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Targeted online ads, algorithmic analytics tools, clickbait-y social media campaigns, big data voter databases—digital technologies have become a cornerstone of contemporary political campaigns in the United Kingdom. Candidates, party campaigners, and a multitude of other registered campaigners embrace digital campaigning for democratic engagement, mobilising voters and electioneering. Yet, in the wake of the Cambridge Analytica scandal, it has become clear that these technologies are vulnerable to abuse and deception. Pressing issues surrounding privacy, transparency, and human rights persist, and systems of electoral law have become ill-equipped to enforce good behaviour and compliance with the law. Drawing from empirical evidence ahead of the 2019 UK general election, this article examines systemic obstacles to regulatory innovation. The inquiry provides an analysis of key policy challenges affecting elections and democracy, and develops an analytical framework pathways to regulatory innovation in the digital domain across three dimensions: (1) Institutional structures; (2) organisational processes; and (3) regulatory functions. The article puts forward practical policy recommendations to promote regulatory innovation that is tech-savvy, evidence-based and future-proof.  相似文献   

数字化时代的政府转型与数字政府   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着数字技术的发展,人类社会进入了数字化时代。数字化成为推动社会变革的主要力量。数字技术也正在推动着政府治理的转型和变革。数字政府重视和强调的是数字化时代的政府转型,其重点并不在于技术本身,而是如何利用现代数字技术促使政府数字化转型。数字政府是政府数字化转型的结果,它代表着一种新的治理模式和服务典范的变迁。政府数字化转型的同时,也面临劳动的富余、技术的偏差、责任的落差、隐私的威胁、数位的独裁和文化的冲击等诸多风险和挑战,因此推动政府的数字化转型需要系统化的治理。  相似文献   

To conclude this special section, this article looks at the possible avenues for regulatory reform in the field of digital campaigning. Diagnosing the need for a multi-layered approach, we argue that action is needed from government, regulators, companies, and civil society. We take each actor in turn and consider the kind of change needed, the prospects for reform, and outline four recommendations for change.  相似文献   

用户教育是高校图书馆的基本职能之一,也是高校图书馆的主要服务项目之一.数字时代,高校图书馆的用户群和用户需求都呈现出新特点.从分析这些新特点入手,提出了在新形势下高校数字图书馆用户教育模武如何创新和创新时须注意的一些问题.  相似文献   

Digital disobedience can be defined as politically motivated online lawbreaking. It includes Distributed Denial of Service actions, hacktivism, digitally based leaking (for example, Anonymous, Wikileaks), and whistleblowing (along the lines pursued by Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden). Given its growing political importance, the phenomenon requires careful theoretical attention. Against the widespread tendency to criminalize digital disobedience by appealing to conventional notions of the ‘rule of law’, this article argues that some of its proponents are in fact engaging in digital lawbreaking as expressions of their fundamental respect for the rule of law. Although this diagnosis highlights the partial overlap with conventional models of civil disobedience (which oftentimes similarly conceive of politically motivated lawbreaking as necessarily resting on a more fundamental respect for the law), we should hesitate before viewing digital disobedience simply as modernized or digitalized civil disobedience. Digital disobedience includes some political novelties, and traditional views of civil disobedience only get us so far in making sense of those novelties.  相似文献   

The politicization of government communications requires intense control. Centralization of government power accompanies advances in information and communications technology, as political elites use branding strategy in an attempt to impose discipline on their messengers and on media coverage. The strategic appeal of public sector branding is that it replaces conflicting messages with penetrating message reinforcement. Among the notable features are central control, a marketing ethos, a master brand, communications cohesiveness, and message simplicity. Together these features work to conflate the party government and the public service, which perpetuates trends of centralization. Using Canada's Conservative government (2006–2015) as a case study, public sector branding explains the hyper control over government communications and demonstrates why these developments can be expected to last, regardless of which party or leader is in control.  相似文献   

基于市场机制演进的必然性与数字技术赋能的可行性,作为外生冲击的新冠肺炎疫情加速了从工业经济就业范式向数字经济工作范式的转型,这种新工作范式主要体现在从组织型就业向自主型工作转换,从集中型就业向分布型工作转换,从单一型就业向多元型工作转换。新工作范式推动了新工作政策框架的形成发展与优化完善,新工作政策框架主要着力于创造更加稠密的工作市场和促进更加便利的工作匹配,着力于包容更加多元的人力资本关系和提升更加专业的工作技能,着力于提供更加普遍的社会保障和保护更加全面的工作权利,从而能够真正满足人民日益增长的美好生活需要。  相似文献   

Digital citizenship is becoming increasingly normalized within advanced democratic states. As society and governmental institutions become reliant on digital technologies, citizens are expected to be and act digitally. This article examines the governance of digital citizens through a case study of digitalization efforts in Denmark. Drawing on multiple forms of data, the article showcases how digital citizens are governed through a combination of discursive, legal and institutional means. The article highlights the political, but also institutional work that goes into making citizens digital. Providing this case study, the article contributes to current critical perspectives on the digital citizen as a new political figure. It adds new insights into digital citizenship by connecting this figure to wider processes of neoliberalization and state restructuring, pushing for a more pronounced focus on governmental practices.  相似文献   

