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玻璃折射率数据处理方法初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的探讨玻璃折射率数据处理方法。方法将案件中收集到的45个玻璃样品和同一个车灯不同部位的45块玻璃样品进行折射率测定。用独立样本Student’st检验、welch检验以及方差分析(ANOVA)对数据进行成对检验。结果方差分析法中Dunnett’s C法处理玻璃折射率数据,有效控制了第一类和第二类错误。当α=0.05时,犯第一类错误的概率约为4.44%,犯第二类错误的概率约为3.54%。  相似文献   

目的建立油浸法测定玻璃折射率不确定度的评定方法。方法按照不确定度的A类和B类评定方法,对未知玻璃折射率测定过程中不确定度分量进行计算,最终确定扩展部不确定度。结果油浸法测定玻璃折射率的扩展不确定度约为4×10-5。结论根据不确定度计算出来的折射率的变化范围与实际分析中折射率的变化范围完全吻合。  相似文献   

目的 研制一种测量任意形状和大小玻璃物证折射率的精密测量仪并将其应用于法庭科学领域.方法 利用玻璃折射率匹配法原理,通过温度的精确测量与控制、成像和图像处理技术,对非规则形状玻璃的折射率进行测量.结果 在传统玻璃折射率匹配测量技术的基础上,研制出一种高精度玻璃折射率测量的新设备,该折射率测量仪的分辨能力可达10-5数量级.结论 具有测量精度高、重复性好、操作简单快捷、与国外同类产品相比成本低廉等显著特点,在案件侦破中发挥了重要作用.  相似文献   

目的研究油浸法和X射线荧光光谱法对汽车风挡玻璃的鉴别能力。方法应用油浸法对30个风挡玻璃样品进行折射率测试,并将所得数据进行t检验分析。对不能区分的样品再用X射线荧光光谱进行元素成分分析。结果30个样品共组成的435对中,折射率t检验在置信度959/5时区分427对,其余8对通过元素成分实现区分。结论折射率测试和元素分析相结合,可对常见汽车风挡玻璃进行有效区分。  相似文献   

目的研究油浸法对汽车后视镜玻璃的鉴别能力。方法应用油浸法对20种汽车后视镜玻璃进行折射率值测定并用t检验法对数据进行处理。结果在置信度为95%时,20个后视镜玻璃样品的区分率为97.9%。结论油浸法对汽车后视镜玻璃有很好的区分能力,而且使用样品量少,可以达到微克级,是一种鉴别后视镜玻璃的有效方法。  相似文献   

玻璃是常见微量物证,目前国内微量物证检验报告通常只列出检验数据或定性给出比对检验结论,无法量化表达物证比对鉴定结论。似然比证据价值评价方法在全世界被广泛接受,但在中国,针对玻璃物证的定量价值评价方法还未建立,给检察官和法官准确利用玻璃物证带来困难。为提升玻璃物证的证据价值,本文拟建立量化比对检验结论的似然比方法模型并进行评估。基于四大类150个玻璃样品共750个折射率的检验数据,采用高斯核密度估计方法建立似然比(LR)模型,采用直方图和两类错误率对该模型进行评估。通过建立的似然比模型计算得出同源样品间的LR值在6.58~204 500范围内,不同源的样品间的LR值在0~0.68范围内,在150个样品的自身比对中,仅有一个样品自身比对的LR<1,错误排除率为0.67%;对150个不同来源玻璃样品进行两两比对,在C2150=11 175对比对中,有173对LR>1,错误接纳率为1.55%,两个错误率均较低,在可接受范围内。基于高斯核密度估计建立的似然比模型能够对基于玻璃折射率数据的样品比对给出满意的比对结果,可为法庭提供玻璃样品比对的...  相似文献   

平板玻璃受热后折射率的变化规律初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的探索平板玻璃受热后折射率的变化规律。方法首先采用差示扫描量热仪测定玻璃样品的转变温度Tg,将样品加热至不同的温度(温度范围从室温到Tg以上),自然冷却至室温后再用GRIM3测量折射率。结果加热温度在Tg以下时,玻璃的折射率基本不变,加热温度在Tg以上时,折射率有明显变化。结论对于从火灾和爆炸现场提取的玻璃,在进行折射率比对时应当考虑现场高温对测量值的影响,并进行必要的修正。  相似文献   

热台相差显微镜法测定平板玻璃的折射率   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
介绍了用热台相差显微镜法测定平板玻璃折射率的方法,并对案件中常见的平板玻璃进行了实验研究.该方法灵敏度高,可达0.00004RI,能对化学成份相同但加工过程不同的玻璃做进一步的区分,且用样量在mg级以下,并可对物体上附着的玻璃微粒进行检验.  相似文献   

