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西方历史观念的发展及其现代性危机,最终导致对与错、善与恶之间价值标准的消解.列奥·施特劳斯主张回归柏拉图的苏格拉底哲学,重估西方哲学史,并将其改写成回复自然权利的政治哲学史.在他的"魔眼"里,哲学的重要性和自然的不平等,成了消解现代性危机和批判马克思的唯物史观和共产主义理论的"利器",由此凸显其与马克思主义的高度紧张和对立.  相似文献   

马克思哲学的基本精神并不是为了哲学的建构,而是哲学的批判、哲学的消解。马克思哲学的力量不在于本身是否是一个既成的理论模型,而是基于西方思想史中的正义理念,通过哲学的解释功能的消解,对人类社会运行现状进行批判。马克思哲学所引领的西方哲学向“历史”的转向,就是哲学自身的消解和哲学从解释功能向批判功能的转向。马克思哲学就是哲学的出走。  相似文献   

20世纪80~90年代,随着中国社会由以政治为中心向以经济为中心的转型,新型的社会关系应运而生。处于这一大背景下的中国女性文学日益呈现出多元化的发展趋势,1990年代,新写实主义的日常叙事、以解构为指归的狂欢化写作和个人化的躯体写作,在女性文学的格局中呈三足鼎立之势。  相似文献   

“姐妹情谊”是一种女性疏离父权社会、背叛异性恋秩序、在同性情缘中寻求支持与满足的性别僭越行为。中国新时期文学中的“姐妹情谊”叙事经过了异性恋机制中的精神“方舟”、欲望化的嫘斯宾情结等不同的发展阶段。“姐妹情谊”并非女性主义乌托邦,它的建构或解构既昭示了一条反抗男权文化的女性同盟之路,也体现了这一过程的曲折与艰难。  相似文献   

本文在马克思主义唯物辩证法的视野里阐释了德里达的解构与解构主义,认为德里达的解构思想是特殊时代的产物,作为一种特殊的文本程序能够成为激进力量,这是不容否定的,但它仍然是形而上学的另一种表述、甚至是新发展,解构主义是社会运动遭受挫折后的一种"无力"的回应,具有虚无主义或回避问题的重要特征,解构的马克思主义是对马克思主义的有意的"误读"。  相似文献   

From the perspective of political philosophy, Marcuse's philosophy provides a new insight into the research of his theory. Marcuse's critical theory of his political ideology convincingly argues that the scientific technology, language, art and philosophy of the advanced industrial society has completely been alienated, which forms the society without negative dimension. This new perspective is a great inspiration to the construction of China's socialist culture and ethics and China's political philosophy.  相似文献   

Saul Bellow more than once expressed his introspection on the Nazi Holocaust in his works. This article expounds by stages among the several novels like The Victim, Mr. Sammler's Planet, The Bellarosa Connection and Ravelstein, from horrors and the sufferings in the forties to the directly denouncing and emphasizing repeatedly on historical memories in the sixties and eighties, and up to the similar testament in his last book in the new century, with the purpose of illuminating and analyzing author's deep connotation by based on western culture, general humanity and human's historical dimension. Meanwhile this wide-view way of thinking is also another contribution on literature.  相似文献   

Yeats’On Baile’s Strand is an important work in the Irish Literary Revival. On Baile’s Strand is a thought-provoking ethical tragedy, and also a play that reflects the ideology of cultural nationalism of Yeats. In this play there is staged development from natural emotion, free emotion to ethical emotion and moral emotion. Cuchulain is motivated by his natural emotion and free emotion in most cases. He fails to take the ethical responsibility as a husband, father and little king, which aroused the jealousy, revenge and incrimination from Aoife and Conchubar. After killing his own son who he has never seen, Cuchulain regains his ration. His ethical emotion and moral emotion makes it impossible for him to withstand his guilt, even though he fights bravely in hundreds of wars and has killed numerous people. Finally, he goes to madness, and throws himself into the sea to fight against the waves. With Cuchulain’s tragedy of filicide and madness in On Baile’s Strand, Yeats warns Irish people of improving their morality and education, so as to promote the Irish national independence and national liberation.  相似文献   

