidays     
正As we know,Chinese people are diligent and love to work,but vacations and holidays are also a constituent part of their lives.In recent years,they have enjoyed more frequent and longer holidays.Days of are arranged according to传统节日(chuán t ng jiérì)traditional festivals.假期(jiàqī)are holiday breaks,and taking a holiday is to休假(xiūjià).When the Chinese are of work,they take a vacation away from home,that is,出行(chūxíng).There are many Chinese expressions for travelling,such as旅行(l  相似文献   

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