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华老 《党政论坛》2010,(16):51-51
毛泽东晚年的书法艺术,冠绝一时。而他一生,都非常热爱书法。 一生爱书法 毛泽东8岁进私塾,对毛笔字的书写产生了极大的兴趣,自此与翰墨结下不解之缘而成为当代书法巨匠。  相似文献   

剑武 《瞭望》1999,(15)
踏在世纪之交的门槛上,中国现代书法的展览似乎不如前些年那么热闹。想当年,《现代书法首展》于1985年10月15日在中国美术馆画廊举行。从此,中国现代书法开始以集团军的气势迈上中国书坛,但步履蹒跚,道路至今未曾畅达。与此同步,关于中国书法何去何从的声音...  相似文献   

李赛 《学理论》2010,(21):174-175
《书谱》是我国书法史上划时代的不朽论著,提出了诸多精辟的艺术主张。对《书谱》进行了简要分析,将孙过庭的书法主张归纳为书法历史观、艺术辩证观、艺术抒情观、书法融合论、书法创作论、学书三段论六个方面,并逐一进行了论述。  相似文献   

宁楠 《学理论》2010,(21):167-167
宋人论书主张书法创作不应受法度的束缚,而应重视作品中的风神意韵及书家的内在精神与气质,自由地抒发其胸臆,力求创新。其共同特点都是重视书法创作中的主观因素,也就是强调“意”的作用。因此“尚意”成为宋代书法理论的总的精神,是宋书创作的美学追求,也是宋代书法理论发展的总体特征。  相似文献   

李林林 《学理论》2009,(30):213-213
面对当代书法要创新的呼声,书坛各个角落都掀起书法求新的思潮。但怎样创新,成为我们首要思考的问题,当今很多书法创新作品完全不考虑传统的存在,过分张扬个性,使大多数作品随时间的推移而被传统抛弃,在书法史上也仅仅是各种短暂、局部的书法现象之一,因此寻找一条顺应书法史道路的创新之路是我们共同探讨的话题。  相似文献   

1959年,董洪奇先生生于山西省芮城县的书香门第,童年喜好用拾起的弹壳在黄河的泥床上练字。少年时期就舞笔泼墨,从小锤炼书法功底。曾拜天津博物馆馆长韩敬贤先生学习书画。书法临学颜、欧、柳、赵、苏、黄、米、怀素、张旭、二王及王锋、唐伯虎、文微明等历代书法大家,遍走中华大地,访名师,逐步练就与众不同的铁笔书法。  相似文献   

关莹 《学理论》2009,(32):137-137
清代书法,是中国古代书法史上最后一个高峰。邓石如为清代碑学巨臂,是清代一位全面实践和体现碑学主张的书法家,四体真、草、隶、篆无一不工,在书法和篆刻领域取得了前人罕见的艺术成就,对后世书家、篆刻家影响深远。  相似文献   

王登新 《学理论》2009,(32):136-136
书法作品的“意象”追求,贯穿于书法创作的整个过程,“意象”的表现是书法形质与神采的再现,书法“意象”美使作品具有鲜活的生命韵味,是指导书家进行创作的重要审美取向。同时,欣赏者也在欣赏过程中,运用丰富的意象思维感悟书法作品中的这种“意象”美。  相似文献   

清风慕竹 《各界》2014,(4):64-67
“三更灯火五更鸡,正是男儿读书时。黑发不知勤学早,自首方悔读书迟。”这首熟悉的《劝学》诗,出白唐代的颜真卿之手,然而真正让他名动天下的并不是诗,而是书法。他的书法丰腴雄浑、骨力遒劲,与柳公权并称“颜筋柳骨”。不过比他的书法更让人惊心动魄的,是他一辈子刀光剑影的人生。  相似文献   

韩硕  刘军国 《党政论坛》2013,(22):29-29
王僧虔是书法家王羲之的四世族孙,他的书法为当时所推崇。南齐皇帝萧道成,早就听说王僧虔的书法拥有天下最好的美誉,很不服气,因为萧道成在当皇帝前也是一位很有名气的书法家。  相似文献   

二程是宋代理学的重要代表人物,他们都非常重视“公”的内涵和价值。程颢在阐释“仁”的过程中提出了“廓然而大公”的思想,把“公”视作人类面对天地万物的仁爱情怀,将自然界纳入道德烛照的对象;程颐阐述了公是仁之理的观点,澄清了公和仁、理的关系;对于如何实现先公后私,二程从实践主体、价值取向、实践方法等角度进行了深刻探讨。这些思想对当代社会生态文明建设、反腐倡廉、价值观重塑都具有一定的启示意义。  相似文献   

Paul Pecorino 《Public Choice》2009,138(1-2):161-169
It is well established that the provision of a pure public good is increasing in group size if the good is normal. What I show is that if the good exhibits even a small degree of rivalry, then the individual level of consumption of the public good falls to zero in a large group. Thus, a strong version of Olson’s large group hypothesis applies to anything other than a pure public good. While individual consumption of the public good goes to zero in a large group, there is not a monotonicity result. If it is initially small, an increase in the group size may lead to an increase in the individual consumption of the public good.  相似文献   

公共利益与政府职能   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
公共利益是一个特定社会群体存在和发展所必需的,该社会群体中不确定的个人都可以享有的社会价值。从公共利益视角考察政府职能,包括两方面内容:一方面,政府应该以实现公共利益为己任,通过公共利益可以界定政府公共职能的基本内容;另一方面,从公共利益的实现机制来看,政府不是公益物品的唯一提供者,它应该在公共利益的实现机制中承担“掌舵”的角色。为了更好地发挥政府在实现公共利益过程中的作用,西方政府正在积极推行新公共管理运动。我国政府也在经历深刻的治理变革,具体内容体现在民主化改革、市场化改革和政府自身改革等三个方面。  相似文献   

