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This study describes an innovative application of a well-established method of age determination. The conventional method of aspartic acid racemization (AAR) is based on estimation of the d-l-aspartic acid ratio in slow turnover tissues, such as tooth tissue, to reflect the age of an individual. This method has been recently applied to age estimation in forensic investigations, and is also widely used for archeological dating of fossils. We suggest that the aspartic acid racemization method could be applied to a significant, although unresolved, forensic issue: that of bloodstain dating. Standard kinetic experiments were used to describe the characteristics of the racemization reaction in bloodstains, which were then employed to estimate the age of various samples. The soluble protein fraction of a bloodstain produced a stronger correlation between elapsed time and d-aspartic acid content than total amino acid fractions. According to our preliminary results, the time lapse after the creation of a bloodstain can be determined ex vivo by measuring the extent of aspartic acid racemization. Our analysis highlights the need for further study into the preservation and composition of bloodstains to assist in further development of this pioneering application.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the application of the internal standard method to determine age from aspartic acid (Asp) racemization. D-Methionine (D-Met) and D-norleucine (D-Nleu) were tested as internal standards for the purpose of validating the derivatization and gas chromatographic measurements. Using a set of standard amino acids plus the internal standards in constant volume, calibration plots with reasonable linearity (R > 0.98) were constructed. Based on the analysis of sample chromatograms, D-Met appeared to meet the criteria for internal standards, hence it was selected for use in D- and L-Asp quantification. The correlation between dentin age and D-/L-Asp ratios from the peak areas as well as from the absolute concentrations was investigated. Correlation coefficients were calculated as 0.98 and 0.90, respectively. The slight decrease in accuracy was attributed to the conversion of D-Asp/D-Met ratios to concentrations employing the calibration curves figured from pure Asp. Because the application of the internal standard method produced reproducible and precise measurements, the employment of internal standards in age estimation based on Asp racemization appears to provide quality assurance by avoiding possible errors arising from sample preparation.  相似文献   

Age estimation using the racemization of amino acid in human dentin   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study was made to improve the validity of age estimation from teeth using amino acid racemization. The correlation between actual age and the D/L ratio of aspartic acid was investigated by analyzing not only the total amino acid but also its fractionated substances, insoluble collagen and soluble peptide. The coefficient values of correlation between the D/L ratio and actual age in adult lower central incisors were 0.996 (sigma = +/- 1.0 year) for the total amino acid, 0.988 (sigma = +/- 1.8 years) for insoluble collagen, and 0.997 (sigma = +/- 0.9 years) for soluble peptide. The corresponding figures in adult first premolars were 0.991 (sigma = +/- 1.6 years), 0.988 (sigma = +/- 1.9 years), and 0.994 (sigma = +/- 1.4 years), respectively. The reactive velocity of aspartic acid racemization was highest for soluble peptide in both the lower central incisors and first premolars and approximately three times as rapid as that for total amino acid. As a result, age estimated from the analysis of soluble peptide was most accurate. The velocity for insoluble collagen was slightly lower than that for total amino acid. Age estimation was attempted from the teeth of an unknown body. These results suggest that the analyses, not only of total amino acid in dentin but also of its fractionated and extracted substances, can lead to higher reliability in age estimation. Soluble peptide, in particular, has been found to be most effective.  相似文献   

Age estimation from the rib by phase analysis: white females   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Metamorphosis at the sternal extremity of the rib has already been established as a reliable indicator of age at death. Using a sample of white males, it was shown that an accurate estimation of age can be made by direct examination of the bone itself. However, because of sexual differences in hormonal production and dimorphism in the skeleton, the present study was carried out to develop an appropriate standard for age determination from the sternal rib in white females. The sample consisted of 86 ribs of known age, sex, and race. Observations were made at the costochondral junction with special attention to pit formation (its shape and depth), changes in the walls and rim surrounding it, and overall bone density and texture. Based on changes in these areas, the ribs were separated into nine phases (0 through 8). The most rapid metamorphosis occurred in Phases 1 through 4 (mean ages 14-28) with changes noticeable at 3 to 4 year intervals. After mean age 28, this process slowed, considerably expanding the interval between phases to 10 to 15 years. The female ribs showed both earlier initial pit formation and a different morphologic pattern of aging as compared with males. Statistical analysis revealed that the features chosen to delineate the phases are valid predictors of age. This study has shown that the sternal rib can provide an accurate estimation of age in females spanning a mean age of 14 to 76 years.  相似文献   

