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学习毛泽东,也要学习,学习,再学习   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
毛泽东关于统筹兼顾的思想、关于阶级阶层的分析方法、关于“主要从思想上建设党”的指导原则,在新的历史条件下不仅对我们今天的实践有着直接的指导作用,而且对我们分析研究问题具有方法论上的指导意义。因此,学习毛泽东,也要这习,学习,再学习。  相似文献   

常城 《民主》1999,(10)
在隆重庆祝中华人民共和国五十周年华诞的日子里,抚今追昔,心潮起伏。我夫人是共和国的同龄人,适逢祖国五十年诞辰,我对她说:“你真有福气,全国各族人民在欢度国庆的同时,也给你们这些共和国的同龄人过了生日。我看今年你的生日蛋糕上可以写上普国同庆了。”我夫人说:“既然你自我感觉良好,那你的生日蛋糕就该写上普天同庆”,因为我是联合国的同龄人……1985年第四十届联大开幕,当我步入联合国总部大会厅,看到里根总统、撒切尔  相似文献   

人民是历史发展的动力,是实践认识的主体,是国家的主人,而我们是人民的公仆. 我们目前存在一些困难,必须依靠群众的支持,才能解决问题.所以,应该走下去,听意见,办实事,作宣传. 走下去.就是各级机关干部要深入基层,深入实际,深入群众.到工厂、农村、学校,街道去接触群众. 听意见.先当群众的学生,要诚心诚意,而不是虚情假意,要认认真真而不是大大咧咧地听意见,包括批评意见和建议.我们要承认自己是仆人,仆人有什么理  相似文献   

农村高中学生由于学习任务繁重,多处在家庭和学校之中,生活空间狭小,生活内容单调,很少去感受自然、了解社会.所以写的作文无病呻吟,空洞无物.教师在写作教学中,要针对学生实际概况,扩大学生生活面和阅读面,重视积累,挖掘学生生活,激发学生写作兴趣,从而达到提高学生写作水平的目的.  相似文献   

Whenever fellow humans suffer due to natural catastrophes, we have a duty to help them. This duty is not only acknowledged in moral theory but also expressed in ordinary people's reactions to phenomena such as tsunamis, hurricanes, and earthquakes. Despite being widely acknowledged, this duty is also widely disputed: some believe it is a matter of justice, others a matter of charity. Although central to debates in international political theory, the distinction between justice and charity is hardly ever systematically drawn. To fill this gap in the literature, I consider three accounts of this distinction— the “agent‐based,” the “recipient‐based,” and the “mixed” view—and argue that they are all unsatisfactory. I then offer a fourth alternative, the “autonomy” view, which successfully overcomes the difficulties affecting its rivals. I conclude by considering the implications of this view for the moral grounds of disaster relief in earthquake‐stricken Haiti, New Zealand, and Japan.  相似文献   

去年,湖北省蕲春县委组织部在省、市委组织部的大力支持下,积极稳妥地推进干部制度改革。4月中下旬,一次拿出教委、审计局、水产局、外经委等4个单位的“一把手”和财政局、人事局、司法局、林业局、劳动局等5个单位的11个副局长职务进行公开选拔、竞争上岗;5月中旬,又对新研究的、涉及提拔的21名副局级领导干部实行了为期一周的任前公示。同时,还进一步推行了副局级以上单位主职干部承诺上岗制、新任副局级以上领导干部的一年期试用制、超职数单位领导干部大面积分流、更大范围的干部交流轮岗和乡镇换届主要领导干部离任经济…  相似文献   

完善机制,整合资源,打造精品   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金昊 《团结》2009,(6):13-14
近年来,民革云南省委会不断完善各项参政议政工作机制,注重整合全省参政议政资源,发挥群体优势,树立品牌意识,打造参政议政工作精品,努力把全省的参政议政工作提高到一个新的、更高的水平。  相似文献   