We report the results of an experiment investigating the provision of a step-level collective good. This experiment compares the behavior of subjects in a public good game with the behavior of subjects in a club good game. In the club good game, players who do not contribute the membership fee are excluded from the consumption of the collective good. The introduction of a small membership fee has surprisingly strong effects: it increases the provision of the collective good, delays provision failures and increases the number of contributors. The experiment also reveals the limits of the introduction of a small fee. At a high threshold level, the membership fee no longer ensures successful provision.  相似文献   

数字治理对城市政府善治的影响研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
新公共管理运动和信息技术的发展推动了城市政府治理模式的变革“,善治”成为城市政府治理模式进化的方向。同时,在信息技术和电子政务的推动下,数字治理应运而生,成为信息社会实现城市政府善治的新思路。在对城市政府善治和数字治理进行全面阐释的基础上,构造数字治理环境下城市治理主体互动模式模型、城市网络治理结构模型;结合善治和城市政府善治的基本要素,对数字治理在城市政府善治中的作用进行了深入探讨。研究表明,数字治理借助其强大的技术优势,能形成良好的网络治理结构,加固城市政府善治的合法性基础,增强城市政府的透明性与回应性,明确城市治理主体的责任性,从而能够构建有效的城市政府善治机制,成为数字时代城市政府善治的理想选择。  相似文献   

Christoph Jindra  Ana Vaz 《管理》2019,32(4):657-675
In 2015, the international community committed to “reduce at least by half the proportion of men, women and children of all ages living in poverty in all its dimensions.” According to international development agencies, good governance is crucial to achieving this. We examine the relationship between good governance and multidimensional poverty using hierarchical models and survey data for 71 countries. Our results suggest there is a direct effect of good governance on multidimensional poverty and that good governance is associated with reduced horizontal inequalities. However, we find evidence of a beneficial effect of good governance for middle‐income countries but not for low‐income countries. Thus, while our results suggest that good governance can play a role in reducing multidimensional poverty, they also suggest that governance reforms alone might not yield the desired effect for all countries.  相似文献   

In experiments investigating the voluntary provision of a pure public good, participants consistently allocate resources to this good when the Nash prediction is to allocate nothing. This paper explores the robustness of this result when the Nash prediction calls for a division of resources between the private and public goods. We consider how a change in individual resource endowments and supplemental earnings information affect allocations to the public good. Results indicate that, under both the high and low endowment conditions, groups continue to allocate more resources than the Nash prediction. However, providing participants with detailed instructions that describe the declining marginal benefit to the public good leads to a significant decrease in allocations to the public good.  相似文献   

This paper generalizes the model of collective rent-seeking over a public good. Expanding the rent seeker's consumption bundle to include preferences over the public good and a private good, our results suggest collective rent-seeking is positively related to group size. Although free riding exists within a group, there is not a one-for-one tradeoff. In addition, rent seeking increases with wealth. Finally, total effort expended by both groups increases if either group increases in membership size, except in the case of an extremely lopsided contest. The key condition underlying these results is that the marginal utility of the public good is not inversely related to the private good.  相似文献   

政府、市场与公民社会的良性互动   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
20世纪80年代以来,西方国家在对市场失灵与政府失效进行纠错的基础上,提出了治理与善治的行政改革理念和模式。善治的实质在于实现政府、市场与公民社会之间的良性互动,以此来弥补政府和市场在调控和协调过程中的某些不足。治理和善治在一定程度上反映了公共行政发展的规律和趋势,借鉴和吸收其合理因素,对于推进我国的行政改革,促进我国社会资本的形成和转化,实现我国的善治具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Laura Langbein 《Public Choice》2004,121(1-2):83-98
This paper uses a version of theBergstrom/Goodman median voter model toexamine whether there are aspects ofpublicness to public school music. It alsoexamines whether the provision of publicschool music is an example of the abilityof small groups to seek benefits forthemselves at the expense of larger groups. School music programs provide a uniquesetting in which it is possible to separatethe demand for school music programs by theconsumers of school music (the privatebeneficiaries) from the demand for schoolmusic programs by those who do not directlyconsume the product. If those who are notdirect consumers of music programs appearto value school music programs as a publicgood, their valuation cannot be confusedwith a jointly consumed private good, orconsumption of a private good with scaleeconomies, because they are not themselvesconsuming it as a private good. Using datafrom the 1987 Schools and Staffing Survey,the results from a logarithmic, normative,demand model show that (parents of)nonmusic students appear to value musicprograms as a public good. Once it isprovided for music students, additionalproportions of nonmusic students do notdemand additional music classes. In thatmodel, music students appear to value musicclasses as a private good. In thepositive, additive, demand model, moremusic students mean that more music classeswill be provided. Further, since music isvalued as a non-subtractable public goodwhose costs can easily be spread,increasing numbers of non-music studentsalso result in (slightly) more musicclasses. The method can be used to estimate thepublicness of publicly provided goodswhenever it is possible to separate thedirect beneficiaries of the good from thosewho could only value its externalities. The model seems particularly applicable tostudying the extent to which defense isvalued as a quasi-private good by theconcentrated defense industry; and whetherit is also valued as a public good bycitizen/voters with no connection to thedefense industry. It may also be usefulfor investigating still unsettled questionsregarding the publicness of publiclyprovided education.  相似文献   

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