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The Daur ethnic group were early settlers in the Daxing'anling area, and developed their own style of domestic architecture based on the natural environment and their life experience. Daur villages are quite spread out, with as few as a dozen and as many as a hundred households in each. In a typical Daur village, the houses stand in lines, kitchen gardens lie next to crop fields, and its streets are well ordered.  相似文献   

Leteche, the large-wheeled cart (“Daur Terige” as it is termed in the Daur languge) is the traditional vehicle of the Daur ethnic group. These leleche brought the Daur to the Nenjiang River area (by China's northeast border with Russia) in the mid-17th century, moving southward from the north bank of Heilongjiang River. The Daur have a long history of making and using lele,che.  相似文献   

Aboy, holding in his left hand a stick crooked at the lower part, crouches and prepares to bat a ball-such is a picture woven in a blanket from the Tang Dydasty (618-907), which is now preserved in Dong Da Si temple in Japan. Surprisingly, the stick looks similar to that used in modern field hockey now some 1,500 years later. In addition, the gesture of the boy looks almost the same as that of today's hockey player.  相似文献   

The name Khitan refers both to the name of a kingdom in Chinese history and also to an ethnic group. After the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) the name Khitan was replaced by Daur. The great kingdom of Khitan, or Liao, was founded in 907 AD, when Yelu Abaoji was elected as head of all the tribes and ruled as Khan, or Emperor. From that time on, the Khitan people reigned across northern China, northern and central Asia for 307 years, co-existing with three other kingdoms, the Western Xia, Southern Song and Jin.  相似文献   

A young college graduate born in the 1990s spent a short internship in Yizi village, Zhaojue County of Yi Autonomous Region in Sichuan Province. During this time, he developed a close bond with local villagers and children, and thereby a strong link with the ancient and mysterious Yi people.  相似文献   

MOUNTAINS have been a prominent motif in the progress of Chinese civilization. They traditionally represent divinity and are believe to exist—both in the spiritual and physical sense—on Earth, in Heaven, and the netherworld. Mountains, therefore, command great reverence within traditional Chinese culture.  相似文献   

OUNTHENGisoneofChina'sfivemostsacredmountains,theotherfourbeingMountTatinShandongProvince,MountHuainShaanxiProvince,MountHeng(saxnename,differentmountain)inShanxiProvinceandMountSonginHenanProvince.Today,peoplecantakeabustoHeng'ss~tatZhurongPeak.Thisisa"must"forpeoplewhowanttoclimbandviewapanor~aofHUnanProvince.Withthemanyotherpeaksalongside,MountHenglookslikeahugebird'shead;theotherpeakslooklineWings.Hengitsedsincludes119naturalscenicspotsandplacesofhistoricandculturalinterest.I…  相似文献   

Mount Wudang, also known as MountTaihe, is located in northwestern HubeiProvince. It is celebrated as the "firstcelestial mountain under heaven." Dottedamidst its magnificent peaks, encircled bywhite clouds, are numerous historic relicsand sites of interest. The mountain haslong been a Taoist "Mecca", where thoseversed in Taoist teachings and disciplineshave nurtured the profound philosophy ofTaoism and through it created the martial art of Wudang Boxing. In 1994, the MountWudang Scenic …  相似文献   

MOUNTTai,locatedincentralShandongProvince,isknnwnas"TheFirstoftheFiveSacredMountains"ofChina.Themainpeakis1,545metershigh.Inancienttimes,theeastwasconsideredtheoriginoflife.MountTaiwassituatedintheeast,andwasthereforeworshippedasasacredmountainbytheChinesepeopleandtheiremperors.Reportedly72ChinesesovereignstraveledtoMountTaitohuntandoffersacrifices,andsinceEmperorQinshihuangunitedthesevenkingdoms,elevenChineseemperorshaveclimbedthemountaininworship.Mount.Taiisregardedasthemostvenerat…  相似文献   

MOUNT Emei isone of the 23World Cultural and Natural Heritage sites. The mountain's unique landforms, climate and environment have nurtured diverse botanic and animal species. The mountain is also noted for its "four seasons in one day and different climates within a ten kilometer radius." It is abun-  相似文献   

MOUNT Song towers over Henan province from east to west,forming the hilly landscape in China's western Central plains area.  相似文献   

MOUNT Hua (Huashan) in Huayin City, Shaanxi Province, is one of China's Big Five mountains, the others being Mount Tai in Shandong Province,Mount Hcng in Shanxi Province, Mount Song in Henan Province, and Mount Heng (another character in Chinese) in Hunan Province.  相似文献   

TAISHAN in Shandon Province is the first o China's five most famou mountains, the other fou being Hengshan in Hunan Province, Songshan in Henan Prov ince, Huashan in Shaanxi Province, and Hengshan in Shanxi Province. It is only Taishan, however, that has political con notations beyond its scenic beauty. It situation in Confucius' home provinc of Shandong makes Taishan synony mous with the Confucian, rather than Buddhist, ethic. An ancient Confucian maxim assures that as long as Tai…  相似文献   

CHINESE mythology tells of the perilous sea voy- ages by Chinese ancestors in search of the penglai, Fangzhang and Yingzhou mountains whereT aoist immortals dwelt. Mount Wudang is one of China’s Taoist mountains that actually exists. It is the mainspring of a wealth of legends that have been told for 2,000 years. abode of immortals The Chinese character xian consists of the radical (element of a character that conveys its meaning) representing a person on the left and the character for …  相似文献   

对省以下垂直领导机关作出的具体行政行为的复议管辖权问题,《行政复议法》没有作出明确规定。理论上对此存有争论,实践中的做法也不统一,《行政复议法实施条例》的有关规定,在一定程度上为解决这一问题提供了法律依据,但仍存有遗留问题,为此,建议对《行政复议法实施条例》第24条的规定作出法律解释或予以修改。  相似文献   

在当前特殊的社会转轨时期,社会管理归根到底要落实到社区.社区自身的特质决定了社区在完善社会管理中具有特殊的地位和作用.社区是社会的基本单元和细胞,是实现社会"善治"的有效结构;是现代公众重要的社会空间,承接着新的社会管理功能;是人们社会生活的共同体,实现人的全面发展的重要途径.要从战略的高度思考和谋划社区建设,采取切实有效的措施推动社区建设的健康有序进行.  相似文献   

Ilike playing the violin,and I can already play several songs, said Wei Luxi happily,holding a violin.She lives in Fengtai District in Beijing,and her parents are both well-paid engineers.At five years old,the kindergartner has played the violin for a year and is already doing well with the musical instrument.  相似文献   

略论社区思想政治工作创新   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
思想政治工作的重点从单位转移到社区,需要思想政治工作从内容到形式都应有创新:要充分发挥党员在构建和谐社会中的模范作用;思想政治工作的开展应以价值导向为主;要把理想信念教育落到实处;正确的舆论导向要和丰富群众的文化生活结合起来,增强思想政治工作的渗透力和感召力。  相似文献   

当代中国的城市化与城市现代化过程本质上是一次深刻的社会结构转型。在城市社区层面,随着单位制逐渐解体,城市社区进入了后单位制时期.并表现出新的时代特征:治理形态从“管治”到“自治”、邻里关系从“解体”到“重构”、社会阶层结构的空间分布表现出分异与隔离。  相似文献   

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