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Suicides or suicide attempts with power saws (band, circular or chain saws) are rather rare events and only a few case reports exist in the forensic literature. The use of a band saw, in particular, has been extremely rare in cases of suicide.We report two cases of suicide that occurred in the same suburban area, three years apart. In each case, the victim was a carpenter and had a history of psychiatric disorder and/or of prior suicide attempts.We summarize the findings of the death scene investigations, the pertinent autopsy findings, and also summarize the world literature pertaining to suicide committed with power saws.  相似文献   

Suicides with chain saws and circular saws are extreme exceptions, in particular with regard to females and concerning the neck region. We report two of such rare cases involving young women. A 30-year-old female with a known schizoaffective psychosis killed herself with an electric chain saw. The autopsy revealed a deep saw cut of the neck and shoulder with partial transection of the cervical spine. Several tentative saw cuts were present on the right lower jaw. A 29-year-old woman suffering from depression committed suicide by use of a circular saw. She inflicted herself fatal neck injuries with at least three separate cutting procedures. Our cases were characterized by the following features: female sex, young adulthood, no occupational experience with saws, psychiatric disorders, absence of alcohol or drugs, use of an aggressive method of suicide, focus of saw injuries on the right side of the neck, detection of tentative saw cuts or several trials, identical causes of death (exsanguination and blood aspiration).  相似文献   

Among the few cases of suicidal self-incineration primary or secondary complex suicides are a rarity. Accordingly the number of reports on this subject in the forensic literature is small. In a retrospective analysis of the Freiburg and Berlin autopsy material, four cases were found within an observation period of 11 years. These are described together with seven other cases reported in the literature. Altogether most of these suicides are primary combinations, especially with falls from a height. Other combinations include hanging or the infliction of stabs, cuts or gunshot injuries. The sex and age distribution is similar to that found for suicide by self-incineration alone.  相似文献   

Cases of suicide committed with neuromuscular blocking agents have been investigated. Both cases involved anesthesiologists who took the muscle relaxants suxamethonium chloride (Sukolin) or pipecuronium bromide (Arduan) and a rapid-acting barbiturate, 5-sec-butyl-5-ethyl-2-thiobarbituric acid (Inactin). The examinations were performed by using gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. The quantitative data obtained showed that doses useful in general anesthesiological practice were applied. Metabolites were found despite their fast metabolizing character.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the methods used and demographic data of women suicides by examining postmortem investigation and autopsy reports from the Branch of the Council of Forensic Medicine in Diyarbakir Province, Turkey, between 1996 and 2001. Fifty-eight percent (174/302) of suicides were females and 42% (128/302) were males. The suicide rates were similarly higher for females than for males (2.6 and 1.8 per 10,000 population, respectively). Over half of female suicides (56.3%) occurred in those under 20 years of age. The most common suicide method for women was hanging (32.2%), and for men was firearms (51.7%), but for women younger than 20 years the most frequent method was firearms. Among the female suicides, five (2.8%) were known to have attempted suicide at least once in the past. Twenty-nine women (16.7%) were documented to have any psychiatric illness. None of the women had a history of drug or alcohol abuse. A suicide note was found in only six cases (3.4%). The predominant suicide motive was family problems (in 32% or 56/174). The higher rate of suicide in females than in males, and the absolute female predominance in suicides in Diyarbakir, Turkey, are in contrast to most of the medical literature and statistical information about suicide rates by country, in which suicide rates are usually higher among males.  相似文献   

Retrospective review of cases of suicide involving helium inhalation was undertaken at Forensic Science South Australia over a 25-year period from 1985 to 2009. No cases of helium-related suicides were identified in the first 15 years of the study, with one case between 2000 and 2004 and eight cases between 2005 and 2009. Australian data were also reviewed from 2001 to 2009 that showed 30 cases between January 2001 and June 2005, compared to 79 cases between July 2005 and December 2009, an increase of 163%. A review of Swedish data between 2001 and 2009 showed no cases between January 2001 and June 2005, compared to seven cases between July 2005 and December 2009. Thus, all three areas showed recent and striking increases in cases of suicide involving helium inhalation. Given the availability of helium and the recent promotion of this method of suicide, it is quite possible that this may represent a newly emerging trend in suicide deaths.  相似文献   

Described here is a case of suicide with the use of a chainsaw. A female suffering from schizophrenia committed suicide by an ingenious use of a chainsaw that resulted in the transection of her cervical spine and spinal cord. The findings of the resulting investigation are described and the mechanism of suicides with the use of a chainsaw is reviewed. A dry bone study was realized to determine the bone sections, the correlation between anatomic lesions and characteristics of chainsaw. The damage of organs and soft tissues is compared according to the kinds of chainsaw used.  相似文献   

