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A liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry method is described for the analysis of buprenorphine and norbuprenorphine in whole blood. Linearity was achieved between 0.2-5 ng/g for buprenorphine and 0.5-5 ng/g for norbuprenorphine. Stability studies on spiked whole blood and an authentic sample showed no degradation of buprenorphine- and norbuprenorphine-glucuronide to their respective aglycones. Buprenorphine and norbuprenorphine showed some degradation when stored at 4°C for three weeks, but was stable when stored at -20°C for 4 weeks. The method was applied to forensic cases of driving under the influence of drugs (DUID) and petty drug offences (PDO) during 2007-2009. Out of 2459 cases analyzed, 322 were positive for both buprenorphine and norbuprenorphine (13%), 219 for buprenorphine only (9%), and 12 for norbuprenorphine only (0.5%). The mean and median concentrations (N=322) were 1.7 and 1.0 ng/g, respectively, for buprenorphine and norbuprenorphine. The mean and median norbuprenorphine/buprenorphine ratios were 1.5 and 1.1, respectively. There was no significant difference in concentration ratios for DUID and PDO cases (p>0.05). We conclude that the described method for analysis of buprenorphine and norbuprenorphine in whole blood could be used to investigate use or misuse of buprenorphine but that many of the cases presented with very low concentrations of buprenorphine. We also conclude that analysis should be performed within two weeks unless samples are stored frozen prior to analysis.  相似文献   

This paper describes the simultaneous detection of ABO and Secretor-nonsecretor (SE) blood groups from forensic biological samples by fragment analysis using the ABI PRISM® 3130 genetic analyzer. The method allows the assay of well-known base changes at three nucleotide positions 261, 796 and 803 on cDNA of the ABO gene, and at 385 and 428 on cDNA of SE gene and a SE pseudo gene, so that reliable group prediction is established by the presence of representative alleles. As a result, simultaneous detection of ABO and SE blood groupings from biological samples was correctly determined by our methods.  相似文献   

13C NMR spectroscopy has been used for analysis of fourteen compounds which, according to Swedish laws are defined as narcotic drugs or are substances often found in combination with these drugs. The carbon-13 NMR method seems to be well suited for analysis of complex forensic drug mixtures because no preliminary separation of components is required.  相似文献   

To determine ethanol in human post-mortem blood samples is problematic, largely due to the inappropriate and variable methods of preserving and storing, which can cause decomposition and loss of alcohol concentration. In this study, four crucial parameters of sample conservation were studied: temperature (T), percentage of air chamber in container (%CA), ethanol concentration in blood and post-mortem time. Blood samples from post-mortem cases were stored under different conditions (ethanol levels were known in all cases); factorial design variables: (%CA) 0, 5, 20, 35, 65%; storage temperature: 25, 4 and -10 degrees C; in a total of 15 experiments. No preserving agent was used in samples. Quantification of ethanol in blood was carried out by gas chromatography with head-space FID detector. Initial ethanol concentration ranged from 0.50 to 4.30 g/L. The kinetics of degradation observed was pseudo-first-order. The parameter that characterised the kinetics of ethanol degradation (k(0)) ranged from (4 x 10(-4) and 5.0 x 10(-1) day(-1)), depending on storage conditions. A strong dependence between ethanol degradation and the content of the air chamber was observed and this dependence was found to be stronger than that between degradation and temperature; there was an experimental relation between (k(0)) and (%CA). Activation energy for different conditions, i.e. 0, 5, 20, 35 and 65 (%CA), were calculated and contour plots were made. A mathematical equation relating air chamber, temperature and ethanol concentration at a certain time was determined. This equation allowed estimation of initial concentrations of ethanol with minimal error. A good correlation between experimental data and data calculated with the equation was obtained (r(2) = 0.9998). The best storage conditions were: 0% CA and storage at -10 degrees C, obtaining an ethanol degradation of 0.01% after 15 days. However, 33% of ethanol degradation was obtained with 35% CA at 25 degrees C after 15 days. This equation is useful in forensic cases in which original concentration of ethanol has to be estimated under different sample storage conditions.  相似文献   

During recent years, courts had to decide in some notable cases whether or not defendants infected the plaintiffs with HIV. Lawsuits on the transmission of other viral pathogens up to now have hardly become known. We report here on the use of genome sequencing and phylogenetic analysis to investigate possible intraspousal transmission of hepatitis C virus (HCV). The high degree of genetic relatedness observed in phylogenetic analysis among the HCV strains isolated from the couple demonstrates that the man and the woman are infected with the same isolate of the virus. After other plausible routes of infection have been virtually excluded by anamnestic and conventional epidemiological evaluation we could infer that the man most probably has infected his girlfriend with HCV. This conclusion was further supported by the finding that both are also infected with closely related isolates of GB virus C (GBV-C). Thus, the results from molecular biological investigations and epidemiological evaluation are complementary pieces of evidence in inquiries on possible intraspousal transmission of HCV.  相似文献   

