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The authors present information about anatomical and topographical peculiarities of the patterns of the mucous membrane at the backside surface of the tongue in the immediate and late postmortem periods. The apparent dynamics of the structural changes on this surface does not exclude the possibility of using them as the criteria for personality identification within 1 month after death.  相似文献   

目的字群结构是汉字书写动作系统中高频率书写词汇而形成的特殊单字整体结构。其书写动作的习惯特性不同于单字书写动作系统,具有超出单字书写动作习惯的特性和特殊表现形式。因此对字群结构及其特征的研究有利于完善笔迹鉴定的特征体系,尤其是对签名字迹和具有职业习惯者书写的少量字迹的同一认定有一定价值。  相似文献   

信托内部权利结构探新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵许明 《法学论坛》2002,17(6):82-86
信托内部权利体系由信托主体对信托财产的权利和信托主体之间的权利构成。围绕对信托财产的权利 ,形成了英美法系的“双重财产权说”和大陆法系的“受托人所有权说”、“法主体说”、“均无所有权说”。这些学说 ,难以科学地说明信托财产权利的本质 ,同时 ,也影响到对各主体之间权利作出正确定位。准确构建信托内部权利结构 ,应当是委托人享有信托财产所有权 ,受托人享有管理经营权 ,受益人享有受益权。并在此基础上 ,对各信托主体之间的权利作出定位。  相似文献   

莫华善 《行政与法》2007,(12):92-93
在我国高等教育大众化进程中,出现高校办学规模扩大、投资渠道和资金来源多元化、基建项目增多、物资采购种类和数量增大、办学收费途径趋向灵活等现象,这些变化为高等学校的发展注入了新的活力,同时,也带来了许多新的问题,高等学校职务犯罪呈现明显的多发趋势。加强职务犯罪预防工作已成为高等教育健康发展的重要任务。  相似文献   

Hemorrhages of the tongue can be useful for the diagnosis in cases of lethal neck compression. The reported frequencies of tongue bleedings in the literature in cases of suicidal hanging range from 0 to 14% and in homicidal strangulation (str.) from 5 to 37%. This study gives a summary of the incidence and intensity of tongue bleedings in cases of homicidal str. by ligature, manual str., suicidal str. by ligature and suicidal hanging. In 25% of all homicides significant or massive hemorrhages of the tongue were detected. In contrast to this, in suicidal hanging the tongue was unaffected in 95%. The causes of massive hemorrhages here (2%) could be explained by an "abnormal" position of the loop.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2020,60(6):495-503
Bladed weapons are frequently encountered in violent crime offences including street based and armed robberies, murder, sexual assaults and terrorism. A study was conducted involving four frequently encountered clothing fabrics: t-shirt (knitted cotton), denim jeans (twill woven cotton), long sleeved top (knitted synthetic blend), and skirt (non-woven faux leather) and five knives to investigate any damage resulting from a downward stabbing motion, with 300 stabs in total. Any resultant penetrating severance damage was then photographed, measured and analysed. Statistical analysis revealed significant differences between the stab hole size and shape, as a consequence of the design of a bladed weapon (in particular, the tip shape) that caused it. There is a notable correlation between the Assure knife (rounded tip) and no resulting severance damage, as the fabric surfaces were not breached with this knife. This suggests a clear alternative to pointed tip knife blades. These findings will be of interest to investigators of knife crime offences, crime-reduction units, knife manufacturers and practitioners, who share the goal of identifying a safer alternative to conventional knife blade design.  相似文献   

管荣齐 《法学论坛》2003,18(6):57-61
世界上公司治理结构存在英美、德国、日本三种典型立法模式,各有利弊优劣,而中国公司治理结构的现行立法模式是集三者之大成,理应趋利避害、更胜一筹,但实际运行结果却不令人乐观。问题既在于中国公司法律规范不够明确、具体,缺乏可操作性,更在于中国公司治理结构在总体架构上存在严重缺陷,在实际中表现出"大股东操纵股东会"、"董事会形同虚设"、"独立董事不独立"、"监事会不监事"等突出问题。本着"立足现实,尊重科学"的思想,本文从基本层面对这些问题进行了分析,并在此基础上提出了解决这些问题的建议。  相似文献   

