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Ohne Zusammenfassung Der nachstehende Text ist eine überarbeitere Fassung der Laudatio für Malachi Haim Hacohen anl?sslich der überreichung des Victor-Adler-Staatspreises in Wien am 25. April 2003. Hacohen erhielt diesen Preis für sein Werk „Karl Popper — the Formative Years, 1902–1945. Politics and Philosophy in Interwar Vienna“, Cambridge: University Press 2000.  相似文献   

Résumé Après un développement endoparasite, la larve dePhanerotoma flavitestacea Fischer devient ectoparasite et sarcophage des chenilles d'Anagasta kuehniella. L'analyse chimique de la larve ectoparasite in toto, avant et après ingestion de l'h?te d'une part, des ressources alimentaires du parasite constituées par la chenille d'autre part permet de dresser un bilan biochimique. Le poids sec de la larve, ainsi que les lipides, les substances azotées et le glycogène subissent une augmentation importante et significative au cours de la phase sarcophage, en un temps relativement court. Les taux de conversion de la nourriture ingérée en substances du corps ont des valeurs élevées, ce qui indique que la larve ectoparasite assimile avec un très bon rendement les matières ingérées. Il faut également noter la nature nettement lipidique du catabolisme au cours de cette phase. Les résultats acquis sur la composition qualitative et quantitative des constituants du parasite sont discutés également en relation avec son alimentation.
Summary After an endoparasitic development, the larva ofPhanerotoma flavitestacea becomes ectoparasitic and sarcophagous ofAnagasta kuehniella caterpillars. The chemical analysis of the ectoparasitic larva in toto, before and after the ingestion of the host, and of the parasite's food, permits the establishment of a rationale for larval biochemistry. The larval dry weight, lipids, nitrogenous matters and glycogen are subject to a high and significant increase, during a comparatively short period: however, the proportions of each component are not significately modified. Efficiencies of conversion of ingested food to body substance have high values which indicate that the ectoparasitic larva assimilates the ingested food with high efficiency. During this period, the nature of catabolism is lipidic. The results concerning the qualitative and quantitative composition of the parasite's components in relation to its food are discussed.

Zusammenfassung Hundert Jahre Hannah Arendt sind ein guter Anlass, sich die Zeit — und den Platz — zu nehmen, an diese ungew?hnliche politische Denkerin zu erinnern. Sie war und ist eine Ausnahmeerscheinung, und das bedeutet auch, dass ihr Blick auf die Welt und ihre Methode der Begründung politischer Theorie oft umstritten, aber eines niemals war: langweilig. Ihre Ideen widersprachen h?ufig der g?ngigen politischen und politikwissenschaftlichen Diskussion. Aber ihr Urteil erwies sich auch oft als weitsichtiger als das ihrer Kritiker. Sie zu würdigen in ihrer Rolle als unabh?ngige politische Theoretikerin, einen — wenn auch nur kurzen — Spot zu werfen auf ihr Leben, ihr politisches Denken und ihr Werk, ist Anliegen dieses Kommentars. Doch hundert Jahre sind kein Anlass, Hannah Arendt als eine Art „historisches“ Ph?nomen zu betrachten. Ihr Denken ist ungebrochen aktuell und immer noch abseits des Mainstreams. Am Beispiel der Diskussion um die Integrationspolitik in Deutschland m?chte ich zeigen, dass Hannah Arendt uns neue — vermutlich umstrittene — Perspektiven in dieser Diskussion er?ffnet und uns davor warnt, politische Probleme, die sich durch das Faktum der Zuwanderung ergeben, als religi?se Konflikte zu interpretieren. Darüber hinaus ist sie der Meinung, dass gesellschaftliche und kulturelle Integration sich staatlich nicht erzwingen l?sst — und dies auch nicht wünschenswert sei. Die Differenzierung des gesellschaftlichen Lebens in eine Vielzahl voneinander abgegrenzter Gruppen sei vielmehr ein Garant gegen die Tyrannei des Konformismus.  相似文献   

