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汪勇 《学理论》2009,(31):198-199,233
中国传统文化具有顽强的绵延性和鲜明的发散性,它深深地扩散到人们的思维方式、价值取向、心理状态、道德情操之中,构成当今中国社会的历史文化背景,影响和制约着人们的行为方式和价值取向。其许多精华,仍可为我们在人才培养中提供智慧和启迪。  相似文献   

在科学心理学和人文取向心理学之后,马克思创建了其独特的心理视角的人性观。马克思心理视角的人性观,对于整合心理学的基本理论,构建科学的心理学体系有着基础理论的意义。马克思通过对社会发展趋向与人内在本质关系的研究,揭示了人的本性具有积极向上、趋善的美好性,解决了心理学的关于性善和性恶之争;通过人类生产目的与心理动力关系的研究,揭示了人类心理活动的基本动力是人的需要,完善了心理学的动力之说;通过社会与人心理活动内容关系的研究,揭示了人的具体社会关系与心理活动内容的辩证性,为心理分析奠定了科学的基础。  相似文献   

失独老人心理困境分析与救助   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨滢玉 《学理论》2014,(2):52-53
失独老人是指一群失去唯一孩子的五十岁左右的老年人。失独老人不仅面临着经济来源中断和无子女养老的问题,而且他们的心理也正处于亚健康状态。因此,针对失独老人的现实问题,提出了相应的救助措施:心理救助;文化滋养;物质救助;养老救助。  相似文献   

在临床心理学领域,各种心理咨询治疗技术的理论是以人性观为基础的。通过对弗洛伊德、斯金纳和罗杰斯的研究从而分析比较三大心理学派人性观,可以帮助心理咨询与治疗工作界定目标,有清晰的理论取向,并使心理咨询与治疗工作更有成效,以方便咨询师对咨询做出评估。  相似文献   

随着经济的迅猛发展,人们的生活水平明显提高,生活压力也增加了,长期处于身体疲劳,心理压抑,情绪焦躁不安的亚健康状态中。当下,符合大众标准的轻体育将传统体育与时尚运动结合一体,有其独特的运动特点,轻体育之优势对改善亚健康状态有重要作用。为此,应大力宣传轻体育运动,增强健身意识;各部门开展轻体育运动,鼓励人们实践参与;营造良好轻体育运动氛围,建立和谐环境。  相似文献   

袁双 《各界》2009,18(11)
面对激烈的社会竞争与市场经济浪潮的冲击,职业心理倦怠日趋激烈的竞争,过重的身心负担,导致中等职业学校教师心理呈现亚健康状态,产生抑郁、偏执、强迫、焦虑等症状,表现出无情、无心、无力的工作状态,得过且过.使中等职业学校的教师不能够身心健康地工作与生活.这直接影响了教师课堂教学的组织和教学质量,并威胁着中职学校教师对职业教育的信心和动力.  相似文献   

王建国 《党政论坛》2004,(12):15-18
王建国的“当代中国共产党人的价值取向”一文就平观与发展观、效率观与公平观、执政观与人本观、时代观与务实观四个方面论述了当代中国共产党人的价值取向。  相似文献   

工具化政策是政策工具性极端发展的表现形式,其政策实践体现为功利主义政策制定观、以效率为中心的政策执行观和量化技术化的政策评价观,它来源于机械唯物论和公共行政技术主义,带来政策本质的迷失、人的道德的虚无和主体性的丧失。张扬政策的价值取向性,实现政策工具性的正确归位,推动政策道德化是实现政策人本化复归的必由之路。  相似文献   

董建军  万卫东 《学理论》2010,(25):264-264,266
经常参与体育运动,可以增强体质,锻炼人的意志,增加心理的坚强性和自信心,并具备减轻应急反应以及降低紧张情绪的作用,也可以促进人们之间的接触,并从中获得社会需要感的满足,是抵御亚健康的有效的手段  相似文献   

价值观贯穿于思想品德之思想、品德、政治观和法律观之中,思想品德的价值观结构决定了它对个体外部行为具有价值取向作用。价值取向的功利性决定了思想品德价值取向功能的定向作用、驱动作用和规范作用,三者共同作用于价值取向实现的过程。价值取向功能的实现包括两个方面,一个是服从阶级统治,安身生产劳动;一个是参与博弈,投身交往实践。这两个方面结合起来就形式阶级社会稳定运行的社会秩序。  相似文献   

现代人要想构建潇洒人生,就必须通过"名利关""、情欲关"和"生死关"三关,从价值观上来一个根本转变,回归道家的"身重于物"的生命观"、少私寡欲"的情欲观和"以死为乐"的生死观。  相似文献   

道家思想与全球伦理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本围绕着全球伦理的有关“不可杀人”、反对战争的核心规范展开论述,首先追述了“全球伦理”的设想,它作为一种普遍伦理行为规范与各民族的特殊化、各种不同的精神信仰的关系,然后阐述了道家对战争与暴力的态度,道家对国家、国内政治和国际关系的看法,最后回溯到道家对生命和自然无为之道的根本理念。  相似文献   

