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本文介绍了发令枪改制成小口径手枪的结构特点,探讨通过射击弹壳、弹头上的痕迹特征区分改制枪与制式枪的方法,研究了改制枪在检验鉴定中的稳定性和变化规律。  相似文献   

1案件简介1998年2月6日,湖南省某医院于某在家属区里被杀,现场提取“51”式手枪弹头、弹壳各一枚,由于现场提取“51”式手枪弹头没有线膛痕迹,需区分是制式“54”式还是仿“54”式手枪发射。检验发现:弹头没有线膛痕迹,弹头表面的擦划线条与弹头中心轴平行,线条没有明显旋转方向,未发现坡膛痕迹。弹壳上有击针痕迹、抛壳挺痕迹、弹底窝痕迹。笔者从枪的结构上寻找区分是否为制式手枪发射的依据。  相似文献   

从枪弹痕迹识别非制式枪支   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
区分发射枪支为制式枪支与非制式枪支是枪弹痕迹检验鉴定的第一道工序。对于一些制造粗糙的非制式枪支,其发射的弹头、弹壳上的痕迹特征属性很明显,容易与制式枪支相区别。但对于一些加工很好的非制式枪支,特别是那些用制式的零部件组装的枪支,仅凭单个痕迹就很难与制式枪支相区分。本文就此问题作如下讨论。1 制式枪支的痕迹特征制式枪支的生产、加工都有严格的标准,各个零部件的数据要求精确到0 .0 1mm ,其表面光洁度更有特殊的工艺要求,所以制式枪支发射的弹壳痕迹都很规则,基本上能反映出造痕客体的形状大小和加工特征。对于有一定磨损…  相似文献   

本文通过实验研究的方法,寻找出JW—20型小口径步枪射击弹壳上稳定的枪种痕迹特征。  相似文献   

利用抛壳痕迹区分发射枪种的模糊聚类分析法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文分析了56式冲锋枪和63、81式自动步枪射击弹壳上抛壳痕迹中稳定、易测的特征,并介绍了针对以上特征采用模糊聚类分析区分发射枪种的数学方法.  相似文献   

田蕊 《刑事技术》2015,(1):79-81
由制式64式手枪改制的枪支,其射击弹头、弹壳上的痕迹位置、形态也因改制手法和部件的不同而存在差异,给检验增加了难度,利用其射击弹头、弹壳上的痕迹对发射枪支进行同一认定具有重要的意义。本案中,笔者在非制式64式手枪的拉壳钩上使用颜色标记,并对标记枪支发射的带有自制底火的改制弹壳进行检验,从而对拉壳钩在异常位置遗留的痕迹进行了确认,为使用异常位置拉壳钩痕迹进行发射枪支的同一认定提供了依据。  相似文献   

七七式手枪是我国自行设计制造的较先进的自卫武器。该枪在发射过程中弹壳中部遗留有一环形突起压痕(简称环槽痕),有关教材和文章均有论述,但对环槽痕表面遗留的细小擦划痕迹还未见报导。本文通过对环槽痕上细小擦划痕迹的观察、比对分析、统计,就痕迹的形成机理、出现率、稳定性、变化规律、鉴定价值及检验中的一些问题进行了实验探讨。  相似文献   

李刚 《刑事技术》2003,(3):57-58
1概述在涉枪犯罪的案件中,有大量使用的是自制的非制式枪。这些枪支是否是有关法律法规所规定的应该受到处罚的枪支,需要进行技术鉴定。本文提供一种较为简约的鉴定方式,以引起国内同行的兴趣和商榷。有关法律法规所规定的应该受到处罚的枪支,最高人民法院在2001年5月15日颁布的《关于审理非法制造、买卖、运输枪支、弹药、爆炸物等刑事案件具体应用法律若干问题的解释》中,将这类枪支定义为:以火药为动力发射枪弹的非军用枪;公安部2001年公通字犤2001犦68号文件发布的《公安机关涉案枪支弹药性能鉴定工作规定》中对这类枪支虽然没有明确定…  相似文献   

根据猎枪射击弹壳痕迹判别枪种的研究   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1  
对国内6家定点生产的撅把式和唧筒式猎枪进行实验射击,分析了在弹壳上形成各种痕迹的机理及利用价值,提出了根据猎枪射击弹壳痕迹判别枪种的方法。  相似文献   

根据射击弹头进膛痕迹区分发射枪种的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对射击弹头上进膛痕迹的形成机理.特征反映、影响因素、识别方法,论述了射击弹头上进膛痕迹的应用,对克服原有区分发射枪种方法的局限性,开辟弹头痕迹检验新途径,具有现实意义.  相似文献   

季峻 《刑事技术》2000,(2):24-26
通过对钢珠枪的试验、检验与分析研究,探讨对钢珠枪的检验与鉴定方法.  相似文献   

The impact of gun control and gun ownership levels on violence rates   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
What effects do gun control restrictions and gun prevalence have on rates of violence and crime? Data were gathered for all 170 U.S. cities with a 1980 population of at least 100,000. The cities were coded for the presence of 19 major categories of firearms restriction, including both state- and city-level restrictions. Multiple indirect indicators of gun prevalence levels were measured and models of city violence rates were estimated using two-stage least-squares methods. The models covered all major categories of intentional violence and crime which frequently involve guns: homicide, suicide, fatal gun accidents, robbery, and aggravated assaults, as well as rape. Findings indicate that (1) gun prevalence levels generally have no net positive effect on total violence rates, (2) homicide, gun assault, and rape rates increase gun prevalence, (3) gun control restrictions have no net effect on gun prevalence levels, and (4) most gun control restrictions generally have no net effect on violence rates. There were, however, some possible exceptions to this last conclusion—of 108 assessments of effects of different gun laws on different types of violence, 7 indicated good support, and another 11 partial support, for the hypothesis of gun control efficacy.  相似文献   

