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此文作者从隐喻一词在希腊语中的本义(metaphorai:转变,移动)出发,指出隐喻中被转移的并不是文本的意义,而是读者赋予文本的意义,读者在转移文本意义的同时,也转移了他对文本作者形成的概念,文本作者变成了“我们在阅读中创造出来的虚构人物”。因此,阅读构成的意指活动和精神分析中的转移一样遵循着相同的法则:欲望法则。读者应该意识到,他是把自己的想象投射到了文本上,是出于本性而解释文本,只有这样,隐喻以及它所提示的转移才能使读者成为他自己,才能确认作者的他人身份,隐喻转移才能成为一种丰富文本意义的引人入胜的游戏。  相似文献   

宋明炜 《新民周刊》2012,(11):78-78
一条通向历史,充满难堪的往事、引人捉摸的反省;另一条通向现在,充满猎奇、享乐——以及小猪、妖怪和女巫玩偶。这两条路都刻在美国文化的精神版图上。  相似文献   

江迅 《新民周刊》2012,(18):34-35
自本世纪以来,一场通过建设海洋保护区,以海洋生态环境保护名义进行的"新海洋圈地运动"悄然兴起。近来,亚太海域波诡云谲,在南海诸岛,中国与菲律宾、越南针锋相对;在钓鱼岛,在苏岩礁,中国分别与日本、韩国唇枪舌剑中国这些对手背后。  相似文献   

同化,融合,还是共存?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东南亚华人与当地民族的关系涉及政治、经济、社会、文化等多个方面。二战后东南亚国家如何处理华人的入籍问题 ,并附加了一些什么条件 ?与此相联系 ,在文化上 ,东南亚华人是完全同化于当地民族的文化 ,还是积极地与当地民族文化融合 ,或是基本上保持自己的文化并与当地民族文化和平共处 ?这些仍然是值得我们思考的问题。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the conditions affecting male Members of Parliaments’ (MPs) proclivity for representing women’s interests. It particularly explores whether the presence of female MPs has an effect on men’s parliamentary behavior. Three contrasting effects are discussed in the literature: (1) A spillover effect which postulates that men will become more likely to act on behalf of women if the number of female MPs increases, (2) a group‐threat effect which creates a hostile backlash among male MPs, or (3) a specialization effect which makes male MPs less likely to represent women because this is typically seen as a function that should be fulfilled by female MPs. Empirically, this paper analyzes the representation of women’s issues in parliamentary questions tabled in the German Bundestag (1998‐2013) by using automated content analysis. The results support the specialization hypothesis and show that male MPs reduce their intensity of women’s representation if the proportion of female MPs is high.  相似文献   

沈彬 《新民周刊》2022,(2):77-77
山东高级人民法院微信公众号上一篇文章《不能仅以"出轨"为理由,请求离婚》出圈了。这篇文章言之凿凿地说:你即使掌握了配偶的出轨证据,也只有证明配偶存在"不忠诚"行为,但是不能证明你配偶与他人"同居",更没有证明你们感情破裂;最新司法解释明确:出轨不属于同居行为,不能据此要求离婚。  相似文献   

阿晖 《新民周刊》2022,(8):66-69
在上海市民的眼中,作为上海地标再度翻新的上海体育馆,换了新衣,但依然是心中那个充满情怀与激情的“万体馆”。虎年新春伊始,上海徐家汇体育公园内,综合馆“万体汇”启动部分试运营,迎来了众多“以球会友”的申城市民。这座未来占地达到35.96公顷的新型城市体育公园,除了新规划建设的综合馆“万体汇”。  相似文献   

王悦阳 《新民周刊》2020,(16):94-94
无论你见过还是没见过他,那纸绢里流淌着的小情趣、小趣味,却是怎么都掩盖不了的。作为上海画坛80后青年画家的代表之一,徐旭峰身上流淌着江南人的血液,于是,这种与生俱来的文化血脉,也就成了他的艺术作品里最为显著的特征。无论你见过还是没见过他,那纸绢里流淌着的小情趣、小趣味,却是怎么都掩盖不了的。  相似文献   

在学习法语中,常常遇到四个动词,让人困惑不已。它们分别是amener,apporter,emmener,emporter。但是如果对于这四个动词的构成进行合理解剖和解读.也许对学习和掌握有一定的帮助。  相似文献   


The past decade of development schemes has been experienced very differently by various groups within the city of Kashgar in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of China. The recent exacerbation of social inequalities, stratification, and tensions in Kashgar is a structural consequence of two phases of government policies: an accelerated formalization of the economy and remodelling of the city-scape as part of modernistic development implemented before 2014, followed by a phase of strong securitization. Based on long-term ethnographic fieldwork between 2009 and 2017, this paper analyzes the situation, reactions, and strategies of different groups of Uyghur residents of Kashgar to cope with the changing socio-economic and political environment.  相似文献   

