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 共查询到20条相似文献,搜索用时 15 毫秒
Book review in this article:
E uropean G overnments and P olitics . By F rederic A. O gg , P h .D., L.L.D.
T he D uty of E mpire . By L eonard B arnes .
"Q uack , Q uack !" By L eonard W oolf .
Q ueen V ictoria . By E. F. B enson .
T he T willight of T he S upreme C ourt . By E dward S. C orwin
A dministrative L egislation and A djudication . By F rederick F. B lachly and
M iriam E. O atman
E ssays on the L aw and P ractice of G overnmental A dministration .
C harles G. H aines and
M arshall G. D imock
W illiam A. R obson
T he N ature of C apitalist C risis . By J ohn S trachey
M aurice D obb .
P rinciples of E conomic P lanning . By G. D. H. C ole
P lanning for E mployment . By S ome M embers of P arliament .
I vor T homas .
R ussia's I ron A ge . By W. H. C hamberlin
E conomic P lanning in S oviet R ussia . By B oris B rutzkus
T he S ecound F ive Y ear P lan . By W. P. and Z. K. C oates
L aw and J ustice in S oviet R ussia . By H. J. L aski
H. L. B eales
T he F all of the G erman R epublic . A P olical S tudy . By R. T. C lark
C harles H. W ilson
T he H istory of T he T imes . "T he T hunderer " in the M aking
T he P ress in E ngland . By K urt V on S tutterhem
L eonard W oolf
T he B leak A ge . By J. L. & B arbara H ammond .
T raining for C itizenship . By S ir E rnest S imon & E va M. H ubback
T he N eed for C onstitutional R eform . A P rogramme N ational S ecurity . By W illiam Y andell E lliott
M. J. B onn .
L ord B rougham By G. T. G arratt
W orld P olitics and P ersonal I nsecurity . By H arold D. L asswell
I nternational D elusions
L aw and the S ocial S ciences . By H untingdon C airns . Foreword by R oscoe P ound .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1964,35(4):469-498
Book reviewed in this article:
B eginning A gain : A n A utobiography of the Y ears 1911 to 1918. By L eonard W oolf .
P aths of A merican T hought . Edited by A rthur M. S chlesinger , J r . and M orton W hite .
T he R ise of S ocial D emocracy in R ussia . By J. L. H. K eep .
T he S oviet F amily . By D. and V. M ace .
T he N ew C ommonwealth and I ts C onstitutions . By S. A. de S mith .
B ureaucracy and P olitical D evelopment . Edited by J oseph la P alombara .
T he C ivic C ulture , P olitical A ttitudes and D emocracy in F ive N ations . By G. A. A lmond and S. V erba .
S tate and N ation . By B enjamin A kzin .
E volution or C haos : D ynamics of L atin A merican G overnment and P olitics . By K. M. S chmitt and D. D. B urks .
T he N ew S tates of A sia . By M ichael B recher .
T he M anagement of the B ritish E conomy 1945–60. By J. C. R. D ow .
T he R eform of P arliament . By B ernard C rick .
C abinet R eform in B ritain , 1914–63. By H ans D aalder .
B ritish P olitics in the S uez C risis . By L eon D. E pstein .
S outh A frica's R ule of V iolence . By P atrick D uncan .
T he N ew T owns —T he A nswer to M egalopolis . By S ir F rederick O sborn and A rnold W hittick .
K orea : T he L imited W ar . By D avid R ees .  相似文献   

Book Review     
《The Political quarterly》1947,18(2):169-189
C riminal J ustice and S ocial R econstruction . By H ermann M annheim .
T he J uvenile C ourts : T heir W ork and P roblems . By F. T. G iles .
F rench P ersonalities and P roblems . By D. W. B rogan .
T he N uremberg D ocuments by P eter de M endelssohn .
C ounty T own : A C ivi c S urvey for the P lanning of W orcester . By J anet G laisyer , T. B rennan , W. R itchie , and P. S argant F lorence .
D emocracy and I ndustry . By C onstance R eaveley and J ohn W innington .
G erman Y outh : B ond or F ree . By H oward B ecker .
E ducation in F ascist I taly . By L. M inio -P aluello .
D emocracy in A merica . By A lexis de T ocqueville . Edited with an Introduction by H. S. C ommager .
In D arkest G ermany : the R ecord of a V isit . By V ictor G ollancz .
