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前面几讲主要谈了词和词组,下面几讲要谈汉语的句子成分和复句。句子是表达思想的语言单位。它由词或词组组成。它的内部可以划分为各种不同的成分。这一讲主要讲句子的主语、谓语和宾语。主语是一句话中被陈述、说明、判断的对象,常常是人或事物。谓语是一句话中对主语所作的陈述、说明、判断,表示人或事物“怎么样”,“干什么”或“是什么”。宾语是动词谓语所涉及到的人或事物。主语、宾语常由名词、代词来充当,谓语常由动词、形容词来充当。如:  相似文献   

“能水”荀子《劝学》在论述努力学习的必要性时说:“假舆马者,非利足也,而致千里;假舟楫者,非能水也,而绝江河。”其中“能水”之“水”,一般当作动词用,作“游泳”讲。名词活用作动词,在古文中是常见的。一般是在句子或词组中没有动词、而在动  相似文献   

汉语中的名词、动词、形容词、数量词、代词、副词、介词、助词等,是我们在书面语言中常用的词。我们应该掌握它的语法特点和使用规则,避免在造句中发生错误。在这里我们先谈谈名词、动词和形容词。名词是表示八和事物名称的词。动词是表示人和事物的具体动作、行为、发展变化、存在消失以及判  相似文献   

R·夸克等人编著的《当代英语语法》(AGrammarofCon temporaryEnglish )在论述科技比较复杂的语法结构时论及两个重要特点 :其中之一就是广泛使用名词化结构 当代语言学家SiemonPotter在他的《ChangingEnglish》一书中把名词化这一现象称作“名词传染病”。本文在总结动词名词化类型的基础上 ,试图借助最新的认知语言学 ,从概念的角度来理解和分析动词名词化结构。最后提出翻译的原则和翻译方法。1.动词名词化的类型波兰语言学大师库尔特在 190 9年曾预言 :语言学一方面将更多的…  相似文献   

近年来,将政治名词、准政治名词庸俗化的倾向有扩大和泛滥之势,主要表现在两个方面:一是娱乐化,如在一些相声、歌曲等文艺作品中过度地用娱乐代替文化,使人们在哈哈一笑中淡化了政治名词的严肃性。二是商业化,主要是把政治名词用作企业名称、商品名称、商标名称、饭菜名称、互联网域名等,以期得到超常利益。如遵义市习水县土城镇某机关食堂在2004年最早推出了“红色记忆套餐”,共有12道菜,据称是浓缩了中国工农红军途经遵义的战斗历程,菜名分别为“忆苦思甜”、“遵义会议”、“一渡赤水”、“激战青杠坡”等,其中,“忆苦思甜”是用苦瓜、苦…  相似文献   

协同副词的语义指向   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
协同副词要求与之搭配的名词性成分必须是复数,其语义大都前指,前指时语义既可以指向动作的发出也可以指出动作的承受;既可以仅指向主语、介词宾语和兼语,也可以同时指向主语和宾语、主词和介词宾语、及介词宾语、主语和兼语或兼语和介词宾语。协同副词的语义也可以后指。当协同副词所在的动词短语在句中充当定语时,协同副词和语义有两个指向:既指向前面的介词宾语或主语又指向后面的中心语。  相似文献   

最近一段时期,有关拆迁“以暴抗暴”的消息不绝于耳,“成都拆迁户唐福珍自焚死亡”这一浓缩了中国特定时期法治困境的悲剧事件,再一次让沸腾的舆论对暴力拆迁发出了集体声讨。是什么导致被拆迁户频频拿起“燃烧瓶”?面对政府有关部门的拆迁令,处于弱势地位的民众除了暴力堵截、上访、越级上告外,就连以死抗争都无法抵挡暴力拆迁事件的频频发生。此时,面对暴力拆迁,我们还能靠什么来抵挡它前进的脚步?  相似文献   

关键词是指出现在论文的题目、摘要或正文中,对表达论文主题内容有实质意义的词。这里有三层含义:第一,从形式上看,关键问是论文题目。摘要或正文中直接出现的词汇,“因而它是作者的自然语言,即作者本人使用的词汇。第二,从内容上看,关键词必须具有特定的实际意义,应当是名词或名词性的词组。它可以是各门学科的专业术语,如认识、价值、统一战线。法制、形象思维等等,也可以是专用概念,如学派(法兰克福学派)、历史事件(广州起义)、会议文献(十一届三中全会公报)、政治或社会活动的专用名称等。第三,从作用上看,关键词必…  相似文献   

概念语法隐喻是来自系统功能语言学的概念,其主要表现形式是用名词化的短语或词组来表达行为过程。将这一概念运用到刑事辩护词的分析中,可发现其使用特征主要体现在以下三个方面:行为过程隐喻式的修饰语、行为过程隐喻式的行为主体以及行为过程隐喻式在衔接语篇时所发挥的作用。行为过程的隐喻式在辩护词中的出现具有必然性和合理性,借助语言学的概念来分析这类语言现象,可以帮助法律工作者尤其是律师解读辩护词,并以此为基础采用相应的辩护策略。  相似文献   