Has there been a structural change in the way U.S. presidents use force abroad since the nineteenth century? In this article, I investigate historical changes in the use of force by U.S. presidents using Bayesian changepoint analysis. In doing so, I present an integrated Bayesian approach for analyzing changepoint problems in a Poisson regression model. To find the nature of the breaks, I estimate parameters of the Poisson regression changepoint model using Chib's (1998) hidden Markov model algorithm and Frühwirth‐Schnatter and Wagner's (2006) data augmentation method. Then, I utilize transdimensional Markov chain Monte Carlo methods to detect the number of breaks. Analyzing yearly use of force data from 1890 to 1995, I find that, controlling for the effects of the Great Depression and the two world wars, the relationship between domestic conditions and the frequency of the use of force abroad fundamentally shifted in the 1940s.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this articles: Vinovskis, Maris A. 1988. An “Epidemic” of Adolescent Pregnancy? Steven Rathgeb Smith and Susan Freinkel. 1988. Adjusting the Balance: Federal Policy and Victim Services William P. Browne. 1988. Private interests, public policy, and American agriculture Philip B. Heymaim. 1987. The Politics of Public Management  相似文献   

Mr. Natural     
Paul Burkett: Marx and Nature: A Red and Green Perspective. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1999.

James O'Connor: Natural Causes: Essays in Ecological Marxism. New York: Guilford, 1998.  相似文献   

We explore the foundations of the legislative party cartel, as theorized by Cox and McCubbins (1993, 2005) , to determine how majority‐party moderates who suffer net policy losses from the majority leadership's use of negative agenda control are kept from defecting from the cartel arrangement. First, we identify formally the group of majority‐party members who are net policy losers. We find that those members occupying the initial 30% of the space within the majority‐party blockout zone—that space closest to the floor median—are hurt on a pure policy basis by the cartel arrangement. Second, we find that members in this “30% zone” are rewarded disproportionately by majority‐party leaders (relative to members in other intervals on the same side of the floor median) via side payments in the form of campaign contributions. In addition, majority‐party members within the 30% zone receive side payments commensurate with their particular policy loss.  相似文献   

He is the author of Abortion and the Private Practice of Medicine(1986) and editor of The Feeling Intellect: Selected Writings of Philip Rieff(1990). He also edited (with Alan Woolfolk) a volume of Thomas G. Masaryk’s major writings entitled Constructive Sociological Theory(1994), published by Transaction. He is the current editor of The American Sociologist.  相似文献   

Ohne Zusammenfassung “In zehn Jahren werden 80% der Wirtschaftsgesetzgebung, vielleicht auch der steuerlichen und sozialen, gemeinschaftlichen Ursprungs sein.“ Rede von Jacques Delors am 6.7.1988 vor dem Europ?ischen Parlament (Nr. 2-367/157)  相似文献   

This article challenges the erstwhile historical reliance upon the memoirs of the key protagonist of British Scientific Intelligence during the Second World War. Meticulous archival research has confirmed that the history of the genesis of British Scientific Intelligence has been distorted by the legacy and legend of R.V. Jones and his memoirs entitled Most Secret War. This article confirms that British Intelligence success in this regard was not solely the result of one man’s heroic accomplishments but, in reality, involved many individuals and organisations whose valuable exploits have been hidden in the shadows by Most Secret War.  相似文献   

Ohne Zusammenfassung „A date which will live in infamy.“ (Franklin D. Roosevelt über den 7. Dezember 1941) „The Pearl Harbor of the 21 st century took place today.“ (George W. Bush am 11. September 2001) Für Anregungen bin ich Thomas Gschwend, Max Kaase, Albert-Leo Norpoth und Altfrid Norpoth dankbar.  相似文献   

In this case study we want to reduce the gap in research on the influence of organized interests at the federal state level. We analyse the “Gesetz zur Stärkung von innerstädtischen Geschäftsquartieren” (INGE) by applying social network analysis and statistical models. First, we show that the set of actors changes compared to the federal level. Second, we find that striving for influence pays off for non-state actors because influential actors find themselves close to the law. Third, we explain the degree of the actors’ influence. An OLS-regression shows that formal resources like governmental power as well as informal resources such as expertise and support increase influence. The use of informal resources is reflected in interactions in communication networks and specific network positions. Furthermore, we discuss this specific process of interaction between state and societal actors from the point of view of democratic theory.  相似文献   

