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论我国食品犯罪罚金刑的完善   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在分析我国食品犯罪罚金刑的立法设置与司法适用现状的基础上,指出食品犯罪罚金刑立法设置与司法适用中存在的诸多缺陷,进而提出完善我国食品犯罪罚金刑的方案,旨在罚金刑能在预防食品犯罪中发挥最大的、最佳的效果。  相似文献   

Although there has been a marked increase in studies of animal abuse from a variety of socio-legal and green criminological perspectives in the past two decades, we have a limited empirical understanding of the extent of animal victimization in environmental crime prosecutions in the United States. In order to better understand the nature and distribution of animal victimization in environmental crime prosecutions, we employ a content analysis of federal environmental crime cases, 2001–2011. Out of 972 cases, results show identifiable animal victimization plays a role in six percent of cases. Although animal victimization in environmental crime may be extensive, its role in environmental prosecutions appears secondary. We conclude with possibilities of expanding animal protection via wildlife and environmental law connections.  相似文献   

李楠 《行政与法》2007,(10):87-88
洗钱已发展成为一个严重威胁国家经济运行、危害国家稳定发展的一大公害。鉴于洗钱行为的严重危害性,2006年6月29日出台的《刑法修正案(六)》在《刑法修正案(三)》的基础上又增加了三类洗钱罪的上游犯罪,此次修订具有重要意义。2006年10月31日出台的《反洗钱法》更加完善了我国的反洗钱制度。本文将针对洗钱罪的上游犯罪中的几个问题作简要分析。  相似文献   

穆妍 《行政与法》2006,(6):123-125
在刑法理论界中,“为他人谋取利益”在受贿罪的犯罪构成中的地位—直有争议。本文认为将“为他人谋取利益”作为受贿罪的认定要件之一,这种立法形式对于预防和打击贿赂犯罪极为不力,与受贿罪的本质不相符合,因此应当将此要件从法条中去除。  相似文献   

随着性主体和性行为方式的多样化,强迫性交犯罪呈现出种种新现象。现有关于强奸罪的规定已不适应形势的发展,如强奸罪主体较狭窄,应该把女性主体和丈夫主体予以明确规定。同时,犯罪对象应该包括男性,客体为他人不可侵犯的性权利。客观方面,性交方式应将口交、肛交等包括进去;欺骗性交也可构成强奸。此外,适度降低强奸罪基本罪的法定刑,适当增加其量刑单位,并对加重情节予以完善。  相似文献   

This article explores the possibility of measuring the impact of law enforcement on organized crime in a reliable and accountable manner, both in general terms and with a practical focus on the Canadian context. In considering measures to combat organized crime, a focus on process measurement has obscured the more substantial question of progress as regards the dependent variable itself: the bottom line of reducing the impact of organized criminal behaviour. While outcome measures are more challenging to identify than process measures, this fact alone does not minimize the need to demonstrate the connection between organized crime enforcement and its presumed outcomes to a greater degree of certainty. To date, this has not been realized to any significant degree, as revealed by a review of existing international approaches to measuring the impact of enforcement activity. The article argues that a multidisciplinary focus on community level indicators of crime, if initially less accessible than process measures of impact on organized crime groups, offers promise as a measurement of absolute and relative impact of state investment in enforcement.
Allan CastleEmail:

论经验法则的适用与完善   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蒋贞明 《证据科学》2011,19(2):175-182
经验法则是指人们从生活经验中归纳获得的关于事物因果关系或属性状态的法则或知识.经验法则在司法审判实践中具有证据评价、事实推定以及法律解释的功能.由于受法官主观水平的影响,加之经验法则适用制度的不完善,经验法则在司法审判实践中产生了一定的局限性.建议从确立法律规范、完善质疑和上诉程序、明确经验法则标准、限制法官自由裁量权...  相似文献   

由于网络犯罪的跨国性,网络在各国的普及与发展水平的差异,以及各国的法律制度、风俗习惯的不同,导致针对网络犯罪的刑事管辖权存在争议,成为困惑理论界和实务界的一大难题。本文首先界定了网络犯罪的概念,描述了其特征,并指出传统刑事管辖理论适用于网络犯罪国际管辖的不足和新的刑事管辖理论应用于网络犯罪管辖的现状,在此基础上,经过分析和论证,提出自己对解决网络犯罪国际刑事管辖权冲突问题的一孔之见。  相似文献   

何立荣 《行政与法》2008,(6):97-100
作为不作为犯罪成立前提之作为义务,不仅存在有无之分,还存在程度之别:从道德义务上升为法律义务是一个量变引起质变的过程,这种质和量的辨证关系充分说明法律义务存在程度的差异;法律义务是刑事责任的前提和基础,责任有轻重之分,义务自然有程度之别;司法实践中行为人有无作为义务难以判断,也说明作为义务存在程度的差别。作为义务程度概念的确立,为刑法学界对不作为犯的研究开辟了新的领域,将促进对不作为犯的深入研究:可以为确定不作为犯罪的范围提供理论指导;可以为确定不作为犯的刑事责任轻重提供依据;还可以为科学判断作为义务的有无提供新的思路。  相似文献   

绑架罪是严重侵害公民人身权利和财产权利的犯罪,但此罪侵犯的客体更主要的应该是人身权利;不应将以勒索财物为目的作为绑架罪的主观构成要件;绑架罪应为行为犯,其犯罪手段应包括暴力、胁迫及麻醉方法以外的其他方法;绑架罪的法定刑的规定不甚合理,应当调整。  相似文献   

经验法则是指人们从生活经验中归纳获得的关于事物因果关系或属性状态的法则或知识。经验法则在司法审判实践中具有证据评价、事实推定以及法律解释的功能。由于受法官主观水平的影响,加之经验法则适用制度的不完善,经验法则在司法审判实践中产生了一定的局限性。建议从确立法律规范、完善质疑和上诉程序、明确经验法则标准、限制法官自由裁量权以及保障当事人证明权等方面进行完善。  相似文献   

