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我国现阶段强调的“以人为本”,和“神本”、“物本”、“官本”相对立,也和西方的“人本主义”相区别。“以人为本”关注的焦点是广大人民的最根本利益,表明了人民群众既是发展主体,也是价值主体;体现了马克思主义的人是目的和手段相统一的观点。近几年,“以人为本”思想指导我国改善民生、科学发展,并取得了瞩目的成绩,但是我国在落实“以人为本”过程中,在“人的生命尊严首要原则”、“解决群众最根本利益”、“改善生存环境”等方面还存在一定的问题,需要进一步地加以改善,以更好地、切实地落实“以人为本”。  相似文献   

于晓霞 《求索》2008,(6):110-112
以人为本是现代管理观的基本价值诉求。以人为本的现代管理观主张管理的首要任务是对人的管理,是一系列关于如何识人、选人、用人、育人的思想理论。以人为本又是科学发展观的本质和核心。科学发展归根结底是为了人、依靠人,是为了人、依靠人的全面协调可持续发展。现代管理观与科学发展观都坚持以人为本的基本原则,都以人为最终目的,并且二者又有着内在的联系。现代管理观与科学发展观在以人为本的基础上统一了起来。  相似文献   

“以人为本”是“和谐社会”的核心价值理念,是构建社会主义和谐社会的指导思想和根本原则。“和谐社会”是“以人为本”的社会实现形式和终极归宿。二者是内在统一的辩证关系。构建社会主义和谐社会是对已经蕴涵在“以人为本”的科学发展观中的社会和谐思想的明确和深化。在科学发展观的统领下,按照全面、协调、可持续的发展要求,统筹人与自然、人与人、人与人自身的和谐发展,正是“和谐社会”的理论内涵和实践要求。  相似文献   

以人为本的哲学阐释及其对思想政治教育的启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文从哲学角度对以人为本的内涵加以阐释,认为以人为本是一种对人在社会历史发展中的主体作用与地位的肯定,是一种价值取向和思维方式。当代思想政治教育中坚持以人为本,就是坚持人是目的和人是手段的统一,就是坚持个人价值和社会价值的统一,就是坚持人的自然属性和社会属性的统一,就是坚持生存、发展和幸福的统一。  相似文献   

杨娟珍 《前沿》2011,(14):65-68
解放思想不是盲目的,应该有价值航标。以人为本是继续解放思想的新航标。解放思想与以人为本在价值追求上是内在统一的,以人为本贯穿于我国解放思想的全部实践之中。站在机遇和挑战前所未有的新发展起点,我们只有立足于中国的实际国情,把握好以人为本解放思想的出发点和要点,处理好官与民、人与物的关系,冲破政府权力之手、既得利益和传统惯性,才能使以人为本在解放思想的推动下获得实效。  相似文献   

促进人自由而全面的发展,是马克思主义人学的核心。把社会主要矛盾的转变放到马克思人学视域中去,对"以人为本"的理解会由价值层面上升到历史科学层面。社会发展以人为本,人的发展以需要为本,需要则以"全面"为本。我国当前处在马克思所说的"以物的依赖性为基础的人的独立性"阶段。正视这一阶段,把它和社会主要矛盾的解决统一起来,从"物"的产生、"物"的布局、"物"的持续、"物"的配置、"物"的共享五个方面把握,会有更深刻的认识。  相似文献   

肖新发 《理论月刊》2004,1(9):51-53
实践理念是从认识到实践的重要环节。然而,构建实践理念并非任意的过程,而是一个实事求是的能动过程。实事求是的特殊寓意和多重功能,使之不仅能够支撑着实践理念之中介作用的正确发挥,而且可以为物的尺度和人的尺度的统一奠定坚实的基础。因此,实事求是是构建实践理念的重要基石。  相似文献   

刘应钦  曹华 《理论月刊》2001,9(2):42-43
新闻宣传的生命在于真实,实事求是是无产阶级的新闻观.掌握唯物辩证法是坚持实事求是新闻观的基本原则.表象真实和本质真实的统一是实事求是的核心.  相似文献   

