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正编辑同志:《行政机关公务员处分条例》第十七条第二款规定,"行政机关公务员依法被判处刑罚的,给予开除处分。"执纪实践中,给予被依法判处刑罚的行政机关公务员开除处分应如何履行处分程序?读者:安徽小汪小汪同志:根据公务员法第五十七条和《行政机关公务员处分条例》第三十四条规定。对行政机关公务员给予处分,由任免机关或者监察机关按照干部人事管理权限和规定的程序作出处分决定。其中,监察机关应依照行政监察法及其实施条例的规定办理;任免机关应依照《行政机关公务员处分条例》第四章"处分的权限"和第五章"处分的程序"办理。如被依法判处刑罚  相似文献   

A Profession?     

A Break?     
Since the financial crisis of 2008 we have seen a rise in suicides across the world. Greece for example in 2011 saw a sustained increase in suicides of 35.7%. In this article I draw our attention to well-publicized suicides that took place in Greece. I focus on the suicide notes left behind. The suicide notes, I suggest, can be read as offering us a critique of the anxious times in which we find ourselves. They are offering us a critique in two senses: (a) a critique of the way we are being governed (through austerity memorandums and a neoliberal logic); and (b) a critique of the affirmative ways of responding towards the financial crisis (through occupations, demonstrations etc.). Consequently these suicide notes can be read as a demand for having a break from this neoliberal logic and organization of life and asking us to re-imagine our social and political realm. In arguing thus, the article draws on Sigmund Freud, Michel Foucault, Wendy Brown and others.  相似文献   

Danilo Zolo 《Ratio juris》1999,12(4):429-444
Analyzing different works and in particular Habermas' reflection on Kant, the author reconstructs, first, his approach to international law and his political and legal cosmopolitanism. Second, he presents some critical observations on Habermas' cosmopolitanism in the context of his more general discursive theory of law and state. In this perspective, he discusses the problems of peace and of the role of the United Nations, the strategy of protection of human rights, and the question of world citizenship. He argues that Habermas' cosmopolitanism is a radicalization of Kantian tradition based on a centralization of international power and a cosmopolitan law. Finally, he develops realist arguments in favour of a non-globalistic conception of international law. 1 Abstract by Giorgio Bongiovanni.

A hopeless case?     
In a hollow covered with earth, a herb gatherer discovered a severely decomposed corpse mutilated by scavenging animals. Only small areas of the skin had remained intact. A conspicuous tattoo could still be distinguished on the left upper arm. Despite concrete evidence of violence (fracture in the occipital bone, subdural hemorrhage with a volume of 20 ml), the exact cause of death could no longer be established. Police enquiries identified a person in whom such a conspicuous tattoo had been photographed in an earlier criminal case. Eventually, the deceased person could be identified by DNA analysis of a stored blood alcohol specimen. Considered together, the autopsy findings and the results of the investigation of traces of blood on the putative tool used in the crime indicated that the man had been struck dead and the body had afterwards been buried in the wood. Although the prospects of success had been initially slight, it was not only possible to identify the victim, but also to reconstruct the crime.  相似文献   

赵晨熙 《法人》2015,(1):82-84
作为经济晴雨表的中国股市,近期上演了一出"神话":在经历了长达7年的"熊市"之后,迎来了短暂的"牛就市"行遭遇"情,1过山2月8日车"行突破情,9 3000点日下午,9日开盘后开盘后,股指,更就大}是冲上3100点。有人欢呼"牛市"来了。然而,欢呼声还未落地,A股幅跳水,全天沪指振幅逾8%,深指振幅近9%,当日,沪深两市共有170多只个股跌停。此后多天,股指一路震荡前行,截至12月16日收盘,又冲破了3000点。跌宕的股市"神话",让股民惊心不已,也让评论界躁动起来。针对这次是否真的牛市到来的论争在发酵,关于股市背后的操纵者以及监管问题的讨论也正如火如荼。如何让股市回归市场,促进中国股市的良性发展,或许是短时间内不会消停的话题。  相似文献   

开栏的话:新的一年,《监察文摘》这一新栏目与大家 见面了。这个栏目将摘编各地纪检监察期刊和其他报刊中的一些有新意的文章、有参考价值的观点。我们真诚地希望广大读者积极为我们推荐稿件,使这个栏目成为广大纪检监察干部和其他读者学习的新园地。 报载,某司法部门制定的“十不准”,有力地促进了司法公正,效果良好。但当笔者读到其“十不准”的具体内容时,颇感吃惊。现摘其主要,以“飨”读者:不准徇私枉法;不准贪赃卖法;不准索贿受贿;不准欺压群众…… 看到这些“不准”,我不由得想狗尾续貂:不准割耳朵、鼻子;不准帮助犯…  相似文献   

王赫 《法人》2013,(10):78-79
在并购重组审核实施分道制之后,将明显减少项目的时间周期,大大提高上市公司并购重组的审核效率,并激发券商在这类业务上的兴趣由于IPO暂停以及政策支持,A股市场掀起了一股并购重组和借壳热潮。统计显示,今年以来推出并购重组预案、并购重组获批或已实施的上市公司分别达到236家和79家。相较于往年,这一数字呈现井喷之势。证监会近日表示,并购重组分道制审核将于10月8日起正式实施。按照证监会规定,来自九大行业、符合三条标准的上市公司并购重组将可以进入豁免/快速审核通道。以前,证券公司将很多精力都投注在  相似文献   

