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张恩 《行政与法》2001,(6):F003-F003
由张创新教授主编的《最新公文写作教程》一书已经问世了,这是针对2001年1月施行的新公文处理办法以来的第一本专著。与其他类似的专著相比较,该书不仅论述了通用公文一般的理论,涵盖了党政公文的所有文种,而且比较了新旧公文的诸多差异、说明了现行公文格式写法,既突出了各种公文的具体特点,也阐述了类似公文存在的区别联系;既创新了电子公文的方法,也剖析了撰写公文常见的错误等,总而言之,该书不失为一本有着鲜明特色的学术性公文写作教材。具体说来,该书大致有以下特点:l、关于机关公文的论述和运用规范性问题,该书注…  相似文献   

公文有着极强的目的性和使用价值,其内容必须符合客观事实,教师在讲授和指导学员公文写作时,要培养他们的求实精神。  相似文献   

2009年春节前后,张保忠和岳海翔两位同志分别与我联系,谈及正在编写一套《中国党政公文写作系列丛书》,并希望由我来作序。古人有“忌为人序”的说法,作为中国公文写作研究会新一任会长和在省市党政机关办公部门工作近二十年的一名“老兵”,我对机关公文写作的苦辣酸甜感触颇深,更为他们十多年来为我国公文写作研究孜孜不辍、艰辛求索的精神所感动。  相似文献   

把握形势,牢记使命,自觉肩负起倡导优良文风、改进公文写作的时代重任;与时俱进,开拓创新,正确引领中国公文写作研究的前进方向;拓宽视野,躬身实践,积极推动公文写作研究在理论和实践上的有机结合;打造一支适应公文学科建设的研究队伍。  相似文献   

本文着重分析了公文写作中存在的格式不规范问题,讨论了产生不规范现象的原因,从认识公文格式规范的重要作用角度,提出了改进办法。  相似文献   

论电子公文在电子政务中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
电子公文是通过网络传送的 ,用于政府机关相互之间联系事务的专用电子文件 ,其传送和接收是在高度自由的网络环境中进行的。对电子公文系统运作过程中涉及到的一系列技术和法律问题进行探析 ,认为建立包括密钥使用规范、数字签名制度、政府证书管理制度等 ,是确保电子公文系统安全有效运行的法律保障。  相似文献   

电子公文是通过网络传送的。用于政府机关相互之间联系事务的专用电子文件 ,其传送和接收是在高度自由的网络环境中进行的 ,自然会涉及到信息遗漏、电脑病毒以及黑客等安全问题。为此 ,有必要建立包括密钥使用规范、数字签名制度、政府证书管理制度等相关法律制度 ,以确保电子公文系统安全有效地运作。  相似文献   

某县年终政府工作报告和邻近一个县几乎一模一样,除了地名,甚至连土地面积、人口数量、植树造林的数字都一模一样,网上有人戏称这两个县是双胞胎县。国务院到某市去检查安全生产,结果有两个县的汇报内容竟然一模一样,原来这两个县都抄袭了外省某县的安全生产情况汇报。  相似文献   

讲真话谈新意说明白是一个领导的起码准则,也是做人的一个基本准则。公文要谈新意,观点鲜明,重点突出,语言要有感动力和亲和力。公文要说明白,通俗易懂,说有层次、有信息量的短话。  相似文献   

何德廷 《政法学刊》2004,21(3):102-104
元代婚姻实行一夫一妻和一夫多妻并存,在婚姻成立的要件与缔结制度中,特别注重婚书的内容与形式的撰写;元代妇女婚姻不仅完全商品化,而且还对悔亲处罚的规定特别严厉。  相似文献   

An organization had approved the sample of writing paper, and accordingly the supplier had to execute the supply. The supply received was suspected to be of different quality from approved one. The organization sent the samples for comparison to the Forensic Science Laboratory. Both the approved and supplied samples were compared using Tensile Testing Method with the Material Testing Machine and Fluorescence and spectral analysis using the Video Spectral Comparator (VSC2000). The difference between the mean loads at peak before rupture in the tensile testing mode for the two samples was about 33%. The two samples differed significantly in terms of UV fluorescence, and there was about 5% average difference in the percentage of maximum reflected intensity in the wavelength region of 400-900 nm. It has been observed in this study that these two methods can adequately distinguish paper samples of different origin.  相似文献   

法庭科学DNA检测飞速发展和广泛应用的同时也面临巨大风险,实验室质量保证能力和质量控制手段的不足已开始影响到法庭科学DNA检测的证据地位。本文对国外法庭科学DNA实验室的有关情况进行初步分析,从中发掘有益的启示,为我国法庭科学DNA检测的改革和发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   


The increase in life expectancy for adults with learning disabilities has extended the caring role for their parents. This study examined the experiences of older parents who provide long-term care for their adult children with learning disabilities and how they conceptualise their quality of life. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews with 27 older parent carers from four London boroughs and were analysed using framework technique. Findings indicate that most parents appraised their quality of life positively and reported benefits, despite the challenges they had to negotiate daily. The benefits from caregiving, more so in later life, were: a connected family from shared caregiving; a sense of belonging; purposeful living; a reciprocal relationship with their adult children; and personal transformations from providing care that improved their quality of life. The challenges that participants regularly encountered were: multiple losses (sleep, career, identity and friends); the added stress of the government’s Personalisation Agenda of caring services; struggles for access to services; searching for a diagnosis; worry about future care and fear of abuse when carers are unable to continue in their role; unhelpful attitudes of health and social care professionals; and a lack of empathy from friends as well as the public towards people with learning disabilities. Caregiving and quality of life are inextricably linked and the difficulties that parents experienced were mainly associated with socio-structural barriers, rather than their children’s disabilities. Importantly, the findings inform the practice of social workers and others who support this unique group of carers by providing new insights into how caring impacts on quality of life over time and how best these parents’ needs can be met. This study makes a specific contribution to understanding the lived realities of older carers and extends current conceptualisations of caregiving and quality of life among older people.  相似文献   

杨爱元 《行政与法》2004,(11):39-40
经济的发展对政治的改革提出了新的要求。面对入世后的挑战,我国政府职能必须有新的转化。行政三分制度是我国行政改革的一大重要举措,它的正确实施,它的成效,必须要有公务员素质的全面提升作保证。  相似文献   

提高司法会计鉴定质量不但要考虑接受委托所具备的鉴定力量,还要甄别提供的检材的真伪与范围,严格遵守鉴定程序。  相似文献   

本文通过对73个法医毒物检验方法进行综合分析,从技术方法的质量特性上对方法的建立与确认提出质量要求.即从内部质量和外部质量的角度,针对法庭科学领域毒物检验技术方法,阐述其功能性、可靠性、易用性和有效性四个维度要求.  相似文献   

本文综述了国内外法庭科学毒物分析实验室质量控制的发展及一般要求,并讨论了我国毒物分析实验室质量控制中存在的不足和应对措施。  相似文献   

书写时间确定技术的国内现状与发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李彪  谢朋 《刑事技术》2002,(5):33-35
综述了书写时间确定技术在国内的现状及最新发展,主要从三方面进行了介绍:水溶性书写时间确定技术;圆珠笔油墨书写时间确定技术;间接确定文件的书写时间方法。  相似文献   

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