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It has been estimated that deregulation of US S&Ls will cost the US taxpayer £500bn in terms of the compensation paid out for the resulting scandals and failures. In contrast, the deregulation of UK building societies, although initially followed by a series of scandals and losses of £1bn., eventually resulted in substantially increased profitability. The social effects in the UK have been quite different to those in the US. As a result of the increased importance placed on profitability as opposed to mutuality, many homeowners have had their properties repossessed, and investors been mis-soId unsuitable investments. However, UK building societies, by a mixture of good luck and judgement, have avoided the principal regulatory pitfalls, which beset the S&Ls in terms of bankruptcies and fraud. This paper seeks to explain these different post-deregulation experiences. It extends to the UK the looting model of Akerlof and Romer (1993) and the managerial diversion model of Nichols (1972) which went so far to explain and anticipate, respectively, the US experience. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

This examination of the extent of the use of neuroscientific evidence in England and Wales identifies 204 reported cases in which such evidence has been used by those accused of criminal offenses during the eight-year period from 2005–12. Based on the number of reported cases found, the use of such evidence appears well established with those accused of criminal offenses utilizing such evidence in approximately 1 per cent of cases in the Court of Appeal (Criminal Division). Neuroscientific evidence is used to quash convictions, to lead to convictions for lesser offenses and to lead to reduced sentences. In addition, cases are identified where neuroscientific evidence is used to avoid extradition, to challenge bail conditions and to resist prosecution appeals against unduly lenient sentences. The range of uses identified is wide: including challenging prosecution evidence as to the cause of death or injury, challenging the credibility of witnesses and arguing that those convicted were unfit to plead, lacked mens rea or were entitled to mental condition defenses. The acceptance of such evidence reflects the willingness of the courts in England and Wales to hear novel scientific argument, where it is valid and directly relevant to the issue(s) to be decided. Indeed, in some of the cases the courts expressed an expectation that structural brain scan evidence should have been presented to support the argument being made.  相似文献   

A national telephone survey on alcohol-related harms experienced by others consisted of 2,649 randomly selected adults and 415 (15 %) commented on the family member whose heavy drinking most negatively affected them. Relationships comprised close family (child, parent, sibling; 47 %), partner (22 %), extended family (e.g., aunt/uncle, cousin, grandparent; 19 %), and ex-partner (12 %). Common harms were being emotionally hurt and having a serious argument. An average of 3.4 harms was reported and multiple harms meant a higher likelihood of significant impact. Harms were classified into four domains which accounted for approximately 60 % of the explained variance: psychological (26.1 %), physical (11.4 %), social (10.9 %), and practical (9.6 %). Psychological and practical domains were associated with significant harm as were being female and sharing a home with the drinker. Perceived harms from a problematic drinking family member are broad ranging and have significant impact. Advice, information, and directions for family members dealing with a problematic drinker need development.  相似文献   

Comparison of a suspected biter's dental arches with the patterned injury of a bite mark is especially difficult when the bite occurs in an anatomic location with a small radius of curvature or with complex or compound curves. The authors present two case reports in which human skin was used as a template for the reproduction of a bite. In one case the victim's skin was used; in the other, the skin of a anatomically similar person was used. The use of inked dental casts, photography, and transparent overlays significantly reduced the errors common to analysis of bite marks in these highly curved areas.  相似文献   

The academic world has shown increasing interest in the European Parliament (EP), but still more has to be done to open the ‘black box’ of its micro-management. This study is an attempt to show that puzzles in the internal workings of the EP are far from being solved or understood. Its purpose is three-pronged: First, it illustrates that the world of committee reports is characterised by disproportionality which contradicts the overall principle laid down in the standing rules of the EP. Second, the study attempts to explain and understand rapporteurship allocation. Focusing on the consumer and environment committee in the fourth term of the EP, the results indicate that the group of rapporteurs consists of members with high demands for the policy in their jurisdiction. Its preferences systematically differ from those of the legislature as a whole. Third, this article discusses four aspects that deserve further elaboration in future studies on the EP's internal organisation.  相似文献   

陈健 《科技与法律》2003,(1):115-116
“陷阱取证”是主要用于刑事案件的一种侦查方式 ,又称为“侦查陷阱”、“警察圈套”。在对一些特殊刑事案件的侦查中 ,如犯罪行为具有组织性、隐蔽性、甚至无被害人的情况下 ,包括贩毒、行贿、组织卖淫、伪造货币等案件 ,侦查人员为了获取犯罪嫌疑人犯罪的证据或线索、抓获犯罪嫌疑人而隐瞒身份 ,利诱或暗示被侦查对象实施犯罪行为的一种特殊侦查手段或方法。“陷阱取证”主要包括两种形式 :一是机会提供型取证 ,是指被侦查对象已有犯罪意图 ,侦查圈套只是使这种犯罪意图或倾向暴露出来或只是促使其实施具体的犯罪行为 ;二是犯意诱惑型取证…  相似文献   

Digital investigation of anthropological material through computed tomography (CT) offers several new opportunities in morphometrics. However, an object measured with computer-assisted methods does not necessarily exactly match the original one. The scanning and surface reconstruction of the object induce some alterations, and data acquisition is prone to measurement uncertainty. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the intra- and inter-observers variations in medical CT scan measurements of a known-size phantom and two dry crania. Two software packages, AMIRA and Treatment and Increased Vision for Medical Imaging (TIVMI), which use different techniques of surface reconstructions, were compared. The mean difference between the measurements was lower for TIVMI, using an objective algorithm based on the half-maximum height (HMH) protocol in three dimensions (3D). AMIRA can induce up to a 4% error in known measurements and 5% uncertainty in dry skull measurements. This study emphasises the risk of object shape alteration in each step of its digitisation.  相似文献   