T he C hurch and H umanity
T he P roblem of E ducation in D ependent T erritories . T he J ournal of N egro E ducation . Y earbook N umber
T he S oviet I mpact on the W estern W orld . By Professor E. H. Carr
W orld O rder or C haos , By W. H. C hamberlain .
Y ears of C risis . By K enneth I.
L and , L aw , and C ustom in the C olonies . By C . K. M eek .  相似文献   

T he S oviet in W orld A ffairs . A H istory of R elations B etween the S oviet U nion and the rest of the W orld By L ouis F ischer
T he D evelopment of L ocal G overnment By W illiam A. R obson .
E ngland in the A ge of the A merican R evolution , V ol . I.
G abriel B onnot de M ably By E rnest A. W hitfield With an Introduction by P rofessor H. J. L aski
A T reatise on M oney By J. M. K eynes
J oint S tock B anking in G ermany By P. B arrett W hale
C entral B anks By C. H. K isch and W. A. E lkin
T he B ank for I nternational S ettlements By P aul E inzig
A S earchlight on A merica By J ames T ruslow A dams
U nsolved P roblems N ational and I nternational By J ohn S. H echt .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
G rey of F allodon . By G. M. T revelyan O.M.
W orld T rade and its F uture . By S ir A rthur S alter .
H istory of P arliament : B ioraphies of the M embers of the C ommons H ouse , 1439–1509. By C lonnel the R ight H onourable J osiah C. W edgwood , D.S.O., M.P.
P ublic E nterprise : D evelopments in S ocial O wnership and C ontrol in G reat B rintain . Edited for the New Fabian Research Bureau by W illiam A. R obson .
P roperty and I mproperty . By J. A. H obson .
T he M agic of M onarchy . By K ingsley M artin .
S oviet D emocracy . By P at S loan .
T he E nd of S cialism in R ussia . By M ax E astman .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《The Political quarterly》1946,17(3):263-280
Book reviewed in this article
H omes , T owns and C ountryside : A Practical Plan for Britain. Edited by Gilbert and Elizabeth Glen McAllister.
G ermany from D efeat to C onquest , 1913–1973. By W. M. K night -P atterson
T he V oluntary S ocial S ervices –T heir P lace in the M odern S tate . Edited by A. F. C. B ourdillon (Nuffield College Social Reconstruction Survey. General Editors : G. D. H. C ole and A. D. L indsay ).
A n A rab T ells H is S tory . By E dward A tiyah .
B eatrice W ebb . By M argaret C ole .
W inston C hurchill , 1874–1975. By L ewis B road .
S oviet R ussia . An Introduction. By K athleen G ibberd
T he D evelopment of the S oviet E conomic S ystem . By A lexander B aykov .
E uropean B alance . By P eter M atthews .
T he P roblem of I taly . By I vor T homas , M.P.
C o - operation in the C olonies R eport , from a Special Committee to the Fabian Colonial Bureau. With a preface By C. F. S trickland .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1987,58(2):217-238
Book reviewed in this article:
C oercion and C ontrol in C ommunist S ociety : T he V isible H and of B ureaucracy . By M aria H irszowicz .
W histleblowing in the S oviet U nion : C omplaints and A buses U nder S tate S ocialism . By N icholas L ampert .
L enin A nd T he E nd of P olitics . By A. J. P olan .
O rdinary S talinism . By R onald T iersky .
M ayday . E isenhower , K ruschev and the U-2 A ffair . By M ichael R. B eschloss .
T he W orld O f S cience and the R ule of L aw . By J ohn Z iman , P aul S ieghart and J ohn H umphrey .
S cience S peaks T o P ower . By D avid C ollingridge and C olin R eeve .
R ace A nd E mpire in B ritish P olitics . By P aul B. R ich .
R acism and R ecruitment . By R ichard J enkins .
R acism , E ducation and the S tate . By B arry T royna and J enny W illiams .
E thnicity and E ducational A chievement in B ritish S chools . By G ajendra V erma W ith B randon A shworth .
T he N ational W orld of L ocal G overnment . By R. A. W. R hodes .
L ocal G overnment in the M odern S tate . By M artin L oughlin .
P arliament and T erritoriality . By J. B arry J ones and R. A. W ilford .
M aking S ense of M arx . By J on E lster .