易卜生的诗剧《培尔·金特》是一则关于斯芬克斯因子的不同组合与变化的寓言,展示了理性意志、自由意志和非理性意志之间的伦理冲突.培尔的“白日梦”是其兽性因子的表达与彰显,培尔的“出行”是对伦理责任的逃逸和规避,是其理性意志处于蒙昧状态、非理性意志肆意膨胀的体现;培尔的“归家”是其理性意识得到提升,克服非理性意志,摆脱兽性因子,向人性因子靠拢的选择,最终成为与兽相区别的、伦理的存在.本文紧扣“白日梦”“出行”“归家”三条伦理主线,通过逐一解构伦理选择、伦理身份、伦理意识等若干伦理结,来试图剖析易卜生蕴含在作品深处的道德旨趣:在受到道德指引、遵守道德准则的情况下,人的理性意志就会增强,人性因子得以彰显,人会成为一种伦理的存在;如果缺乏伦理意识,违背道德准则,缺乏道德指引,人的非理性意志就会占据上风,兽性因子就会失控,人就会误入歧途,实施伦理犯罪,引发伦理混乱.  相似文献   

如果我们愿意倾听欧克肖特的哲学或其可能性,那么我们应该怎样去领会它呢?今天,欧克肖特是以“保守主义”政治哲学家而名世的,但他与新近复苏的美国保守主义在思想上并没有多少相同之处。或毋宁说,他的思想与传统主义更为吻合。不论人们怎样看待他的思想,欧克肖特已经为健康政治学所必须的理论提供了历史哲学的支持。如果在欧克肖特的著作中有一个不断出现的主题,那就是他强调理论渗入(政治)实践带来的道德和政治的恶果。但是,他对渗透(政治)实践的恶果的强调并未因他主张人们需要通过追求传统暗示来指导其政治活动的观点而减弱。  相似文献   

In John Killens's novel And Then We Heard the Thunder, the protagonist Solomon Sanders could not make the right decision both in his career and marriage, and his personality is often in a split state. This paper maintains that Sanders's practical difficulties and psychological predicaments are closely related to his wrong perception of male identity. All signs indicate that what Sanders identifies is a kind of “Self-Made Man” masculinity which has long been advocated by the mainstream society of America. This model of masculinity's most serious defect lies in the fact that it pays much attention to men's external performance and banishes the spiritual and moral claims in terms of its judgment standard and value orientation. With a full display of Sanders's psychological and practical predicaments, the novel carries out an incisive introspection upon this model of masculinity.  相似文献   

杨虎城是西安事变的首倡者和发动者,事变的根源就是在日本制定的“箱根计划”。该计划是杨虎城在1928至1936年间行动的指南,杨虎城在西北建立革命救国基地的努力及与蒋介石加强独裁的企图之间的矛盾,与中共联系的日益紧密等,都是箱根计划内在的逻辑发展的必然结果。西安事变是杨虎城在计划执行受到强大阻挠并竭力将之排除而采取激烈行动的结果。  相似文献   

新时期以来,人们对明末清初著名文学家李渔的评价已发生很大的变化.本文反思鲁迅先生之视李渔为“帮闲”此李渔研究中一个比较重要的学术命题,试图对李渔其人作出相对公允的评价.本文认为,李渔与那些以帮闲为职业的人并不相同,他的思想、个性等等其实有着诸多很不“帮闲”的地方;“帮闲”主要是李渔人生后期的社会形象.李渔之沦落为帮闲,主要归因于他竭力崇尚享乐、奉行趋时善变的市井实用主义人生哲学及由此形成的人格上的“无特操”.  相似文献   

杜诗对三苏的影响各具特点。苏洵的诗古质朴拙,木讷少文,受杜诗的诗歌影响很小。苏轼推崇杜诗,并继承了杜甫的写实传统,他的一些诗歌在风格上接近杜诗,其出蜀纪行诗和《荆州十首》等诗歌都直接模仿杜诗。苏轼学习杜诗,而又自成一格。苏辙对杜诗有较高评价,杜诗对其诗歌的影响主要表现在化用杜诗方面。  相似文献   

Liu Yong’s Ci about business trip typically reveals the contradiction of his cultural identity. Due to the particular viewpoint of life experience narrated by himself rather than being a spokesman or lyrics writer, his Ci about business trip demonstrates the complication of his own inner world, becoming a direct manifestation of his life experience of dilemma. On the theme of nostalgia and patriotism, his Ci shows a tendency towards classic tradition; however it emphasizes features such as estrangement from politics ontology and abandoning political personality of literati and officialdom in feudal China. The nature of his cultural identity is to highlight the individual sensibility and pursue the life with emotion and love. Retrospection of ole lover, missing and admiring the beauty constitute the important factors to compensate the frustration of losing homeland when drifting and wandering when he travels; in the meantime, it also shows the retreating consciousness of being addicted to sensibility and incapable of establishing life values.  相似文献   

