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掠夺性定价一般表现为企业为排挤、制约竞争对手或阻碍竞争对手进入市场而在相当长的一段时期内故意将价格设置于其成本之下。其目的是为将竞争对手逐出市场并随后设定高于竞争水平的价格,以收回前期降价的损失。《中华人民共和国反垄断法》以及其他相关的法律法规都包含了禁止掠夺性定价的规定。然而,对于掠夺性定价中的一些具体问题还没有相应的法制规章提供指引和解读,再加上此类案件法院判决的先例在中国现阶段还属少见,因此,本文将详细讲解近年来美国和欧盟的经济学家、反垄断机构以及法院对此类经典案件(如Wanadoo案等)的审理分析经验与趋势,以供借鉴。  相似文献   

湛茜 《金陵法律评论》2010,18(1):100-110
21世纪技术的飞速发展促使企业积极突破传统的商标保护模式,寻求新型的非传统品牌推广方式。非传统商标能够以更直接、更迅速的方式为消费者所接受,在消费者意识中建立产品与该商标之间的联系,从而给商家带来竞争优势。传统商标由文字、数字、字母、图案或上述要素的组合构成。非传统商标则包括多种型态,一般包括立体、颜色、声音以及气味商标等。本文试图从对欧盟和美国的有关非传统商标的注册保护制度和实践进行比较研究,以期为我国寻求海外非传统商标注册保护的企业提供一些参考,并为我国《商标法》第三次修改提供一些相关建议。  相似文献   

专利权用尽原则的售后限制是涉及用尽原则性质的重要课题,基于自身利益的考量,欧盟和美国采取了不同的态度.虽然专利权人售出专利产品之后获得了报酬,但是其对于购买者的使用或转售同样具有重要利益.按照不同的标准,专利权用尽原则的售后限制存在多种表现形式.通常,使用权限制和销售权限制会受到反垄断法的规制.我国应深入研究和借鉴国外成果,探索适合我国国情的作法.  相似文献   

In investigating the operation of the rescue culture in the Commonwealth Caribbean as compared to the United Kingdom administration regime and Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code, this paper laments that the Commonwealth Caribbean and the USA fail to consider key issues of post-petition priority for finance. It also delves into a critical, but overlooked, pillar of strong rescue frameworks: access to finance. Taking guidance from the European Union framework on state aid and the UK Funding for Lending and National Loan Guarantee, the author proposes a fair, transparent and efficient framework encompassing state involvement and state-driven private sector engagement.  相似文献   

Legal context. Dilution by blurring has often been accused ofbeing a vague concept which is difficult to understand and whichhas no sensible limits. Mindful of the need for certainty inthis area, the US Senate and House of Representatives have passedthe Trademark Dilution Revision Act 2006. This Bill (which isdiscussed more generally in Part I) includes a definition ofblurring and a six-point test for blurring. Meanwhile, the EuropeanUnion has been steadily building up jurisprudence in this area. Key points. This part of the article focuses on dilution byblurring, considering how blurring is defined, how it is testedfor and whether US and EU blurring protection is in compliancewith the jurisdictions’ international obligations in thisarea (discussed in Part I). In particular, it considers thenew definition of, and test for, blurring under the US TrademarkDilution Revision Act 2006, and compares the position underthat Bill to the situation in the EU. Practical significance. Assuming that it enters into law, theRevision Act 2006 has serious implications for the proprietorsof famous marks doing business in the US. This article willinform the owners of such marks what protection they will benefitfrom and how this will differ from the protection they willget in the EU.  相似文献   

国际经济格局的深刻变化引发了美欧印中等主要贸易体贸易政策的变化.这种变化主要体现为其外贸法、外资法和出口管制法的修改,而国际习惯法和国际经济条约对这种修改的约束有限.美欧印中的代表性国际经济法理论分别为"制度管理说"、"规范承诺说"、"贸易民主论"和"责任共担论",这些理论反映了各贸易体的国际经济法传统和理念.以这些理...  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the different approaches for Internet regulation. We use the United States and European Union to illustrate the alternative approaches of self-regulation and government intervention. Our research suggests that both systems have serious shortcomings that could be ameliorated by the use of a mixed system for Internet regulation in which both the private and public sector have a role. The case study of privacy rights self regulation in the United States and its failure to effectively provide privacy regulation serves as our empirical evidence. We provide guidelines for both the government and the private sector in defining and enforcing privacy regulation. JEL Classification K33 · K2 · L51 · L86 · O57  相似文献   