P rofqrtional M ispresentation : T he C ase A gainst P r in B ritain . By P eter H ain .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1944,15(2):172-184
Book reviewed in this article:
T he P ekkham E xperiment . By I nnes H. P earse and L ucy H. C rocker .
R ussia T hrough the C enturies . By M. P hilips P rice , M.P.
O ur S oviet A lly . Essays edited by M argaret C ole .
G reat B ritain , F rance and the G erman P roblem , 1918–1939. By W. M. J ordan .
W hy I A m a J ew . By E dmond F leg . Translated by V ictor G ollancz .
T owards H istoric J udaism . By E. B erkovits .
T he J ewish N ational H ome , 1917–1942. Edited by P aul G oodman .
T he J ewish C ontribution to C ivilisation . By C ecil R oth .
A S hort H istory of the J ewish P eople . By C ecil R oth .
W ar -T ime P attern of S aving and S pending . By C harles M adge
A rmies and the A rt of R evolution . By K. C. C horley .
E urope R ises . By D orothy W oodman .
T he T ransition from W ar to P eace . Report of the Delegation on Economic Depressions. Part I.
T he D isplacement of P opulation in E urope . By E ugene M. K ulischer .
T he U nited S tates in the W orld E conomy .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1981,52(2):255-279
Book reviewed in this article:
W age C ontrol and I nflation in the S oviet B loc C ountries . By J an A dam .
S ocialism , P olitics and E qualit Y. By W alter D. C onnor .
P olitical E conomy and S oviet S ocialism . By A lec N ove .
O rganizational A lternatives in S oviet-type E conomies . By N icolas S pulber .
T he C astle D iaries 1974–76. By B arbara C astle .
A H ouse D ivided . T he L ib -L ab P act and the F uture of B ritish P olitics . By D avid S teel .
P ortrait of a P rogressive : T he P olitical C areer of C hristopher , V iscount A ddison . By K enneth and J ane M organ .
T he S ecret C onstitution . By B rian S edgemore .
P ower and P owerlessness . By J ohn G aventa .
L iberalism and S ociology : L. T. H obhouse and P olitical A rgument in E ngland 1880–1914. By S tefan C ollini .
T he T wo M arxisms : C ontradictions and A nomalies in the D evelopment of T heory . By A lvin W. G ouldner .
M arxism A fter M arx . By D avid M clellan .
O pposition in E astern E urope . Edited by R udolf L. T okes .
C ommunism and E astern E urope . Edited by F rantisek and L arisa S ilnitsky and K arl R eyman .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1954,25(3):275-295
book reviewed in this article
A n I ntroduction to the S tudy of I ndustrial R elations . By J. H. R ichardson .
T he O rigins of the L abour P arty . By H enry P elling .
T he D eath of the F ourth republic . By R onald M atthews .
E ssays on the S ocial H istory of S cience . Edited by S. L illey .
P io N ono : A S tudy in E uropean P olitics and R eligion in the XIX C entury . By E. E. Y. H ales .
T he Q uaker A pproach to C ontemporary P roblems . J ohn K avanagh .
C ommunism and C hrist . By C harles W. L owry .
A narchy and O rder . By H erbert
T he dynamics of S oviet S ociety . By W. W. R ostow .
T he F uture of T he H ouse of L ords . Edited by S idney B ailey . Foreword by C ommander S tephen K ing -H all .
D roit I nternational et S ouverainetéa en U.R.S.S. By J ean -Y ves C alvez .
T héaories et R éalites en D roit I nternational P ublic . By C harles de V isscher .
F rench L iberal T hought in the 18 th C entury . By K ingsley M artin . Edited by J. P. M ayer .
T he E ncyclopaedia of D iderot & d'A lembert . Edited by J ohn L ough .
P ower in T rade U nions : a S tudy of T heir O rganization in G reat B ritain . By V. L. A llen .
T he N eglected C hild and the S ocial S ervices . By D. V. D onnison .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this articles:
T heeconomic L ife of S oviet R ussia By C alvinb . H oover , P h .D.
A C ontributive S ociety By J. R. B ellerby
C onstitutional L aw : A n O utline of the L aw and P ractice of the C onstitution . By E. C. S. W ade , M.A., L.L.M., and G. G odfrey P hillips , M.A., L.L.B.
C onstitutional H istory of the F irst B ritish E mpire B y A. B erriedalx K eith , D.C.L., D.L itt .