In a study of age estimation from teeth by means of measuring racemization of aspartic acid (Asp), a representative amino acid, the accuracy of data from enamel and dentin in the same tooth was compared. The correlation of D/L ratio of aspartic acid with actual age gave the following parameters: r = 0.928, sigma = +/- 5.2, k = 4.47 x 10(-4) yr-1 in enamel and r = 0.995, sigma = +/- 1.4, k = 5.75 x 10(-4) yr-1. The difference in ages between one estimated by the D/L ratio and the actual one was within +/- 3 years in dentin, while in enamel an error of from 2 to 11 years was observed. Reaction rate constants of the racemization in a dry postmortem state (15 degrees C) were calculated as k = 9.70 x 10(-8) yr-1 in enamel, and k = 1.33 x 10(-7) yr-1 in dentin. Compared to rates determined from teeth recently extracted from living subjects, the rate was higher in dentin than in enamel. These data reconfirmed that dentin is superior to enamel in making exact age estimations from teeth.  相似文献   

The extent of aspartic acid racemization in human dentin can be used to assess chronological age of the individual. This novel chemical method of aging human remains has potential applications in forensic sciences. Six autopsy cases have been analyzed for D/L aspartic acid contents, and their ages at death calculated. Independent age information came from known identity, tooth maturation, or tooth wear estimations. The six cases represented a range of postmortem fates: recent demise, burial, and ground surface exposure. Five samples, four recently deceased and one a burial, showed racemization ages in close agreement with other age data. One specimen, subjected to 51 days of open air exposure, exhibited a vastly inflated racemization age. Postmortem conditions are crucial to the accuracy of racemization age at death measurements.  相似文献   

Aspartic acid (Asp) is generally used for estimation of age by measuring the degree of racemization. For other amino acids, however, there are few reports regarding the usefulness of the degree of racemization for the estimation of age. Accordingly, in this study using the femur (obtained from 21 cadavers) as the specimen, we measured the degree of racemization of glutamic acid (Glu) and alanine (Ala) along with Asp in the total amino acid (TAA) fraction as well as in acid-insoluble collagen-rich (IC) and acid-soluble peptide (SP) sub-fractions. We compared the degrees of racemization of each amino acid and the accuracy of the ages estimated from them. The degree of racemization and the reaction rate of racemization were ranked in the order of Asp > Glu > Ala in the TAA and IC fractions, but Asp > Ala > Glu in the SP fraction. It is noteworthy that the degrees of racemization differed between the three amino acids depending on the fraction tested. The correlation coefficient (r) between the degree of racemization and the chronological age was higher in the SP than in the TAA or IC fraction. Among three amino acids, Asp showed the highest correlation coefficient as predicted. The present study confirmed that Asp from the SP fraction is the best indicator for age estimation using racemization rates.  相似文献   

Postmortem teeth are the most stable structures, and can be used to gain different information (age estimation, genetic data). Over long postmortem intervals (PMI), degradation processes may alter the molecular integrity and thus affect the reliability of applied molecular methods. Whereas some knowledge on the degradation of biomolecules in bone during the PMI exists, data for teeth are lacking. In particular, the impact of degradation processes in dentine on age estimation based on aspartic acid racemization (AAR) cannot be estimated yet. Hence, the molecular stability of both collagen and DNA was analyzed systematically, and their impact on the reliability of age estimation based on AAR and genetic analyses was checked. Two hundred and ten human and 59 porcine teeth were heated (90 degrees C in water) to simulate collagen and DNA diagenesis; 14 naturally aged teeth (PMI: 3 days to 1700 years) were analyzed comparatively. Peptide patterns of cyanogen bromide (CNBr)-cleaved collagen were employed as a new approach to check the collagen integrity. In the same samples, collagen yields, amino acid compositions, AAR in different protein fractions, and DNA integrity were analyzed. In heated human and porcine teeth the collagen content declined during the heating experiment. The amino acid composition in human samples was collagen-like until 12 days of heating. In naturally aged teeth, the collagen yielded from 9.5 to 15%, and no discrepancy of amino acid composition to that of modern collagen was observed. Electrophoresis of CNBr-peptides showed an altered pattern in experimentally degraded samples from day 10 on; naturally aged collagen displayed the typical collagen pattern. AAR increased in all protein fractions with increasing duration of the heating experiment; naturally aged samples displayed a slow accumulation of AAR. DNA degraded progressively, and after 32 h of heat exposure no more DNA was detectable, whereas the amplification of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA was successful up to 48 h. STR typing was reliable up to 16 h, and sex determination up to 40 h of heat exposure. In naturally aged samples of DNA quality, yield and typing success did not correlate with PMI. The data highlight a remarkable stability of collagen dental proteins. Within relevant forensic periods a postmortem rise of AAR under normal conditions is negligible, and analyses of dental DNA has a high chance to be successful. However, after large PMI and/or extreme postmortem conditions age estimation based on AAR and genetic analyses lose their reliability.  相似文献   