《Political studies》1992,40(S1):99-115
Military policies impose severe limits on democracy and call into question the viability of the liberal democratic state. Military mentality undermines democratic culture; the complexity of warfare defies public understanding; speed required in decision-making prevents public debate; secrecy misleads the public while often disguising executive abuse of power; vested interests in high military expenditure skew political processes; and concentration of power among a few obstructs democratic participation. Even state sovereignty, which military policies bolster, obstructs democracy because interdependence requires governments to be held accountable, through transnational law and institutions, to 'foreign' as well as 'domestic' citizens since both are affected by national decisions.  相似文献   

梵蒂冈图书馆藏有傅圣泽中文著作《据古经传考天象不均齐》一文,至今学界仍未对其进行解读。他合《易经》与道家经典,将“道”作为连接中西方文化的核心概念,不仅首创了以《易经》为载体的“耶道对话”模式,而且也为天主教在华传教事业开拓了新的理论方式。  相似文献   

本文根据时代精神,对道家提出的"自胜者强"的思想系统地进行了新的诠释.对于塑造现代企业家的理想人格,具有重要的理论价值和现实意义.  相似文献   

《老子想尔注》是早期道教经典,它通过对老子哲学的神学改造,初步确立了道教的理论体系。长期以来,研究多侧重于《道德经》与《想尔注》的对比,以说明道家思想向道教的转化,但却忽略了从老子到《想尔注》期间若干历史的与逻辑的发展环节,尤其忽略了从战国、秦汉之际到汉末神仙思想发生、发展这一大的理论与社会背景。道教的产生,在一定程度上是神仙信仰宗教哲学化的必然结果。《想尔注》借老子哲学实现了对神仙思想的宗教理论化,从而把神仙思想纳入宗教的理论体系,使之与原始宗教和世俗迷信区别开来。本试从这一新角度,说明《想尔注》的道教理论创建。  相似文献   

Statutory health insurance is a centerpiece of the German welfare state, which considers itself to be a “social insurance state.” At the same time, due to a large volume of interpersonal redistributions that occur in health insurance, it is the most ambitious branch of the country's social insurance system. The stability of the health scheme thus depends on a “culture of solidarity” to maintain the legitimacy of these redistributions. This article analyzes recent changes in the legislative framework of the statutory health insurance. It asks whether these changes which predominantly aim to contain employers’ nonwage labor costs by making the insured bear a larger share of total health care spending, are possibly weakening the moral infrastructure of the welfare state. To this end, findings from qualitative interviews with insured persons are evaluated in view of recently approved and currently proposed legislative changes to the health scheme. The analytical focus is the question whether the two equity principles of this scheme, delivering health care according to medical need and financing it according to the “ability‐to‐pay,” are becoming endangered.  相似文献   

This case examines the expanding role of managed care programs in improving health care for the poor while controlling runaway health care costs. The case asks what the commissioner of health in a large eastern state should do to effectively monitor Medicaid managed care programs in her state. The commissioner faces intense pressures for cost containment and strong, but not universal, support for the managed care solution to health care cost problems. The commissioner is herself concerned that the cost savings attributed to managed care may not be real and that the unintended effects on health care may be adverse. Her immediate challenge is to determine what kinds of data she should require service providers to submit to her agency so that she may effectively monitor managed care programs for health care quality, provide positive feedback to health care providers, and establish politically credible program oversight.  相似文献   

Older adults are at elevated risk of reducing labor supply due to poor health, partly because of high rates of symptoms that may be alleviated by medical marijuana. Yet, surprisingly little is known about how this group responds to medical marijuana laws (MMLs). We quantify the effects of state medical marijuana laws on the health and labor supply of adults age 51 and older, focusing on the 55 percent with one or more medical conditions with symptoms that may respond to medical marijuana. We use longitudinal data from the Health and Retirement Study to estimate event study and differences‐in‐differences regression models. Three principle findings emerge from our analysis. First, active state medical marijuana laws lead to lower pain and better self‐assessed health among older adults. Second, state medical marijuana laws lead to increases in older adult labor supply, with effects concentrated on the intensive margin. Third, the effects of MMLs are largest among older adults with a health condition that would qualify for legal medical marijuana use under current state laws. Findings highlight the role of health policy in supporting work among older adults and the importance of including older adults in assessments of state medical marijuana laws.  相似文献   

四、存神尽性 以上所论是<正蒙注>的心性论观点,现在来看<正蒙注>存神尽性的功夫论.船山在对<正蒙>的太和篇的解释中,在许多横渠论天道的地方都转向了人道的解释,如他在对<正蒙>"不如野马纲缊,不足谓之太和"的解释中,便特别提出,人生的理想境界是"肖太和之本体":此言体道者不于物感未交、喜怒哀乐未倚之中,合气于神,合神于性,以健顺五常之理融会于清通,生气变化而有滞有息,则不足以肖太和之本体,而用亦不足以行矣.(太和)[42]  相似文献   

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