就算你一辈子没有听过歌剧,你也一定能认出悉尼歌剧院。作为澳大利亚的地标性建筑,悉尼歌剧院独特的折叠式拱形帆船外形让人叹为观止,堪称人类现代建筑史_上的一个奇迹。  相似文献   

<正>1案例1.1案情某男,23岁。于某晚20:00许在某娱乐场所门口与他人斗殴,被刺伤后继续搏斗3min,随后倒地死亡。1.2尸体检验尸表检查:死后12h尸检。面部见多处表皮剥脱和皮下出血。胸骨左侧第5肋间见一2.1 cm×0.8 cm的斜形创口,两侧创角锐,创腔内无组织间桥。一侧创缘距内侧创角0.5cm处见一长0.2 cm的皮瓣;另一侧创缘距内侧创角0.2 cm、0.3 cm处分别见一锯齿状  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2021,61(4):345-355
Glass is a common type of physical evidence in forensic science. Broken glass recovered from a suspect may have similar physical characteristics to glass collected at a crime scene and therefore can be used as evidence. Statistical treatment of this evidence involves computing a measure of the weight of evidence. This may be done in a Bayesian framework that incorporates information from the circumstances of the crime. One of the most crucial quantities in this calculation is the assessment of the relative rarity of the characteristics of the glass, essentially the probability distribution used to model the physical characteristics of recovered glass. Typical characteristics used in casework are the elemental composition of glass and the refractive index measurement. There is a considerable body of scientific literature devoted to the modelling of this information. For example a kernel density estimation has been used to model the background population of glass based on the refractive index measurement and a multivariate Gaussian finite mixture model has been used to model the elemental composition of glass. In this paper, we present an alternative approach, the Dirichlet Process Mixture Model, to model the glass refractive index measurement in a Bayesian methodology. A key advantage is that using this method allows us to model the probability density distribution of refractive index measurements in a more flexible way.  相似文献   

For comparative glass examinations, the refractive indices (RIs) of recovered glass fragments are often compared to a test interval defined by measurements from a broken glass object. RI measurements from five modern float glasses were used via resampling to assess the frequencies of false exclusion errors for eight test criteria as functions of the number of measurements. The test criteria were based on ranges, fixed intervals, and multiples of standard deviations of the known source measurements. The observed error rates for the eight tests studied are between zero and c. 35%, depending upon the match criteria, the number of measurements, and the RI distribution for a glass source. The results of this study can be used to predict the false exclusion rate for a test criterion under a given set of conditions or to select test criteria that result in a desired error rate for these typical sheet glasses.  相似文献   

Refractive indices of seven double‐paned vehicle windshields were measured to assess the variation across the pane of glass and to evaluate collection techniques for known glass standards by comparing false negative rates. Measurements were made using a Foster and Freeman GRIM3 instrument, and a minimum of 240 measurements were made per pane. The mean SD of the windshields was 0.00004. It was further determined that collecting a known sample from two different sections of a shattered windshield gave the lowest rate of false negatives when using ± 2 standard deviations to estimate the RI variation of the known glass. Additionally, refractive indices often were highest in the center of the windshield and decreased toward the left and right edges; in approximately half the sample set, the two panes of a single windshield were differentiated by one or more properties.  相似文献   

Advances in the technology employed for the manufacture of glass have resulted in a final glass product with little variability in terms of its physical and optical properties. For example, the refractive index of Australian float glass tends to lie between 1.5189 and 1.5194. It has therefore become necessary to complement physical and optical methods for forensic glass comparison with instrumental elemental analyses. In a previous study, time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry has been shown to offer potential for the analysis of glass particles as small as a few tens of microns across. In this study, the three-dimensional homogeneity of a sheet of float glass is described, and consequences for forensic elemental analysis of glass particles of such size are explored. Variation in Si, Ca, Mg, and Na levels immediately under the nonfloat surface was observed, with the variance accompanied by a decrease in refractive index.  相似文献   

目的基于二代测序平台进行混合检材精细化STR分型,并评估其法医学应用价值。方法收集性侵案件中3例混合检材及其比对样本,采用M48磁珠提取纯化试剂盒提取样本DNA,使用Foren SeqTM DNA Signature Prep试剂盒制备文库,Mi Seq FGx平台进行测序,Foren SeqTM Universal Analysis v1.2.1软件进行数据分析,将STR序列多态分型与长度多态分型进行比较。结果对3例混合检材STR分型进行拆分,在D3S1358、D13S317与D9S1122基因座发现存在同一长度多态等位基因包含两个个体的序列多态等位基因的情况。结论二代测序技术可对混合检材进行精细鉴别,为混合分型数据拆分提供更多线索和依据。  相似文献   

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