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古巴提出更新社会主义经济模式近年来,古巴领导人多次提出更新(actualizar)古巴社会主义经济模式.2009年9月1日,古巴外长布鲁诺·罗德里格斯在中国社会科学院发表演讲时强调,古巴正在建设一个有古巴特色的、土生土长的、更新的、现代的、民主的、有人民大众广泛参与的社会主义.2010年5月1日,古巴中央工会总书记萨尔瓦多·梅萨在五一节讲话中,号召工人和人民以巨大的努力和牺牲支持更新古巴的经济模式.  相似文献   

2012年10月26日-27日,"第十届中俄经济社会发展比较论坛"在北京召开。论坛由中央编译局俄罗斯研究中心、中国青年政治学院、俄罗斯圣彼得堡大学联合主办。来自中央编译局、俄罗斯圣彼得堡大学、俄罗斯圣彼得堡青年联盟、中国社会科学院、上海社会科学院、北京大学、清华大学、中国青年政治学院、中国农业大学等单位的专家学者出席了论坛。论坛以"全球化背景下  相似文献   

科学家在去年最后一期美国(科学)杂志上列出了2002年值得关注的六大热门科技领域。 干细胞研究 2002年,世界各国将明确干细胞研究的政策,科学家有可能获得新的人类胚胎干细胞源,并有可能将老鼠干细胞研究成果应用于人类胚胎干细胞研究。  相似文献   

俄哈两国的对外政策都将对方视为优先加强关系的伙伴国,这在实践中表现为两国关系近年来发展到了自苏联解体以来的最好水平。2003年作为俄罗斯的“哈萨克斯坦年”,两国为此采取了数百项措施来推进双边关系的发展。目前两国关系中主要关注的问题是加强经济合作、合作打击恐怖主义和毒品走私、哈境内俄罗斯人和边境领土互换问题、哈境内拜科努尔航天发射场和军事试验场的租赁等,以上问题的解决前景都很乐观。俄哈关系未来还将进一步提升。  相似文献   

正2020年通州区总工会工作将把组织建设放在第一位,加强职工思想政治引领,并着力提升职工职业技能助推经济社会发展。把更多的职工凝聚到工会组织中来,是通州区总工会在2020年的一项重要工作。区总工会将深入农民工、快递小哥等群体,让更多人入会,深入产业园区、商业楼宇等,让更多企业建会,让他们在服务城市副中心过程中享受到工会的关怀。  相似文献   

应俄罗斯统一俄罗斯党(以下简称统俄党)邀请,中共中央对外联络部副部长陈凤翔作为中共代表,于2007年9月26日至10月2日赴俄罗斯出席该党在莫斯科举行的第八次全国代表大会。统俄党十分重视中国共产党派代表与会,给予了热情友好的接待,并对代表团在出席大会之前赴伊尔库茨克州考察访问做出了周到的安排。访问增进了相互了解和友谊。促进了合作,达到了预期的目的。  相似文献   

2007年11月18—21日,由中央编译局比较政治与经济研究中心、俄罗斯研究中心、山东大学当代社会主义研究所与俄罗斯圣彼得堡大学联合举办的“第五届中俄经济社会发展比较论坛——社会转型与政党的变迁”国际学术研讨会在山东济南召开。参加这次会议的有来自中央编译局、中联部、  相似文献   

近几年来,随着北约东扩和美国鼓噪部署国家导弹防御系统(NMD),俄美矛盾日益明显.前不久美国<商业周刊>文章的标题是<俄美又退回冷战状态了吗?>;俄罗斯两大国家通讯社之一俄新社的评论标题则是<西方用铁幕孤立俄罗斯>.俄美两国如此口诛笔伐,几近于七八十年代苏美争霸时期的唇枪舌剑,惟一的不同只是失去了当初浓重的意识形态色彩.  相似文献   

欧亚地区:俄美争夺愈演愈烈   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
去年上半年,由美国主导的北约和美国盟友欧盟完成历史上最大规模的扩大,分别吸纳了中东欧7国和10国,此举从根本上改变了欧洲政治安全格局,极大地挤压了俄罗斯的战略空间。与此同时,美继续向俄的"后院"独联体渗透,与俄在乌克兰和白俄罗斯进行公开对决;继续向中亚地区渗透,对吉尔吉斯斯坦今年新一届议会,总统选举施  相似文献   

The adequacy of income of a household may be defined as the ratio of its income to the income level required to achieve the conventional standard of living in the socio‐economic group to which the household belongs. This concept has greater relevance than that of income for the study of consumer behaviour (e.g. propensity to save) and other social behaviour and pathologies. Income and need for income in a country do not necessarily rise proportionately over time, thus resulting in periods of declining, as well as periods of rising, income adequacy. Furthermore, in spite of the international demonstration effect, the need for income in developing countries is significantly lower than in developed countries resulting in a much smaller gap between income adequacies than between incomes.  相似文献   

德国近年经济和社会调控的特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
进入新世纪,尤其是2004年以来,德国通过改革和调整,修改和制定相关法律和政策,对经济和社会发展进行了全方位调控.这次重大举措令人瞩目,具有以下特点:  相似文献   

This article analyses the emergence of United Russia (Edinaya Rossiya) as a dominant party by examining the behaviour of Russia's governors. Using original data on when governors joined United Russia, the article demonstrates that those governors with access to autonomous political resources were more reluctant to join the dominant party. By showing that Russian elite members made their affiliation decisions on the basis of calculations about their own political resources rather than simply being coerced by the Kremlin, this article provides evidence for a theory of dominant party formation that casts the problem as a two-sided commitment problem between leaders and elites.  相似文献   

In this article it is argued that one must distinguish between the arbitrary, short-run power of the state and the long-run, infrastructural power of the state. Game theory concepts are used to illustrate these ideas and successful development is linked to the infrastructural power of the state. The evolution of the latter is related to culture/ideology and this is given operational meeting within the context of simple game theory. The historical experience of Japan is utilized to illustrate these ideas. Dr. Richard Grabowski is a professor of economics at Southern Illinois University-Carbondale. His research interests include the role of the developmental state in economic development. His work has appeared inWorld Development, Journal of Developing Areas, Economic Development and Cultural Change.  相似文献   

This article discusses how the release of small area microdata (SAM) from the 2001 UK Population Census could help provide better information in the policy-making process at sub-local authority spatial levels. An experimental set of SAM from the 1991 Census, provided by National Statistics, was used to develop a methodology which can provide SAM estimates of the effects of area at ward level, and can separate these spatial effects from compositional influences due to characteristics of the local area population. These SAM-based results appear to be at variance with census tabular data. It is concluded that 2001 Census SAM could provide an important further source of information for improved policy and target setting at the local area level.  相似文献   

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