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Talking Doha     
Washington seeks Beijing's support to jump-start difficult trade negotiations "The Doha Round is...an important reason why I am in China today," said Susan C. Schwab on her first trip to Beijing as the U.S. Trade Representative. During her trip to China on August 27-29, the top U.S. trade envoy urged China on different occasions to play a bigger role in promoting the resumption of the Doha Round of multilateral trade talks. Stressing that China is an important member of the  相似文献   

TalkingAboutJobsSUNDEJIN基本句BasicSentences我该找工作了。现在找工作比以前难多了。你喜欢做什么工作?这工作对我也很合适。(Situation:XiaoLiwillsoonfinishhisdoctoraldiss...  相似文献   

Talking the Talk     
Compared with the hotly contested nuclear issue in Iran, the North Korean nuclear saga has been rather muted recently. However, it is far from silenced. The Korean Peninsula is still in turmoil in the wake of Pyongyang's recent test firing of a  相似文献   

Last week, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao headed a delegation to New Zealand, which was part of his South Pacific trip, to discuss trade and a potential free trade area between the two countries. Ahead of the visit, Beijing Review spoke with New Zealand Ambassador to China Tony Browne on his country's trade relationship with China.  相似文献   

TalkingAboutLife(Situation:JohnhasbeeninBeijingforoveramonth.HewritestooneofhisChinesefriendsintheStates,talkingaboutlifeinBe...  相似文献   

TalkingAboutTraffic¥SUNDEJIN(Situation:XiaoWangislatetoday;XiaoYangaskshimthereasonandtheybegintotalkabouttrafficproblems.)王:...  相似文献   

Spurred by a 31.3 percent rise in urban fixed assets investment, Chinese economic growth in the first half of the year rose 10.9 percent year-on-year, according to the National Bureau of Statistics, with the second quarter recording 11.3 percent-a 20-year high.  相似文献   

Small appliance retailers fear the future as government subsidy programs come to an end Li Haiyan is a saleslady in the TV section of a Dazhong Electronics store in Beijing.At 3 p.m. on June 5, Li was napping on the shop’s sofa instead of servicing customers.  相似文献   

INthisissueaseriesofarticlesonInnerMongoliaAutonomousRegionarereportingthe.greatchangesthathavetakenplaceintheregionsinceitsestablishment50yearsago.InnerMongoliaislocatedonChina'snorthernfrontierBeforeitsestablishmentin1947,thepeopleofInnerMongolia,undertheruleoflocalwarlords,foreigncolonialistsandKuomintangbureaucrats,livedindestitution.Businesslanguished,agricultureandanimalhus-bandrywereverybackward,andindustrywasalmostnon-existent.Inthepast5OyearstheMongols,togetherwithotherethnicgrou…  相似文献   

An English speaker has the opportunity to earn foreign exchange,and Ianguage skills are the hallmark of social statusCecilia is a China general service agent for a US-invested insurance company in Shanghai. Her boss is American, and her co-workers consist…  相似文献   

xià y? 下 雨 raining guā fēng 刮 风 windy tiānqíng 天晴 clear Look and Say xià xu? 下 雪 snowing chūntiān 春天 spring xiàtiān 夏天 summer qiūtiān 秋天 autumn dōngtiān 冬天 winternew Words 天气 tiānqì n. weather 怎么样 z?nmeyàng pron. how,  相似文献   

Lesson2TalkingAbouttheWeather基本句BasicSentences今天天气不错。北京冬天的气候我不适应。北京的秋天最好,不冷不热。北京春天的气候怎么样?(Situation:Johnhadacoldnotlongafterh...  相似文献   

Lessonl0TalkingAboutBusinessSUNDEJIN(Situation:OnedayWangHairanintohisfriend,LiShan,andtheycametothetopicofLi'sbusiness.)我做了一...  相似文献   

While international diplomacy is focused on peacekeeping and on humanitarian efforts to save the lives of displaced and desperate people, peace in Darfur  相似文献   

~~lesson 13:Talking about Lao Wai~~  相似文献   

Today,IT security plays a crucial role in the Olympic Games.What will be the greatest IT challenges for the Beijing Olympics,and how will the organizers guarantee security during the Games?In a recent interview with Beijing Review reporter Chen Ran,Patrick Adiba,Executive Vice President in charge of the Olympics and Major Events from IT company Atos Origin, talked about the latest developments in the Beijing Olympics IT project.  相似文献   

A 7.8-magnitude earthquake rocked southwest China's Sichuan Province on May 12.The whole nation is keeping an eye on the quake-stricken area. As of May 16,the death toll had reached close to 19,509,which is certain to rise as the buried are found. Before the world had time to recover from the cyclone that had already claimed 34,000 lives in Myanmar until mid-May,the earth groaned again. The Sichuan earthquake is the deadliest tremor in China in three decades,  相似文献   

No Easy Peace     
Unable to stop fighting between Hezbollah and Israel, the UN is increasingly under fire As fighting between Israeli forces and Lebanon-based Hezbollah guerrillas continues, Chinese peacekeepers were again caught up in the conflict.  相似文献   

Tibetan nomads are being resettled in permanent houses in an effort to prevent damage to the environment that threatens the Yellow River Like his ancestors,56-year-old Tibetan Gongbogyia used to live a nomadic traveling life living in a yurt in Luqu County,Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture,Gansu Province,until two years ago.With the help of the local govern- ment,102 nomadic families,including Gongbogyia's,have now moved into new houses more than 130 square meters large and bade farewell to life on the move.  相似文献   

Second Hand Roses 'founder and front man Liang Long talks about Nirvana, Nietzche and why he started wearing drag on stage.  相似文献   

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