Inhaltsübersicht   (RezensentInnen in Klammern) Literaturbericht    J?rg Faust / Stefan Leiderer: Zur Effektivit?t und politischen ?konomie der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit Politische Theorie und Ideengeschichte    Bluhm, Harald, und Jürgen Gebhardt: Politische Ideengeschichte im 20. Jahrhundert. Konzepte und Kritik (Philipp H?lzing) • Dryzek, John S., Bonnie Honig und Anne Phillips (eds.): The Oxford Handbook of Political Theory (Johannes Schmidt) • Ke?ler, Mario: Ossip K. Flechtheim. Politischer Wissenschaftler und Zukunftsdenker (1909–1998) (Wilhelm Bleek) • Priester, Karin: Populismus. Historische und aktuelle Erscheinungsformen (Florian Hartleb) • S?llner, Alfons: Fluchtpunkte. Studien zur politischen Ideengeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts (Michael Becker) • Williams, Bernard: In the Beginning Was the Deed. Realism and Moralism in Political Argument (Carsten Quesel) • Doppelrezension: Henning, Christoph: Philosophie nach Marx. 100 Jahre Marxrezeption und die normative Sozialphilosophie der Gegenwart in der Kritik; Henning, Christoph (Hg.): Marxglossar (Felix Heidenreich) • Doppelrezension: Mouffe, Chantal: über das Politische. Wider die kosmopolitische Illusion; Nonhoff, Martin: Politischer Diskurs und Hegemonie. Das Projekt "Soziale Marktwirtschaft" (André Brodocz) Politisches System der Bundesrepublik    Van Ooyen, Robert Chr., und Martin H. M?llers (Hg.): Das Bundesverfassungsgericht im politischen System (Hubert Woltering) Politische Soziologie    Dolata, Ulrich, und Raymund Werle (Hg.): Gesellschaft und die Macht der Technik. Sozio?konomischer und institutioneller Wandel durch Technisierung (Georg Simonis) Vergleichende Politikforschung    Castles, Francis G. (ed.): The Disappearing State? Retrenchment realities in an age of globalization (Marius R. Busemeyer) • Clasen, Jochen, und Nico A. Siegel (eds.): Investigating Welfare State Change: The 'Dependent Variable Problem' in Comparative Analysis (Marius R. Busemeyer) Europ?ische Union    Huget, Holger: Demokratisierung der EU. Normative Demokratietheorie und Governance-Praxis im europ?ischen Mehrebenensystem (Andreas Wimmel) Internationale Politik    Eder, Franz, Gerhard Mangott und Martin Senn (eds.): Transatlantic Discord. Combating Terrorism and Proliferation, Preventing Crises (Alexander Siedschlag) • Marx, Johannes: Vielfalt oder Einheit der Theorien in den Internationalen Beziehungen. Eine systematische Rekonstruktion, Integration und Bewertung (Ralf J. Leiteritz) • Schmidt, Siegmar, Gunter Hellmann und Reinhard Wolf (Hg.): Handbuch zur Deutschen Au?enpolitik (Helga Haftendorn) • Wolter, Detlev: A United Nations for the 21st Century: From Reaction to Prevention. Towards an Effective and Efficient International Regime for Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding (Andreas Heinemann-Grüder) • Young, Brigitte (Hg.): Die Politische ?konomie des Dienstleistungsabkommens (GATS). Gender in EU und China (Eva Hartmann) Historische Politikforschung    Kaelble, Hartmut: Sozialgeschichte Europas 1945 bis zur Gegenwart (Siegfried Weichlein) • Doppelrezension: Andres, Jan: "Auf Poesie ist die Sicherheit der Throne gegründet". Huldigungsrituale und Gelegenheitslyrik im 19. Jahrhundert; Schwengelbeck, Matthias: Die Politik des Zeremoniells. Huldigungsfeiern im langen 19. Jahrhundert (Rainer Schmidt)  相似文献   

沉住气,制怒怒,是人从心理到生理的情绪反应。人在发怒时表现为情绪激动、精神紧张,很快进入"应激状态"。此刻,人绷紧了每一根神经,调动了身体里的能量储备,而集聚成怒火。一般来说,急性格的人更易发怒。在沉不住气的情况下,常常失去理智,说出不该说的话,做出不该做的事,除  相似文献   

王金萍  宋希永 《学理论》2010,(18):96-97
自由是一个古老而常新的话题,中外思想家历来都非常关注自由问题。在萨特那里,自由和选择相连,选择与责任相系,自由、选择、责任三者之间的内在逻辑得到了合理的阐释,对于二战后的世界产生了重要影响。我们今天生活在一个相对平和但又价值多元的时代,自由虽高贵却被抽象泛化、选择虽严肃却被摆布玩弄、责任虽重要却被轻视抛弃,我们正面临一个前所未有的困境。因此,重新分析萨特的自由学说,挖掘其中具有价值的思想,对于我们摆脱这一困境具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