Greg Russell 《Society》1994,31(2):80-84
He is the author of Hans J. Morgenthau and the Ethics of American Statecraft,in addition to numerous articles on realism and American foreign policy. His most recent book is John Quincy Adams and the Public Virtues of the Diplomatist.  相似文献   

Examinations of the sociodemographic group foundations of presidential voting and electoral coalitions rely on national samples (e.g., the American National Election Studies). However, recent developments in the state party and electoral change literature suggest variation across the United States in the group bases of political coalitions and in the process of electoral adjustment. Moreover, the strategic implications of the electoral college suggest a focus on state electorates. We estimate multivariate, group-based logit models of presidential vote choice using 1988 CBS/ New York Times and 1992 Voter Research and Surveys exit poll data from each of the largest states. Our results reveal noteworthy variation in the nature of group influences on presidential voting, in the composition of presidential electoral coalitions, and in cleavage structures across the states. This mapping exercise suggests limitations in theoretical and empirical accounts of presidential voting, political cleavage, and electoral change that do not accommodate the geopolitical diversity of the United States.  相似文献   

Ohne Zusammenfassung Ich danke meiner Mitarbeiterin Andrea Iff für ihren eigenen Diskussionsbeitrag zum Thema, von dem ich viel gelernt habe, sowie Adrian Vatter und Stephan Heichel (Universit?t Konstanz) für kritische Kommentare.  相似文献   

Democracy in Developing Countries, edited by Larry Diamond, Juan J. Linz and Seymour Martin Lipset. Lynne Rienner Publishers, Boulder, Co.; Adamantine Press Ltd, London. (Vol. 1, in preparation; vol. 2, 1988; vols. 3 and 4, 1989.) Volume Two, Africa, xxix+314 pp., maps. £25.00 hardback, £12.50 paperback. ISBN 1–55587–039–2 and 1–55587–040–6. Volume Three, Asia, xxix+489 pp. £29.50 hardback, £12.50 paperback. ISBN 1–55587–041–4 and 1–55587–042–2. Volume Three, Latin America. xxix+515 pp. £29.50 hardback, £12.50 paperback. ISBN 1–55587–043–0 and 1–55587–044–9.  相似文献   

We calculate the rally 'round the flag effect (Mueller, 1970, 1973) for all 41 U.S. foreign policy crises, 1950–1985, identified by the International Crisis Behavior Project (Wilkenfeld, Brecher, and Moser, 1988). The mean change in the president's approval rating is surprisingly small: 1.4 percent among all respondents. The greatest influences on the rallying effect of a crisis are whether or not the United States is involved in an ongoing war and, especially, theNew York Times's coverage of the president's major response to a crisis. When a major response is reported in the headlines, the rally is more than 8 percentage points greater,ceteris paribus, than when it is not reported on the front page. TheNew York Times's reporting is influenced by the nature of the president's response, the efforts of his administration to publicize his actions, the degree of Soviet involvement, the location of the crisis, and the willingness of opposition leaders to take a newsworthy position regarding the president's performance.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the dyadic relationship between mainland China and Taiwan and between China and the United States by focusing on the internal factors in the three countries. It has been an important assumption in theories of international relations that there is an inextricable linkage between foreign policies and domestic socio-economic and political conditions. Yet, policy makers as well as some policy analysts in Beijing, Taipei and Washington still do not pay enough attention to the internal factors in each of the three countries. Misperceptions continue to be a major source for the conflicts in the bilateral relations between mainland China and Taiwan and between China and the United States. More often than not, the misperceptions are culturally and ideologically based. Until the three sides can minimize their misperceptions of the other parties, the future relationships between Beijing and Taipei and between Beijing and Washington look grim indeed. His research interests include East Asian and Chinese politics, political culture and participation in China, Sino-American and cross-Taiwan Strait relations. His publications have appeared in journals such asAsian Survey, Communist and Post-Communist Studies, East European Quarterly, Journal of Contemporary Asia, Journal of Contemporary China, Political Research Quarterly, PS: Political Science and Politics, andProblems of Post-Communism.  相似文献   

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