The average global annual growth rate of digital content products has grown exponentially. This is because of the technology advancement, cost reduction, and availability of the enabling technologies, e.g., digital processing, digital storage, and digital telecommunications. The development of the digital content industry (DCI) requires a strong cultural background, creative ideas, respect of intellectual property rights, and telecommunications infrastructure, which are all dependent on government supportive policies. This study summarizes the government policies, progress, and obstacles in the development of Taiwan's DCI and compares these subjects with other countries, including the United States, EU countries, Japan, and Korea. In this paper, Taiwan's DCI opportunities and challenges will be discussed, and strategies and recommendations will be provided, based on Taiwan's unique resources and competitive advantages.  相似文献   

Digital technology is a critical enabler of public administration reforms. It can improve the efficiency and productivity of government agencies and allow citizens to transact with government anytime, anywhere. It can also deepen the democratic process, empowering citizens to participate in policy formulation. In this article Andrew Botros, the director of Expressive Engineering, and Maria Katsonis, from the Department of Premier and Cabinet (Victoria), explore the challenges of the digital world for the public sector. Katsonis presents a primer on digital government tracing its evolution from the e‐government movement of the 1990s to Government 2.0 in the 2000s to today's digital‐by‐default agenda. As technology and its role in public sector reform have progressed, so too have the governance, cultural, and leadership challenges deepened. Botros examines NSW approach to open innovation with the Premier's Innovation Initiative in NSW, the state's open data experience, and Transport for NSW and its management of public transport data. He argues NSW's approach involves a significant innovation trade‐off, requiring fresh thinking in digital‐era collaboration.  相似文献   

现场勘查记录是现场勘查工作中一项必不可少的内容。过去,现场勘查记录通常是由现场勘验笔录、现场照片、现场绘图和现场摄像组成。随着数码摄影、摄像技术的迅速发展,以及整个社会法制化和警务信息化的步伐进一步加快,对侦查部门的办案要求也越来越高。警务人员运用数码影像器材记录犯罪现场状况以及整个现场勘查的过程,并利用网络等传输方式把现场信息传输给上级指挥机关及有关专家等,可以更好地实现现场勘查(侦查)的指挥,可以迅速实现对犯罪现场重要疑罪信息的信息库查询,可以使现场勘查工作的视听证据更加完备,可以对现场及现场勘查工作的事后评定有可靠依据,可以为刑侦教学和科研提供实例。公安机关要大力推广犯罪现场及其勘查过程的数码影像记录与信息传输技术运用。  相似文献   

在政策概念上,"数字政府""电子政务"二者都是对特定历史时期的政策目标、任务和手段的概括与总结,反映了不同的政策内容。近四十年来,中央层面相关政策演变可以分为三条主线,即对系统、规划与管理的顶层设计,由分散向统一转变的工程规划和城市试点,以及由互联网技术转向互联网思维的信息服务与监管。地方政府治理的数字化也在不断推动模式创新与体制转型。总体而言,政策演变的特征可以总结为核心目标、顶层设计、政策议题、业务架构以及技术基础等五个方面。  相似文献   

Satisfaction with democracy is driven by the two mechanisms that affect citizens’ income: the market and the state. When people consider that the levels of economic growth and redistribution are sufficient, they are more satisfied with the performance of democratic institutions. This relationship is moderated by personal income: since low-income citizens are more sensitive to changes in personal economic circumstances than high-income citizens, they give more weight to economic perceptions and opinions about redistribution. In this paper evidence is found of this conditional relationship in survey data from 16 established democracies. The results offer a rich characterisation of the state and market-based mechanisms that affect satisfaction with democracy.  相似文献   

‘Digital restructuring’ denotes a phenomenon integral to but also distinct within economic and political restructuring broadly conceived. The concept of restructuring can be modified with ‘digital’ to forefront the important technological dimension of global restructuring, as well as to indicate developments associated with the new ‘information economy’. Digital technology and digitization have been integral to the scope and speed of the global economic and political restructuring of recent decades. They have constituted the technological conditions for some of the more characteristic aspects of this process; from the flexiblization or outright shedding of labour, to the mobility of production and capital and the globalization of trade and financial markets. This paper seeks to debunk much of the corporate and state mythology of digital restructuring currently in circulation by drawing upon the analyses of digital technology and restructuring advanced by critical scholars and progressive social movements, and to highlight the dangers to progressive political movements and discourses posed by the very nature of these representations.  相似文献   

我国数字城市建设的现状及发展对策   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
从广义和狭义两方面界定了“数字城市”的含义,提出了数字城市架构的参考模型,分析了数字城市建设的关键技术。从城市规划、建设和管理三个方面对数字城市的应用情况进行了阐述,分析了我国数字城市建设的现状,剖析了制约我国数字城市发展的宏观规划和指导、城市空间信息的获取和应用、数据标准体系等五个方面的因素,针对我国的国情和数字城市建设中存在的问题,从充分发挥政府的监督与管理职能、依靠市场运作、依靠试点城市全面推动等方面提出了相应的发展对策。  相似文献   

推行数字政府治理是过去十年间各国政府应对互联网社会变革的基本策略共识。尽管刚刚发生的"后真相时代"政治危机已经用事实反映出既有数字政府治理策略的缺陷,但对其进行的严肃反思仍寥寥无几。借助梳理数字政府治理运动的核心文献,不但可以提炼出其中"技术—组织—权威"的基本策略逻辑,更重要的是得以揭示该逻辑所引发的歧义与恐慌。面对后真相时代里传统型利益冲突协调机制的失效,以及政治精英与公众间正义观念的尖锐对立,数字政府治理究竟能否提供公众需要并信赖的信息、能否摆脱科层制组织文化的束缚、能否建立起人格化的"关联型"权威,将成为决策者应用这一策略来应对危机过程中必须持续反思的问题。  相似文献   

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