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广东黑社会问题再探:近年来广东反黑工作的回顾与思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
当前,黑社会性质犯罪已在广东省部分地区形成一定的势力,为非作恶、贻害一方,严重地扰乱了当地的社会管理秩序和危及了人民生命财产安全。针对日趋猖獗的黑社会性质犯罪,广东各级公安机关都将”打黑除恶”作为重要的日常业务工作来抓,坚持日常业务和专项行动相结合的反黑工作原则,从严从重、适时及时地打击黑恶犯罪。我们在查证黑社会性质组织时,应具体地内看其组织特征,外看其行为特征,在此基础上,抽象出其属性特征。  相似文献   

法院在法治实现过程中有着独特而不可替代的作用,一个成熟的法治国家是以法院角色的正确认同和充分实现为前提的。法院的司法决策以及法院能动性的发挥和法院的自我约束的平衡是在法院对自身角色进行定位和摸索过程实现的。中国在建设社会主义法治国家的进程中,法院应该也必将发挥适当而重要的作用。  相似文献   

中国大陆黑社会犯罪有关问题述论   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目前,在我国明显的、典型的黑社会犯罪还没有出现,但带有黑社会性质的犯罪集团已经出现,横行乡里、称霸一方,欺压、残害群众的有组织犯罪时有出现。另外也发现有境外黑社会组织成员入境进行违法犯罪活动。在多年的实践中,公安机关总结出我国反黑工作的指导方针和基本原则。  相似文献   

2007年是司法行政机关全面履行司法鉴定管理职责,加强管理工作,规范执业活动的管理年。建设年,也是实现司法鉴定体制改革要求的关键一年。各级司法行政机关把司法鉴定管理工作的重点放在“抓管理、打基础、促发展”上。为促进法医类、物证类和声像资料类司法鉴定机构和司法鉴定人的规范和发展做出了积极努力。本文对“三大类”司法鉴定情况作了统计和分析.  相似文献   

风险社会与政府危机管理创新   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
胡杨 《行政与法》2006,(1):13-16
现代社会风险的运行逻辑,标志着反思性风险社会从理论形态开始成为人类社会的实践。本文认为,现代社会风险的“人化”、“制度化”和“全球化”等本质特征,对传统政府管理职能、政府管理体制和民族国家管理模式提出了严峻的挑战。因此,风险社会下的政府危机管理创新包括以下三个层面:政府管理职能从统治到善治的创新,政府管理体制从传统官僚科层制向全面危机管理体制创新,政府管理模式从民族福利国家管理模式向国际复合型危机管理模式的创新。  相似文献   

王黎  郭洪玲  朱军  王萍 《刑事技术》2020,(2):125-130
统计学方法在微量物证理化检验工作中受到越来越多的重视,采用有效的统计学方法对检验数据进行分析,不仅能够深度挖掘复杂数据背后信息,还能不断提高数据的应用价值和证据本身的证据价值。本文对目前微量物证领域常用统计学方法进行归纳总结,简要介绍了常用统计方法的应用,对各类方法优缺点进行说明。最后,对法庭科学工作者都比较感兴趣的贝叶斯统计与似然比方法在理化检验数据统计分析中的应用进行了介绍。  相似文献   

Abstract: Recent scrutiny of forensic science has focused on unreliability of expert witness testimony when based on statements of individuality. In bitemark analysis, assumptions regarding uniqueness of the dentition have been based on use of the product rule while ignoring correlation and nonuniformity of dental arrangement. To examine the effect of these factors, two separate sets of scanned dental models (n = 172 and n = 344) were measured and statistically tested to determine match rates. Results were compared to those of a prior study. Seven and 16 matches of the six anterior lower teeth were found in the respective data sets. Correlations and nonuniform distributions of tooth positions were observed. Simulation tests were performed to verify results. Results indicate that given experimental measurement parameters, statements of dental uniqueness with respect to bitemark analysis in an open population are unsupportable and that use of the product rule is inappropriate.  相似文献   