Estimation of age-at-death for skeletonised forensic remains is one of the most significant problems in forensic anthropology. The majority of existing morphological and histological techniques are highly inaccurate, and show a bias towards underestimating the age of older individuals. One technique which has been successful in forensic age estimation is amino acid racemization in dentine. However, this method cannot be used on remains where the post-mortem interval is greater than 20 years. An alternative approach is to measure amino acid racemization in dental enamel, which is believed to be more resistant to change post-mortem. The extent of amino acid racemization in the acid soluble fraction of the enamel proteins was determined for modern known age teeth. A strong correlation was observed between the age of the tooth and the extent of racemization. No systematic bias in the direction of age estimation errors was detected. For the majority of teeth analyzed, the presence of dental caries did not affect the results obtained. In a minority of cases, carious teeth showed a higher level of racemization than would be expected given the age of the individual. These results indicate that amino acid racemization in enamel has the potential to be used in age estimation of skeletal remains.  相似文献   

The main objectives of the European project "Collaborative Harmonization of Methods for Profiling of Amphetamine Type Stimulants" (CHAMP) funded by the sixth framework programme of the European Commission, included the harmonization of MDMA profiling methods and the creation of a common database in a drug intelligence perspective. In the preliminary stages of this project, the participating laboratories analysed the physical characteristics, the chemical composition and the organic impurities of MDMA tablets, using the previously harmonized methods. The aim of the present work was to apply statistical treatments to the recorded data in order to evaluate their potential in the fight against drug trafficking. Comparable working procedures were applied on the different types of data. The first part of this article deals with organic impurities data, while the second part focuses on the potential of the physical characteristics. Organic impurities data were recorded by a harmonized Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS) method previously developed. Statistical analysis provided a selection of pertinent variables among the 46 organic impurities identified in the chromatograms. Correlation coefficients were used to yield separation between populations of samples coming from the same synthesis batch and samples coming from different batches. It was shown that correlation measurements based on Pearson and cosine functions applied to the data pre-treated by normalisation to the sum of peak responses followed by the square root provided an excellent discrimination between the two populations. The statistical methods applied to organic impurities profiles proved to be excellent techniques to differentiate samples from different batches and to highlight operational links between samples.  相似文献   

The estimation of chronological age in cadavers, human remains and in living human beings by various methods is discussed. These methods, which are based on the age dependent non-enzymatic changes of l-form amino acids to d-form amino acids, mainly aspartic acid, are among the most reliable and accurate methods to date. Most of these methods use gas chromatography (GC). In this review, results of aspartic acid racemization in dentin at different targets are discussed. In addition, pre-considerations and guidelines are given for the selection of dentin from teeth. A pilot project was run to evaluate the efficiency of high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled with fluorescence detection. New buffer conditions were found to obtain stable derivatives of aspartic acid enantiomers for the estimation of racemization.  相似文献   

