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劳动规章制度对于劳动关系的继续性与合作性属性有特殊的调整作用,其补充劳动合同并促进其效率,同时亦有集体法上的意义,对劳动规章制度的规制应考虑到这些因素。观察台湾学界与工作规则相关的理论与实践,可发现工作规则规制的重心正由"意思"转向"内容",这也愈发接近德国的模式。以境外法例为对照可以窥见我国法制下调整劳动规章制度的症结,在于过于强调对"意思",尤其是"集体意思"的控制,而忽视对内容合理性的控制。劳动规章制度的规制应由形式正义转向实质正义,着重控制其内容合理性,而非当事人意思。而为了不过分依赖法官随机判断"合理性",导致法秩序的混乱,建议引入交易习惯与行规作为标准。  相似文献   

黄靓 《证据科学》2004,11(1):43-45
有关输血感染损害赔偿等医疗纠纷是近来医学界、法律界所经常涉及的话题,对此的研究存在着诸多的观点。本文对输血感染赔偿纠纷是否适用产品责任、是否存在侵权与违约的竟合以及无过错输血感染案件是否采用公平责任发表作者自己的观点。  相似文献   

刍议输血感染案件的法律责任   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
有关输血感染损害赔偿等医疗纠纷是近来医学界、法律界所经常涉及的话题 ,对此的研究存在着诸多的观点。本文对输血感染赔偿纠纷是否适用产品责任、是否存在侵权与违约的竞合以及无过错输血感染案件是否采用公平责任发表作者自己的观点。  相似文献   

从集装箱箱位租赁的特点和性质出发,讨论调整海事赔偿责任的国际公约对承租人责任限制的规定、2008年国际海事委员会的调查问卷与回复以及英国的最新案例,分析集装箱箱位的责任限制问题,并提出建议。  相似文献   

徐晨 《行政与法》2005,(9):23-25
对于审计责任追究,问责理念的提出是以权力与责任的统一来强化权力滥用的法律风险;同时,在法律机制上引入行政权的集中和分权治理,并进一步完善我国问责制度,以此构建合理差异的法治社会.  相似文献   

托运人托运危险货物的义务和责任   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
海上危险货物运输事故频频发生,多数由托运人过错引起。拟结合国内外案例,系统阐述托运人托运危险货物的义务和责任。  相似文献   

论危机管理中的权力配置与责任机制   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
杨建顺 《法学家》2003,(4):103-114
本文在探讨危机管理的概念、特征、原则及分类的基础上,从行政法学和公共管理学的视角出发,重点架构了危机管理过程论,论述了危机管理中的两个重大问题:行政组织的权力配置及其责任机制.本文主张政府应在民主的制度框架下推进以信息公开为前提的责任制度,构建课题应对型的开放的、水平的、直接的、专门的危机管理体制.同时,危机管理必须实现程序化、制度化以及目的的公益化,从而保证危机管理决定的责任明确和危机管理的决定内容满足社会成员的需要.  相似文献   

Goldsworth  John 《Trusts & Trustees》2007,13(4):109-110
Governance Hub published on 10 January 2007, new guidance onthe liabilities surrounding trusteeship.
  1. This organization aimsto improve the quality of governancein the voluntary and communitysector in England. It aims  相似文献   

The main purpose of this article is to make foreign citizensaware of the often unexpected exposures to liability when actingas a board member of an Austrian foundation.  相似文献   

The financial assets that are subject to major EU financial legislation (i.e. (designated types of) financial instruments) have traditionally been defined in a largely exemplary and circular manner. The recent proliferation of ‘non-traditional’ financial assets, such as cryptocurrencies and stablecoins, is increasingly challenging the viability of these pragmatic financial asset definitions. Through the analysis of the technologies and functionalities underpinning non-traditional financial assets, legal scholarship has aimed to categorize novel assets within the existing framework of financial asset definitions. Although a solid understanding of e.g. distributed ledger applications and cryptography appears a prerequisite for future policy and legislative interventions, contemporary EU financial legislation is mostly indifferent to the technologies on which financial assets may be wired. Categorizations based on the purposes that non-traditional assets may serve (i.e. payment, utility, and investment) are more relevant to financial law, but suffer from subjectivity because they depend on the asset usage by the asset holder. Against this backdrop, this paper proposes a novel systematization of non-traditional assets that is based upon the conceptual substructure of the assets within the scope of EU financial legislation. More specifically, this paper submits that, irrespective of underlying technologies and functionalities, all assets that are subject to major EU financial legislation have a conceptual common denominator: they entail the liability of an entity and, hence, have intrinsic value. The proposed categorization singles out a well-defined group of novel financial assets that is not subject to EU financial law (i.e. assets that only have extrinsic value). Different from functionality- and technology-based categorizations, the suggested approach allows to eradicate some ambiguities that are present in the existing taxonomies. By exploring the conceptual common denominator of the financial assets that are subject to EU financial legislation, this paper aims to foster debate on the circular and exemplary character of financial asset definitions in EU financial legislation in general and the relation of these definitions to novel types of financial assets in particular.  相似文献   