Research on autocracies has gained new momentum in the last decade. One element of this research is the observation that some autocracies are characterised by structural conditions that are normally conducive for democracy. These ‘anomalous autocracies’ have high levels of socioeconomic development and democratic neighbour countries. The study of these cases might expose factors that are decisive for autocratic stability and studying them might give us a better understanding of barriers towards democratisation. This paper contributes to the growing literature on autocracies by mapping anomalous autocracies during the third wave of democratisation, thereby paving the way for systematic case selection in future studies. A large-N analysis of 159 cases (1975–2008) identifies Belarus, Chile, China, Cuba, Morocco, North Korea, Peru, Singapore, Swaziland, Togo and Zimbabwe. In a second step, the paper lays out a theoretical framework that centres on actors and institutions. Rulers must establish elite–elite and elite–mass interaction, and this papers argues that they can do so through quasi-compliance of elites and the masses based on traditional institutions woven into a dominant party. The paper uses the framework to tentatively examine the resilience of authoritarian rule in Swaziland and Morocco, two most-different anomalous cases. In both cases, an elaborate traditional institution has co-opted government, business and rural elites and coordinated interaction within elite circles and with the masses, in turn enabling the remarkable regime resilience.  相似文献   

沈嘉禄 《新民周刊》2012,(25):87-87
这种线条与铃声,自有一种成熟城市的味道,有点甜蜜的忧伤和惆怅,乘客的脸上更书写着保守的、优雅的文明。在欧洲,常让我出神凝视的固体物有:教堂、街头雕塑、博物馆、有轨电车。上周去了德国和波兰,在法兰克福、科隆和波兹南又看到了有轨电车,它们以经典的样式再次驶入我的记忆隧道。欧锦赛期间,车头两边都插着国旗,一面是本国的,另一...  相似文献   

林奕华 《新民周刊》2022,(24):74-74
Mentor and Match Maker:独行侠vs.为他人作嫁衣裳,谁是大英雄?电影便是那块镜子,反映在认识自己的跌跌碰碰中,男女如何大不同。男人的好朋友叫“死党”,女人的叫“闺密”,前者的情分叫“兄弟”,后者是“姊妹”。一般情况下男女的友谊不以“死党”形容,除非他和她也互称“兄弟”。同样亦不会互叫“闺密”,除非她和他也以“姊妹”相待。  相似文献   


In the approach to the Sino-Indian war of 1962, the Indian government made some surprising policy choices. Most significant was Nehru’s decision to contest what was viewed by him and his officials as unimportant territory in the western sector, rejecting in the process Chou en-Lai’s 1960 “package” offer. Instead, Delhi chose to initiate in 1961 the Forward Policy, in full awareness of the severely disadvantageous position of the Indian military in the disputed border areas. Using Indian primary documents, this article makes the case that reputational considerations—particularly Nehru’s fear that any concessions to China would be viewed as weakness and provoke further aggression—help explain the puzzling aspects of India’s intransigence on the Sino-Indian territorial dispute during this period.  相似文献   

中国东南亚研究现状与展望学术研讨会论文选登至此告一段落。该讨论会的论文集《中国的东南亚研究:现状与展望》将另行出版。 我国的东南亚研究已经取得重大进展,但依然任重道远。我们的发展目标应该是:在改革与开放的主旋律中构建具有中国特色的独立完整的东南亚研究体系,在和平与发展的大潮中走向世界。为此,讨论如何检阅成就,总结经验,发挥优势,突破局限,开创新局面,也应该成为东南並研究体系的一个组成部分,是东南亚研究界必须共同关心,经常探讨的重大课题。“中国东南亚研究现状与展望”学术研讨会已有了良好的开端。本刊欢迎大家继续就此撰文发表评论和见解,将讨论引向深入。  相似文献   

有些遭遇是选择的结果,有些遭遇却无从选择。自然灾害——比如大地震——是无法选择的,但不同的道路摆在同一群年轻人面前时,他们依从习惯、别人的期待和天生的性格倾向,做出了自己的选择,结局大不相同。这组图片展示了不同的人在2012年做出的选择和他们承受的代价。在这个时代里,一个人、一个社群、一座城市、一个国家,都可能在短短...  相似文献   

阙政 《新民周刊》2012,(25):64-67
你知道近300部电影是怎样从1600部片子中选出来的吗?6月24日晚,第15届上海国际电影节(以下简称SIFF)圆满落幕,8座金爵奖各归其主。回首过去的9天,各国佳片全城云集,红毯星光令人目迷,许多人,把他们的作息调成了"电影节模式"。  相似文献   

木子 《新民周刊》2012,(3):72-75
较量,前所未有地升级;乱象,愈演愈烈……全国第十二届冬运会1月3日至13日在吉林长春举行。冠以全国比赛,实际主要是黑龙江吉林两个冰雪项目大省的较量。与以往不同的是,随着2013年全运会项目提前列入到本届大赛,黑吉冰雪代表队的较量更是有了前所未有的升级,而  相似文献   

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