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This article explores the shifting meaning of fatherhood within the popular women's magazines of 1950s Australia. Breadwinning fatherhood reigned throughout the decade, and magazines such as Women's Weekly and Woman's Day keenly emphasised the care of children as a mother's domain. Even in these manuals of idealised motherhood, though, this division was not inviolate. As the 1950s went on, letters, articles and advertisements make it clear that fathers—just as the breadwinner was legitimated by economic boom—were increasingly expected to do more than simply earn the bread, although these expectations fell some way short of a gender revolution.  相似文献   


The focus in this article is the creation of self and other in the life writing of women associated with famous men. The central texts are the ‘autobiographies’ of the English novelist, Violet Hunt, and the Australian painter, Stella Bowen, both of whom were the partners of the writer, Ford Madox Ford, Hunt from 1908 to 1918, Bowen from 1918 to 1928. The ways in which biography is concealed in autobiography and autobiography in biography and the similarities in representations and storylines in both texts are explored.  相似文献   


Better known as the author of complex visionary novels of female experience, it is important to note that Anna Kavan was not only a writer, but also an artist, painting throughout her adult life in tandem with her writing. This article considers the nature of the relationship between her literary life and her artistic life, and what her novels tell us about her relationship to the cultivation of her self-image. Famously destroying her personal archive, shirking notable correspondents and recapitulating a mental disquiet across many of her paintings and prose works, it is of little surprise that Kavan’s enigmatic presence often figures more prominently than serious discussion of her literary and artistic achievements. How did this mercurial relationship to identity shape the ways in which Kavan explored her self-image?  相似文献   

During the last few decades, Swedish welfare policy has been increasingly criticized by various social groups who take as their point of departure the limitations of a social policy that predominantly focuses on class equality and paid work. The establishment of special public authorities, commissioned to combat discrimination against particular groups of citizens, may be interpreted as a manifestation of increased state attention to social disadvantages rooted in culture rather than the economy. This article takes a closer look at the processes by which social justice claims have been transformed into matters of public responsibility by exploring the creation of the Equal Opportunities Ombudsman (JämO) and the Ombudsman against Ethnic Discrimination (DO). Drawing on policy documents and interviews with key persons, we investigate how “the women's question” and “the ethnic minority question” have been articulated in Swedish politics. The aim is to describe the processes by which gender and ethnicity were politicized, a politicization eventually resulting in state initiatives to establish the two ombudsman offices. Particular attention is given to the role played by the social sciences in these processes, e.g. the ways in which scientific knowledge was employed in political discourse.  相似文献   

In reviewing a number of marriage and family textbooks, published in the years 1958 through 1970, it was found that the theoretical orientation toward sex roles was generally normative, and that typically sex roles were bifurcated into artificial classificatory types, with highly polarized role properties. The ideological message implicit in such a value context was conservative, strongly urging conformity to status quo sex roles within a rigid family system.  相似文献   

North American writer Joan Didion’s eloquent testimonial speaks to the significance of storytelling in our lives. Personal storiesmake our lives meaningful. Part of this is because our stories, wittingly or not, become the means through which we fashion our identities for listeners. Or, as scholars from many disciplines have argued, identity and selfhoodare narrative accomplishments. In this formulation, an individual constructs a sense of self by telling stories or “personal narratives,” which describe “the evolution of an individual life over time and in social context” (Maynes et al. in Telling stories: the use of personal narratives in the social sciences and in history. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, 2008, 2). While personal narratives contain unique autobiographical elements, the logics of storytelling and the values and beliefs of a particular time and place also influence the kinds of stories people tell. As feminist historian Mary Jo Maynes and her coauthors argue: “The stories that people tell about their lives are never simply individual, but are told in historically specific times and settings and draw on the rules and models in circulation that govern how story elements link together in narrative logics” (2008, 2). Put another way, even the most idiosyncratic story is always in some way social: what narrators decide to tell is often guided by the expectations of audiences (real or imagined); the conventions of various genres (such as life history or autobiography); as well as the broader cultural narratives located in particular historical times and places. In this light, personal narratives at once provide evidence of a storyteller’s viewpoint and experiences as well as the social and cultural milieu in which they live.  相似文献   

