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This scoping review sought to map the emerging evidence on use of harm minimization drug treatment programs in criminal justice settings. A search of various data bases including Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews Medline, ProQuest, SAGE Premier, Scopus, Taylor & Francis Online, and Web of Science yielded eight studies that met inclusion criteria. The available evidence suggests increasing adoption of harm minimization policy oriented programs by countries around the world. Specific programs adopted include needle and syringe exchange, methadone maintenance, buprenorphine maintenance and treatment in lieu of incarceration. Each of these programs has evidence to support their effectiveness in relation to individual harm reduction, disease reduction, increase treatment retention and reduced criminality. This article considers implications of the adoption of harm minimization policies by criminal justice systems.  相似文献   

This article starts from the observation that in classical Athens the discovery of democracy as a normative model of politics has been from the beginning not only a political and a legal but at the same time a philosophical enterprise. Reflections on the concept of criminal law and on the meaning of punishment can greatly benefit from reflections on Athenian democracy as a germ for our contemporary debate on criminal justice in a democracy. Three main characteristics of the Athenian model will be analysed: the self-instituting capacity of a democracy based on participatory and reflective citizenship, political power as the capacity of citizens for co-operating and co-acting with others, and the crime of hubris as one of the key issues in Athenian criminal law. These analyses will lead to the conclusion that one of the key issues of a democratic legal order lies in its capacity of recognizing the fragility of the human condition and of developing workable and effective standards of justice in that context. A relational conception of criminal law and punishment, based on proportionality, reflexivity, mutual respect and responsibility fits best with a democracy under the rule of law.
René FoquéEmail:

在刑事法治系统中,立法与司法是两个非常重要的子系统。研究刑法学方法,①对于这两个子系统的良性运转,进而促进刑事法治系统的良性运转,具有重要意义。一立法完善,对于中国刑事法治而言,是一项重要的制度建设工作。二十世纪八十年代以来的刑事立法,始终贯穿着这一主题。(一)立法完善的含义与意义完善之意,指(使之)完备美好。②立法完善,即通过立法程序使法律、法规进一步完备的过程与结果。刑法的立法完善亦然。废除、修改非正当、不合理的规定,增补与社会现实相适应的内容,是刑法立法完善工作的基本方式。制定立法解释,是刑法立法完善工作…  相似文献   

一、曲折的刑事司法改革路径意大利是西方文明的一个重要发祥地,是罗马法的故乡。在相当长的一个历史时期里,它的法学思想、法学观念引领着世界法学的发展方向。但是,伴随着席卷欧洲大陆的法国大革命的到来,这种领先地位逐步被具有更加新鲜理念的法国所取代,从而由领导者地位转而成为了一位追随者。意大利的刑事诉讼法律与其他部门法学相比,出现得相对较晚。据记载,统一的意大利刑事诉讼法始于19世纪末。第一部正式、统一的意大利刑事诉讼法典诞生于1865年。由于受法国大革命的影响,这部法典明显地效仿了拿破仑法典,表现出典型的纠问式风格…  相似文献   

This article argues that the ascent of climate change on the EU regulatory agenda signals a new era of risk regulation and calls for the establishment of a new paradigm for risk regulation. Climate change is altering the EU's conception of environmental risks and its design of regulatory responses. In contrast to conventional risk regulation, climate change regulation must prioritise the risks of business‐as‐usual over the risks of change, must target systemic change instead of stability, and must favour the virtues of integration and orchestration over those of individualisation and compartmentalisation. There is an important role for risk regulation scholarship to analyse this shift and its consequences for regulation, such as the relocation of legitimacy needs and the emergence of new risks of regulatory failure. Such an enterprise would both reinvigorate risk regulation scholarship and offer a vital contribution to the European Union as it tackles the momentous challenge of climate change governance.  相似文献   

This article focuses upon a relatively unexplored area of criminal activity, namely, aquatic or water based criminal activity. The specific concern is the need to focus upon the vast domain of water, engulfing over two-thirds of the earth's surface, in understanding and expaining many forms of intranational and international criminality. Emphasis is placed upon the need for comprehensive research in order to fill a void in criminological theory and to generate a better understanding of the potential of aquatic environments in promoting and concealing criminal activity. Moreover, comprehensive research is essential in order to promote a realistic assessment of the nature and extent of aquatic crime and to improve our ability to effectively combat such activity.  相似文献   

论检察机关设置专家辅助人制度   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
司法鉴定制度是我国司法制度的重要组成部分,长期以来,我国刑事司法鉴定领域存在着种种弊端,不仅影响了司法鉴定的公信力,还损害了国家法律的正确统一实施,这与检察机关的监督缺位有着密切的关系。因此在完善司法鉴定制度本身的同时,应该通过建立检察机关专家辅助人制度来加强对刑事司法鉴定的监督。探讨在我国设立检察机关专家辅助人制度具有重要意义。  相似文献   

刑事庭审方式改革出现的问题评析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙长永 《中国法学》2002,(3):143-150
我国刑事庭审方式改革之后 ,带来了三个新的问题 ,即检察院依法隐瞒证据、公诉人强制讯问被告人以及合议庭“当庭认证”。这些问题的存在表明 ,我国改革后的庭审方式未能贯彻控辩平等、实体真实与正当程序相统一的原则及辩论原则 ,必须通过建立、健全证据开示制度和庭前准备程序 ,确认被告人沉默权 ,严格实行辩论原则等方法深化改革。  相似文献   

程序正义在刑事诉讼效率中的意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
高一飞 《现代法学》2000,22(3):88-91
本文认为,在当代,刑事诉讼效率与程序正义现念的引入都有其必要性和合理性。但是在目前的中国,首先要通过程序正义实现诉讼效率,因为程序正义中包含着活力和效率,并详细探计了程序正义的各方面对诉讼效率的积极影响。  相似文献   

In the twentieth century, the antinomy of freedom and coercion served as the dominant paradigm for understanding issues of crime and punishment. Roscoe Pound in Criminal Justice in America (1930) and Herbert Packer in The Limits of the Criminal Sanction (1968) described a tension between the values of individual liberty and general security to explain the problems with the justice system and the public's disagreements over their solution. Historians of twentieth‐century criminal law have also adopted this framework to explain causation and change. This essay argues that an antinomic perspective of criminal justice history, while useful, has obscured important historical questions. A focus on social changes, such as the transformations that the automobile brought about in the commission of crimes and police practices, instead of on contrasting values, offers a different account of how proceduralism became inextricably tied to notions of American freedom in the twentieth century. This approach also historicizes the “paradigm of antinomies” and shows how people in the past, like Pound and Packer, mobilized dualistic thinking, which shaped a criminal legal culture based on an antagonism—both real and perceived—between citizens and law enforcement.  相似文献   

联合国司法准则是联合国制定、认可或倡导的,通过联合国文书确认的,在司法过程中所应当遵循和贯彻的政策、规则、规范等的总称。它是世界上绝大多数国家共同、反复协商而形成的关于司法方面的经验总结,体现了国际社会关于司法方面的共同价值取向。联合国司法准则中涉及律师执业活动方面的规范  相似文献   

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