For the determination of total hemoglobin (Hb) in blood containing elevated carboxyhemoglobin (COHb), a newly developed reagent containing a 100-fold concentration of ferricyanide (20 g/l) and a 2-fold concentration of Sterox SE was compared with a standard reagent (0.2 g/l ferricyanide), the reagent of van Kampen and Zijlstra, using forensic blood samples and experimentally heated blood samples. There were no significant differences between the spectra of hemiglobincyanide (HiCN) solution produced with our reagent and the van Kampen and Zijlstra reagent using experimentally heated blood samples. Although the spectra of HiCN changed gradually with increased heating time and with the passage of time after mixing, the absorbance at 540 nm (A540) did not change until at least 120 min for both the reagents. When forensic blood samples containing elevated COHb were mixed with the van Kampen and Zijlstra reagent, total-Hb concentrations determined 5 min after mixing were 10-20% higher than those determined after 180 min. The overestimates of total Hb determined after 5 min resulted in comparable underestimates of percentage saturation of COHb (COHb%) when COHb% was obtained from the ratio of COHb content, determined by gas chromatogrpahy, to total-Hb concentration in blood. However, there was an extremely good correlation between the values of total Hb in forensic blood samples determined with the van Kampen and Zijlstra reagent after 180 min and those determined with our reagent after 5 min. From the results obtained, our reagent proved to be suitable for the determination of total Hb in forensic science practice.  相似文献   

The concentrations of zolpidem and zopiclone were determined in peripheral blood samples in two forensic materials collected over a 10-year period (2001-2010). The z-hypnotics were determined in venous blood from living subjects (impaired drivers) and in femoral blood from deceased persons (forensic autopsies), with the latter classified as intoxication or other causes of death. The z-hypnotics were determined in blood by capillary column gas chromatography (GC) with a nitrogen-phosphorous (N-P) detector after solvent extraction with n-butyl acetate. The analytical limit of quantitation (LOQ) was 0.02mg/L for zopiclone and 0.05mg/L for zolpidem and these have remained unchanged throughout the study. When death was attributed to drug intoxication (N=918), the median concentration of zopiclone in blood was 0.20mg/L compared with 0.06mg/L for other causes of death (N=1215) and 0.07mg/L in traffic offenders (N=691) (p<0.001). Likewise, a higher median concentration (0.30mg/L) was found in intoxication deaths involving zolpidem (N=357) compared with 0.13mg/L for other causes of death (N=397) or 0.19mg/L in impaired drivers (N=837) (p<0.001). Median concentration in blood of both z-hypnotics were appreciably higher in intoxication deaths when no other substances were identified; 0 70mg/L (N=12) for zopiclone and 1.35mg/L (N=12) for zolpidem. The median concentrations of z-hypnotics in blood decreased as the number of co-ingested substances increased for intoxication deaths but not other causes of death. The most prevalent co-ingested substances were ethanol in autopsy cases and diazepam in the motorists. This large compilation of forensic cases should prove useful when toxicologists are required to interpret concentrations of z-hypnotics in blood samples in relation to cause of death.  相似文献   

Many patients were contaminated by blood products in the 1980s and early 1990s, a period during which there was no means of detecting hepatitis C virus (HCV) and measures of vigilance in French blood transfusion centers were lacking in rigor, and it has become a real public health issue by now. The blood transfusion centers which produce and distribute the products are liable for such contamination, as long as the expert appraisal has established a link of causality between the transfusion and the contamination. When the viral serologic status (i.e. the contaminating potential) of the donors is not known, experts often resort to indirect evidence, including use of probability estimates calculated according to the following method. The probability (P) that there was at least one contaminating donor among those having provided the blood given to a patient, is calculated using the following formula:P=1.(1.pHCV)(N)where pHCV is the prevalence of subjects who have tested positive for anti-C virus antibodies in a population of blood donors, and N is the number of donors having contributed to the transfusion in question. Although the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is very sensitive, its threshold, below which weak replication is undetectable, varies depending on the technique used. One study has demonstrated that below a dilution of 10(-4), RNA is no longer detected by the majority of laboratories. The specificity of PCR is not flawless either, since false-positive results are found, probably resulting from contamination of the samples. Considering that 0.10% is a reasonable approximation of the prevalence of subjects who had anti-HCV antibodies that were detectable by recombinant immunoblot assay during that period, one can calculate the probability that there is a contaminating donor among the blood donors who contributed to the product that was administered and determine a curve.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The incidence of rape has increased, especially in metropolitan areas, such as the city of São Paulo. In Brazil, studies about it have shown that the majority of this type of crime is committed by the relatives and persons close to the victim. This has made the crime more difficult to be denounced, as only 10% of the cases are reported to competent police authorities. Usually, cytological exams are carried out in sex crime investigations. The difficulty in showing the presence of spermatozoa is frequent, but it does not exclude the presence of male DNA. The absence of spermatozoa in material collected from rape victims can be due to several factors, including the fact that the agressor suffers from azoospermia. This condition can be the result of a successful vasectomy. As the majority of DNA in the ejaculation sample is from spermatozoa, there is much less DNA to be analyzed. This study presents the application of Y‐STRs (DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, and DYS393) in DNA analysis of sperm samples from 105 vasectomized men. The study demonstrated a great variation in DNA concentration. DNA extraction and amplification was possible in all sperm samples even in the absence of spermatozoa. The same profile was observed, for each individual, from DNA extracted from blood, pre‐ and postvasectomy semen samples. The use of markers specific for Y chromosome in sex crime cases, especially in the absence of spermatozoa, is very important, mainly because in most situations there is a small quantity of the agressor's DNA in the medium and a large quantity of the victim's DNA.  相似文献   

