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梅达成 《行政论坛》2011,18(4):84-88
为人民拥有抵抗权提供理论支持的社会契约论、人民主权论、天赋人权论难以论证行政相对人抵抗权的正当性;从公民在民法和刑法上享有的正当防卫权衍生出行政相对人抵抗权,混淆了行政法律关系与民事、刑事法律关系的区别;权利的非扩张性与行政相对人对具体行政行为无效与否的判断不可靠,也制约了行政相对人行使抵抗权的可操作性。但鉴于重大且明显违法具体行政行为给行政相对人造成的巨大损失,立法应赋予行政相对人特别救济权,这既能有力保护行政相对人的合法权益,也兼顾了社会公共利益和他人利益。  相似文献   

《行政处罚法》第49条、第56条规定行政相对人对行政机关的部分行政处罚行为有权拒绝。然而拒绝条款在实际运行中遭遇困境,反而有扩大行政相对人受损权益的倾向。这一条款在我国行政法律体系中单项突进痕迹明显,缺乏无效行为理论支撑。从弥补法律漏洞的角度看,对拒绝条款进行完善势在必行。  相似文献   

武俊山 《理论探索》2011,(5):142-144
行政诉讼起诉期限作为相对人提起行政诉讼的法定期间,要明确这样几个问题:超过起诉期限,相对人原则上丧失诉权;起诉期限是相对人提起行政诉讼的条件之一,只有在起诉期限内起诉才会被法院受理;起诉期限的举证责任主要由被告承担,原告也应承担一定的举证责任;法院在立案和审理阶段都应主动审查起诉期限;起诉期限只适用于有效行政行为,无效行政行为不受起诉期限限制。  相似文献   

行政指导相对人及其权利保障   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曹静晖 《理论探索》2005,(3):115-117
行政指导属于一种延续性行为,是一个从作出到发生效果的动态变化过程。就行政指导单方面而言,它是一种行政事实行为,行政主体与相对人之间没有形成行政法律关系。但是,当行政相对人接受行政指导后,其性质必然发生变化而成为一种行政法律行为,构成一种行政法律关系。在行政指导法律关系中,行政主体是义务主体,行政相对人是权利主体。由于行政指导相对人的权益与行政指导主体的指导行为休戚相关,而行政指导主体本身所具有的“自利性”倾向极容易导致行政相对人的合法权益受到损害,所以必须强调使行政相对人充分享有知情权、程序抗辩权、受平等对待权和申请救济权以作保障。  相似文献   

伊强 《学理论》2012,(26):53-54
行政相对人是指参与行政过程并且其利益受到行政行为影响的与行政主体相对应的另一方主体,行政相对人的行为影响着行政过程的启动与运行,制约着行政管理的结果。"依法治国"理念和"以人为本"的发展观都把人权放在了至关重要的地位。在行政管理中,对行政相对人法律地位的正确认识,将直接制约政府管理的效益。  相似文献   

行政听证作为现代行政程序的核心制度,通过赋予相对人程序性人权的行使来保障相对人实体性人权。行政听证所保障的实体性人权可以表现为实体性财产权、实体性人身权以及其他实体性人权等三种样态。原则上,相对人的这些实体性人权受到行政行为的不利影响时行政主体应适用行政听证予以保障。但基于个人利益与公共利益均衡原则以及成本不大于效益原则,许多国家规定了不利行政行为作出时无需适用听证的具体事项。我国适用行政听证保障相对人实体性人权的相关制度还存在诸多缺失,亟需在拓宽适用行政听证保障相对人实体性人权的范围以及明确排除适用行政听证的具体情形等方面予以完善与发展。  相似文献   

企业法人分为普通企业和特殊企业。普通企业的经营范围仅构成对其代表权的限制 ,但普通企业经营范围外行为的效力也有待进一步研究。其合理前提是 :当相对人为善意时 ,为保护善意相对人的信赖利益该行为有效 ;若相对人为恶意 ,则为保护法人利益该行为无效。特殊企业经营范围构成对其能力的限制 ,经营范围外行为一概无效  相似文献   

