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A Weighty Matter     
The inclusion of the third tranche of China's A-shares on British stock index provider FTSE Russell's Global Equity Index Series(GEIS)will kick off on March 23 according to schedule,raising the shares'index inclusion factor from 15 to 25 percent.The GEIS series includes more than 16,000 large,mid,small and micro cap securities across 49 developed and emerging markets.  相似文献   

A Weighty Matter     
Last year, Beijing resident Xiaoming wasdiagnosed with high blood pressure and blood sugar. These have come to beconsidered as part and parcel of professional lifein today's high-pressure world but the troublewas, Xiaoming was a 12-year-old in junior highschool.  相似文献   

正Labor services prices are expected to grow slowly while consumer inflationremains moderateThe labor market is important to the economy,as reflected by its impact on economic performance and the government’s decision-making process for related policies.Take the United States,for  相似文献   

正While maintaining Huangyan Island is part of Chinese territory, China calls for a diplomatic solution to disputes The diplomatic row over the Huangyan Island in the South China Sea is gradually quieting down as neither China nor the Philippines wants the situation to escalate,  相似文献   

When the People’s Republic of China was founded 70 years ago, much of the population went hungry as China was home to the largest number of impoverished people.  相似文献   

正On July 26,visiting U.S.Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman met with Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Vice Foreign Minister Xie Feng,respectively,in Tianjin.They were further diplomatic engagements between the two countries since their high-level strategic dialogue in Anchorage,the U.S.,in March.  相似文献   

SITUATED onLiulichang, Beijing's antique street is the architecturally important Songtangzhai Folk Carving Museum. Privately owned by manager Li Songtang's family, this gallery is a two-story building from the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) and is the best-preserved  相似文献   

ByHElDUOINGZUYlisanextreme-llytalentedandintelli-lJqpnfmanRPfnrPfri11vid-ingtheChinaXi'anInterpretersTrainingAcademy(CXITA),hehadbeenamechanical-electricalengineerandaforeignlangUageinstructoLHeiseloquentandaveryskilledwriteLIn1994,thenewCXITAcam-puswascompletedinXi'an,ShaanxiProvince.Situatedon15hectares,ithasafl00rspaceof6O,OOOsquaremeters.Ab0ut5,OOOstudentsnowstudyoncampus,referredtobylocalpeopleas"China'sHarvard."DingZuyifoundedthisschoolinl987.Throughhishardworkthescho…  相似文献   

<正>Cultural beliefs and a flawed donation system stem the flow of in-demand organs for operations For 33 years,a woman surnamed Feng lived an uneventful life in the countryside of Rizhao City,east China’s Shandong Province.Handicapped since her youth,Feng had limited mobility and was only able to complete schooling  相似文献   

正A surgeon’s decades-long dedication in the operation theaterSix operations a day,more than 30 years in a row,no vacation,no spare time.Meet Liu Peng,who has been working as a cardiac surgeon in the Beijing-based China-Japan Friendship Hospital since 1984."I come to the office at 8 a.m.and start operating right away,"Liu,Director of the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery and  相似文献   

The private sector is a major driving force behind China’s economic growth.The current global economic situation and certain policy hurdles,however,are making it di cult for the country’s smaller private businesses to stay afloat.  相似文献   

China will encourage more private and foreign investment in hospitals and clinics The State Council on December 3 announced new policies to encourage private and foreign capital in China’s medical sector to meet the country’s  相似文献   

私有财产是社会生产力发展的结果 ,又是生产力发展不足的表现。社会因人们占有私有财产的多少 ,而形成不同的阶层 ,不同阶层之间的经济利益既有对立 ,也有统一 ,在以生产资料公有制占主导地位的社会主义社会 ,只有利益的差别 ,而且统一是主要的。在中国特色社会主义制度下 ,社会不同阶层之间具有共同的根本利益 ,党的十六大关于新的社会阶层的形成与作用和社会主义劳动价值论的特征 ,是科学社会主义理论的新发展  相似文献   

污染环境犯罪刑法条文的修改及司法解释的出台为依法严厉打击污染环境犯罪提供了强有力的保障,但是由于该类犯罪主观形态模糊、行政与刑事司法衔接不畅、相关证据标准不明确、检察机关提前介入机制不健全等因素,致使在实践中出现立案难、认定难、定罪难等问题,从而直接影响到刑法惩治预防价值功能的发挥,以及执法办案社会效果、法律效果和政治效果的实现。因此,实务部门必须吃透刑法条文本意,遵循司法运作规律,健全相关机制,提高办案质量,为本地经济社会的科学发展保驾护航。  相似文献   

山西票号作为中国古近代的民间金融机构,自唐产生以来一度兴盛,特别是太平天国之后急剧兴盛;但辛亥革命后,山西票号不可逆转地步入了衰落。大量史料表明,山西票号的“兴与衰”与清政府和各级官员有着密切的关系。  相似文献   

MOST private Chinese enterprises are located in the country's southeast coastal region,including Jinjiang City in Fujian Province,Wenzhou City in Zhejiang Province and Dongguan City in Guangdong Province.These enterprises are mainly engaged in traditional labor-intensive manufacturing,such as footwear, garments,textiles,plastics,electronic components,and metal or non-metal products.However,in 2008 signs of a global economic slowdown have appeared.  相似文献   

In Private     
Iwould be lying if I told you that when,back in October, one of my studentspeered over the toilet stall door to wishme a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, itwas the first and only time I have scrambledto hide my dignity in China. Ten monthslater, and as I swiftly avert my eyes from the  相似文献   

<正>On the sidelines of a Chinese-American think tank forum that took place in Beijing in mid-December,a group of prominent scholars answered questions from Chinese media professionals on a range of issues.They spoke candidly about problems hindering bilateral ties and proposed ways to prevent them from escalating.Beijing Review reporter Liu Yunyun brought their opinions back to present them to our readers.Edited excerpts follow:  相似文献   

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