To maintain public safety and improve system response, a strong need exists for understanding the demographic variables associated with gun offenders and gun cases. This paper was focused on exploring these variables by creating and analyzing a weapon-related database at a local police department. The findings, although limited due to the explorative nature of the study and the quality of case files, shed some light on the personal background variables of suspects such as age, race, residence, and prior record and the weapon offenses they were involved in. The research also reveals certain challenges in developing and analyzing a gun-case database at the local level. Future researchers need to resolve these difficulties before achieving a more accurate and systematic understanding of individuals involved in gun crimes.  相似文献   

The reactions of the gun market, including those of producers, wholesalers, retailers, and consumers, play an important role in shaping the potential impact of gun control policies on gun crime. As a case in point, this paper examines the federal Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, which bans a group of military-style semiautomatic firearms (i.e., assault weapons). Using a variety of national and local data sources, we assess the short-term (1994–1996) impact of the assault weapons ban on gun markets, examining trends in prices and production of the banned weapons in legal markets and assessing the availability of the banned weapons in illicit markets as measured by criminal use. Prices of assault weapons rose substantially around the time of the ban's enactment, reducing the availability of assault weapons to criminal users in the very short run. However, a surge in assault weapon production just before the ban caused prices to fall in the months following the ban. Implications of the findings for assessing this and other gun control policies are discussed.  相似文献   

枪案物证检验技术现状与发展   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
综述了世界目前领先的枪案物证检验新技术现状与发展和我国近年来在枪案物证检验技术方面所取得的新成果,同时论述了发展方向。  相似文献   

Previous research suggests that American adolescents usually have ready access to guns, and that the extent of misuse of guns by adolescents is not much affected by local gun prevalence or regulation. This “futility” claim is based on one interpretation of survey data from several cities, but has not been tested directly. Here we do so using microdata from a nationally representative survey, the 1995 National Survey of Adolescent Males. Using the restricted geo‐coded version of these data, and conditioning on an extensive set of covariates, we find (among other results) that the likelihood of gun carrying increases markedly with the prevalence of gun ownership in the given community. We also analyze the propensity to carry other types of weapons, finding that it is unrelated to the local prevalence of gun ownership. The prevalence of youths carrying both guns and other weapons is positively related to the local rate of youth violence (as measured by the robbery rate), confirmatory evidence that weapons carrying by youths is motivated in part by self‐protection.  相似文献   

Southerners have been found to have higher levels of gun ownership than persons who reside elsewhere. This may be due to cultural factors peculiar to the Southern region. If so, this would have interesting implications for gun control initiatives. Although the differential in gun ownership has been linked to varying support or opposition to gun control, the relationship between this variable and specific types of gun control has not been examined. With this in mind, we investigate how specific types of gun ownership interact with Southernness, controlling for the effects of other variables, to determine preferences for three different types of gun control. We use 1975 data collected by DMI on a stratified random sample of 1538 noninstitutionalized adults in the United States. An analysis of several logistic regression equations indicates that a cultural component, related to Southernness, affects attitudes toward gun control. Southerners, in general, were the most opposed to permits and handgun bans. Southern shotgun owners, in particular, were found to be the most opposed to gun registration. These findings point to the need to consider region, culture, and gun type when addressing the issue of gun control.We would be happy to supply the interested reader with an electronic copy of the data set.  相似文献   

Illegal guns circulating among high‐risk networks represent a threat to the security and well‐being of urban neighborhoods. Research findings reveal that illegal firearms are usually acquired through a variety of means, including theft and diversions from legitimate firearms commerce. Little is known, however, about the underground gun markets supplying the gang and drug networks responsible for a large share of gun violence in U.S. cities. In this article, we take a mixed‐methods approach, combining trace analyses of recovered handguns with ethnographic interviews of high‐risk gun users to develop new insights on the entry of guns into three criminal networks in Boston. We find that guns possessed by Boston gang members are of a different character compared with other crime guns; these guns are more likely to be older firearms originating from New Hampshire, Maine, and I‐95 southern states. The results of our qualitative research reveal that gang members and drug dealers pay inflated prices for handguns diverted by traffickers exploiting unregulated secondary market transactions, with significant premiums paid for high‐caliber semiautomatic pistols. Taken together, these findings provide an analytic portrait of the market for illicit guns among those most proximate to violence, yielding novel empirical, theoretical, and practical insights into the problem of criminal gun access.  相似文献   

目的 研究涉案枪支的杀伤力鉴定标准。方法 采用直尺测量方法 ,分别测量制式枪弹、送检枪弹射入同一客体的深度及送检枪弹径。将制式枪弹各数据及送检枪弹径代入新公式 (d1/d2 ) 0 75(h1/h3) 0 7=v1m1/ 5 .2 4d2 ,得出送检枪具有最低杀伤力时射入客体深度h3,该深度标准与送检枪弹射入客体深度h2 比较后可判断杀伤力。结果 该方法计算出的h3值为一区间范围 ,若被检枪弹射入客体深度在区间右侧 ,有杀伤力 ,在区间左侧 ,无杀伤力。结论 用射入客体深度进行枪支杀伤力鉴定 ,方法简单、实用 ,有助于探讨建立枪支杀伤力标准。  相似文献   

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