UNISCAN scanner with PC was used at department of medical criminology and at the histological department of the Novosibirsk Regional Bureau of Forensic Medical Expert Evaluations. The quality of images obtained by computers and digital photography is not inferior to that of traditional photographs.  相似文献   

This article is a content analysis of news reports of parricide cases occurring worldwide. An extensive search of online databases found coverage of more than 200 cases of children killing parents reported in the news media. Data pertaining to incidents, case-related variables (e.g., weapons used, other charges), and the processing of offenders from the initial charge through conviction and sentencing are examined. To the extent possible, media accounts are used to classify cases according to motive and Heide's three types of parricide offenders. Twelve significant differences are discussed between U.S. and non-U.S. cases of parricide with respect to characteristics of parricide incidents, motives and other areas of clinical interest in reported parricide offenders, and Heide's typology. The article concludes with a discussion of media representations of the phenomenon versus the actual occurrence, several observations that emerged from these news accounts, and directions for future research.  相似文献   

The manner and cause of death in a forensic series of chronic alcoholics.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chronic alcoholics account for an increasing number of the cases which are examined in forensic pathology. The manner and cause of death in 122 chronic alcoholics is described and compared with a previous investigation and to a group of non-alcoholics. The percentage of cases in which the manner of death is undetermined is twice as high as in the control group, whilst the percentage of suicide, surprisingly enough is only half that of the control group. The patho-anatomic findings in the liver and the causes of death are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

美国是一个自然灾害高发的国家,主要灾害有洪水、地震、飓风与龙卷风等。由于经济发达物质财富高度集中,每一次严重自然灾害都会造成巨大的经济损失。为了尽量减少灾害所造成的损失,美国政府非常重视各种灾害对策研究及其立法。本文作者从美国灾害救援体系、灾!言对策立法两个方面着重介绍了美国的灾害对策模式,最后论述了美国经验对我国的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Based on criminological experiences and pathomorphological, serological and toxicological studies of more than 300 fatalities, an overview is given of drugs, their intravenous abuse and drug deaths in Hamburg and the Federal Republic of Germany. The number of drug deaths has increased dramatically in Hamburg, where there were more than 50 cases each year in 1987 and 1988. In the F.R.G. approximately 400 cases are registered per annum. The percentage of female intravenous drug abusers is growing and the age of the decedents is increasing. The mean was formerly 25 years, but is now 30 years. Among the histopathological findings, foreign-body granulomas are of special value; infectious diseases, especially hepatitis B and HIV-infection, have to be investigated serologically and morphologically. The prevalence of HIV-1 antibodies among drug deaths in Hamburg is approximately 15%, in comparison with approximately 50% in Berlin. The "supply" of heroin has apparently become so copious that nearly all deaths are caused by overdosage with this substance. An international agreement about a definition of a drug death is a prerequisite for nationwide analyses.  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(4):687-718

We use content and ethnographic methods to analyze news media coverage of crime, drug offenses, and celebrated cases. We document the sources cited in crime stories to determine which officials are used to define what is important about crime as it is presented to the public. This analysis demonstrates that the organizational constraints of news production determine the presentation of the great majority of crime stories. The media rely on criminal justice sources to increase efficiency of news production. The involvement of sources in the standard production of news, however, gives them an opportunity to take advantage of important social problems and celebrated cases. We examine the sources cited in crime stories, drug stories, and celebrated cases to document how the news process evolves according to the importance of the story. Implications for understanding crime and the role of the media as an institution of social control are discussed.  相似文献   

An examination of self-reported contributions to housework and use of resources in the home by 1296 Scottish 16- and 18-year-olds revealed sharp differences between the sexes in both areas. In only one area of housework sampled, household repairs, did boys contribute more often, and in only one area of resources, use of space for friends, did girls benefit more often. Moreover, with respect to housework, sexual inequality was inversely related to social class. Beliefs about sex roles were broadly egalitarian, but weakly related to housework done; among both male and female, contributing to more areas of housework was associated with more egalitarian beliefs. Neither access to resources nor contributions to housework were related to financial contributions made to the household. Generally, the results indicate that sex was the most powerful determinant of both housework and use of resources. It seems that young people are already extensively prepared for inequality in adult sex roles within the family by their own direct experience, if not their sex-role beliefs.  相似文献   

The National Probation Service in England and Wales currently delivers community-based accredited offending behavior programs in mixed-gender groups. There is at present a lack of research on the potential impact of mixed-gender group work on female offenders, who are often the minority within the group. This study aimed to improve our understanding of the area using qualitative methods. Sixteen offenders who had participated in a mixed-gender offending behavior program were interviewed as part of this study. Themes from the interviews were analyzed using Grounded Theory techniques. The findings illustrated an overall preference among all participants for mixed-gender rather than single-gender group work. The specific advantages of mixed-gender group work included increased learning about the opposite sex and a more relaxed atmosphere within the group. Although this study reflects positive attitudes to mixed-gender group work, the findings need to be tested further using empirical methodology.  相似文献   

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