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当前英语教学改革在各高校正如火如荼地进行,而公安高职高专院校的英语教学改革却易于被人们所忽视。本文对公安高职高专院校英语课程的设置、英语教学目标的确定和英语教学模式的采用作了尝试性探索,特别是对“学习者自主性”教学方法在公安高职高专院校的应用进行阐述,提出了一些建设性意见。  相似文献   

How well do electoral competition, ideological divides and territory-based cleavages explain the strategies of administrative-territorial reform chosen by political parties in Poland? The role of these logics is explored in the creation of regions and regional self-governments (1999), local electoral reform (2002), rules of adopting regional development projects (2006) and the creation of metropolitan regions (2008). The paper provides evidence supporting the significance of vote- and office-seeking strategies, the rise of a national conservative opposition to decentralisation associated with the weakening of the post-communist divide, and parties representing distinct eastern and western constituencies. Since its creation, subnational government has become more dominated by state-wide parties and has stabilised the emerging bloc party system on the central level.  相似文献   

The process of democratic restructuring in the Soviet Union since 1986 can be understood in terms of a revival of the democratic ideal of a participatory and self-managing society. The concept of commune democracy espoused by Marx and Lenin, however, is problematical, not least because of ambiguities in its relationship to the state, the role of the dictatorship of the proletariat and the dirigisme of the party. Gorbachev's reforms are developing within the context of an attempt to regenerate commune democracy, and some of the hesitancies of the reform process can be attributed to the contradictions in the theory. The scope for a reconstituted civil society is limited by the inclusive tendencies of traditional commune democracy. The reform process may ultimately be able to exploit the ambiguities in commune democracy sufficiently to allow the development of a law-governed state.  相似文献   

This article explores the changing relationship between the public and voluntary sectors. In 2007, a local government reform reduced the number of Danish municipalities from 271 to 98 and assigned new tasks to these. Consequently, the reform resulted in major local political and administrative changes, thereby giving a unique opportunity to examine how institutional changes affect the voluntary sector. Based on data from qualitative case studies and two questionnaire surveys (2004 and 2010) the article examines how the local government reform affects the relationship between the two sectors. The findings indicate that the political and administrative changes in the local political system have influenced municipality collaboration, contact and interaction with local associations. While some associations experience a decline in personal contact, there is an increase in formalization of the relationship and an increased degree of collaboration between the voluntary and public sectors.  相似文献   

The idea that modern welfare states can be grouped into distinct regimes dominates contemporary studies of welfare state restructuring, and several studies have concluded welfare state reforms to be correlated with regime structures. These studies build, however, on analyses of only cash-benefit programmes whereas social services are almost neglected in current welfare state research. Thus, the aim of this article is to test the explanatory capacity of the welfare state regime perspective in relation to reforms in the service dimension of advanced welfare states – normally termed 'public sector reforms'. For this purpose, the author has conducted a focused comparison of the degree to which archetypical examples of the liberal regime (United States), the social democratic regime (Sweden) and the conservative regime (Germany) have introduced vouchers and parental choice into their public primary schools. Schools and education have ranked high on the public sector reform agenda since the 1980s, while the school choice issue signifies core aspects of the rationale of the reform movement: re-arranging public provision of services into quasi-markets. The article identifies, however, a clear lack of correlation between adoption of the school-choice policy and welfare state regimes. Instead, the reforms undertaken in all three countries seem closely related to the institutional rules of political decision making.  相似文献   

This article attempts to define and highlight the concept and context of administrative reform efforts in Malaysia. It describes changes and reforms in the civil service that are on-going processes along with the search for efficiency, effectiveness, economy and accountability that never ends. Reform efforts in Malaysia can be grouped into two phases: the period of rapid economic growth in the 1960s and 1970s which required development administration and institution building, and the period from 1985 to the present which necessitates the consolidation and qualitative upgrading of the machinery of government. The administrative reform experiences are uniquely Malaysian efforts to respond to the Malaysian socio-political environment and needs.  相似文献   

德国政府从上个世纪五十年代开始至今对国有企业实施了一系列的改革,改革因其力度大、成效显著而令世人瞩目。改革的主要目的是政府希望通过对国企的改革摆脱因维持大量低效或无效的国企而使财政陷入困境的状况。德国国有企业改革分三个阶段进行,改革后的德国企业的特点是企业的所有制形式以私人垄断所有制为主;组织形式以股份制为主;生产资金以银行借贷为主;经营决策由企业自己作主且职工参与企业重大决策。德国国有企业改革的经验:政府分级所有;政府分类管理;政府参与控股;大胆运用托管经营方式;职工参与管理;建立监督体系。深入探讨和研究德国国有企业改革的相关内容对正处在加入WTO后新形势下的中国的经济体制改革和国有企业改革有重要的借鉴意义和启示。  相似文献   

高职英语课程内容改革的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘宇驰 《学理论》2010,(29):253-254
为配合高等职业教育适应社会、培养技术应用型人才的主要目标,高职英语教学必须以实用性为依托,在课程体系、课程内容和教学方法上力求创新。先就高职英语教学的现状加以分析,然后提出改革高职英语课程内容的几点措施,如加强实践练习和听说能力的培养等。提倡高职英语教学在传授知识的同时,更要让学生掌握实用的技能,进而更好地服务于社会。  相似文献   

How did poverty, race, population density, and other demographic characteristics affect disenfranchisement in the 2004 presidential election? I argue that there are two types of disenfranchisement: partisan disenfranchisement, which targets Democrats, and structural disenfranchisement, which targets members of low‐status groups. Drawing demographic data from the United States census in 2000, and voting data from the secretaries of state websites, I use a negative binomial regression to correlate these variables with the incidence of voter disenfranchisement as collected by the Election Incident Reporting System, for the three “swing” states of Florida, Ohio, and Pennsylvania, with the “safe” states of California and Texas as controls. The results of this analysis indicate that disenfranchisement increases with population density, Black population, Democratic loyalty, and as the margin of victory decreases. Income and education also correlate with an increase in reported incidents of disenfranchisement, but that likely reflects the failings of self‐report data.  相似文献   

Eligar Sadeh 《Astropolitics》2013,11(2-3):131-134
This report on Reforms of Export Controls of Space Systems is based on meetings and interviews held in December 2014 with the U.S. Department of Commerce and the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) and the Office of National Security and Technology Transfers Controls therein. This was held on the basis of non-attribution to any of the individuals involved from the Department of Commerce, and the conclusions highlighted in the following are solely the views and interpretations of Eligar Sadeh.  相似文献   

马健 《学理论》2014,(33):243-244
当前,我国高职英语教学改革已经全面展开,而教学改革的效果如何在很大程度上取决于英语教师的质量。依托高职英语教学改革,围绕英语教师的职业发展展开讨论。探讨高职英语教师职业发展中存在的问题;分析高职英语教学改革给教师职业发展带来的机遇与挑战;尝试性地提出并探讨当前高职院校英语教师职业发展的有效途径。  相似文献   

新政治经济学极大拓展了我国公共企业的改革视界,其若干理论范式给予后者许多有益的启示,如公共选择理论之于我国公共企业改革;产权理论之于公共企业的产权制度改革;委托代理理论之于我国公共企业激励机制的构建;制度变迁理论之于我国公共企业改革制度供给等。  相似文献   

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