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印度教美学的最高范畴就是梵,本文主要讨论了梵在印度教美学中的主要意义,其中包括梵的无限性、梵的显与不可显以及梵之和谐美等几个主要方面。  相似文献   

扼要介绍了家禽免疫抑制的表现形式、引起免疫抑制的主要因素及作用方式,以及避免和减轻免疫抑制的主要措施.  相似文献   

印度的核武器研制计划始于60年代初期。核武器化方面的工作由3个主要部门分工负责:印度原子能部(DAE)主要是设计和发展武器;印度国防研究和发展局(DRDO)主要是制造和试验高能炸药组件和对设计进行武器化;巴巴原子能研究中心(BARC)主要负责设计核炸药、生产裂变材料和将其转化成武器部件,该中心还负责设计和开发裂变、增强裂变、热核和低当量装置。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,南北关系有所缓和。但由于主要发达国家并未根本改变经济强权政策,南北矛盾依然尖锐。双方矛盾主要集中在发展援助、技术转让、贸易、石油、环保、毒品、移民、人权、反恐和全球化等问题上。造成南北问题的主要根源和解决问题的主要责任在于发达国家。采取灵活、务实态度,避免矛盾激化、失控,坚持平等互利、协调合作,是南北双方惟一正确选择。  相似文献   

泰国南部为泰国的主要农业区域,某些与农、林和渔业有关的加工机械设备都有较好的销路,主要情况如下:  相似文献   

近年来,国际卫星导航市场竞争日益激烈.2012年,中国北斗卫星导航系统正式对亚太地区提供无源定位、导航和授时服务,美、日、俄等主要国家在亚太地区的博弈随之展开.本文拟梳理当前世界主要国家在卫星导航领域的发展态势和主要特点,并在此基础上对中国北斗系统的国际化应用提出几点思考与建议. 一、卫星导航在主要国家航天事业中的地位 随着科技的进步与发展,太空日益成为世界主要国家地缘政治竞争的新领域.近年来,美、日、俄、印等国相继在全球卫星产业展开激烈争夺,卫星产业发展呈现三大特点:一是国际外太空争夺日趋激烈.各主要国家均把争夺外层空间利益和主导权视为国家战略的重要组成部分,越来越多的国家希望跻身卫星发射、制造及应用的整条产业链.  相似文献   

长期以来,尽管俄罗斯对外国劳务需求量很大,但引进效率低下.目前有效吸引外国移民的方式是教育移民,因而应加大在国外对俄语的宣传力度.中国移民在俄的情况是:主要集中于莫斯科、滨海边疆区和哈巴罗夫斯克边疆区;选择赴俄工作主要是因为那里比较容易去;在俄主要从事的工作是销售、商务;主要分布行业是服装、鞋帽、纺织等;他们中大部人并不希望获得俄罗斯国籍.  相似文献   

中国农业产业化的主要障碍及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国加入WTO后,农业产业化势在必行.实行农业产业化的关键是要弄清产业化的主要障碍,以及为了扫除这些障碍应采取的主要措施.  相似文献   

本文主要依据2000年、2010年新加坡的人口统计数据,分析当地华族宗教信仰情况和变化的主要特征,总结形成原因和得出结论。  相似文献   

思想库在印度对外战略和政策制定过程中起着非常重要和独特的作用。印度是发展中国家中思想库发展最早、规模最大、影响最广的国家之一。本文主要通过对印度外交和安全方面的九个主要思想库的述评,分析印度思想库的主要特点、功能和发展趋势。  相似文献   

This article reports an analysis of Americans' opinions about the news media's fairness in covering public affairs. The data come from the 1996 and 1998 National Election Studies, which contained variables tapping exposure to and opinions about the news media, as well as key political dispositions?partisanship, ideology, and opinion about presidential and congressional job performance?and a plethora of demographic variables. The data show that people who adhere to traditional moral codes and are misanthropic tend not to trust the news media to cover politics fairly. In a presidential election year, opinion about the president's job performance affects perceptions of the press's fairness. In an off-year election, however, opinion about the president's job performance is replaced by opinion about how the Congress has been doing its job. In addition, perception of how the media covered the Lewinsky scandal also influenced opinion about the press's fairness in general.  相似文献   

关于东北老工业基地落后原因,国内观点不一,但归纳起来制度落后应为主要原因。因此,通过实证分析老工业基地制度落后现状及对中国国有企业改革的实际对制度变迁的诺思模型进行修正的分析,可以充分说明导致老工业基地落后的根本原因是围绕制度“锁定”原因的多因素综合作用的结果。  相似文献   

