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闫顺利 《理论探讨》2006,20(5):60-63
世界是过程的集合体。传统哲学主流思维是一种非此即彼的实体性二元思维,马克思主义哲学思维则是以实践为基础的过程思维,它实现了哲学史思维方式的革命性变革。认识是一个过程,认识过程与客观事物的发展进程都服从同样的客观规律,它是我们理论思维不自觉的前提。实践的过程性制约着认识的过程性,就进化意义而言,认识表现为从低级到高级的过程。马克思主义哲学认识过程论既包含真理过程论也包括谬误过程论。  相似文献   

浅谈当代中国政策过程   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
政策过程是政府过程的核心环节,它主要包括政策的制定和执行.本文从结构和功能方面来探讨当代中国的政策过程的实际运行,阐明政策过程中决策过程与执行过程的一体性和互动性,同时探讨中国政策过程制度化层面上存在的问题.  相似文献   

This paper has three goals. First, to introduce a major pedagogical transition and discuss the challenges faced during the transition. Second, to provide a specific example of course changes that were required to meet this pedagogical transition and the challenges faced in adoption of new teaching techniques. The third goal of this paper is to provide faculty and universities with useful information to enhance their programs and meet the challenges faced during pedagogical transitions.  相似文献   

刘淑妍  陈学东 《学理论》2013,(16):46-47
任何公共政策议题的形成,政策窗口的开启到最后政策资源的聚集都是政策制定参与者相互博弈、相互妥协,最后达成共识的一个过程。"共识"的形成对于公共政策的形态、发挥作用的条件、所涉及的相关利益群体范围以及辐射范围有着十分重要的影响。因此,试图通过"共识"在政策过程各阶段中表现出来的具体方式和作用来探讨我国目前政策过程的运作体系中存在的问题,以期解决的可能。  相似文献   

在西方哲学史上,过程哲学虽不占据主流地位,但每个原创性哲学家都有自己对过程问题的独特理解,由此不断把西方的过程观推陈出新。西方过程观的历史脉络大致为:流变过程观、线性过程观、认识过程观、生命过程观和多元过程观。全面、系统地梳理和展现西方过程哲学思想的演变,将有助于对西方哲学发展的理解和把握,将有助于对过程哲学研究的进一步深入。  相似文献   

"孙志刚事件"背后的公共政策过程分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
刘小年 《理论探讨》2004,13(3):89-92
"孙志刚事件"对公共政策过程研究具有重要的价值。一方面它是一个理想的公共政策过程案例,另一方面可以借此对公共政策过程的逻辑进行观察。从而有望打开一扇公共政策过程重建的窗口。通过这扇窗户,本文发现了一个以政策需要为起点,包括政策目标、政策结构、政策距离与政策发展等五环节的公共政策过程。这一过程既是对问题缠身的主流的公共政策过程理论的一种突围,又可望提升公共政策主体的主动性。  相似文献   

原珂 《理论探索》2017,(2):42-51
冲突扩散和冲突升级是一种相互交叉的关系。从城市社区冲突的三角形扩散模型及社区冲突分裂的横向与纵向扩散过程来分析,发现社区冲突的质变临界点——从利益冲突转向认同冲突,导致冲突的恶化升级。当前我国城市社区冲突之所以能够不断扩散与升级,除冲突本身具有扩散性外,还与冲突的"格莱香定律"、二阶冲突、"旁观者"现象等因素密切相关。社区冲突发展上升到一定阶段后必然会转向消减是其一般演化规律。  相似文献   

This article examines the question of why the risks posed by collective petitioning in China deter some villagers from participating but not others. Based on the statistical analysis of an original dataset and an ethnographic study of one case, this article finds that higher household income is the only significant factor that increases a villager??s probability to participate in collective petitions. Economic security empowers a peasant??s political participation. Contrary to the existing literature, being a demobilized soldier does not significantly increase a villager??s probability to participate in collective petitions. The implication of this finding is that petitioning as a form of ??managed participation?? in Chinese politics may face more and more challenges if the average Chinese household income continues to grow.  相似文献   

E-learning is an important subject for successful university education. It is known that during the integration period of e-learning, universities face difficulties and trade-offs that will discourage their adoption. This study concentrates on e-learning with benefits and problems faced throughout the integration period by stakeholders and finally the university as a new education program method. The study aims to look at the factors which affect the integration period of e-learning programs and measure the drivers that affect the adoption process The research method is based on quantitative analysis which generally searches information about the factors' effectiveness related to the integration level of e-learning. During the empirical analysis, factors are categorized and measured according to their effectiveness, and then questionnaire study has examined the factors' effectiveness related to the adoption success of e-learning by using statistical analysis methods. The information about the factors that is effective for e-learning integration provides considerable educational framework for universities, instructors, students and also for information technology experts and other decision makers that manage the electronic environment for e-learning.  相似文献   

为什么基层治理中会出现土政策?大量存在的土政策对体制运作又有何影响?本研究以条块互动为分析视角,利用过程追踪分析,对C县小额信贷土政策的生成过程进行深度剖析。研究发现土政策的生成经历三个阶段:(1)任务下达阶段:直线条条设置了过高的绩效目标,斜线条条设置了明确的限制条款,块块部门施加了过强的行政激励。(2)变通执行阶段:行政激励迫使下级部门突破限制条款,以追求更高绩效目标,并且在变通过程中有效防控了变通风险。(3)寻求认同阶段:当变通政策取得绩效后,下级部门积极争取上级部门的认同,不同的上级部门因为绩效共享与否、责任共担与否而给出不同的认定意见。如果上级部门默许,或者多个上级部门意见相左,变通政策就演变为土政策。土政策生成是制度内条块互动的结果,土政策演化则反过来推动制度的渐进变迁。本研究能够加深我们对中国政府中条块关系、政策变通的认识,也弥补了街头官僚研究中忽视政策评估阶段的缝隙。  相似文献   

用过程的观点看民主集中制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑爱 《理论探索》2004,3(3):36-37
民主集中制是我们党一贯坚持的根本组织制度和领导制度。民主集中制的形成、发展以及贯彻、执行和运用 ,标志着我们党的建设的光辉历史进程。运用辩证唯物主义关于“过程论”的观点深刻理解民主集中制的精髓内涵 ,对于进一步建立健全的党内民主制度 ,维护党和国家的集中统一 ,推进党的建设的新的伟大工程 ,意义十分重大  相似文献   

官晴华 《学理论》2009,(10):36-37
辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义是构建社会主义和谐社会的理论指导。构建社会主义和谐社会是一个历史过程。矛盾运动是构建社会主义和谐社会历史过程的基本动力。构建社会主义和谐社会,必须深刻把握矛盾、和谐、过程三者之间的辩证关系。实现和谐的过程,就是矛盾斗争的过程。社会主义和谐社会,决不是没有矛盾的社会,它是一个由矛盾推动并在矛盾的持续运动中展开的历史过程。矛盾与和谐是构建社会主义和谐社会过程的永恒话题。  相似文献   


This article attempts to compare the preferred and actual risk allocation and then to evaluate the impact of risk misallocation (if any) on project performance. The results show a significantly negative relationship between project performance and risk misallocation. The smaller the degree of risk misallocation was, the more successful the project would be. One group of three risks (including “Corruption,” “Government's intervention,” and “Government's reliability”) and the other group of three risks (including “Approval and permit,” “Immature juristic system,” and “Land acquisition”) were found to contribute considerably to the prediction of project performance. This article provides information on the impact of risk misallocation on project performance in China's public–private partnership (PPP) projects. To enter and perform well in China's PPP market, private firms should pay particular attention to the identified risks.  相似文献   

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