关于施事格、受益格歧义句的考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
零引言0.1 所谓“格关系”是指某一句子的核心动词与周围名词性成分的及物性关系。一般来说,一个名词性成分与核心动词只存在一种格关系,如在“他出差”中,“他”与“出差”只存在一种施事与动作的关系。但有时也可能有两种格关系同时存在,如在“鸡吃了”中,“鸡”与“吃”就同时存在施事与动作及受事与动作的两种格关系,这便是格关系歧义。0.2 在现代汉语中,格关系歧义并不少见,除了前面提到的施事格与受事格的歧义外,还  相似文献   

This Article examines whether a participant in a clinical research trial for a drug obtains material nonpublic information about the drug and its manufacturer or licensor and, if so, whether the participant may lawfully trade securities based on that information. This issue has been noted but not examined in depth in several articles in recent years. After an introduction to the federal law of insider trading and a discussion of relevant aspects of a supervised research trial, the Article concludes that, absent an agreement to the contrary, the participant would be free to trade securities based on any material nonpublic information learned in the trial. The author evaluates the extent to which the information is material and nonpublic and then presents the policy issues surrounding whetherthe participantshould be precluded from trading when in possession of material nonpublic information gained as a result of participation in the trial. While not resolving the competing policy considerations, including the value of allowing participants to make disclosure of their experiences in the trial before publication of the results in a peer reviewed journal, the Article presents an approach for preventing the misuse of material nonpublic information gained in the clinical trial context, by obtaining an agreement from the participant, and an agreement from the limited circle of persons to whom the participant should be allowed to make disclosure in any event (such as his personal physician and family members), that would render any trading by them unlawful under the federal law of insider trading.  相似文献   

This study identifies a memory-testing procedure that is relatively resistant to the documented effects of suggestibility on eyewitness memory. Most studies on suggestibility have used averbal recognition memory test in which the alternative test items are sentences, each to be verified as true or false regarding an originally viewedvisual sequence. In this study, participants were tested with either the verbal recognition memory test typical of studies demonstrating the eyewitness suggestibility effect or a visual recognition memory test. The typical eyewitness suggestibility effect resulted in the verbal test condition. However, with the visual recognition memory test, the hit rates did not significantly differ between the control and misled conditions. Thus, in testing memory for a visual event, a visual recognition memory test is more resistant to the influences of suggestibility than is a verbal test. These results suggest that the original item is preserved in memory, not overwritten by the misleading information. Accordingly, with a visual recognition memory test, the original information is more likely to be recovered with a visual recognition memory test than with a verbal one.  相似文献   

以软件控制并由多方主体分别实施的方法发明在物联网时代日益重要,但此类方法专利的保护在实践中存在着困难。针对方法专利的多主体分别实施侵权,采取有意思联络的共同侵权、以主动或明知为主观条件的间接侵权、承担连带责任的无意思联络的数人侵权等方式均难以准确判定并追究行为人的侵权责任,为权利人提供及时有效的救济。对此,可考虑在专利法中制定专门条款,或以司法解释明确规则,吸收"控制或指导"理论和实践经验,淡化各方的主观意思联络要件、强调其行为的客观关联,追究实施方法专利流程中关键步骤的主要控制人,尤其是明知相关软件在他人的方法专利实施中具有关键作用而将其内置于自己生产销售的设备中的行为人之直接侵权责任。  相似文献   

Purpose. Virtually all eyewitnesses to a crime, who eventually testify in court, are interviewed by police officers at least once. How do these interviews affect what the eyewitnesses are subsequently likely to report? The purpose of this study is to compare the relative impact of self‐ versus other‐generated misinformation on confabulated memory about an event. Self‐generated misinformation can occur by encouraging eyewitnesses to guess or speculate about possible answers to questions about which they report having no memory. Other‐generated misinformation can occur by having an investigator suggest an answer to an eyewitness. Methods. After viewing a 5 minutes crime video, participants answered written questions. One week later these same questions were answered again. We specifically focused on individuals' answers to unanswerable questions that probed information not actually presented in the video. If a participant answered an unanswerable question, we know that their answer was confabulated because the information was not presented in the video. Results. If an answer to an unanswerable question was forced confabulated at time 1, that answer was more likely to be repeated at time 2 if it had been other‐generated (suggested in the question) rather than self‐generated (fabricated by the participant). Conclusions. Pressuring eyewitnesses to answer questions about an event, when they indicate that they do not know the answer, can result in false confabulations. Answers suggested by the investigator are more likely to be repeated later than are answers that are simply self‐generated or speculated by the eyewitness. These results are consistent with the reality monitoring framework and ‘recollect‐to‐reject’ metacognitive reasoning strategies.  相似文献   

Many countries are in the process of implementing systems of shared electronic health records. This article explores some of the ethical concerns raised by Australia's proposed HealthConnect system which aims to create electronic event summaries of health information. Three areas of ethical concern relating to confidentiality, consent and the involvement of the private sector are examined. It is argued that unless the HealthConnect system is firmly grounded in policy based on ethical considerations, patients may not want to "opt in" to it.  相似文献   