B ritish P olicy and C anada : 1774–1791 By G erald S. G raham
N ew I mperial I deals By R obert S tokes
T he H istory of P eace By A. C. F. B eales
T he F oreign P olicy of C astlereagh ,1812–5 By C. K. W ebster
P roblems of P eace
T he P rice of N ational S ecurity By H. E. H yde
N ewest E urope By M erton M aclaughlin  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1967,38(4):447-462
Book reviewed in this article:
"D ownhill A ll T he W ay ." By L eonard W oolf .
T he R oyal C ommission on L ocal G overnment : E vidence in B rief . Edited by L aurence W elsh .
L ocal and C entral G overnment P olice A dministration . By J. C onlin .
E nforcing the L aw . By R. M. J ackson .
T he G overnment of H ousing . By D. V. D onnison .
T he O rigins of M odern T own P lanning . By L eonardo B envolo . Translated by J udith L andry .
R ussia in R evolution : 1890–1918. By L ionel K ochan .
M arxism : 100 Y ears in the L ife of a D octrine . By B ertram D. W olfe .
M arxism in the M odern W orld . Edited by M ilorad M. D rachkovitch .
H istory of the I nternational : 1860–1914. By J ulius B raunthal .
E conomic P erformance under P ublic O wnership . By W illiam G. S hepherd .
F reedom and T he C ourt : C ivil R ights and L iberties in the U nited S tates . By H enry J. A braham .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1954,25(2):179-199
T he P rophet A rmed . T rotsky : 1879–1921. By I. D eutscher .
D ocuments and S peeches on B ritish C ommonwealth A ffairs , 1931–1952. Edited by N icholas M ansergh
A H undred Y ears of W ar . By C yril F alls .
T he W ar in F rance and F landers , 1939–1940. By M ajor L. F. E llis .
T he N emesis of P ower . By J ohn W. W heeler -B ennett .
H ow R ussia M akes W ar : S oviet M ilitary D octrine . By R aymond G arthoff .
W ar in the E astern S eas , 1793–1815. By C . N orthcote P arkinson .
P rogress and P overty . By H enry G eorge .
A n I ntroductionn to T . U nionism By G. D. H. C ole .
S urvey of I nternational A ffairs , 1951. By P eter C alvocoressi .
balance. But it is a balance on a world basis with Europe no longer the centre, and the changed geography is most valuably emphasised by the three original world maps which form part of this publication.
R eport on the A tom . By G ordon D ean .
B ritain in the W orld E conomy . By S ir D ennis H. R obertson .
A B alanced E conomy . By L. S. A mery .
P olicy for the S terling A rea . By H arvey C ole and M ichael S hanks .
I ncome R edistribution and S ocial P olicy . Edited by A lan T. P eacock .
A merica , britain and russia, their co - operation and conflict , 1941-46. By W illiam hardy M c N eiLL .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1960,31(2):203-228
Book reviewed in this article:
T he E nd of E mpire . By J ohn S trachey .
T he R oad to S elf -R ule : A S tudy in C olonial E volution . By W. M. M acmillan .
C ommon S ense A bout A frica . By A nthony S ampson .
A frican N ationalism . By N dabaningi S ithole .
C ommon S ense A bout I ndia . By K. M. P anikkar .
L iang C h'i -C h'ao and the M ind of M odern C hina . By J oseph R. L evenson .
T he E conomic D evelopment of C ommunist C hina 1949–58. By T. J. H ughes and P. E. T. L uard .
C ommon S ense A bout C hina . By G uy W int .
G overnment, L aw and C ourts in the S oviet U nion and E astern E urope . By V ladimir G sovski and K aziemierz G rzybowski (General Editors.
J udicial R eview of A dministrative A ction . By S. A. de S mith .
N atural J ustice . By H. H. M arshall , Q.C.
E lections A broad . Edited by D. E. B utler .
G overnment and P arliament : A S urvey from the I nside . Second Edition. By T he R ight H on . H erbert M orrison , C.H. Now L ord M orrison of L ambeth . [ Oxford University Press , xiii and 386pp. 30s.]
S ocial P rinciples and the D emocratic S tate . By S. I. B enn and R. S. P eters . [ Allen and Uniwin . 403 pp. 32s.]
B ritish C onservatism , 1832–1914. By R. B. M c D owell .
T he A nalysis of P olitical S ystems . By D ouglas V. V erney .
T he G lory of P arliament . By H arry B oardman . Edited by F rancis B oyd .
