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CCTV networks are progressively being replaced by more flexible and adaptable video surveillance systems based on internet protocol (IP) technologies. The use of wireless IP systems allows for the emergence of flexible networks and for their customization, while at the same time video analytics is easing the retrieval of the most relevant information. These technological advances, however, bring with them threats of a new kind for fundamental freedoms that cannot always be properly assessed by current legal safeguards. This paper analyses the ability of current data protection laws in providing an adequate answer to these new risks.  相似文献   

There is a lack of clear guidelines for project managers, laboratory managers and forensic scientists on strategies for the automation of forensic DNA laboratory processes and operational implementation of new technologies. This is reflected in the failure rate of projects in the forensic DNA testing environment. We present a set of guidelines and concepts important for forensic laboratory automation. Some case studies from past projects are presented. These consist of partial (or modular) automation (n = 2) and full automated robotically integrated systems (n = 2).Technology Management principles and concepts are crucial to prevent failure of projects, e.g. early adoption of untried technologies, and organizational factors. The future of laboratory automation is modular until such time as new discontinuous technologies will replace the need of the traditional manual laboratory configuration in totality.  相似文献   

Since 11 September 2001, many 'hard' and 'soft' security strategies have been introduced to enable more intensive surveillance and control of the movement of `suspect populations'. Suicide bombings have since generated a step-change in asymmetric threat analysis and public perceptions of risk. This article reviews how post-9/11 'security' issues intersect with existing and emerging technologies, particularly those relating to identity, location, home, and work that will form the backbone of the European Information Society. The article explores the complexities generated by the way that these technologies work, sites of nationalist resistance, and formal bureaucratic roles. Many of the planned surveillance methods and technologies are convergence technologies aiming to bring together new and existing data sources, but are unable to do so because of poor data quality and the difficulty of using the integrated data to reduce serious crime risks. The delay may enable legal compliance models to be developed in order to protect the principles of privacy that are set out in the ECHR and the EC Data Protection Directive. Though (moral) panics produce changes in law, the article emphasizes the constraining effects of law.  相似文献   

This article discusses the complex problems involved in minimizing risks when applying automated information systems to functions that can affect human safety and lives, and limitations on the way technological risk is assessed in todays environment. It calls for policies at the highest levels and research on management approaches to providing a focus for evaluating and solving automated information system problems causing failure and for applying the automated systems in a manner that will minimize the potential for harm to individuals. The author also believes it to be very important that problems presented are disclosed to information managers that may be part of the decision-making on what and how much to automate, and also those involved in other technologies and functions that use automated information at their core. Automated information systems (computers and telecommunications) have changed our everyday life. Because of fast changing technology and creative software development, beneficial computer applications in business, education, scientific applications, and personal use now prevail. With automated information systems, our society has increased productivity, saved money, and has made possible many things previously considered impossible. In general, society has benefitted from increased automation of information.  相似文献   

公共场所图像监视是以监视社会理论为理论基础的,是现代科技技术发展在监视领域的呈现和利用。公共场所图像监视限定于公共机构在公共场所设置和运转的图像监视,具有维护公共安全的正当性,同时也呈现对隐私权等公民权利的干预性。作为公权力运作的公共图像监视,在法律保留原理下应当受到法律规范,同时也应契合公益、比例和正当程序等原则要求,并建立体系化的公共图像监视的影响评价、设置、管理、利用、救济等具体制度。在多部地方性公共图像监视规范文件的探索下,我国亟待出台统一的公共场所图像监视法(或条例)。  相似文献   

Anthropometry can be used in certain circumstances to facilitate comparison of a photograph of a suspect with that of the potential offender from surveillance footage. Experimental research was conducted to determine whether anthropometry has a place in forensic practice in confirming the identity of a suspect from a surveillance video. We examined an existing database of photographic lineups, where one video image was compared against 10 photographs, which has previously been used in psychological research. Target (1) and test (10) photos were of high quality, although taken with a different camera. The anthropometric landmarks of right and left ectocanthions, nasion, and stomion were chosen, and proportions and angle values between these landmarks were measured to compare target with test photos. Results indicate that these measurements failed to accurately identify targets. There was also no indication that any of the landmarks made a better comparison than another. It was concluded that, for these landmarks, this method does not generate the consistent results necessary for use as evidence in a court of law.  相似文献   

OEM (large firm) supplier-development programs have expanded from a quality focus to include more technologically sophisticated issues. The quality issues now require the supplier to supply functional sub-assemblies as well as discrete parts and to insure the capability of second- and third-tier vendors. In addition, the supplier must be prepared to participate in the design of a new product in a timely fashion in the case where the supplier may possess core manufacturing technologies that the OEM needs to complete the design cycle. The Northeast Manufacturing Technology Center (NEMTC) is developing a multistage evaluation and assessment process that will allow a small manufacturer to measure its business and technical capabilities against accepted benchmarks (such as ISO 9000). This development is being funded by a grant from the State of New York. Coincidentally, NEMTC is working with 31 OEMs to match their supplierassessment programs to the same benchmarks. This will allow the OEM and the small manufacturer to determine their compatibility. The program will be coupled with a support program that will bring the small manufacturer up to the desired performance level through the transfer of the appropriate technologies. It will allow NEMTC to target its program to small manufacturers with the potential to become vendors to OEMs. The center is supported by the National Institute of Standards and Technology.  相似文献   