魏建文 《法学杂志》2012,33(4):85-90
主客观相统一原则要求犯罪成立要符合主观要件与客观要件之间的统一。但是,当成立犯罪要求发生实质性的危害结果时,就出现了贯彻该原则难以解决的理论难题。对于"丢失枪支不报罪"等以发生严重后果为构成要件的犯罪情形,实践中所犯的普遍性错误就在于割裂了行为结果与行为性质的联系,将行为人对一般违法性质的认识因素当做对刑法的严重危害性质的认识予以评价,从而得出行为人行为时出于故意的错误结论。因此,《刑法》将没有必然联系的"不报告行为"与"严重结果"规定为丢失枪支不报罪的客观要件,忽视了丢失枪支行为才是严重后果发生的真正原因。为此建议将该罪罪名改为"丢失枪支罪",以使该原则在犯罪论领域得到贯彻。  相似文献   

The automatic implantable cardioverter defibrillator (AICD) is an electronic device that monitors the rhythm of the heart and, upon detecting a life-threatening arrhythmia, shocks the heart in an attempt to restore a normal rhythm. The AICD will electronically store the information of the event. Later, the AICD can be "interrogated" and the information electronically retrieved, with a printout of the rhythm strip obtained. The interrogation is fairly simple and involves a magnetic device placed over the AICD, which in turn is connected to a portable computer, which, with specialized software, can deliver the information in a usable form. Not only can information about the most recent shock be obtained, but also information about previous shocks can be retrieved. This case presentation highlights how such preterminal information retrieved from an AICD helped to interpret the circumstances leading to a death--in this case, a fatal motor vehicle accident. Additionally, driving restrictions that may be placed on individuals with AICDs are discussed.  相似文献   

Objectives. This experiment investigates the impact of informing participants about verbal and non‐verbal cues to deception on their verbal and non‐verbal responses. Based on the fact that people are more practised in their verbal behaviour than in their non‐verbal behaviour, we predicted that giving participants information about verbal cues would positively affect their verbal accounts resulting in them giving an account that appeared more credible. In contrast, we predicted that informing participants about non‐verbal cues would have no noticeable effect on credibility. We also predicted that focusing on verbal behaviours would impair non‐verbal performance and that, vice versa, concentrating on non‐verbal behaviours would impair verbal performance, particularly in liars. Method. A total of 128 participants either told the truth or lied about the possession of an object. Prior to these interviews, participants were or were not informed about verbal cues to deception and were or were not informed about non‐verbal cues of deception (these two factors were systematically manipulated). Results. As predicted, participants were able to adapt their verbal behaviour but were not able to change their non‐verbal behaviour. However, focusing on one aspect (either verbal or non‐verbal behaviour) did not occur at the expense of the other behaviour (either non‐verbal or verbal). Conclusion. Verbal countermeasures may well be easier to apply than non‐verbal countermeasures.  相似文献   

Elementary school children participated in a staged event. Two weeks later they were randomly assigned to three interview conditions: (a) a streamlined version of the Narrative Elaboration (NE) procedure involving training in the use of reminder cue cards, (b) exposure to reminder cue cards without training in their use (cue card control group), and (c) a standard interview including no NE training or exposure to reminder cue cards (standard-interview control group). Children in each interview condition were questioned about the staged event and a fictitious event to determine whether children trained in the streamlined NE procedure would provide more information about a staged event than would children in the two control groups and whether the NE interview would result in increased reporting of false information when questioned about a fictitious event. Results indicated that children questioned with the NE interview reported a greater amount of accurate, but not a greater amount of inaccurate, information during cue-card presentation for the staged event than did the cue-card control group. Analyses further indicated that the NE-interview group did not report significantly more false information about the fictitious event than did children in the two control groups. Large standard deviations for the NE-interview children's cue-card recall indicate that the streamlined NE procedure was useful for many children in reporting the staged event, but may have contributed to a small number of children providing false information for the fictitious event. Further research is being conducted to determine which children may be more likely to be helped and which children may be more likely to provide false information regarding a fictitious event.  相似文献   

The qirā?āt or variae lectiones represent the vast corpus of Qur?ānic readings that were preserved through the historical processes associated with the textual codification and transmission of the Qur?ān. Despite the fact that differences among concomitant readings tend to be nominal, others betray semantic nuances that are brought into play within legal discourses. Both types of readings remain important sources for the history of the text of the Qur’ān and early Arabic grammatical thought. While some recent scholars have questioned the historical function and nature of the corpus of qirā?āt, others have argued that specific types of variant readings were the resultant products of attempts to circumvent legal inconsistencies which were found in text of the Qur?ān or were generated through legal debates. Following a preliminary review of the historical framework of the genesis of qirā?āt through reference to early grammatical literature, an attempt will be made to shed some light on the role that semantic variation among concomitant readings played in the synthesis and interpretation of law. The aim will be to draw attention to the subtle theoretical frameworks employed by jurists for their contextualization and analysis. This will also include a review of attitudes towards the forms of qirā?āt that classical scholarship designated as being anomalous or shādhdha.  相似文献   

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