Perversion of appetite may be manifest in either qualitative (pica), quantitative (polyphagia), or combined derangements of eating. Ingested materials are capable of serving as dangerous physical agents through interference with normal cardiac and/or respiratory function. Since the mechanisms of injury are similar to those that might occur as a result of violence or serious natural disease, a thorough investigation of the history and circumstances immediately preceding the final event is warranted in addition to a complete autopsy. Three cases of asphyxia of unusual etiology are presented along with a rationale regarding the mechanisms believed to be involved. In case 1, sudden subdiaphragmatic viscus expansion with resultant lung volume displacement and impediment of venous return from the lower half of the body are believed to have been operative. In cases 2 and 3, both asphyxial loci are infraglottic. The common denominator in all of these fatalities is the physical impairment of vital air exchange as a complication of an abnormal eating pattern.  相似文献   

Colchicine poisoning: case report of two suicides   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Colchicine overdose is uncommon but potentially life threatening because of the high toxicity of the drug. Poisoning by colchicine may occur following ingestion of medication used in acute attacks of gout and inflammatory diseases. We describe two cases involving suicide by the ingestion of medications marketed in France. In case 1, only heart blood was taken after body external examination. In case 2 an autopsy was performed and heart blood, urine, gastric contents and bile were taken for toxicological analysis. Colchicine was assayed in biological specimens by an HPLC-DAD method, after extraction by dichloromethane at pH 8, adding prazepam as internal standard (IS). Analyses were performed on a Symetry C-8 column. Mobile phase was a gradient of acetonitrile/pH 3.8 phosphate buffer. Colchicine is eluted at 13.1 min and the method is linear for blood, urine and bile over the range 4-1000 ng/mL. LOQ is 4 ng/mL. The concentrations of colchicine detected are: case 1: heart blood 13 ng/mL; case 2: heart blood 66 ng/mL, urine 500 ng/mL, gastric content 12 ng/mL, bile 5632 ng/mL. Our findings are in the range of lethal concentrations previously described, but there is no correlation with the amount of ingested drug. Even after massive overdose, it could be impossible to detect colchicine in blood, and as there is a widespread enterohepatic recirculation before excretion in bile and feces, bile is the target sample to analyse. We conclude in both cases that the cause of death was suicide with colchicine. It appears very important to perform an autopsy in order to obtain bile, urine, heart blood and femoral blood.  相似文献   

Retrospective review of hanging suicides in individuals aged ≤ 17 years was undertaken at Forensic Science South Australia, Australia, over two 5-year periods: 1995-1999 and 2005-2009. Seven cases of hanging suicides were identified from 1995 to 1999, with a further 14 cases from 2005 to 2009, an increase of 100% (p < 0.001). Hanging accounted for 33.3% of all suicides in this age group (7/21) from 1995 to 1999, compared with 93.3% of the total number of suicides (14/15) in the second 5-year period. In contrast, Australian national data from 1998 and 2008 showed a 30% decrease in hanging suicides in the young, from one case/100,000 population in 1998 to 0.7 in 2008. Cluster suicides occur in the young and are often initiated by direct communication. As it is possible that Internet-based social sites may facilitate this phenomenon, investigations should include an evaluation of the victim's Internet access given the potential risk of similar actions by peers.  相似文献   

Two six-shot suicides are reported that occurred in adjoining counties in Ohio eleven-and-one-half weeks apart. There is no indication of any connection between victims, and it is doubtful that the second individual knew of the first death since there was no news media coverage of the first death. The most significant points of commonality between the two cases are the location of the gunshot wounds (anterior chest and upper abdomen) and the responses of disbelief from those outside the medicolegal professions. Knowledge of such cases with a high number of shots and more than one fatal wound can assist death investigators in confronting similar cases.  相似文献   

The 25 teenage suicides that occurred in King County, Washington, during 1983 and 1984 were compared with the 158 adult suicides that occurred during 1984. The comparison included the following features: sex, race, declaration of intent, motive, method, isolation, alcohol or drug intoxication at the time of death, prior suicide threats and attempts, counseling history and diagnosis, and family history of suicide. For the teens, we also queried school or employment status, anxiety-producing experiences, symptoms of depression, marital history of the parents, and number and order of siblings.  相似文献   

The results of gunshot residue (GSR) tests in 112 suicide cases investigated by the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command over a ten-year period are described. Only suicide cases in which there was certainty that the victim fired a weapon were examined in an effort to reduce ambiguous results. Previous case work research by Rudzitis indicated that positive GSR test results were encountered in suicides 62% of the time using various combinations of neutron activation analysis (NAA) and atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS). Threshold values of 0.2-micrograms antimony and 0.3-micrograms barium (0.2-micrograms antimony and 0.5-micrograms barium after 1985) used by the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Laboratory resulted in positive GSR results in suicide cases 38% of the time. The effects of time, location of body, handling of the body, weapon type, caliber, and condition of the hands on GSR results are examined. Case studies involving suicides by unit armorers are discussed.  相似文献   

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