C ommunism and B ritish I ntellectuals . By D r . N eal W ood .
C hartist S tudies . Edited by A sa B riggs .
P ublic O rder in the A ge of the C hartists . By F. C. M ather .
J ourney to A merica . By A lexis de T ocqueville . Translated by G eorge L awrence .
M odern F orms of G overnment : A C omparative S tudy . By M ichael S tewart .
C hurchill : T he W alk with D estiny . Compiled and designed by H. T atlock M iller and L oudon S ainthill .
S igmund F reud's M ission . By E rich F romm .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1948,19(2):171-200
Book reviewed in this article:
T he C ivil S erviceinthe C hanging S tate . By H. R. G. GREAVES.
T he R eform of T he H igher C ivil S ervice . A R eport BY A S pecial C ommittee for the F abian S ociety .
O rganisation and M ethods and its E ffect on the S taffing of G overnment D epartments . F ifth R eport from the S elect C ommittee on E stimates .
T he S teep P laces . By S ir N orman A ngell .
T he ';S truggle for T he W orld . By J ames B urnham .
F oreign P olicy the L abour P arty ' s D ilemma . By L eonard W oolf .
D esign for E urope .
E gypt . an E conomic and S ocial A nalysis . By C harles I ssawi .
T he A wakening of M odern E gypt . By M. R ifaat B ey .
V oting P rocedures in I nternational P olitical O rganizations . By W ellington K oo , jr .
F ederalism and R egionalism in G ermany the D ivision of P russia . By A rnold B recht .
T he H istory of the T imes . T he T wentieth C entury .
L ocal and R egional G overnment . By G. D. H. C ole .
T he F oreign P olicy of S oviet R ussia , 1929–1941. Volume I, 1929.1936. By M ax B eloff .
I ndia C alled T hem . By L ord B everidge .
R ussian Z one . By G ordon S chaffer .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1962,33(2):218-232
Book reviewed in this article:
G rowing . A n A utobiography of the Y ears 1904–1911. By L eonard W oolf .
T he A rt and P ractice of D iplomacy . By S ir C harles W ebster .
T he C hanging P atterns of the M iddle E ast , 1919–1958. By P ierre R ondot . Translated from the French by M ary D ilke . With an introduction by E lizabeth M onroe .
C ontemporary A rab P olitics : A C oncise H istory . By G eorge E. K irk .
T he S oviet E conomy : A n I ntroduction . By A lec N ove .
T he M aking of the P resident . By T heodors W hite .
T he P residential E lection and T ransition , 1960–61. Edited by P aul T. D avid
T he S tory of F abian S ocialism . By M argaret C ole .
I n S earch of C riminology . By L eon R adzinowicz .
T he R econstruction of A merican H istory . Edited by J ohn H igham .
G reater L ondon P apers .
U nited N ations . A nnual R eport of the S ecretary -G eneral on the W ork of the O rganisation  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1942,13(1):100-116
book reviewed in this article
S oviet C ommunism : a new civilisation. By S idney and B eatrice W ebb .
S oviet R ussia : anatomy of a social history. By E. S trauss .
E urope and the G erman Q uestion . By F. W. F oerster .
M ake and B reak with the N azis . By H ermann R auschning .
T own and C ountry P lanning . By G ilbert M c A llister and E lizabeth G len M c A llister , with a foreword by R t . H on . A rthur G reenwood .
T he C ambridge H istory of P oland . From Augustus II to Pilsudski. Edited by W. F. R eddawat , J. H. P enson , O. H alecki , R. D yboski .
R eplanning B ritain , B eing A S ummarised R eport of the O xford C onference of the T own and C ountry P lanning A ssociation , S pring , 1941. Edited by F. E. T owndrow , A.R.I.B.A.
I ndustry and T own P lanning . R ebuilding B ritain S eries , No. 6. By R oland P umphrey . Introduction by the R t . H on . S ir M ontague B arlow .
S urvey of I nternational R elations , 1938. Vol. I. By A rnold J. T oynbee . Assisted by V. M . B oulter .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《The Political quarterly》1974,45(1):125-151
Book Reviewed in this article
W age P atterns A nd W age P olicy I n M odern C hina 1919-1972. B y C hristopher H owe .
R evolutionaries . B y E. J. H obsbawm .
T he R eformed L ocal G overnment S ystem . B P eter G. R ichards .
L ocal G overnmest . By R ichard B uxton .