This article examines the soft-law politics of regulating behaviours on the internet in the European Union (EU) context. It shows the struggles behind internet standards, and delegation of power to commercial actors, while looking at spam and web-cookies as a case study. This article argues that by creating a false division between private and public spaces on the internet, it was possible to legitimize certain practices over others, despite being similar. In this way, spam was categorized as unsolicited communication associated with private space, whereas web-cookies were categorized as wanted communication in public space. By influencing and lobbying EU legislation and Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) technical standards, the advertising industry and tech companies simultaneously authorize and institutionalize their own practices and illegalize people’s ‘problematic’ behaviour and other advertising companies. In this way, EU legislation and internet standards create a naturalized discourse that institutionalizes the roles of different actors in the online market, while emphasizing the central role of commercial actors in creating, defining, managing and enforcing the online market. Thus, spam operates as a regulatory tool applied to any type of behaviour that can interfere with the functioning of the EU e-commerce.  相似文献   

美国、日本和欧盟的转基因生物技术不仅代表世界发展的最高水平,同时还主导该领域知识产权保护的国际趋势.它们制定了明确的转基因生物知识产权发展战略,同时建立了较为完备、适合本国(地区)的转基因生物知识产权保护体系.通过深入分析、总结美日欧盟转基因生物知识产权发展的特点和经验,对于完善我国转基因生物知识产权保护并与国际接轨具有重要的启示意义.  相似文献   

规范暂缓起诉——以美国缓起诉制度为借鉴   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
虽然近年来全国各地基层人民检察院推行的暂缓起诉违背了现行<刑法>和<刑事诉讼法>的规定,但是暂缓起诉既可以节约司法资源,也有利于犯罪嫌疑人改过自新.本文认为,应该由中央司法体制改革领导小组制定统一规范暂缓起诉的法规,在制定该法规时,应该适当借鉴美国缓起诉制度的合理因素,明确规定暂缓起诉的适用对象、条件、暂缓起诉协议的内容和暂缓起诉的效力及其监督机制.  相似文献   

The thought of a large biotech company holding an exclusive right to research and manipulate human genetic material provokes many reactions--from moral revulsion to enthusiasm about the possibilities for therapeutic advancement. While most agree that such a right must exist, debate continues over the appropriate extent of its entitlements and preclusive effects. In this Article, Professor Donna Gitter addresses this multidimensional problem of patents on human deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) sequences in the United States and the European Union. Professor Gitter chronicles not only the development of the law in this area, but also the array of policy and moral arguments that proponents and detractors of such patents raise. She emphasizes the specific issue of patents on DNA sequences whose function has not fully been identified, and the chilling effect these patents may have on beneficial research. From this discussion emerges a troubling realization: While the legal framework governing "life patents" may be similar in the United States and the European Union, the public perceptions and attitudes toward them are not. Professor Gitter thus proposes a dual reform: a compulsory licensing regime requiring holders of DNA sequence patents to license them to commercial researchers, in return for a royalty keyed to the financial success of the product that the licensee develops; and an experimental-use exemption from this regime for government and nonprofit researchers.  相似文献   

The recent proliferation of Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs) in the last two decades raises questions about the paradigm shift from the multilateral trading system of the World Trade Organization (WTO) to bilateral and regional preferential trade arrangements. Even more questionable is the fact that the United States of America (USA) and the European Union (EU), among the other trading powers of the world, are leading the use of RTAs to the detriment and neglect of non-discriminatory trade liberalisation. It has been suggested that neo-colonialism may be the motivation for the use of RTAs by the USA and the EU as their international trade policy of choice within a broader competitive process for imperial domination of their preferential trading partners. This article reviews this suggestion in order to propose an alternative explanation for the RTA practice of the USA and the EU.  相似文献   

The first commercial dispute settled by the WTO under the Sanitary and Phytosanitary Agreement concerned the disagreement between the European Communities and the United States over the European import ban on meat and meat products derived from cattle to which hormones have been administered for growth promotion purposes. The purpose of this paper is twofold: First, we analyse the WTO's approach to the notion of risk in the use of hormones and the role this played in reaching its decision to declare the EC ban on hormone-treated beef imports inconsistent with its obligations under the Sanitary and Phytosanitary Agreement. Second, we discuss the way in which the precautionary principle has been dealt with in the settlement of this conflict. We then show how this dispute has paved the way to a debate on the concept of protectionism to be applied in this kind of dispute. The European Commission in a recent communication on the precautionary principle has launched this debate.  相似文献   

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