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根据枢椎推断身高的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文对81具已知生前确切身高尸骨的枢椎进行了枢椎全高及枢椎椎体高的测量,并以此计算了推断身高的回归方程。为骨骼的身高推断提供了一种新的方法。  相似文献   

目的探索面颅在中国黄种人与欧洲白种人种族鉴定方面的差异性。方法通过对150例中国黄种人和欧洲白种人样本(各75例)面颅骨的观测、分析,选取与种族变化关系密切的51项观测指标进行观测,使用SPSS16.0软件对观测数据逐级进行统计学分析、处理,建立判别方程。从研究样本外随机抽取白种人和黄种人各10例标本进行盲测。结果筛选出7项测量结果相对稳定、种族差异较大指标建立全指标、逐步和多指标判别函数方程共5对,综合判别率在73.2%~89.8%。盲测正确率在75%~95%,结果令人满意,说明判别方程稳定、可靠,对种族鉴别的应用性较好。结论本研究所建立的种族判别方程可应用于中国黄种人与欧洲白种人的种族鉴定。  相似文献   

随着我国改革开放的不断深入,越来越多的外国人来到中国,骨骼的种族鉴定成为我国法医工作者必将面对的问题,然而我国在此方面的研究还较为薄弱,本文通过综述国内外相关研究,为我国法医工作者今后进行相关研究提供一些参考。  相似文献   

<正>1案例资料某女,49岁。被他人用钝器击中颈部等处,伤后到医院诊治。住院病历记载:颈部略肿胀,压痛阳性,以右侧为重,活动受限,肢体运动及感觉未见异常。  相似文献   

通过对国内外面颅种族判定测量研究现状的回顾和评析,指出目前尚没有进行中国黄种人面颅测量种族判定的有效方法。在已进行的面颅种族判定测量研究中,上面部指标的种族判定效果最好,而上腭区和下颌骨指标的种族判定效果较差。所以对于中国黄种人面颅种族判定的测量研究应当更多借鉴上面部的研究成果。  相似文献   

随着国际交流的增加,国内关于骨骼种族鉴定的案件将会增加,骨骼种族鉴定的案例,目前报告较少,现报道1例利用颅骨进行种族鉴定的案件,供同行参考。  相似文献   

1 案例资料例 1 丁某 ,男 ,14岁。因被同学扭转颈部后感头晕不适 ,颈部疼痛 ,活动受限至当地医院就诊。疑颈椎脱位 ,即予复位及对症治疗 ,后时感颈部疼痛。 1月后在蹲下捡文具时被同学骑跨于颈部后 ,即感颈部疼痛加重 ,不能站立行走 ,医院X线报告未见异常。后到上级医院就诊 ,行颈椎CT ,示寰椎前弓与齿状突之间距增大 ,A O值约 8mm ,齿状突偏移 ,歪向一侧。行寰枢椎后路Brooks融合术 ,见寰椎前脱位。阅第二次伤后所摄X线片 ,A O值约8mm ,寰椎前脱位明显。据此鉴定认为 ,丁某系寰椎前脱位。例 2 施某 ,男 ,35岁。与他人纠纷后感颈部活…  相似文献   

1案例资料 1.1简要案情 某男,60岁,2008年3月5日干活时不慎从3米高处坠落致伤.伤后有短时昏迷,清醒后自觉头痛、头晕,对当时情况不能回忆,无恶心、呕吐,无心悸、无耳鸣及视物旋转,左上肢无力、不能抬举,左下肢行走无力,腰部疼痛.约40min到医院就诊,查体:神清,精神可,右顶枕可见约2cm皮肤划伤、颅神经检查阴性;颈部棘突广泛压痛,颈部旋转活动受限;左侧肢体感觉迟钝、肌力减退,霍夫曼征阳性;右侧腰部肿胀明显,触痛,局部皮肤青紫.影像学检查,左侧第7、8肋骨后肋骨折;寰枢关节不稳定,枢椎齿突不连,寰枢椎半脱位,高位颈脊髓损伤.伤后保守治疗,左侧肢体障碍无明显缓解,伤后1月余行"后路寰枢椎侧块螺钉钛板固定植骨融合、左髂后取骨术"治疗.  相似文献   

