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使用国产7.62mm口径微声轻型冲锋枪,以不同距离射击实验动物,制成带消音器枪弹创,并使用国产7.62mm口径轻型冲锋枪作对照进行对比观察。结果表明:在接触和近距离射击时,带消音器枪弹刻与典型枪弹剑比较有明显不同;根据消音器的结构和原理,结合实验结果,建立了带消音器枪弹创的形态学特征及其诊断依据。为法医学检验鉴定提供了实验性资料。  相似文献   

The main signs of inlet gunshot wound inflicted from non-close shot distance are the following: central defect of the tissue, presence of abrasion and rub zones along the margins. During experimental study high variability of these signs was stated and new morphologic characteristics of inlet gunshot wound were detected.  相似文献   

Forensic pathologists are often asked to estimate postinjury survival time and to render an opinion on the probable extent of physical activity following fatal injury. To study this question, the case files of the Dade County Medical Examiner's Office were reviewed. The year 1983 was chosen arbitrarily for this study and all the autopsy reports of gunshot or stab wound victims whose survival period satisfied criteria established for this study were reviewed. The data were compared to those from a similar study done in 1961. In addition, this study noted the presence and influence of drugs or alcohol on the cause of death and the postinjury survival time.  相似文献   

Accidental deaths by firearm injury were studied over 11 years, 1972–1982, in Metro-Dade County. A total of 54 cases were studied. After noting the percentage of the cases that occurred by year, the age, race, sex, of the victim were tabulated. Type of weapon, body part involved, whether self-inflicted or not, blood alcohol of victim were also studied along with scene circumstances. A final admonition to the reader on how to handle such cases is discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper the homicides committed in the region of Ulm with firearms over a period of 17 years were studied. These included 50 deaths caused by gunshot wounds, 33 males and 17 females. Homicides by firearms accounted for 44 percent, which was slightly higher than in other German regions. Homicide victims were found in all age groups with a markedly higher number up to the 20th year and in the fourth decade of life. In most cases small arms were used, and in many cases multiple shots were fired primarily hitting the head and the left side of the trunk: but injuries in the region of the extremities were also seen.  相似文献   

左惠民 《证据科学》1998,5(3):119-120
五四式手枪伤人案件的法医学鉴定通常较为顺利,但在一些特殊情况下,其射入口和射击距离也引起法医学上的讨论.现将1例五四式手枪致人死亡案例的鉴定过程及所做的相应实验报告如下:  相似文献   

五四式手枪伤人案件的法医学鉴定通常较为顺利,但在一些特殊情况下,其射入口和射击距离也引起法医学上的讨论。现将1例五四式手枪致人死亡案例的鉴定过程及所做的相应实验报告如下:案情一司法警察团公务与一群村民发生冲突时击发五四式手枪,致一人死亡。当地法医第2天对死者进行尸表及局部解剖检验认为:死者左臀部创口为射入口;左下腹部创口为射出口,创口周围的点状表皮剥脱为昆虫叮咬所致;射击距离为50cm以远。与调查情况出入较大,遂报上级法医复核鉴定,第3天进行复核检验。复核检验情况:枪击现场为一开阔的土坡上,已遭严重破…  相似文献   

Shored gunshot wound of exit is produced when the outstretched skin is impaled, sandwiched, and crushed between the outgoing bullet and the unyielding object over the exit site, thus leaving an abrasion collar on the wound margin. Proper coaptation of the wound margin is impossible because of the loss of skin just like those observed in entrance wounds. In contrast to the entrance wound, the supported exit wound shows a scalloped or punched-out abrasion collar and sharply contoured skin in between the radiating skin lacerations marginating the abrasion (Fig. 1). Should gunpowder be observed around the exit site, it is often unevenly distributed, and is not associated with searing, gunpowder stippled abrasion, tatooing, and deposition of soot.  相似文献   

Exit gunshot wounds of the skull generally have external beveling while entrance wounds show internal beveling. With rare exceptions, entrance gunshot wounds show external beveling, usually of two types: the asymmetric ‘keyhole’ type and the symmetric ‘non-keyhole’ type. In exit gunshot wounds of the skull, only the keyhole type has been reported. This report shows that symmetric internal beveling from an exit gunshot wound to the skull may confuse medical personnel.  相似文献   

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