江苏省铜山县茅村梅庄小学陈勇问:合污罪的立村里围宁丁伟人吊和卖林管拥蜂老围)的人员。A为机关工作人员,九六年退休,九七千二月份本包fA原在机关兴办的某企业。今查,至九八年五月A承包该企业期间采用多种手段非法攫取了该企业50多万元。问:()是台为贪污罪主体?(2)A的行为是否已构成贪污罪?答:A是贪污犯罪的主体;A的行为已构成贪污罪。贪污罪,是指国家工作利用职务上的便利,侵吞、窃取、骗取或者以其他手段非法占有公共财物的行为。此罪的犯罪主体是特殊主体,必须是国家工作人员,包括以下五类:()国家工作人员,即…  相似文献   

胡一 《法人》2006,(6):30-33
中国A股市场五年来最大的牛市突然降临。这究竟是市场环境发生根本变化的重要拐点,还是又一波不怀好意的玩笑?  相似文献   

2004年年11月16日中午,公安部通缉的A级杀人逃犯马汉庆被警方押解出三亚看守所,前往机场,乘坐当天下午的航班经北京前往乌鲁木齐。这个罪大恶极的杀人逃犯藏匿八年之久,在海南结婚且有一女。谁也不会想到,这样一个沾满血腥的杀人狂在欺骗了世人的同时,也欺骗了与之生活多年的妻子。在妻子面前他是一个体贴的好丈夫,在女儿面前他是一个慈祥的好父亲。一半是温顺,一半是血腥。笔者经过多次采访和了解,揭示了马汉庆的双面人生……  相似文献   

兰溪 《检察风云》2014,(18):10-12
据权威数据调查,目前,中国奢侈品市场消费总量已经达到126亿美元,占据全球份额的28%,中国已成为全球最大的奢侈品消费国家,中国人境外奢侈品消费总额也是世界第一。2013年9月19日,淘宝最大的名牌高仿店女店主姚海静被抓。开网店不过短短三年的她,就将网店发展为三蓝冠的高信誉网店,为了能让自己的货品做到与真品相差无几,她几次飞往法国并混迹戛纳电影节,记录时下最流行的时尚单品,回国再生产后推为网店的热卖宝贝。凭借这种“敬业”精神,姚海静的网店迅速壮大,成为同行业的龙头老大,6个月的销售额就达2000多万元,买家70余万人次。  相似文献   

哈市追踪 1995年12月1日至1997年3月,黑龙江省大庆市区内连续发生以企、事业单位财会室、办公室为侵害目标的盗窃案件29起,共撬盗财会室28个、金柜25个、办公室39个,被盗现金和各类物品总价值14万余元。进入1996年8月份以后,犯罪嫌疑人作案频率不断加快,10月16日至11月3日仅半个多月的时间就连续作案13起,1997年元月13日一天就连续作案3起。随着作案频率的加快,犯罪嫌疑人作案手段也十分恶劣,他们胆大妄为,不计后果。1996年10月16日,3名犯罪嫌疑人竟以保卫科查夜为名,将大庆总机厂铆焊二分厂更夫控制在值班室内另外2名歹徒侵入财会室撬盗金柜;1996年10月27日晚,大庆市啤酒厂经警在巡逻中发现有5人正在撬盗金柜,上前抓捕时却遭到歹徒的砖头袭击。  相似文献   

It has long been recognised by British courts that a psychiatrist can be permitted to depart from his/her duty of confidentiality, in order to issue a warning where a patient is deemed to present a real and serious threat to other parties. Until recently, however, it seemed that s/he would not be bound to give such a warning, or to take other steps to protect third parties. The approach adopted throughout much of the USA, and famously expounded in the Tarasoff judgment, appeared to have no relevance to British law. This article considers the possibility that the European Court of Human Rights' ruling in Osman v UK may be set to bring about a radical change in this respect, introducing something akin to the Tarasoff approach into the UK, and indeed throughout Europe. As well as the possible legal basis for such a duty, and the circumstances in which it would arise, it will consider how a psychiatrist might reconcile any such duty with other, more established, legal and ethical duties.  相似文献   

近年来应用淋巴细胞杂交瘤技术制备抗A和抗B单克隆抗体(McAb)已取得成功.池本卯典等认为单克隆抗体可以作为一种新的血型分型试剂用于血型分型,血痕检查等工作. 我们应用杂交瘤技术获得一杂交瘤细胞株2G_(12),该细胞株稳定分泌IgM类抗A单克隆抗体(2G_(12)/A).培养上清液中抗A抗体效价为64~128,诱生腹水中抗A抗体  相似文献   

5月20日,大华股份A股(证券代码:002236)在深圳证券交易所正式挂牌上市,这标志着浙江大华技术股份有限公司的发展进入一个新的里程。大华股份成立于2001年,经过7年多的发展,依靠产品和技术的不断创新,强大的品牌资源和完善的销售网络,已跻身中国安防产业领导厂商行列。  相似文献   

建立一种快速MVR-PCR分析方法,对中国汉族群体样本进行小卫星MS31A(D7S21基因座)分型及其频率调查。采用同位素掺入扩增和中性聚丙烯酸胺凝胶电泳分离技术。对200名无关个体血液样品的分析结果表明,每一样品MVR-PCR图谱均可获得近40条谱带。经计算机编码分析,不同个体的编码均不相同。MS31A前40个重复单位1、2、3、4型的频率分别为25.3%,27.2%,47.3%和0.2%;DP值可达99.999999999999%;四代家系分析表明:亲代小卫星MS31A的重复单位可稳定地传递给子代,符合孟德尔遗传规律。灵敏度分析显示:该技术最低能检测出1ng的基因组DNA.MW-PCR分析方法在法医学个人识别方面具有应用价值。  相似文献   

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