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中国近代无政府主义乌托邦具有突出的道德性特征.人类均力的无政府理想社会、机器化的大同理想社会、无政府共产主义理想社会等具有代表性的乌托邦蓝图,显示出近代政治思想变迁的复杂性与矛盾性.无政府主义乌托邦的道德性与批判性是高度统一的.近代无政府主义的乌托邦蕴含着专制与极权主义的底色或暗影,但同时,它在政治现实背景下又映衬出了强烈的道德性和合理性.  相似文献   

America in Shock     
America is in shock. It is not because of the unusual sight of the first black President taking up residence in the White House. Barack Obama's profile, after all, is more familiar to the diverse population of today's ethnically and racially hybrid America than the fast disappearing WASP identity of George Bush. Sooner or later, but always, politics codifies cultural change, not the other way around. America is in shock because our economic and financial landscape is suddenly unrecognizable.  相似文献   

Faith in America     
Sheler JL 《U.S. news & world report》2002,132(15):40-4, 46, 48 passim

Along with ‘anti-development’ and ‘beyond development’, post-development is a radical reaction to the dilemmas of development. Post-development focuses on the underlying premises and motives of development; what sets it apart from other critical approaches is that it rejects development. The question is whether this is a tenable and fruitful position. Taken up first in this article are major overt positions of post-development—the problematisation of poverty, the portrayal of development as Westernisation, and the critique of modernism and science. The argument then turns to discourse analysis of development; it is argued that, in post-development, discourse analysis from a methodology turns into an ideology. Next the difference between alternative development and ‘alternatives to development’ is examined. The reasons why this difference is made out to be so large are, in my interpretation, anti-managerialism and dichotomic thinking. The article closes with a discussion of the politics of post-development and a critical assessment.  相似文献   

美国儿童福利的演进以1909年为界,经历了前制度化阶段和制度化阶段.福利项目的内容主要涉及收入保障、食品与营养、医疗卫生以及教育等方面.项目形式包括现金、所得税抵免、实物、服务和代金券等等.到20世纪90年代中期,由于费用不断膨胀和公众舆论的影响,美国儿童福利制度进行了调整.新制度强调了节省开支、工作伦理和道德要求等方面的内容.  相似文献   

Studies in Comparative International Development -  相似文献   

Since the mid 1970s relations between the USA and Libya have been antagonistic. The radical policies the regime of Muammar Qadaaffi has pursued have made Libya one of the USA's bêtes noires . The reasons for US antagonism derive from Libya's repression at home, its alleged support for terrorism and for radical movements opposed to US interests, its staunch opposition to Israel, and its anti-Western rhetoric. Libya's hostility towards the USA rests on a perception of the USA as a global power intent on maintaining its hegemony and control over the Arab and Islamic world. Libyans have been resentful of US support of Israel to the detriment of Arabs and Muslims. Libya's resolute opposition to the USA especially in the 1980s, resulted in a series of military confrontations. The USA has maintained sanctions despite the suspension of UN sanctions on Libya in 1999. The USA has retained Libya on its short list of 'rogue states' despite recognition that Libya has stopped sponsoring terrorism. The contention here is that Libya, like the other 'rogue states', provides justification for US domestic policies (eg National Missile Defense). Given the events of 11 September 2001 in the US, it is quite conceivable that Libya could become a target of the US antiterrorism campaign. The USA could at last find valid justification for the removal of the Qadaffi regime.  相似文献   


This paper fills an informational gap for multidisciplinary providers of services to the former Soviet Union (FSU) immigrants in the United States, highlighting the long-term medical and mental health consequences of this group's pre-migration exposure to the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster. The international literature is selectively presented together with recent findings of Chernobyl mental health sequelae in a cohort residing in the United States. Guidelines for service providers, as well as Russian language health service resources in US cities populated by significant FSU communities, are also furnished.  相似文献   

新自由主义之后还是新自由主义?   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
紧接着新自由主义之后会是什么 ?在回答这个问题之前 ,首先要回答一个更为基础的问题 :新自由主义和新保守主义在对待反全球化和反战运动上有什么共同点 ?答案是它们都声称要在当代世界体系中重新定义民主制度。“传播民主制度”帮助了“华盛顿共识”和布什主义。“华盛顿共识”声称新自由主义与中心金融资本利用国际货币基金组织 (IMF)和世贸组织 (WTO)对边缘区及整个世界进行经济控制 ,是解决不幸和灾难惟一的现实选择 ;布什主义是一种毫不掩饰的新保守主义 ,以美国的全球军事控制和先发制人作为保卫民主制度的世界安全的一部分。尽管…  相似文献   

After the flood     
Powell B 《Time》2005,165(2):40, 43-40, 45

This article discusses the meaning of self-determination in its historical and contemporary contexts and examines the different options available for the accommodation of contested self-determination claims. Among these, the creation of a new state, arguably, is the most radical of options and one that has significant regional and global implications beyond the territory to which it is applied. Detailing these implications in relation to the case of Kosovo, we make a broader argument that, even if secession is one mechanism to resolve self-determination disputes, this does not do away with the need to continue exploring settlements short of secession as alternatives to changing established international boundaries.  相似文献   


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