The enzyme α-amylase has long been a commonly targeted protein in serological tests for saliva. While being especially abundant in saliva, α-amylase is detectable in vaginal secretions, sweat, fecal matter, breast milk and other matrices. As a result, assays for α-amylase only provide a presumptive indication of saliva. The availability of mass spectrometry-based tools for the detection of less abundant, but more specific, protein targets (e.g., human statherin) has enabled the development of high confidence assays for human saliva. Sample throughput, however, has traditionally been low due to multi-step workflows for protein extraction, quantitation, enzymatic digestion, solid phase cleanup, and nano-/capillary-based chromatography. Here, we present two novel “direct” single-stage extraction strategies for sample preparation. These feature immunoaffinity purification and reversed-phase solid-phase microextraction in conjunction with intact mass analysis of human statherin for saliva identification. Mass analysis was performed on the Thermo Scientific Q-Exactive™ Orbitrap mass spectrometer with a 10-min analytical run time. Data analysis was performed using Byos® from Protein Metrics. Two sample sets were analyzed with a population of 20 individuals to evaluate detection reliability. A series of casework-type samples were then assayed to evaluate performance in an authentic forensic context. Statherin was confidently identified in 92% and 71% of samples extracted using the immunoaffinity purification and solid phase microextraction approaches, respectively. Overall, immunoaffinity purification outperformed the solid phase microextraction, especially with complex mixtures. In toto, robotic extraction and intact mass spectrometry enable the reliable identification of trace human saliva in a variety of sample types.  相似文献   

Heroin is abused around the world and is frequently reported as the cause of death in overdose cases. Analysis of morphine in hair has been used in the past in forensic toxicology to study the addiction history of heroin addicts. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the usefulness of the nail as an analytical specimen in the identification and quantification of morphine in fingernail clippings of known heroin users. Fingernail clippings were obtained from 26 consenting patients of the Glasgow Drug Problem Service. At the time of sampling, the participants provided answers to a questionnaire regarding their drug use patterns. Samples were decontaminated by sonication in SDS, deionized water and methanol, and the methanolic washes were screened for analyte presence. The washed nail clippings were then hydrolyzed and extracted. RIA was used for the screening and HPLC for the confirmation of morphine. Positive RIA results were obtained with nail clippings from 25 of the 26 heroin users. The levels ranged from 0.06 to 4.69 ng/mg with a mean morphine concentration of 1.67 ng/mg. HPLC results were positive for 22 of the 26 nail samples. The mean morphine level by HPLC was 2.11 ng/mg with a range from 0.14 to 6.90 ng/mg. Based on these results, we suggest that nails have the potential of becoming a powerful alternative to hair for the detection of past heroin use in forensic cases.  相似文献   

近年来,域外毒品鉴定错案高发,深刻暴露出毒品鉴定管理的内源性问题,值得我国相关领域工作人员借鉴。本文首先概述了毒品鉴定的特点;其次,根据近年来美国、加拿大、英国等地出现的典型毒品鉴定错案,对相关成因做系统梳理,为提升毒品鉴定管理质量、降低毒品鉴定错案的负面影响提供参考依据。本文将鉴定错案分为"错误"和"失误"两大类,并提出了通过提升实验室内部管理、加强实验室外部监督以及落实鉴定意见的质证认证等环节,预防毒品鉴定错案的系统方法。对于防范毒物毒品错案的发生具有重要的参照意义。  相似文献   

