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徐聪颖 《时代法学》2010,8(3):61-68
就“初始兴趣混淆”的性质而言,其与传统的“售中混淆”并无本质上的区别,均会在一定程度上抑止商标识别功能的发挥,因此有必要将其纳入商标法的规制范围。而在“初始兴趣混淆”的认定问题上,商标法也无需为此单独创设有别于传统混淆理论的评判规则,只要法律以消费者的利益为基点妥适协调商标权人与竞争厂商之间的利益关系,“初始兴趣混淆”理论将会对商标的识别功能提供更为全面的保障。  相似文献   

Hundreds of millions of people around the world are unable to meet their needs on their own, and do not receive adequate protection or support from their home states. These people, if they are to be provided for, need assistance from the international community. If we are to meet our duties to these people, we must have ways of knowing who should be eligible for different forms of relief. One prominent proposal from scholars and activists has been to classify all who are unable to meet their basic needs on their own as ‘refugees’, and to extend to them the sorts of protections established under the United Nations Refugee Convention. Such an approach would expand the traditional refugee definition significantly. Unlike most academic commentators discussing this issue, I reject calls for an expanded refugee definition, and instead defend the core elements of the definition set out in the 1967 Protocol to the United Nations Refugee Convention. Using the tools of moral and political philosophy, I explain in this article how the group picked out by this definition has particular characteristics that make refugee protection distinctly appropriate for it. While many people in need of assistance can be helped ‘in place’, in their home countries, or by providing a form of temporary protected status to them, this is not so, I show, of convention refugees. The group picked out by the UN refugee definition is a normatively distinct group to whom we owe particular duties, duties we can only meet by granting them refuge in a safe country. Additionally, there are further practical reasons why a broader refugee definition may lead to problems. Finally, I argue that rejecting the call for a broader definition of refugees will better help us meet our duties to those in need than would an expanded definition.  相似文献   

What are the essential elements of a successful child protection mediation program? What outcomes are we seeking? How do we define success? How do these inform or direct program development so that it supports these outcomes? How do we know if it is working? And, how do we start out on the right foot? We are in the enviable position now, after 25 or so years, to benefit from lessons learned from the experiences of many programs. This article provides a 25‐year perspective on key elements that have contributed to the success of child protection mediation programs.  相似文献   

郑志 《知识产权》2020,(5):74-80
假冒注册商标罪犯罪构成的客观要件与商标假冒侵权的构成存在交叉,有必要在犯罪客观要件构成的判断中吸收商标假冒侵权的判断标准。商标许可的存在应以合意说为标准,服务商标也应纳入刑法保护,相同商标是视觉上基本无差别的商标。同一种商品的判断以《商标注册用商品和服务国际分类表》《类似商品和服务区分表》为参考,综合考虑一般公众的认识。商标使用的判断需要加入识别来源的功能性考量。如果有证据能够证明双相同也不会导致混淆,则可排除犯罪成立。在商品类别比对中应以核定使用的商品范围为据,但对连续三年不使用的商标不宜提供刑事保护。  相似文献   

Dependency mediation has emerged as a new field for resolving disputes involving child protection disputes. Program guidelines concerning issues of referral to mediation; compliance with time standards; confidentiality; court review of agreements; participation of the parties, participants, and counsel; and program evaluation are discussed. Training and qualification issues for dependency mediators are reviewed. Recommendations are made regarding the future of dependency mediation.  相似文献   

驰名商标制度的检视与完善是新时代下优化我国营商环境的必然要求。我国对驰名商标的理解仍存误区,首先应澄清的是,驰名商标是法律概念而不是商业宣传概念。驰名商标界定的关键是公众的知晓程度,涉及公众范围的界定与知晓程度的判断两方面。我国商标法以是否注册为标准区分了未注册驰名商标与注册驰名商标,并赋予不同的保护效力;相关行政规定对驰名商标的证明附加了诸如使用时间等硬性要求,存在不合理之处。建议通过以下思路进行完善:区分相关公众熟知和一般公众广为知晓两个层次的商标,分别赋予混淆保护和淡化保护;正视互联网技术和新兴行业发展对商标知名度认定的影响,舍弃相关硬性规定,避免僵化。  相似文献   