根据车辆速度计算公式,提出了两种基于监控视频测速的思路。一是视频图像与实地测量相结合,车辆运动距离通过与监控画面匹配后实地测量,运动时间通过视频帧率运算分别获得。二是利用车辆技术参数测量,在视频图像中,车身前后明显部位经过同一点,车辆运动距离和时间分别通过被测车型技术参数、视频帧率运算获得。并通过实验结果对两种方法进行评价。  相似文献   

Digitalization has increased the number of video surveillance systems that sometimes capture crime images. Traditional methods of human height estimation use projective geometry. However, sometimes they cannot be used because the video camera surveillance system is not available or has been moved and there are no reference lines on the frame. Scientific studies have developed a new method for human height estimation using 3D laser scanning. This model necessarily requires a series of approximations, which increase the final measurement error. To overcome this problem, in the present study, images of a subject are projected directly on the 3D model, estimating the height of the subject. This article describes the methodological approach adopted through the analysis of a real case study in a controlled environment executed by Carabinieri Forensic Investigation Department (Italy). The aim is to obtain a human anthropometric measure derived from frames extracted from the videos associated with the digital survey of the framed area obtained with 3D laser scanning and point cloud analysis. The result is the height estimation of five subjects filmed by a camera obtained through the combination of 2D images extracted by a DVR/surveillance systems with 3D laser scanning. Results show that most estimated measurements are less than the real measurement of the subject; it also depends on the posture of the subject while walking. Furthermore, results shows the differences between the real height and the estimated height with a statistical approach.  相似文献   

论检察机关的技术侦查权   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
程雷 《政法论丛》2011,(5):95-100
在此轮刑事诉讼法再修改过程中,秘密侦查、技术侦查立法是侦查部分修正的重要内容之一,其中争议最大的问题莫过于检察机关自侦案件中应否享有完整的技侦权。首先需要分析现有规范性依据及实践中自侦案件技侦手段的使用情况。占主流观点的支持者提出了种种理由,然而从技侦权配置的整体改革方向来看,基于技侦手段干预权利的程度及技侦手段规制的必然要求,技侦的决定权与执行权应当分离,检察机关在技侦权配置体系中应当承担其监督职能,而不是执行职能。  相似文献   

Any specific technology derives attributes from the generic technologies of which it is an instance. A drone is a flying computer. It is dependent on local data communications from its onboard sensors and to its onboard effectors, and on telecommunications links over which it receives data-feeds and command-feeds from terrestrial and perhaps airborne sources and from satellites. A drone acts on the world, and is therefore a robot. The remote pilots, and the operators of drone facilities such as cameras, depend on high-tech tools that interpret data that display transmitted, enhanced and generated image and video, and that enable the composition of commands. So drone operators are already cyborgs. Many drones carry cameras and are used for surveillance. Computing, data communications, robotics, cyborgisation and surveillance offer power and possibilities, but with them come disbenefits and risks. Critical literatures exist in relation to all of those areas. An inspection of those literatures should provide insights into the limitations of drones, and the impacts and implications arising from their use.  相似文献   

Developments in technology have created the possibility for law enforcement authorities to use for surveillance purposes devices that are in the hands or private premises of individuals (e.g. smart phones, GPS devices, smart meters, etc.). The extent to which these devices interfere with an individual's private sphere might differ. In the European Union, surveillance measures are considered lawful if they have been issued in conformity with the legal rules and the proportionality principle. Taking a fundamental rights approach, this paper focuses on the information needed for adopting proportionate decisions when authorizing the use for surveillance of devices that are not built for surveillance purposes. Since existing methods of privacy assessment of technologies do not offer the required information, this paper suggests the need for a new method of assessing privacy implications of technologies and devices which combines an assessment of privacy aspects with the different dimensions of surveillance.  相似文献   

朱孝清 《中国法学》2014,(3):247-266
辩护律师向犯罪嫌疑人、被告人核实证据时,除了可以将有罪的实物证据告诉犯罪嫌疑人、被告人之外,其他的证据都不能告诉;"两个基本"应当坚持,但要防止误读和滥用;只有使犯罪嫌疑人、被告人在肉体上或精神上遭受剧烈疼痛或者痛苦的程度与刑讯逼供相当,迫使其违背意愿供述时,获取的供述才应予以排除;在规定的办案场所以外讯问和未依法对讯问进行全程录音录像的行为属于违法,但所取得的供述依法不在排除之列;对指定居所监视居住期间没有违反规定的犯罪嫌疑人,只要其符合逮捕条件,可以转捕;羁押必要性审查的范围包括一切影响羁押条件成立的情况;纪委在查办案件中收集的证据,可以参照刑诉法关于行政机关在行政执法和查办案件过程中收集的证据的规定办理。  相似文献   