日本18世纪前期的学者富永仲基在《翁之文》尤其是《出定后语》中,以理性的学术研究,改变了以往以“信仰”为前提基础的日本佛学与儒学的基本格局。他从儒学介入中国文化,由佛学介入印度文化,又把印、中、日三国进行比较分析,以“幻”“文”“绞”(质)三字概括三国的不同特点,同时提出了“加上说”及“言有三物五类”等一套理论方法,使日本学术史从国别研究进入了亚洲区域研究及“东方学”领域,并且在东方三国综合研究的基础上,提出了“诚之道”,来综合东方三道,使得日本的儒学、佛学由信仰的体系而转换为学问的体系。富永仲基对东方传统文化既有理性的分析批判,也有自觉的认同与继承,是近代前期日本第一个有着自己明确方法论的学者,其研究成为近代东洋学和现代东方学的滥觞或源头,产生了深远影响。  相似文献   

Tominaga Nakamoto, a Japanese scholar of the early 18th century, changed the basic pattern of Japans Buddhist and Confucianist studies with his books Shutsujō Kōgo (Words after Enlightenment) and Okina no Fumi (The Writings of an Old Man). In the former book, based on his analysis of Chinese culture in terms of Confucianism and Indian culture from the viewpoint of Buddhism, he compared Indian, Chinese and Japanese culture and summarized their characteristics with the words “fanciful”, “elegant” and “simple” respectively. In the meantime, in combing through the development of Buddhism he put forward a set of key concepts in relation to his research methodology, extending his domain from country-specific studies to Asia regional studies and finally Oriental studies. In the latter book, he used the concept “makoto”, roughly meaning “practicing the good”, to synthesize the Way of the three nations. His study transformed Japanese Confucianism and Buddhism from a system of belief to an academic field. Despite his rational analysis and criticism of the traditional oriental culture, Tominaga consciously identified with it and inherited it. As the first scholar in early modern Japan who developed his own research methodology, Tominaga is the trailblazer of Oriental studies.  相似文献   

作为一部伦理悲剧,《布朗德》围绕着“母亲抱憾西归”、“幼儿患病夭折”、“妻子绝望自杀”和“悬崖葬身雪山”的剧情而展开,其悲剧的根源在于他淡薄的伦理意识、偏执的自我中心,以及空泛的道德说教、伪善的道德行为,不切实际地追求“全有或全无”的宗教事业,逐步失去了对自己的控制从而多次做出错误的伦理选择,因而走向毁灭。文章以文学伦理学批评为研究视角,关注作为牧师的布朗德同时为“人子”、为“人父”、为“人夫”的多重伦理身份及其感情纠葛,探讨布朗德所遭遇的道德困境及其颇有争议的伦理选择。作家一方面以外部聚焦的叙述方式关注布朗德的道德行为及其布朗德周边人们对布朗德的道德评价,另一方面以内视聚焦关注着布朗德自我赎罪的心路历程。剧本围绕着布朗德的家庭、婚姻、亲情和事业等伦理关系而展开,由此讨论所引发的关于责任、义务、使命、孝顺、仁爱、仁慈、信仰、死亡、恐惧、绝望、自责、自杀、负罪、救赎等伦理命题,透视了戏剧人物的生命历程中对道德力量的渴望以及以死赎罪的自我诉求,体现了作者易卜生对于人类理想道德法则的追求与向往。  相似文献   

领导者拥有的权力是领导行为的前提和基础,但能否最大限度地发挥权力的作用,还要看领导者的人格魅力、领导者对"非权力中心"的把握、领导者对下属的感情投入及其对下属的激励方式等等.  相似文献   

中西现代性论纲   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现代性作为“未完成的谋划” ,是人类社会发展的必然和不可逃避的命运。而现代性又有着它的合理形态与异化形态。现代性的异化 ,根源在于主客二元思维方式导致的单向度和绝对化 ,集中表现为对传统的完全抛弃。后现代主义对现代性的解构 ,具有打破僵化、开辟多元创新思路的积极意义 ,但它缺乏历史感又有着导致虚无主义的消极性  相似文献   

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