T he P olitics O f P olicy I n L ocal G overnment . By J ohn D wrlove .
C ity P olitics A nd T he P ress . By H arvey Cox and D avid M organ .
H idden C osts O f T axation . B y C. T. S andford .
P olitical P urpose I n T rade U nions . By I rving R ichter .
L abour : T he U nions A nd T he P arty . B y B ill S impson .
B aldwin , T he U nexpected P rime M inister . By H. M ontgomery
C hina : A H andbook . E dited b y Y uan -L i W u .
T he L ong M arch T o P ower : A H istory O f T he C hinese C ommunist P arty , 1921-72. B y J ames P inckney H arrison .
T he C hinese H igh C ommand : A H istory O f C ommunist M ilitary P olitics , 1927–71. B y W illiam W. W hitson w ith C hen -H sia H uang .
C hinese S trategic T hinking U nder h ho T se -T ung . B y W. A. C. A die .
T he C hinese R oad T o S ocialism . By E. L. W heelwright and B. M c -F arlane .
T he B eliefs O f P oliticians . B y R obert D. P utnam .
K nowledge A nd B eliefs I n P olitics . E dited B y R obert B enewick , R. N. B erki A nd B hikhu P arekh .
C orps D iplomatique . By E ric C lark .
R adicalism A gainst W ar 19061914. T he A dvocacy O f P eace A nd R etrenchment . B y A. J. A nthony M orris .
C ause A nd M eaning I n T he S ocial S ciences . B y E rnest G ellner .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1965,36(4):471-473
Book reviewed in this article:
L egal S ystem and L awyers 'R easonings . By J ulius S tone , ll.m. (Leeds), s.j.d. (Harvard), b.a. , d.c.l. (Oxford).
T he B ritish L abour P arty : A S hort H istory . By C arl F. B rand .
C olour and the E lectorate 1964. Edited by N icholas D eakin .
C onstituency P olitics . By F rank B ealey , J. B londel and W. P. M c C ann .
T he A rt of J udgment . A S tudy of P olicy M aking . By S ir G eoffrey V ickers .
T he C ivil S ervice in N ew A frican S tates . By A. L. A du . [ George Allen and Unwin . 236 pp. 25s.]; L ocal G overnment in W est A frica . By R onald W raith . [ George Allen and Unwin . 182 pp. 16s.]; F ederalism and the N ew N ations of A frica . Edited by D avid P. C urrie .
K arl M arx and the B ritish L abour M ovement . Y ears of the F irst I nternational . By H. C ollins and C. A bramsky .
S oviet S trategy at the C rossroads . By T homas W. W olfe .
T he G overnment and P olitics of the S oviet U nion . By L eonard S chapiro .
T he N ational G uard in P olitics . By M artha D erthick . [ Oxford University Press . 202 pp. 40s.]; E ssays on the A merican C onstitution . Edited by G ottfried D ietze .
T he C uban R evolution and L atin A merica . By B oris G oldenberg . [ Allen and Unwin . 376 pp. 50s.]; T he D ynamics of C hange in L atin A merican P olitics . Edited by J ohn D. M ortz .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1957,28(2):188-204
Book reviewed in this article.
D evelopment for F ree A sia . By M aurice Z inkin .
O ut of the G un . By D enis W arner .
T he N ew D imensions of P eace . By C hester B owles .
E ssays in S ociology and S ocial P hilosophy . Vol. I O n the D iversity of M orals ; Vol. II R eason and U nreason in S ociety . By M orris G insberg .
G erman S ociology . By R aymond A ron .
A C entury of F amily L aw : 1857–1957. Editors R. H. G raveson and F. R. C rane .
S t . A ntony's P apers . Number One. S oviet A ffairs .
A tomic W eapons and E ast -W est R elations . By P. M. S. B lackett .
A tomic Q uest . By A rthur H. C ompton .
R ocket . By A ir C hief M arshal S ir P hilip J oubert de la F erteg .
F abian I nternational E ssays . Edited by T. E. M. McK itterrick and K enneth Y ounger .
T he B ritish C ommonwealth . By F rank H. Underhill .
L aw and O rders . By S ir C arleton K emp A llen .
T he S uez C anal.
T he S chool T eachers. By A. T ropp.
E uropean R efugees: 1939–1952. A S tudy in F orced P opulation M ovement. By M alcolm J. P roudfoot.  相似文献   

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