目的探索面颅角度指标在种族鉴定方面的差异性。方法选取现代人头骨57例,其中中国黄种人头骨30例(女性9例,男性21例),包括吉林1例,河北5例,山东4例,青海4例,安徽4例,江西3例,云南3例,贵州3例,广西3例。欧洲自种人头骨27例,性别不详,取自欧洲Zellemdorf、Vresovice、Kysperka3地。按体质人类学测量方法,通过参考相关文献和对颅骨形态特点的观察,设计面颅左侧眶角、右侧眶角、鼻颌角3个角度指标进行测量。对测量数据进行描述性统计分析和两独立样本之间的t检验。结果3个角度指标在种族差异性方面,眶角的种族差异性具有显著统计学意义(P〈0.01),而鼻颌角之间的种族差异性无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论有些角度指标显示出明显的种族差异性,今后需要加强此方面的研究。  相似文献   

利用下颌骨进行种族判定的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨下颌骨在种族差异性方面的应用价值。方法选取18个常规测量项进行测量,将测量数据输入计算机,使用SPSS统计软件进行两独立样本T检验和Fisher判别分析。结果使用6个种族之间的差异性有统计学意义(P<0.05)的指标建立了6组全指标、逐步和多指标判别方程。结论下颌骨的种族差异性可为种族判别提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Thirty-three linear measurements and two ratios were derived from 102 12th thoracic vertebrae of the Digital Korean database at the Catholic Institute for Applied Anatomy. Of 35 linear traits, 23 were sexually dimorphic. We created 23 discriminant function equations that predicted sex with 62.7-85.3% accuracy. The analysis using combinations of two factors gave higher accuracies: most equations with accuracies over 80% included at least one measurement involving the coronal diameter of the vertebral endplate. Using stepwise method of discriminant function analysis, three variables predicted sex with 90.0% accuracy: the coronal diameter of the superior endplate of the vertebral body, the ratio of anterior to middle height of the body, and the length of the left mammillary process and pedicle. Coronal dimensions of the vertebral body represented the major sex difference. These equations will help forensic discrimination of the sex of this vertebra among Koreans.  相似文献   

目的选择颈椎CT片上的特征指标,建立逐步回归方程,探讨其在法医学同一认定中的应用价值。方法收集130名被检查者颈椎CT片各1张,70名被检查者不同次颈椎CT影像片各2张。选择并测量颈椎CT片上的13项指标值,分别计算被检查者随机分组后相同测量指标的组间差值,以及同一人不同次测量指标间的差值,运用二分类logistic逐步回归分析,建立各项指标的一元回归方程和多项指标的多元回归方程,并对方程进行盲测检验。结果建立的13个一元方程中同一认定的准确率在69.0%~90.4%之间;建立的4个多元回归方程的准确率在90.4%~96.7%之间,盲测准确率为100%。结论本文在CT片上选择的13项特征指标可以用于同一认定,使用时应尽可能选用多元指标以得到更准确的结果。  相似文献   

Abstract: Numerous methods for establishing a biological profile exist; however, many of these methods rely on the recovery of several specific bones or on fragile skeletal elements that are sometimes irrecoverable. It is for this reason new methods utilizing other previously under‐documented bones should be established and tested by the forensic anthropological community. This study tests the accuracy of Wescott’s (J Forensic Sci 2000;45(2)) method for determining sex from the second cervical vertebra. Specimens were drawn from the donated skeletal collection curated at the Hamilton County Forensic Center (n = 57) and the William M. Bass Donated Skeletal Collection (n = 243). Both intra‐ and inter‐observer error rates were low and accurate classifications ranged from 78% (females‐Function 1) to 90.6% (males‐Function 5). Of the five functions, Function 4 achieved the highest overall accuracy, with 260 individuals (86.7%) falling into the correct category. Overall, this method is an effective classificatory tool for sex estimation.  相似文献   