Hospitals often engage in physician recruitment in an effort to fulfill a community need for a particular medical specialty. In doing so, the hospital must comply with the regulatory requirements of the physician recruitment exception of the Stark law, which over the years has generated a great deal of discussion and perhaps confusion. The publication of the Stark II, Phase II regulations in March 2004 was supposed to provide guidance and clarity, but the new regulations have raised a number of new issues and concerns, particularly regarding the requirements imposed on recruiting arrangements involving group practices. This Article reviews the regulatory requirements of the new physician recruitment exception and addresses several of the concerns that have been raised. Specifically, it examines the new regulatory definition of the "geographic area served by the hospital," the restrictions on income guarantees when the recruited physician joins a group practice, and the prohibition on additional practice restrictions. The author concludes that, while some of these concerns are legitimate, others will have little practical implication and should not hinder the ability of hospitals to engage in reasonable, beneficial recruitment activities.  相似文献   

论我国领事保护制度的内涵   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
领事保护制度虽然历史悠久,但其内涵一直模糊不清.围绕我国的领事实践和<中国领事保护和协助指南>,对领事保护的实施主体,权利性质、实施条件、保护对象以及保护方式进行评析.在肯定优点,指出不足和填补空白的基础上,尝试提出我国领事保护制度较为理想的内涵表述.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1981,46(215):55110-55113
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is today promulgating amendments to the hazardous waste management regulations regarding the management of hazardous waste in containers and piles and associated permit regulations (40 CFR Part 264, Subparts I and L, and Part 122, Subpart B). These amendments better tailor the standards to the particular type of hazard posed by specific situations. The standards for containers are amended to waive the containment system requirements for wastes that do not contain free liquids, provided that the wastes are protected from contact with accumulated liquid. The standards for waste piles are amended to waive the containment system requirements for wastes that do not contain free liquids, provided that the pile is protected from precipitation by a structure and from surface water run-on and wind dispersal of the waste by the structure or some other means. The Agency believes these amendments believes these amendments will not reduce the level of protection of human health and the environment.  相似文献   

梁平 《法律科学》2011,(5):154-160
多元化纠纷解决机制之建构是中国未来社会治理的必然选择。当前,诉讼调解与人民调解、行政调解、行业调解等非诉讼纠纷解决机制的衔接在探索中取得了明显的成就,也为进一步深入探索"大调解"提供了具体的实证参考。  相似文献   

正当竞争边界的模糊性与商业言论边界的不确定性,决定了不正当竞争规制与商业言论自由之间存在模糊难决的空间。不正当竞争边界的模糊性易导致不正当竞争规制过宽,仅依据不正当竞争法处理有关商业言论行为可能会导致基本权利价值受到损害。商业言论边界的不确定性使得欧美至今未能对商业言论进行准确的界定,也未形成统一的商业言论保护的原则和标准,其仅受到有限保护。不正当竞争规制的宽泛性与商业言论自由的有限性会不可避免地导致二者发生冲突。对此,欧美所进行的立法及实践表明,商业言论自由是有限度的,当商业言论涉及不正当竞争规制时,只有商业言论事关重大社会公共利益时才可能受到宪法保护。其立法和实践显示出法院根据不正当竞争法和宪法进行双重审查的特点,而依据宪法的基本权利价值进行考量是平衡二者冲突的关键之所在。这些立法和实践为我国商业言论保护提供了可资借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

商标淡化理论及其应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
杜颖 《法学研究》2007,(6):44-54
商标广告功能的发展是商标淡化理论产生的基础。与传统混淆侵权不同,淡化行为不会使消费者就商品来源发生错误认识,但它消耗商标的独特性或污损其声誉,并破坏商标的广告宣传价值。因此,具有相当知名度的商标应该获得反淡化的扩大保护。由于商标权仅仅是一种准财产权,过度保护会使其权利性质发生改变,最终阻碍自由竞争,所以商标反淡化保护的范围要受到限定。  相似文献   

This article discusses the U.A.L.R. child protection mediation program as well as several other child protection mediation programs in order to examine what makes a program a continuing success. Child protection mediation programs have gone through a period of tremendous progress and growth over the past 20 years in the United States and Canada. Numerous studies have shown that child protection mediation helps families and courts by lowering the amount of time that children spend in foster care and the amount of costs for courts and agencies. Child protection mediation is an essential tool for juvenile courts and the families that have cases there. This article addresses the development of child protection mediation programs, their importance to juvenile courts, and some reasons that these programs succeed or fail. Although many of these programs have early accomplishments, they have not always been able to maintain their growth or to continue to exist. The U.A.L.R. Mediation Project has not sustained its early levels of cases or referrals from court for numerous reasons. Using the techniques of other thriving programs, we will attempt to restart and re-energize the program. It has been established that the people who have a role in the establishment of a program, the funding sources and especially the commitment of the parties to the program all have a significant long-term impact. This article points out how programs should begin and proceed if they are to be a long-term success.  相似文献   