姜福东 《河北法学》2008,26(5):108-112
从风俗习惯的视角来看,祭奠体现了中国传统礼法文化的核心价值理念——孝。历史上,由于礼这种大传统的存在,祭奠具有某种意义上的法律属性。现在,祭奠主要是作为一种民间规范,在小传统的意义上发挥其不可替代的社会效用。从法权的视角来看,现行法律没有明文规定祭奠权为一种具体的法定权利。司法过程中,法官可以基于法律原则,对祭奠权作为一种身份权的推定权利进行正当性论证,以之定纷止争。对祭奠权纠纷现象,我们既要肯定其弘扬法权的历史进步性,也不可否弃自己的东方经验。  相似文献   

风险社会理论给我国食品安全监管带来的挑战与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贝克的风险社会理论向世人宣告了风险社会的到来。贝克的风险社会理论认为,现代社会的风险是文明的产物,不同于传统社会的风险。风险社会理论在给我国食品安全监管体制、监管方式等带来了挑战的同时,也给我国食品安全监管带来了启示:理性对待食品安全风险认知差异,建立食品安全风险规制体系,探索食品安全风险的复合治理方式。  相似文献   

风险社会的法理解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
风险社会理论在全球化浪潮的裹挟下已经成功地波及了世界上大多数国家,风险社会与社会风险是存在差异的概念,对风险社会的理解必须置于特定的语境和场域之中,中国的风险社会具有强烈的地域特色与时代背景。风险社会的生成引发了一系列社会变革和理念更新,法理学界应当认真对待这种大变革。文章主要从法律理念以及法律制度的构建与运行层面对风险社会进行法理学的解读。  相似文献   

南连伟 《法学研究》2012,(4):138-153
风险刑法理论曲解了风险社会理论,尤其是风险范畴的真实含义,混淆了风险社会的风险与传统社会的风险。该理论针对的是传统社会的风险,它对于传统刑法理论的颠覆是无根据的。风险社会的风险具有全球性、未知性、系统性、两面性,在古典工业社会的背景下,它们被合法化为现代化的"潜在副作用",古典工业社会的刑法无法化解风险社会的风险。风险社会的危机属于系统危机,需要系统性地解决,这首先有赖于科学和政治的制度性反思。面对风险社会的危机,刑法既不应无所作为,也不应鲁莽冒进,而应当是反思性的。  相似文献   

Ancestry assessments using cranial morphoscopic traits currently rely on subjective trait lists and observer experience rather than empirical support. The trait list approach, which is untested, unverified, and in many respects unrefined, is relied upon because of tradition and subjective experience. Our objective was to examine the utility of frequently cited morphoscopic traits and to explore eleven appropriate and novel methods for classifying an unknown cranium into one of several reference groups. Based on these results, artificial neural networks (aNNs), OSSA, support vector machines, and random forest models showed mean classification accuracies of at least 85%. The aNNs had the highest overall classification rate (87.8%), and random forests show the smallest difference between the highest (90.4%) and lowest (76.5%) classification accuracies. The results of this research demonstrate that morphoscopic traits can be successfully used to assess ancestry without relying only on the experience of the observer.  相似文献   

风险社会之刑法应对   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
风险社会为理解和把握现代刑法提供了全新的观察视角,也为反思传统刑法提供了重要的理论工具。为了应对风险,有必要制定风险刑法。风险刑法在观念、功能和归责等方面与传统刑法有显著不同,对传统刑法基本原则构成挑战,并对传统刑法价值体系进行裂解,隐含有巨大风险。在风险社会,可以采用传统刑法与风险刑法并存的方式,以弥补传统刑法在功能上的不足和责任追究上的漏洞,两者互相支持,共同达成维护社会秩序和安全的目标。  相似文献   

风险社会视野中的刑事推定——一种法哲学的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当今世界已经进入风险社会时代,国家在惩治预防犯罪中面临巨大的压力.在某些特定领域,刑事法价值取向的"钟摆"逐渐向社会秩序利益倾斜,越来越趋向以预防与威慑为核心.刑事法社会保护机能的强化与刑事法基本原则之间的冲突可能进一步加剧.在这种刑事法变革的大背景下,刑事推定规则凸显了强化刑事法社会保护机能的功利导向.同时,推定规则以其特殊的结构和功能,尽量降低了对刑事法基本原则的冲击,是兼顾被告人人权保障的一种利益均衡机制.  相似文献   