目的考察计算机断层扫描(CT)技术测量中国汉族第12胸椎判定性别的效果,探索CT技术在法医人类学人体骨骼测量研究中应用的可行性。方法确定11项径线指标测量第12胸椎多层面重组(MPR)三维重建图像,剔除不稳定指标后计算四项比值指标,统计各项指标的数据考察CT测量第12胸椎判定性别的效果。结果剔除两次测量结果不稳定的三项指标后的12项指标性别差异显著,建立了7个性别判定方程,综合判别率在80.0%~91.6%,仅含椎体指标的方程性别判别率最高达91.6%。结论中国汉族人第12胸椎形态学测量指标具有性别差异,CT技术可以准确测量骨骼,对法医人类学人体骨骼测量研究具有应用价值。  相似文献   

From the works of Broca and Krogman to modern-day Jantz and Buikstra, the orbit has been used for both quantitative and qualitative sex and race estimation. This study evaluates the practical value of these estimations. Orbital height and breadth were measured to determine the orbital index and assess differences between men and women or black people and white people in the Hamann-Todd Collection. Replicability of these measures was also examined. Finally, a geometric morphometric study was performed to assess shape differences using the entire margin. Significant differences were found in both the index and the geomorphometric study; however, further investigation revealed that the differences were of little practical use. The measurement differences were found to be smaller than intra-observer error, while the geometric morphometric analysis demonstrated that minimal percentage of variation in shape was attributable to group differences. Thus, these techniques should not be used to estimate sex or race.  相似文献   

Sex determination is an important task in physical anthropology and forensic medicine. The study sample comprised 121 individuals of known sex, age, and cause of death from San Jose cemetery in Granada (Spain). Eight dimensions were analyzed, and discriminant function analysis was performed for each vertebra to obtain discriminating functions and study the percentage of correct assignations of these functions. The percentage accuracy was approximately 80% for both vertebrae, but varied according to the sex, being higher for the 7th cervical in males and higher for the 12th thoracic in females. As reported in other populations, the greatest dimorphism values were found for the length of the inferior surface of the vertebral body and the width and length of the vertebral foramen of the 7th cervical vertebra and for the length of the inferior surface of the vertebral body of the 12th thoracic vertebra.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the frequency of bifidity/nonbifidity in the black and white South African populations. Four-hundred skeletons of known race, sex, and tribal group were examined. Spinous processes were classified as bifid (bifurcate and cleft subtypes) and nonbifid (obtuse, pediculate, acinate, and clavate subtypes). Statistical analysis using the chi-squared probability test (p < 0.05) was carried out. Bifid spinous processes were present significantly more frequently in the white sample (58.9%) than in the black (31.6%). A bifid spinous process occurred most commonly in C2 (89%) followed by C5 (83%), C4 (79%), C3 (59.4%), and C6 (41.7%) in the white sample. A similar order of decrease in bifidity occurred in the black sample. C2 most commonly displayed the bifurcate subtype of spinous process, while the clavate subtype of nonbifid spinous process was the most common in both populations. The significantly higher frequency of bifidity in the white South African sample when compared to the black sample may suggest a population difference.  相似文献   

中国汉族人腰椎的性别差异   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目的提供体质人类学的数据资料 ,建立中国汉族腰椎性别判别的方法。方法根据人体骨骼测量方法 ,测量 117付 (男 80 ,女 3 7付 ,年龄 17~ 90岁 )中国汉族人腰椎的 10项指标 ;选择性别差异显著的椎测量项目 ,建立腰椎及各腰椎的性别判别方程。结果第一至第五腰椎均有 5个以上的测量项目的数据存在显著意义的性别差异 (P<0 0 5 ) ;建立的 5个腰椎及各腰椎的性别判别方程 ,判别率在 69 4%~ 91 8% ,以 5个腰椎的多项指标的性别判别方程的准确率最高 (91 8% ) ,其次为第一腰椎 (84 5 % )和第二腰椎 (82 1% )。结论中国汉族人腰椎的性别差异以第一和第二腰椎明显 ,腰椎性别判定以多项指标的准确率高  相似文献   

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