This article discusses domestic violence, providing information and a review of literature regarding this phenomena. The article then goes on to describe a protocol developed by the Orange County (California) mediation and investigative unit that provides protection to the alleged victim of violence through the use of assessment interviews, co-mediation with a male-female mediation team, and the development of postparenting arrangements that provide for protection and security. The article also reviews a sample of 100 domestic violence cases handled in Orange County during 1991. Data from this research suggest that mediators using the protocols described in this article are able to guide the more serious, high-risk cases into more protective outcomes and that mediation can provide a very important adjunct to the trial court process.  相似文献   

Family mediation has been the target of criticism from feminists, the legal profession, and mental health professionals. Although this article will primarily address the concerns of feminists, it will, to a limited extent, address some of the concerns put forth by the other groups because of the similarities in their perspectives. Many of the concerns and issues expressed by feminists are valid on one hand, yet contradictory on the other. By exploring the gains made by women and how these gains were incorporated in the Ontario Family Law Act, the contradictions inherent in their arguments will be revisited and discussed in relation to a feminist-informed mediation process. This article will explore seven aspects of the feminist critique of family mediation: protection of women and children's rights, spousal and child support, equal distribution of marital property, negotiations, empowerment, custody, and spousal abuse. Many of these issues are intertwined and therefore will occasionally be discussed in relation to other issues.  相似文献   

法院调解历来是解决民事纠纷的重要途径,针对我国传统法院调解中"调审合一"、"调解与审判功能混淆"的弊端,民事审判制度的改革提出了"调审分离"的改革方案。审前调解就是实现调解程序和审判程序分离,是在立案后开庭审理之前,由法院专门调解人员主持下进行的调解。审前调解程序具有当事人处分权优先性、独立性、契约性、职业化和专业化的特征,具有不同于审判程序的调解原则和程序设置。  相似文献   

This paper identifies and discusses the legislative provisions which protect confidentiality in family law proceedings in Australia. The purpose of discussing these protections is two‐fold: firstly, to identify the scope and operation of these protections for Australian legal practitioners; secondly, to allow comparison of Australian protections to those offered in other jurisdictions. This paper will consider duties of confidentiality and evidential privileges in the context of settlement negotiation, mediation, arbitration, lawyer‐client relationships and medical, counselling and other therapeutic relationships. The rationale for the protection of confidentiality in some of these relationships and circumstances, but not in others, will also be considered in an attempt to understand why it is so.  相似文献   

There is an enduring legacy of trivialisation and ineffectiveness at various stages in the criminal justice process when it comes to responding to domestic violence. One area of contention relates to sentence. Sentencers in England and Wales are bound by law to have regard to a number of aims: the punishment of offenders; deterrence; public protection; rehabilitation; and reparation. Whilst commentators have criticised the framework on the basis that it is contradictory and engenders inconsistency, it will be argued that granting sentencers discretion to balance the prescribed aims maximises the potential for a successful outcome in individual cases.  相似文献   

尽管地理标志与商标均是在市场中使用的商业标识,但是地理标志强调产品特征与其来源地在自然、人文因素或声誉上的联系,而商标法对此不予以保护。欧盟以专门立法模式强化地理标志的保护,从制止不正当竞争及避免误导消费者的双重视角处理在先地理标志与商标之间的关系。当地理标志与在先商标存在冲突时,欧盟除了遵循“时间在先,权利在先”基本原则外,综合考虑在先商标的声誉和知名度,以及已经使用的时间等因素,以不使消费者混淆为前提,允许地理标志与合法有效的在先商标有限共存,TRIPS协议规定的商标权例外之描述性合理使用为共存方案提供了正当性基础。欧盟正在通过签订双边贸易协定的策略将其内部地理标志与商标冲突处理规范融入国际贸易法领域。欧盟相关经验为我国解决地理标志与商标冲突关系在立法模式的选择、具体规则的细化和符合国际贸易协定要求方面有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Consensus approaches to child protection decision making such as mediation and family group conferencing have become increasingly widespread since first initiated about 25 years ago. They address but are also constrained by paradoxes in the child protection system about commitments to protecting children and to family autonomy. In a series of surveys, interviews, and dialogues, mediation and conferencing researchers and practitioners discussed the key issues that face their work: clarity about purpose, system support, family empowerment, professional qualifications, and coordination among different types of consensus-building efforts. Consensus-based decision making in child protection will continue to expand and grow but will also continue to confront these challenges.  相似文献   

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