The estimation of chronological age has been performed by various methods in forensic science. Among these, racemization methods, which are based on the age-dependent non-enzymatic changes of L-form amino acids to D-form mainly using aspartic acid, are one of the most reliable and accurate methods to date. Separation of enantiomers is generally performed by gas chromatography or high performance liquid chromatography. Various tissues with low metabolic rates have been applied for this purpose. In addition, single proteins purified from these target tissues are also applicable. In this brief review we describe this method in detail, noting points of caution, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of the different target tissues. In addition, special attention is given to the correlation rates obtained between chronological age and enantiomer ratios. Currently, based on accuracy of estimated age, simplicity of the method, time required, and reproducibility, tooth dentin is considered one of the best target tissues. Alternatively, analysis of osteocalcin and elastin have also provided accurate and reproducible results.  相似文献   

In the current study the objective was to find to what extent a reliable determination of age at death is made possible by establishing the degree of aspartic acid racemization in the dentin of teeth. The results of the investigation of 46 teeth are in agreement with the values found by other authors. The method presented makes a reproducible and accurate estimation of age possible. We intend to elaborate and improve this promising method for determination of age at death. The relevant points are presented here.  相似文献   

Aspartic acid racemization has been found to be an accurate measure of age at death for recent forensic material. This paper examines the practicality of using acid etching of the tooth surface to extract amino acids from the enamel for racemization analysis. By serial etching of the tooth and contamination of the teeth with bovine serum albumin prior to etching, the ability of etching to remove contamination was assessed. The destructiveness of the method was visualized and quantified using micro-computed tomography (micro-CT). By bleaching the teeth and by deeper etching it was possible to obtain more consistent values. While etching had little effect on the enamel at the macroscale, it did have an impact at the microscale. The quantities of enamel removed varied depending upon the tooth morphology, but were not large. Acid etching of enamel thus appears to be a promising new method for extracting proteins for amino acid racemization age estimation noninvasively.  相似文献   

The authors developed an original magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) staging system for epiphyseal fusion of growth plate maturation of the knee and evaluated its reliability and validity for age assessment of living individuals. A total of 290 MRI scans of the knee were reviewed retrospectively in patients aged from 10 to 30 years old (138 males, 152 females). Five original MRI stages were defined to assess the degree of maturation of the distal femoral and proximal tibial epiphyses. Intra-observer variability was excellent and inter-observer variability was good, demonstrating the reliability and the validity of this original MRI staging system. In both sexes, the changes of growth plates (proximal tibial or distal femoral) were associated with age (p<0.001). Our results agreed with classic data on skeletal maturation of the knee, with globally earlier maturation in females than in males, and also earlier maturation of the proximal tibial epiphysis than of the distal femoral epiphysis. MRI of the knee is an efficient non-invasive method of age assessment, without the disadvantage of X-ray exposure. Further studies with larger groups are needed to support our results.  相似文献   

Current standards for age at death estimation from the pelvis are based on Americans of European and African ancestry. Our limited understanding of population variability hampers our efforts to apply these techniques to the various skeletal populations around the world, especially in global forensic contexts. However, documented skeletal samples are rare, limiting our ability to test our techniques. This study tested the Suchey-Brooks pubic symphysis aging method and the auricular surface method originally developed by Lovejoy et al. on a large sample (n = 404) of known sex and age from the Sassari Collection, housed at the Museum of Anthropology at the University of Bologna, Italy. The results indicate that for both methods, bias and inaccuracy increased with age and actual age tended to be underestimated over the age of 40. The auricular surface method performed slightly better, exhibiting slightly lower levels of bias and inaccuracy, especially for males.  相似文献   

Lamendin et al. (J Forensic Sci 1992;37:1373) developed a general technique to estimate age of adults at death using two dental features: periodontosis and translucency of the tooth root. Prince and Ubelaker (J Forensic Sci 2002;47:107) modified this method, creating a formula for each sex and for different ancestries, and obtained more precise age estimations. In the present study, the validity of each method was tested in 45 males and 34 females of Spanish Caucasian origin, and a novel formula, based on Prince and Ubelaker method, was specifically developed for a population of mixed racial origin (mestizo) from Colombia, and findings obtained were again compared with those yielded by Lamendin adult dental aging technique. The Prince and Ubelaker method proved more accurate than the Lamendin technique in the Spanish Caucasian population, and our Prince and Ubelaker-based formula was also more accurate than the Lamendin et al. In both populations, the Lamendin method showed a higher mean error in estimations of the age of youngest and oldest individuals. These findings confirm the need to create specific formulas for each human group in order to obtain more accurate age estimates.  相似文献   

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