Business incubators are structurally complex and have resisted any major change to their internal structure, replicating throughout the world in large numbers, and delivering value through numerous models. A question, thus arises, what specific structural properties of incubators facilitate the organizational form’s replication and performance in a range of institutional contexts? In order to shed light on this question, an exploratory-inductive approach is adopted; and, utilizing the tools of organization theory, the internal environment of the business incubator is de-coded. This draws attention to attributes of the hybrid incubator-form’s internal structural properties that have not been discussed in the past, including de-coupling issues and the mis-alignment of managerial incentives with the actual role of incubating. These properties, rather than impacting incubators’ status, award incubators with ceremonial value and help their managements avoid close inspections of performance. This in turn, it is proposed, has allowed for their rapid replication in a variety of socio- cultural, economic and institutional contexts.  相似文献   

新《国家行政机关公文处理办法》是我国迄今为止法律效力和权威性最高的一个《办法》。同以往的《办法》相比,具有许多新的特点。  相似文献   

Patterns of the dorsal surface of the mucosa of the tongue was studied in order to detect its specific features in 749 normal subjects of both sexes aged 5-85 years (422 men and 327 women). Racial characteristics of the tongue mucosa structure were studied in 114 foreign students from Africa and Asia. Tongues of 272 corpses of both sexes were examined. A complex of modern methods was used: measurements of geometric parameters, plaster models, computer studies, etc. Unidimensional and multidimensional mathematical analysis helped detect the most significant identification signs of the mucosa of the tongue. The results enabled the authors to create a mathematical model of the tongue allowing identification of sex, age, and ethnic appurtenance.  相似文献   

This article shows how under the present legislation in the United Kingdom copyright may exist in speech, in particular in interviews and conversations, provided that the words are recorded and constitute an original work. The argument is illustrated and supported by reference to reported cases from throughout the common law world, as well as to news stories and interviews with individuals ranging from Lord Denning to Michael Jackson. Issues arising from the collection of oral history are also discussed. It is further argued that, in addition to the internal analysis of copyright itself, such protection for the spoken word can be justified by the privacy and personality interests of speakers in the use of what they say.  相似文献   

The tongue was examined for the presence of haemorrhages in 264 medicolegal autopsy cases. The tongue was sectioned transversely and examined macroscopically and microscopically. Haemorrhages were found in marginal and/or central parts of the tongue in 104 cases. Among them, 28 cases showed haemorrhages in central parts of the tongue. Those haemorrhages in central parts of the tongue were seen only in cases of severe ‘congestive death’. The possibility must therefore be considered of a severe ‘asphyxial death’, if haemorrhages are found in central parts of the tongue during autopsy.  相似文献   

110 stab-cut skin wounds in 34 dead bodies as well as 38 stab-cut instruments were studied. Three morphologic types of traces left by blade edges of stab-cut instruments, i.e. puncture, microrupture and microcut, were established. Gross and micromorphology of each of these traces depends on the properties of blade edges of stab-cut instruments.  相似文献   

One of the important resources to any state, such as California, is the technology that is available from the many federally operated and/or funded laboratories within its borders. In this age of technology a state needs to take advantage of applications of modern technology and innovative exploitation of human and natural resources. This article illuminates the importance of the Federal Government research laboratories. Many examples are presented to support the argument that the Federal Government research laboratories can be and often are substantial contributors to the storehouse of technology that finds its way to the private sector and public sector. Several types of technology transfer are discussed, i.e. primary technology, secondary applications, mission related, technical assistance and cooperative. In addition the article discusses the structure and logic of the Federal Laboratory Consortium for Technology Transfer (FLC). The legislaltion that has helped to make the FLC effective is discussed. Included in the discussion are insights of how the FLC operates and how the private sector and public sector may use the FLC in order to locate process, product and service technology.  相似文献   

根据双刃刺器刺创口推断刺器宽度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
解决根据皮肤创口推断刺器宽度的问题。实验在自愿捐献的12具男性尸体的胸部,用不同宽度和厚度的双刃匕首致创221个。应用法医学、解剖学及数理统计的理论和技术对创口形成机理、影响因素及其与刺器宽度的相关关系进行分析,得出了以下结论:刺器厚度与创口长度无明显相关,刺器宽度与创口长相关,创口回缩程度与创口方向及刺器宽度相关。并建立了两个最优回归方程,提出了一个根据皮肤双刃利器创口推断刺器宽度的方法。  相似文献   

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