劳动者的个人信息保护问题存在特殊之处,具体表现为资强劳弱和人格从属性背景下知情同意规则的失灵、工作数字化后劳动者被透视和被操控的风险、有组织生产的合作关系中个人信息处理的需要,因此不能完全适用《个人信息保护法》的一般规则。劳动基准法已经纳入立法规划,在其中就劳动者个人信息保护做专门规定,这是对数字时代人权保护新挑战的回应,对于其他劳动基准的实现也有重要意义。在劳动关系中仅遵循私法路径不足以保护个人信息,还需要配备公权力保障,劳动基准法的双重保护机制也契合了这一需求。作为劳动关系中保护个人信息的特别法,劳动基准法的相应条款应该考虑如何对一般规则进行调整,包括限制知情同意规则的适用,满足人力资源管理的正当需求,修改删除权、可携带权和自动化决策条款,协调主管机构、救济方式和法律责任。由于"必需"是一个语境依赖型概念,将来还应该通过配套文件来规制工作场所的视频监控等典型的应用场景。  相似文献   

监视,作为一种全球普遍存在的社会现象,起源于现代资本主义形态和官僚制实践的增长。现代监视理论是资本主义企业、官僚组织、民族国家、机器式的工艺和新型社会连带发展的自然产物;后现代监视理论则是关于以科技为基础的、以身体为监视对象的、日常的和普遍存在的监视的理论。由边沁和福柯所解释的、与监狱和规诫理念相关联的全景监视范式受到新的社会现实和监视理论的挑战。以风险社会管理为背景,治理可以作为监视研究的一个新路径。  相似文献   

Abstract: One central point of debate at the current EU Intergovernmental Conference will be the reform of EU decision-making. This article begins by briefly summarising the current decision-making system in the EU. It then approaches in a quantitative manner how a lowering of the qualified majority threshold in the Council of Ministers would increase EU decision-making capacity. Finally, it proposes new decision-making procedures which might be particularly well-suited to overcoming EU indecision.  相似文献   

Machines have moved from supporting decision-making processes of humans to making decisions for humans. This shift has been accompanied by concerns regarding the impact of decisions made by algorithms on individuals and society. Unsurprisingly, the delegation of important decisions to machines has therefore triggered a debate on how to regulate the automated decision-making practices. In Europe, policymakers have attempted to address these concerns through a combination of individual rights and due processes established in data protection law, which relies on other statutes, e.g., anti-discrimination law and restricting trade secret laws, to achieve certain goals. This article adds to the literature by disentangling the challenges arising from automated decision-making systems and focusing on ones arising without malevolence but merely as unwanted side-effects of increased automation. Such side-effects include ones arising from the internal processes leading to a decision, the impacts of decisions, as well as the responsibility for decisions and have consequences on an individual and societal level. Upon this basis the article discusses the redress mechanisms provided in data protection law. It shows that the approaches within data protection law complement one another, but do not fully remedy the identified side-effects. This is particularly true for side-effects that lead to systemic societal shifts. To that end, new paradigms to guide future policymaking discourse are being explored.  相似文献   

Innovative ideas will not be transferred between organizations unless they pass the screening tests managers use to choose innovations for transfer. This paper suggests that most screening methods have been developed for analyzing incremental improvements in existing businesses. As such, these methods militate against the transfer of new technologies. The paper describes screening methods in use at invention-management organizations as an alternative. These methods stress the development of business concepts for innovations, i.e., the integration of product specifications with the targeted market's characteristics, the user's capability, and convergent technologies that use and/or are used by the innovation. His recent work includes an OECD study of the innovation policies of the western provinces of Canada and a study of the commercialization of agricultural biotechnology for the US Department of Agriculture.  相似文献   

An abundunce of surveillance cameras highlights the necessity of identifying individuals recorded. Images captured are often unintelligible and are unable to provide irrefutable identifications by sight, and therefore a more systematic method for identification is required to address this problem. An existing database of video and photograhic images was examined, which had previously been used in a psychological research project; material consisted of 80 video (Sample 1) and 119 photograhic (Sample 2) images, though taken with different cameras. A set of 38 anthropometric landmarks were placed by hand capturing 59 ratios of inter-landmark distances to conduct within sample and between sample comparisons using normalised correlation calculations; mean absolute value between ratios, Euclidean distance and Cosine θ distance between ratios. The statistics of the two samples were examined to determine which calculation best ascertained if there were any detectable correlation differences between faces that fall under the same conditions. A comparison of each face in Sample 1 was then compared against the database of faces in Sample 2. We present pilot results showing that the Cosine θ distance equation using Z-normalised values achieved the largest separation between True Positive and True Negative faces. Having applied the Cosine θ distance equation we were then able to determine that if a match value returned is greater than 0.7, it is likely that the best match will be a True Positive allowing a decrease of database images to be verified by a human. However, a much larger sample of images requires to be tested to verify these outcomes.  相似文献   

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