伊强 《学理论》2012,(27):116-117
行政相对人是指参与行政过程并且其利益受到行政行为影响的与行政主体相对应的另一方行政法律关系主体.如何摆脱传统行政重行政主体、轻视行政相对人的管理理念,已经成为时代发展的必然要求,也是行政法学界学者关注的热点.结合我国当前政府管理发展的实际状况以及我国行政相对人法律地位的现状来阐述如何提高我国行政相对人的法律地位.  相似文献   

谢国富 《行政与法制》2002,(7):17-17,19
行政损害赔偿抗辩权是指被告行政机关提出的一切可免于承担或减轻行政赔偿责任主张的权利。在行政执法过程中,行政机关作出违法的具体行政行为侵犯了相对人的合法权益,对此损害结果,行政机关应予赔偿。但在司法实践中,行政机关为了息事宁人,摆脱不利地位,消除负面影响,有的在诉讼中对相对人的赔偿请求有求必应;有的甚至在诉前就满足了相对人的赔偿请求,作了“私了”。  相似文献   

牛兴林 《学理论》2022,(10):78-81
现行司法实践中通常把未送达行政行为纳入行政案件的受案范围,一般判决行政机关败诉。对未送达行政行为做出实体裁判,无论做出撤销、确认违法还是确认无效判决,均弊大于利。对其如何裁判,不妨换个视角,从行政行为效力入手加以解析。未送达行政行为对行政相对人和第三人没有产生拘束力,对其他国家机关(法院和其他行政机关)也未产生构成要件效力和确认效力,经过360度无死角审视,未送达行政行为并未对当事人的合法权益产生影响,当事人不应针对其发起争讼。如当事人认为行政机关不依法送达行政决定或后续执行行为侵犯其权益,可以发起履职之诉,或将执行行为提交司法予以审查。另外,对于行政机关的继续送达行为,应分类区分处理,对于负担性行政行为不予容忍,而授益性行政行为可以继续送达。  相似文献   

“谁行为,谁被告”是对我国现行行政诉讼被告确认规则“谁主体,谁被告”的完善,是由人权理念的提升、依法治国方略的实施、中国加入WTO等现实国情决定的。文章从宪政基础、现实基础和行政行为的性质等方面探讨行政诉讼被告确认规则的理论基础,进而论证“谁行为,谁被告”的行政诉讼被告确认规则的合理性。  相似文献   

中关村抽象行政行为的听证制度是指所辖中关村科技园区的行政组织在制定适用于中关村科技园区的规范性文件时听取行政管理相对人意见的一种制度.中关村抽象行政行为听证有着一系列的功能,建立这样的制度有其必要性与可行性,在具体操作时要遵循一定的程序规则与适用范围.  相似文献   

公共领导作为执政骨干,提升其执政能力是当前加强党的执政能力建设的关键,进而成为推进社会发展、构建和谐社会的重要措施。笔者认为公共领导的执政能力在很大程度上取决于领导力,而领导力又由影响力、决策力和执行力合成,其中影响力是牵头力。本文从一个新的视角诠释公共领导影响力,提出了公共领导影响力函数,并进而探讨了其基本变量权、威、势的主要蕴涵及提高方略。  相似文献   

This article presents a theory of administrative work as practice. Building on a rich narrative of a mid-level administrator in the Dutch Immigration Office, four core elements of administrative practice are identified: contextuality, acting, knowing, and interacting. Taking cues from practice theory and ethnomethodology, the author argues that the visible aspects of administrative work (decisions, reports, negotiations, standard operating procedures, and—on a higher level of institutional abstraction—structures, legal rules, lines of authority, and accountability) are effectuations, enactments of the hidden, taken-for-granted routines: the almost unthinking actions, tacit knowledge, fleeting interactions, practical judgments, self-evident understandings and background knowledge, shared meanings, and personal feelings that constitute the core of administrative work. Taken together, contextuality, acting, knowing, and interacting make up a unified account of practical judgment in an administrative environment that is characterized by complexity, indeterminacy, and the necessity to act on the situation at hand.  相似文献   