思想政治工作中坚持实事求是原则 ,关键是要确立以人为本的意识 ,关注人的需要 ,适应人的心理 ,尊重人的差异 ;要遵循思想规律 ,善于从人的行为中发现思想问题 ,做好教育引导工作 ;要坚持与时俱进 ,不断研究解决新情况新问题。  相似文献   

随着现代经济社会的发展,城市的人居环境问题愈益引起人们的重视。城市人居环境的内涵是多方面的,坚持以人为本的原则、宏观与微观统一的原则、历史与现实统一的原则、内在与外在统一的原则、经济与文化统一的原则等, 不仅是实现城市科学发展的前提,也是优化城市人居环境的根本保证。  相似文献   

The contemporary Chinese human rights theory can be deciphered based on the "people-centered" concept. "Putting people in the center " is an approach to deve lopment,a concept of governance and a ruling orientation,and it is the idea shaping of the governing party,the ideological guideline for administrative organs and the principle of action for relevant personnel.The human rights system is thoughts,theories,systems and practice proposed by social groups and individuals to the social authority,especially the resource provider,around the basic demands for subsistence and development.Fundamentally speaking,the "people-centered" approach and the human rights system,though belonging to different political ethics and political philosophy fields,share many common points or similarities in their specific way of existence and operation process.Therefore,there is coherence between the "people-centered" approach and human rights,and there is systematic compatibility between the human rightsbased way of thinking and the people-centered governing concept.The two approaches share many commonalities in the implementation measures and actions,both requiring the integration of concepts,norms,systems and actions.The deciphering helps China to provide wisdom and marke contributions in enriching world human rights theories.  相似文献   

HE Shiqing  LIU Haile 《人权》2021,(1):95-116
Marxist human rights thought has realized an epochmaking change in human rights thought and has distinguished itself from capitalist human rights thought with its distinctive character.Marxist human rights thought has a humanistic character,starts from human nature and its essence,regards human rights as an important means to realize the all-round development of human beings and the fundamental proof of human liberation.Marxist human rights thought is characterized by being people-centered,and expresses the desire of the masses,with the proletariat as the main body,to realize a better life through the guarantee of human rights.Marxist human rights thought has a practical character,is based on practical materialism,advocates that human rights are derived from the social practice and promotes social practice toward civilization and progress.Marxist human rights thought has the character of rule of law,guides legal governance to the rule of good law,and lays the guarantee fot human rights on the foundation of substantive rule of law.  相似文献   

The discourse power over the right to development is the basis for value consensus and practical effect of the right to development. Over the three decades since the adoption of the United Nations' Declaration on the Right to Development, China has developed an innovative discourse system and practices on the right to development and contributed a series of original new concepts, new propositions and new ideas to the right, which may be generally summarized as ten major aspects: in terms of orientation, the right to development is a primary fundamental human right; in terms of the nature, the right to development is an essential requirement of socialism; in terms of strategy, the right to development is to be implemented through the strategy that "development is the primary task"; in terms of contents, we should realize the right to development integrating economy, politics, culture, society and ecological conservation; in terms of concept, we propose that people equally participate in the equal right to development; in terms of principle, we should stick to the people-centered orientation of the right to development; in terms of steps, we should enhance the right to development in the Chinese dream for the great revitalization of the Chinese Nation; in terms of focus, we should construct a fair social security system; in terms of method, we should promote the right to development by the idea and method of rule of law; in terms of ideas, we should guide the right to development by an innovative, coordinated, green, open and sharing outlook on development.  相似文献   