患难时刻,更见坚守的力量。面对新冠肺炎疫情,武汉民进会员响应各级党委和政府号召,不忘合作初心,继续携手前进,以实际行动支援防疫管控工作,为稳定社会、共抗疫情作出自己的贡献。  相似文献   

叶金梅 《学理论》2009,(28):169-170
晚年的叶芝,在《驶向拜占庭》中道出了对青春不再的悲叹和对永恒生命的向往。诗中迟暮与青春、灵魂与肉体、自然与艺术、情欲与理智等重大主题碰撞融汇成了复杂的哲思。一直以来,这首诗被推作像《希腊古翁颂》那样歌颂艺术的典范,被视为诗人重灵轻肉的高贵精神的体现。然而,它的伟大动人之处,似乎潜在于更深刻的蕴含。本文通过文本细读,从字面意义和象征意义入手,拟在发掘该诗的深层意识。  相似文献   

Advances in information technologies over the last two decades have offered the promise of revolutionizing workplaces and other settings by expanding the capabilities of individuals working in various professions. Enabled by high-speed computing systems and marked by an intensification of command and control properties, new technologies have expanded, and in some cases intentionally surpassed, the scope of the senses. Technologies such as drones, surveillance cameras, and airport and border security systems promise the seemingly infinite catchment and infinitesimal account of human actions, while computer processing software provides real-time data on large-scale transactional processes occurring in monetary systems and security markets. Charting, tracking, and mapping functions open up new vistas for quantifying social behaviors and detecting misbehaviors, creating new frontiers for criminal justice, the military, and economic activity. The papers in this special issue reveal the processes guiding the rapid transformation and flexible adaptation of institutional structures, economic and financial systems, and threat surveillance and military/police mobilization in the near future.  相似文献   

The sub-discipline of Comparative Politics is characterized by a specific subject-matter, the systematic analysis of political systems and their sub-systems, and the application of specific comparative methods. This overview, therefore, deals with both new developments in comparative methodology and their epistemological foundations and recent substantive concerns and developments. Thereby, the strong linkages within the European and international context are also taken into account. It becomes apparent that increasing international tendencies of “globalization” and the internal dynamics of political systems interact in ways which lead to a blurring of the sub-disciplines of Comparative Politics and International Relations. These tendencies are, so far, not adequately dealt with, neither theoretically nor methodologically. On the whole, this review of German Comparative Politics as a very active and, by now, quantitatively dominating sub-discipline concludes with a moderately positive assessment. In this respect, some personal views of the author, who has been involved in these developments for more than forty years now, are probably inevitable.  相似文献   

Official apologies and truth commissions are increasingly utilized as mechanisms to address human rights abuses. Both are intended to transform inter-group relations by marking an end point to a history of wrongdoing and providing the means for political and social relations to move beyond that history. However, state-dominated reconciliation mechanisms are inherently problematic for indigenous communities. In this paper, we examine the use of apologies, and truth and reconciliation commissions in four countries with significant indigenous populations: Canada, Australia, Peru, and Guatemala. In each case, the reconciliation mechanism differentiated the goal of reconciliation from an indigenous self-determination agenda. The resulting state-centered strategies ultimately failed to hold states fully accountable for past wrongs and, because of this, failed to transform inter-group relations.
Cindy Holder (Corresponding author)Email:

2010年3月24日,由中国马克思主义研究基金会和《理论视野》杂志社主办的"改革收入分配制度,促进社会和谐"理论研讨会在中央党校举行。与会专家就当前我国收入分配对社会公正和社会和谐的影响,改革收入分配制度的重点和难点,改革收入分配制度的对策等问题进行了探讨。现选登部分专家的发言。  相似文献   

首届中国金融业党建论坛以"学习型党组织建设与金融业科学发展"为主题,7月7日在中央党校举行。中国金融业党建论坛是在中央党校的支持下,由中国马克思主义研究基金会和金融时报社共同发起并主办的。论坛以中国特色社会主义理论体系为指导,总结交流金融业党建工作经验,促进金融业科学发展。首届论坛由北京银行协办。以下是首届中国金融业党建论坛发言摘要。  相似文献   

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