Many scholars argue that economic interdependence and more extensive economic ties between countries decreases the risk of violent conflict between them. However, despite considerable research on the “capitalist peace” at the macro or dyadic level, there has been less attention to its possible individual-level microfoundations or underpinnings. We argue that public perceptions about economic ties with other states and the costs of conflict should influence the expected constraints on the use of force for leaders. Actual high interdependence and potential economic costs may not suffice to create political constraints on the use of force if people are unaware of the degree of interdependence or fail to understand the benefits of trade and the likely economic costs of disruptive conflict. We examine the linkages between individual perceptions about economic interdependence and their views on conflict and peace through a survey experiment, where we ask respondents in Japan about approval for belligerent actions in a territorial dispute with China and varying information about economic ties. Our findings indicate that greater knowledge and information about economic interdependence affects attitudes about territorial disputes and increases support for peaceful solutions with China.  相似文献   

This study presents American state police agencies' perceptions about three significant terrorism and public safety issues. First, we asked about the threat posed by specified extremist groups nationally and to their state. We asked about the number of such groups and their supporters, and the number of activities each group participates in during a typical year in their state. We also asked about the number of criminal incidents each group commits and the number of their supporters arrested in a typical year. Second, we asked the agencies to rate the usefulness of fifteen specified terrorism sources. Third, we queried the agencies about their views of eight terrorism definitions. These data were collected by surveying the fifty state police agencies in the United States. We discovered widespread concern about the criminal activities of various extremist groups, with a particular concern about the threat of Islamic jihadists. Interestingly, although the top rated threat was Islamic jihadists, the respondents indicated that other types of groups were much more criminally active. Further, respondents indicated that various open and non-open sources were valuable terrorism sources. Finally, most respondents reacted more favorably to official terrorism definitions—especially the FBI's—as opposed to academic definitions. We conclude with a discussion of the policy implications of our findings and we outline directions for future research.  相似文献   

This article examines the sources of ideological skepticism about two issues where there is a scientific consensus: climate change and evolution. The results indicate that self-identified conservatives doubt global warming in large part because of elite rhetoric, but that evolution beliefs are unrelated to reception of political discourse. News reception is perhaps the strongest predictor of conservatives’ climate change skepticism, but has no influence on their aversion to evolution. Moreover, the article leverages three sources of variation in elite discourse on climate change—temporal, cross-national, and experimental—to show that changes in the prevalence of ideological cues strongly affect public opinion about global warming. Politically attentive conservatives, in fact, were more likely to believe scientists about global warming than liberals were in the 1990s before the media depicted climate change as a partisan issue. The United States is also the only nation where political interest significantly predicts both conservatives’ skepticism about, and liberals’ belief in, climate change. Finally, evidence from a national survey experiment suggests that Americans would be less skeptical of manmade global warming if more Republicans in Congress believed in it, but a growing Congressional consensus about evolution would not diminish doubts about its existence.  相似文献   

Prominent perspectives in the study of conflict point to two factors that exert substantial influence on public opinion about foreign intervention: (1) news about casualties and (2) signals from partisan elites. Past work is limited, however, in what it can say about how these two factors interact. We present an experiment designed to understand the surprisingly common scenario where elites send competing messages about whether the public should support war or oppose it—and these messages do not coincide with party divisions. We find that partisans are generally insensitive to news about casualties, but they become noticeably more sensitive when they perceive within-party disputes over support for the war. Independents, however, respond to news of casualties irrespective of what messages elites send. These findings shed light on when and how the public responds to competing and unclear cues and speak to the role of public opinion in determining conflict outcomes and democratic foreign policy-making more broadly.  相似文献   

Anxious Moments: Openings in Negotiation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Even experienced negotiators often feel anxiety about beginning a new negotiation. Subjects in this study described these opening moments with vivid imagery and metaphors, among them: lurking wolves, alligators, tightropes, and rushing trains. People's deep-seated worries can be triggered by several factors: doubts about personal competence, fear about the attitudes and behavior of other parties, and the inevitable uncertainty about what path negotiation will take. The author compares openings in other contexts, notably in the arts, to illustrate how the impact of anxiety need not be entirely negative. These feelings can also spark creativity and support constructive relationships.  相似文献   

Every organisation has certain core convictions about its endeavours and about the ways to go about its work. When these convictions are translated into relatively enduring practices they can be called organisational values. Managing an organisation's value system is an important strategic task in itself, and the concepts and methods for undertaking this task are examined in this paper.  相似文献   

The present article is about Soviet perceptions of French politics and society as reported by the five Soviet ambassadors in Paris between 1924 and 1940, and about how their reports influenced Soviet policy making in Moscow. This article is based largely upon unpublished documents from the Soviet foreign policy archives in Moscow (AVPRF), specifically opened to researchers in the 1990s. It contends that these Soviet ambassadors established effective relationships with French counterparts and that they were pragmatic, non-ideological realists trying unsuccessfully to improve Soviet relations with France. The narrative is about the failure of these efforts over a period of sixteen years and ultimately about the failure of the Soviet Union and France to form anti-Nazi alliance during the 1930s.  相似文献   

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