Phentermine (PT) has been widely used as an anti-obesity drug. This drug has to be used with caution due to its close resemblance with amphetamines in its structure and toxicity profile. Recently, PT is in distribution by illegal modes and is found to be available through sources such as the internet, thus their misuse and/or abuse is threatening to be a serious social issue. In the present study, 32 cases of drug suspects were observed for PT abuse, detected using hair samples for drug analysis. PT and other amphetamines, such as methamphetamine (MA), amphetamine (AP), 3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDMA) and 3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA), were extracted using 1% HCl in methanol for 20 h at 38°C. The extracts were derivatized with trifluoroacetic anhydride (TFAA) and analyzed using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Among the 32 cases of PT abuse, MA and its main metabolite, AP were identified in seven cases and MDMA and its main metabolite, MDA were detected in two other cases.  相似文献   

A morphine to codeine ratio greater than unity (M/C>1) has been suggested as an indicator of heroin use in living individuals. The aim of this study was to examine the morphine to codeine ratio in a large population (N=2438) of forensically examined autopsy cases positive for 6-monoacetylmorphine (6-MAM) and/or morphine in blood and/or urine. Blood and urine concentrations of 6-MAM, morphine and codeine were examined using GC-MS and LC-MS/MS methods. In 6-MAM positive samples, the M/C ratio was greater than unity in 98% (N=917) of the blood samples and 96% (N=665) of the urine samples. Stratification of 6-MAM negative cases by M/C above or below unity revealed similarities in morphine and codeine concentrations in cases where M/C>1 and 6-MAM positive cases. Median blood and urine morphine concentrations were 8-10 times greater than codeine for both groups. Similarly to 6-MAM positive cases, 25-44 year-old men prevailed in the M/C>1 group. In comparison to cases where M/C ≤ 1, the M/C ratio was a hundred times higher in both 6-MAM positive and M/C>1 cases. The range of morphine concentration between the lowest and the highest quintile of codeine in M/C>1 cases was similar to that in 6-MAM positive cases. This range was much higher than for M/C ≤ 1 cases. Moreover, linear regression analyses, adjusted for age and gender, revealed a strong positive association between morphine and codeine in 6-MAM positive and M/C>1 cases. The M/C ratio appeared to be a good marker of heroin use in post-mortem cases. Both blood and urine M/C>1 can be used to separate heroin users from other cases positive for morphine and codeine.  相似文献   

A major role of forensic entomology is to estimate the post-mortem interval. An entomologist's estimate of post-mortem interval is based on a series of generally valid assumptions, error in any of which can alter the accuracy of an estimate. The initial process of collecting and preserving maggots can itself lead to error, as can the method of killing and preservation. Since circumstances exist where it is not possible to rear maggots, methods of killing and preservation can be vital to preserving the integrity of entomological evidence. In this study, a number of preservation techniques used at crime scenes and in mortuaries were examined, and their effect on feeding third-instar larvae of Calliphora augur and Lucilia cuprina evaluated. The preservatives used were 70, 75, 80, 90 and 100% EtOH, Kahle's solution and 10% formalin. Each treatment was replicated three times. The effect of handling on first- and second-instar, feeding and post-feeding third-instar larvae of C. augur was also examined and compared to unhandled controls. Finally, the effects of preservatives were noted when larvae of C. augur and L. cuprina were placed into preservatives alive. It was found that continued handling is detrimental to specimens because preservative evaporates from both the vial and the specimens. No single preservative type was found to be entirely suitable for both species if DNA retrieval is desired. Specimens placed into most preservatives alive exhibited adverse colour changes, desiccation, sunkeness and agglomeration. It is concluded that the reaction to preservative type might be species specific and that different instars of the same species might also react differently.  相似文献   

Poppy seeds contain morphine in different amounts. Reported concentrations are up to 294 mg morphine/kg poppy seeds. Since penalties based on Street Traffic Law (parapgraph 24a StVG) in Germany (administrative offence) require definitive proof of morphine in blood samples, and the "Grenzwertkommission" in consultation with the Ministry of Transportation recommended a threshold of free morphine of 10 ng/mL, the question arose whether the consumption of poppy seeds can lead to a blood concentrations equal or higher than 10 ng/mL of free morphine. Therefore, five volunteers ate poppy seed products (50 mg morphine/kg poppy seeds). In urine, all on-site tests were enzyme immunologically positive for opiates and were positive to morphine by GC/MS. All the blood samples were negative to morphine by EIA and to free morphine by GC/MS. However, after hydrolysis, morphine was detected by GC/MS in all cases. Accordingly, in Germany, penalties based on parapgraph 24a StVG are not likely to cause road users any concerns should they have consumed poppy seeds. Driver Licensing Authorities, however, should be advised of this problem to avoid unjustified legal measures.  相似文献   

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