In spite of feminist criticism of the welfare state, Norwegian society is frequently perceived as gender-equal. As a truism of public discourse, gender equality affirms a neoliberal understanding of individuals as able to act independently and to freely choose their course in life. This article disrupts that truism with an analysis of a transitional process that occurred to a seemingly free and gender-equal married woman whose everyday life took an unexpected turn at the age of 50 when her husband was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. Using an abductive method, we construct a narrative with this woman as the main character. We then use the narrative as an optical device for scrutinizing encounters between the notions “free and gender-equal woman” and “gendered next of kin”, analysing the situated becoming of gender and understanding the encounters’ potential for agency and resistance. The inquiry brings a pattern of gendered encounters into being, demonstrating how a seemingly free and gender-equal woman’s strength and independence become subordinating weaknesses in encounters with the welfare state. This paradox raises questions about the politics of everyday life in a presumably gender-equal society, brings new struggles onto the feminist agenda, and demands that the personal becomes political yet again.  相似文献   

This study sets out to discover how the political woman in Singapore is portrayed in Singapore through a study of her representation in the media. A focussed study of the Singapore English newspapers in the political elections of 1984, 1988 and 1991 show the construction of the political woman in two ways: one is through the creation of the stereotype, packaging the political woman as a type of woman and like all women, operating within the framework of the family, such as, their role as wives, as the helped, as mothers and as “the weaker sex”; and the other is through the medium of language itself, for example, such as the use of address terms, overlexicalization, and the tabloid commentary style.  相似文献   

Drawing from an ecological assets framework as well as research and theory on positive youth development, this study examined the relationship of early adolescents’ satisfaction with life to trait optimism and assets representing the social contexts in which early adolescents spend most of their time. Self-reports of satisfaction with life, optimism, and ecological assets in the school (school connectedness), neighborhood (perceived neighborhood support), family (perceived parental support), and peer group (positive peer relationships) were assessed in a sample of 1,402 4th to 7th graders (47% female) from 25 public elementary schools. Multilevel modeling (MLM) was conducted to analyze the variability in life satisfaction both at the individual and the school level. As hypothesized, adding optimism and the dimensions representing the ecology of early adolescence to the model significantly reduced the variability in life satisfaction at both levels of analysis. Both personal (optimism) and all of the ecological assets significantly and positively predicted early adolescents’ life satisfaction. The results suggest the theoretical and practical utility of an assets approach for understanding life satisfaction in early adolescence.  相似文献   

The development of personal and social identity is crucial in adolescence. On the one hand, adolescents face the task of forming and consolidating their personal identity in multiple domains, with educational and interpersonal domains particularly salient. On the other hand, they enlarge their social horizon and increasingly define themselves as members of multiple peer groups, such as groups of classmates and friends met outside school. There is however a lack of integrative research on the interplay among and between personal and social identity processes. Hence the purpose of this study was threefold. First, we examined how personal identity processes in the educational and interpersonal domains are associated longitudinally. Second, we investigated to what extent social identifications with classmates and with the group of friends are associated over time. Third, with an original approach we examined the longitudinal interplay between personal and social identity processes, to connect theoretical contributions that have so far proceeded largely in parallel. Participants were 304 adolescents (61.84% female, M age?=?17.49) involved in a three-wave longitudinal study. We found that (a) the ways in which adolescents develop their identity in the educational and interpersonal domains become more closely intertwined over time; (b) identifications with classmates and with the group of friends are interconnected; and (c) personal and social identity processes are associated both concurrently and longitudinally, with most cross-lagged effects showing that social identifications influence personal identity formation and consolidation in the interpersonal identity domain. Theoretical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

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