The Chinese Dream is not only the dream of rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,but also the dream of human rights of the Chinese people.To accurately understand the shared root and origin of the Chinese Dream and the protection of human rights in China,we must understand that the Chinese Dream provides new strategic guidance for the protection of human rights in China,and the protection of human rights in China is an important measure to promote the realization of the Chinese Dream.To realize the Chinese Dream in the new era,Chinass human rights protection must always be people-centered,and adhere to the resolution of the main social contradictions in the new era.On the basis of raising the awareness of the whole Party and society to respect and protect human rights,we should remove obstacles and barriers to human rights protection and promote the building of a community with a shared future for human beings.At the same time,the protection of human rights in China in the new era must be guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era.We must adhere to the path of human rights development with Chinese characteristics,and study and solve various practical problems of human rights protection in China in the course of upholding integrity and innovation,so as to promote the realization of the Chinese Dream.Upholding the leadership of the Communist Party of China is the fundamental guarantee for realizing the Chinese Dream and protecting human rights in China.We must unswervingly follow the CPC's lead and open up a new stage in the development of Chinas' human rights cause in the new era on the great journey to the Chinese Dream.  相似文献   

In his letter to the symposium commemorating the 70~(th)anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward that "people's happy life is the greatest human right ".The academic implication of this important exposition is that it puts forward a major concept,the right to a happy life as a human right,in the field of hum an rights.The right to a happy life is the right that people pursue,enjoy and realize a happy life,which belongs to the general right,that is,the "bundle of rights".Teleological interpretation provides a strong defense for the right to a happy life.However,teleological interpretation may bring many risks,which may get the right to a happy life into many dilemmas,such as the loss of dignity due to the degradation of "human" as a tool,the loss ofjustice due to the damage to the human rights of a few individuals or groups,the possible violation of human rights due to the promotion of the expansion of government power,and the difficulty of universal recognition due to differences in the pursuit of happiness and the happiness itself.Therefore,we must adhere to the "people-centered" principle and justice to enhance the government's serious handling of human rights and reach an overlapping consensus in the pursuit of happiness,so as to restrict the teleological interpretation of the right to a happy life in a rational manner and promote the development of China's human rights cause.  相似文献   

石弘 《桂海论丛》2009,25(2):75-79
西方近代不少思想家立足于唯心史观探求人类社会发展规律,马克思确立了其截然不同的研究历史规律性的方法论:历史规律性是根植于人类的物质实践活动之中的,应当到那里去寻求历史规律.许多研究者把马克思早期根据西欧历史而概括出的"五形态"理论,错误地当作马克思所发现的人类社会历史发展规律,而没有看到马克思晚年在这个问题上所发生的看法的改变.真正可以代表马克思历史规律思想的,是"三形态"理论.  相似文献   

作为“三项建设”的核心和关键——推进执法规范化建设.反映了公安机关践行科学发展观的政治追求和维护公平正义的法律主张。随着依法治国方略的逐步深化和全民法制意识的不断提高.广大民众对公安执法水平和公正执法的要求越来越高.在以人为本、尊重和保障人权的和谐社会建设中.要不断促使公安机关挖掘、研究加强公安执法规范化建设的有效途径。  相似文献   

The draft of the Basic Healthcare and Health Promotion Law directly incorporates the concept of the right to health,which will have a positive significance in realizing the constitutional norms of the right to health protection.China's Constitution stipulates the general policy,concrete duties and specific obligations of the state to protect citizens' right to health,which is the most fundamental logical starting point of legislative design.The implementation of state obligations requires the legislation to follow the principles as follows:people-centered public welfare,respecting and protecting the principle of citizens' right to health,equitable access to basic medical and health services and the government responsibility for the purpose of the people's health.  相似文献   

物质文明、政治文明和精神文明协调发展,是全面建设小康社会的重要目标,是我们党对共产党执政规律、社会主义建设规律、人类社会发展规律认识的进一步深化.促进三大文明协调发展,对于全面建设小康社会、推进中华民族伟大复兴具有重大的理论和现实意义.  相似文献   

马克思主义人的全面发展范畴的伦理学维度是双向的:横向伦理学维度与纵向伦理学维度.横向伦理学维度是指人的全面发展范畴所包含的道德人格的发展完善方面以及道德人格的发展完善与其他内涵之间的关系;纵向伦理学维度是就人的道德人格的发展完善的历程来说的.个人、集体、社会三者之间利益关系的处理原则的日益至善与人的道德人格的发展完善的相辅相成集中体现了人的全面发展的纵向伦理学维度.  相似文献   

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