We use data from a survey covering ages 15–94 to test the Hirschi/Gottfredson hypothesis that the correlates and causes of crime do not interact with age. These data reveal some nonchance interaction between age and demographic and theoretical predictors of criminal behavior that is localized in specific age categories and around particular variables and/or offenses. Overall, however, such interaction does not appear to be substantial, nor does it seem to have important consequences for generalizing from age restricted samples, particularly where generalization is of the most common type-from youth samples to adults. Therefore, despite some results contrary to a strict assertion that the causes and correlates of crime are the same for all ages, our findings support the thrust of the Hirschi/Gottfredson interaction hypothesis.  相似文献   

Normally we do not link the reduction of violent crime with equal rights for women, this paper traces such a linkage. Central to the logic of this argument is that the distribution of the frequency of violent crime is often described by a bimodal curve which supposedly distinguishes between minor, unimportant offenders and a distinct group of serious offenders: the target for many policies being the latter. In fact, this bimodal distribution does not exist; therefore, policies based on it will be fruitless. The larger group of minor offenders is basically ignored. The distribution of violence is better described as a continuous skewed curve which retains its shape. Thus, an effective policy to reduce violence would have to shift the entire curve to the left. Reducing the more numerous acts of lesser violence rather than concentrating on the rarer cases of extreme violence would be more effective. Since much violence is nurtured in family settings, policies that decrease stress in family settings would have a meaningful impact on future violence. Stress could be reduced with greater economic equality for women, making it possible for them to leave potentially violent domestic settings. In the long term this would have an impact on violent crime.  相似文献   

“犯罪有推动社会进步的功能”并不是马克思的观点。犯罪本身是否有积极功能?通过对功能阶位与价值评价、历史与现实、本质与现象、动力成本与动力效益四个方面的分析,作者给出了否定的答案。  相似文献   

《Global Crime》2013,14(4):321-340
This article addresses the nature and development of the Vietnamese involvement in cannabis cultivation in the Netherlands. The findings are based on empirical data collected from national police registrations, case studies and in-depth interviews with over 30 Dutch and international respondents. The authors describe the background characteristics of Vietnamese cannabis farmers, the structure of the predominantly mono-ethnic Vietnamese criminal groups and the international context. A situational approach to organised crime is applied to illustrate the ‘emergent’ character of the Vietnamese crime groups as opposed to a ‘strategic’ context of organised crime. The Vietnamese supervisors in the Netherlands have legal citizenship and often have ‘careers’ in cannabis-related crimes. It would appear that for a Vietnamese gardener or farmer, the path into cannabis cultivation is linked to financial debt. Besides situational factors, group characteristics, such as the migrant community, seem important in understanding the Vietnamese involvement in the Dutch cannabis market.  相似文献   

莫华善 《行政与法》2007,(12):92-93
在我国高等教育大众化进程中,出现高校办学规模扩大、投资渠道和资金来源多元化、基建项目增多、物资采购种类和数量增大、办学收费途径趋向灵活等现象,这些变化为高等学校的发展注入了新的活力,同时,也带来了许多新的问题,高等学校职务犯罪呈现明显的多发趋势。加强职务犯罪预防工作已成为高等教育健康发展的重要任务。  相似文献   

喻义东 《行政与法》2005,(2):112-115
恐怖主义犯罪是为实现一定的政治目的,通过暴力或暴力威胁以及其他非暴力手段制造社会恐怖,侵害他人生命财产的犯罪行为。其在犯罪主体、动机、目的、行为等方面都具有自己的特点,因而不能用传统的个体论的方法探究其产生的根源,而必须将之作为一种犯罪现象从宏观的角度用整体论的方法去研究。作者借鉴著名犯罪学家迪姆凯尔和默顿的犯罪学理论,通过对恐怖主义犯罪现象进行分析,认为恐怖主义犯罪的原因在于各特定社会的文化目标的冲突以及对制度化手段的不同选择。因而只有尊重各种文明的独特性,协调它们的冲突,才是治理恐怖主义犯罪的根本策略。  相似文献   

人民检察院提起环境公益诉讼的职能定位研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前制约人民检察院提起环境公益诉讼最突出的问题,是我国法律尚未明确检察机关提起环境公益诉讼的职能。人民检察院提起环境公益诉讼,既缘于公民、环保组织、行政机关的局限性,也是人民检察院履行其职能的必然要求。人民检察院提起环境公益诉讼具有形式正当性和实质正当性。不断完善的立法将克服法条主义的缺陷,为人民检察院提起环境公益诉讼提供法制保障。  相似文献   

张琳 《行政与法》2006,(2):118-119
信用证欺诈发生以后,较有效的办法是诉诸司法救济,请求法院发布禁令强制银行停止向欺诈人付款。信用证欺诈的司法救济措施可以在诉讼前或诉讼中采取。而且英美法系国家和大陆法系国家关于信用证欺诈的司法救济措施有很大的不同。英美法系国家关于信用证欺诈的司法救济措施主要是禁令,而大陆法系国家关于信用证欺诈的司法救济措施主要是司法保全。  相似文献   

The relationship between sociology and economics of crime has been dominated by mutual prejudice and misunderstanding. This paper tries to contribute to a change of this stale of affairs by showing that, on the one hand, the economics of crime does not as a method imply politically conservative policy recommendations and, on the other hand, that insights of the sociology of crime may enrich the economic approach considerably. This is done via a brief survey of the economics of enforcement, the literature on the relation of income distribution and unemployment on crime, and the literature relating sociological theories of crime to methodological individualism.  相似文献   

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