王秀梅 《法学家》2001,(3):115-122
一传统过失犯罪刑事责任观念早期的、现代的解释 当我们在欧洲范围内探讨过失犯罪刑事责任的传统观念时,自然会意识到欧洲各种法律制度关于过失刑事责任基本观念之间的差异。西班牙法律规定了普遍过失犯罪行为,即康迪格(Codigo)刑法第565条规定如下:…….  相似文献   

狄胜利 《证据科学》2005,12(2):151-154
本文主要依据美国《永久残损评定指南》(第5版)关于泌尿生殖系统损伤残损功能评定的标准进行介绍。主要阐述标准是关于泌尿系统及男女生殖系统系统性残损对全身功能的影响以及个体完成日常生活活动的能力。  相似文献   

本文主要依据美国《永久残损评定指南》(第5版)关于泌尿生殖系统损伤残损功能评定的标准进行介绍。主要阐述标准是关于泌尿系统及男女生殖系统系统性残损对全身功能的影响以及个体完成日常生活活动的能力。与过去版本比较,第5版在泌尿生殖系统方面做了如下修订:(1)对上下尿路的残损的标准进行了修订;(2)对膀胱尿道功能残损的修订,反映对膀胱残损的深入理解并结合尿动力学研究的结果;(3)生殖系统部分内容的更新能够反映更普遍的案例和意见;(4)更新和细化对异常情况的讨论。一、泌尿生殖系统评定残损的原则泌尿生殖系统评定残损的目的,在于明…  相似文献   

管唯 《法医学杂志》1997,13(3):141-142
在第五届全国司法精神病学术会议(西安,!996年5月)f.,精神伤害伤情程度评定成为学者们关心的话题之一,之后又被确定为下一届会议的中心议题之一【’】.笔者所在的鉴定机构c多次接受司法机关的委托从事这方面的鉴定,虽然出具了鉴定结论,但总体卜来说,是缺乏足够的法律依据,只是专家意见或者说是某些学说的具体运用p,‘].在新的《刑事诉讼法》和《刑法》’陆续颁布后,尤其是新的《刑法})明确了罪刑法定原则,这种状况已明显不能适应形势,必须加快在程序和实体L的立法工作,制定精神伤害伤情程度评定的标准.精神伤害的伤…  相似文献   

余民才 《法学家》2001,(3):51-54
一、美机侦察飞行和降落的非法性 (一)专属经济区上空不是为所欲为的“国际空域” 专属经济区是一些发展中国家在20世纪70年代提出的一个法律概念。经过第三次联合国海洋法会议,它已成为一个被普遍接受的新海洋法制度。根据1982年《联合国海洋法公约》的有关规定,专属经济区是领海以外并邻接领海、其宽度从领海基线量起不超过200海里的一个海域;…….  相似文献   

Artificial Intelligence as a Service ('AIaaS') will play a growing role in society's technological infrastructure, enabling, facilitating, and underpinning functionality in many applications. AIaaS providers therefore hold significant power at this infrastructural level. We assess providers’ position in EU law, focusing on assignment of controllership for AIaaS processing chains in data protection law and the availability to providers of protection from liability for customers’ illegal use of AIaaS. We argue that in data protection law, according to current practice, providers are often joint controllers with customers for aspects of the AIaaS processing chain. We further argue that providers lack protection from liability for customers’ illegal activity. More fundamentally, we conclude that the role of providers in customer's application functionality – as well as the significant power asymmetries between providers and customers – challenges traditional understandings of roles and responsibilities in these complex, networked, dynamic processing environments. Finally, we set out some relevant issues for future regulation of AIaaS. In all, AIaaS requires attention from academics, policymakers, and regulators alike.  相似文献   

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