食品安全刑法保护的现状、问题及完善   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
李梁 《法学杂志》2012,33(9):151-154
近些年来,我国食品安全问题凸显,违法犯罪事件频发,刑法保护不力。从"民生"的视角审视食品安全的刑法保护存在的问题、刑法以及刑罚设置缺陷,然后在立法不足的基础上提出完善建议,以期能对司法实践有所裨益。  相似文献   

在风险社会的语境中,知识产权法是一种制度文明,也是一种可能存在的制度风险。诸如文化风险、生态风险、基因技术风险、网络风险等,主要是知识产权制度的"内生性"风险。如何克服现行知识产权法律制度和法律秩序的先天性缺陷和潜在危机,提高风险意识,增强风险识别能力,寻求风险治理机制,是国际知识产权界共同面临的时代问题。知识产权制度风险的法律治理必须秉持价值理性与工具理性统一、权利观念与责任观念统一、法律控制与技术规制统一等理念,并通过传统知识保护、公共领域保留、开放存取及知识共享协议、知识创新奖励等制度的替代和补充,形成一个应对风险社会的观念体系和制度系统。这是应对知识产权制度风险的法律举措,也是实现知识产权制度价值目标的法律变革路径。  相似文献   

The three eras in American policing – political, reform, and community – has become the default theoretical framework within the study of criminal justice, explicitly and implicitly shaping the discourse of police studies. Despite historically informed criticisms of this three-era model, no alternative theory has been proffered as a way of critically thinking about the police. This paper draws on Norbert Elias’ civilising thesis and the role of the state as an alternative theoretical framework to explain the evolution of American policing. We argue that changes in policing are more cogently explained by assuming a long-term view of change and that the intrusion and the retreat of the state from society better captures the evolution of the police through time.  相似文献   

Friction ridge impression appearance can be affected due to the type of surface touched and pressure exerted during deposition. Understanding the magnitude of alterations, regions affected, and systematic/detectable changes occurring would provide useful information. Geometric morphometric techniques were used to statistically characterize these changes. One hundred and fourteen prints were obtained from a single volunteer and impressed with heavy, normal, and light pressure on computer paper, soft gloss paper, 10‐print card stock, and retabs. Six hundred prints from 10 volunteers were rolled with heavy, normal, and light pressure on soft gloss paper and 10‐print card stock. Results indicate that while different substrates/pressure levels produced small systematic changes in fingerprints, the changes were small in magnitude: roughly the width of one ridge. There were no detectable changes in the degree of random variability of prints associated with either pressure or substrate. In conclusion, the prints transferred reliably regardless of pressure or substrate  相似文献   

王伦刚 《现代法学》2008,30(3):56-62
西方市民社会的历史多样性决定了中国经济法学借鉴市民社会理论存在选择问题,但是,学者们却在批判西方现代市民社会的基础上直接将当代市民社会作为中国经济法的社会基础,这会导致种种弊端。在历史视角下,我们会发现中国市民社会正在形成之中,而且西方现代与当代市民社会之间存在有机的历史联系,因此,中国经济法的社会观应该是中国市民社会,即立足于中国并借鉴和整合现代与当代西方市民社会特点的市民社会。  相似文献   


Personality disordered and mentally disordered sexual offenders (MDSOs) with complex diagnoses such as schizophrenia, developmental disorders and mood disorders face challenges of restoring their mental health, living more safely with personality- and offence-related risks, while addressing concerns about their capacity to reintegrate into society; this has been termed “secure recovery”. This paper reviews the literature on recovery, demonstrating its commonality with the Good Lives Model (GLM) as applied to MDSOs' offending treatment. GLM appears to provide a better fit with the recovery needs of MDSOs than the Risk–Need–Responsivity model because it emphasises approach goals, enhanced responsivity and skills acquisition. Recovery needs to integrate coping with mental disorders with risk management and a healthy, future lifestyle. Both secure recovery and GLM support the need for client–clinician collaboration, promoting self-determination and a shared narrative about coping with enduring risk and the hope of sustained well-being.  相似文献   

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