This article discusses the politics of administrative reform. Though politicians and bureaucrats may agree on a reform blueprint, both tend to view administrative reform as means towards achieving different ends. To demonstrate the 'political tool' function of administrative reform, I will review the reform experience of the Thai Office of the Secretariat of the Prime Minister (OSPM) during the Chuan government (1992–95). Despite several proposals to reform the OSPM, at the end of its tenure the Chuan government had made only minor changes to the OSPM. This article argues that while failing to achieve significant reform, the process does demonstrate the politician-bureaucrat relationship.
The article is divided into two parts. The first outlines the conceptual framework which captures the politics of reform. The second presents four case studies representing efforts to introduce reform to the OSPM during the period of the Chuan government.
During the Chuan government, the author served as the Head of the Secretariat of the Administrative Reform Commission (ARC), ad hoc office in the OSPM established by the Prime Minister, charged with reviewing proposals to reform the OSPM. The author was also appointed to committees which were assigned to advise the PM about ways to reform the OSPM.  相似文献   

公共行政或公共行政管理作为一种实践活动具有美学即行政美学的意义。作为行政哲学分支学科的行政美学的任务就是要从公共行政实践活动中寻找行政美的本质及其规律,促进行政美的创造。研究行政美学的理论与实践意义,在于在追求行政管理合目的性和合规律性的统一中实现和谐行政。  相似文献   

In responding to Professor Lynn's criticism that the field of public administration has been insufficiently attentive to law, this article offers an alternative perspective on the source of administrative legitimacy. Leonard White understood that public administration is shaped by its broader context. It does not assert its own values but, in an effort to maintain legitimacy, reflects the political and cultural values of its environment. In White's time, the extraordinary challenges that the state faced, and its subsequent transformation, demanded a management capacity that previously had not existed. While the role of law as a formal means of control is generally accepted, it must take its place with management and other administrative values in the exercise of legal discretionary behavior. Asserting law, or any other single administrative value, as dominant undercuts other values that act as sources of legitimacy.  相似文献   

This article discusses various ways of systematically measuring the time one would expect various administrative proceedings to consume relative to the time they actually consume taking into consideration the diverse complexity of such proceedings. The article uses the problem of administrative delay to illustrate the broader problem of creating a dependent criterion variable that measures the gap between the actual, empirical, or real situation on the one hand and the predicted, normative, or ideal situation on the other.Thanks are owed to the following who played a part in the preparation of this article but who are not responsible for the results: (1) the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Administrative Practice and Procedure for which the author was an assistant counsel when he conducted the research; (2) the Yale Law School-Russell Sage Program in which the author was a Law and Social Science Fellow when he wrote the article; (3) the 1971 Conference on Measuring Public Policy Impact at Florida State University where the article was initially presented; and (4) the National Science Foundation which partly financed the writing under grant GS-2875 as one of a series of policy science studies on measuring and achieving effects of alternative legal policies.  相似文献   

行政规划是政府职能的一个重要方面,在现代国家日常生活中发挥着重要的作用。在国外和我国的台湾地区,行政法学界对行政规划有专门的研究,而大陆行政法学界关于行政规划的研究还不是太多。本文拟结合行政程序法试拟稿中对行政规划程序的相关规定,提出自己对行政规划的性质、行政规划程序中的听证程序、集中事权和情势变更等问题的一点粗浅看法。  相似文献   

The purpose of this presentation is to illustrate the strong role of state finance in society. The article discusses the role of finance and economics from the point of view of administrative and political research. For many years, legal science, especially constitutional and administrative law, has been the leading field of research and practice in Finland dealing with government, the state and even society as a whole. Today, economics and finance have taken the leading position in the Scandinavian welfare state ( Sozialstaat ).  相似文献   

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